4 __________________________________ Local News Notes Odd Combination Goes Gunning for Mis. Kth.l Hmlth visited friends In Medford Monday Warrant Buyers Mt a. Alice Morgan was the guest of Medford friends Monday. Mrs. F. il. Wllinarth was the guest of Medford friends Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. Dvman*'of Grant* I'o m are In Ute uictro|Hilla today, It. A. Cook, the pioneer |*>»tuia*t"r of Draper, visited Gold Hill this week. J. H. B ritt has purchased the John llauiuiuraley residence. Considera­ tion «1.000. Mrs. M. 0. Phillips anti her two ■laughters are visiting her mother, Mrs. Amelia Messner. L. W. Smith of this plat*', a well- known promoter, leaves Stimlay lor Port­ land on hnttlncsa. Tom Jones of Upper Sams Valley was transacting business with Gobi Hill mer­ chants Saturtlay. Mesdaines W. I*. Cltlsholm, Itlley anil L. A. H am m ersly are Gobi Hill visitors front Kogta> River Os lay. Ben Htannard of Qrants Paas was the guest of hla friend. Ralph Hay­ mond. several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. (' F. Young of Medford were here Friday visiting Mrs. Young’s hrotlu-r ami family, Kids. Hammond. Mlse Blossom Beeman was the guest of her friend, Mlse Mabie Jonea, at G rants Pass, Tuesday this week. W. II Miller made a trip to the county seat Friday lor Ute purpose of Wing his petition (or live nomination for i-onnty clerk. Paul I). Broslus arrived last week from Walt, 8. D.. and la tho gueat of hla uncle. F. C. Broslus. In Riverside Addition. Owing to an error made In the publica­ tion ol the statement of the Gobi Hill (tank in Tlie News ol March 2, lla - ssme Is republished i l l this ¡m ile . H I). Heed and C. A. Peleraon and their ladles witnessed the operatic extravaganza. "T ’-e Newlyveds and Tbelr Baby," at Medford last night Miss Dora Caine, the popular young saleslady at lattice and Company's store, has been Collllned to her home on C street the past lew days on acouiil of ¡lines'. Tlie following from Gold Hill were at Jack nvllli- Friday: W. II. Miller, Lloyd Miller, Floyd I.am-e, Roy Cameron and wile, ls-roy Diingey and Earl Vanllouten Lloyd Morris of Lakeview Is the guest of his grniidfaUier, William Mor rls. at Itoel. Point, the llayiuoud boys and other relatives In this neighbor­ hood, H ee McClanahan, "Tig' Inctilwtor Man’s” ad ill this issue, for the Is-sl lueiiluitor on tlu- market lislay (or Ila prb*', and tlu-re are none U tter at any pri<*-. Jam es Fredenburg. road supervisor of the Sams Valley d litrlct, has been dragging the roads in that region foi the benefit of political candidates and others of the traveling public. SEE OUR SPECIAL PRICES (Continued from Flr*t Page) something he lias Juat swallowed But here's hoping the doctor, the i cashier, the commissioner and the 25c SO lb» h a lf ground »alt 35c Baking powder 16 oz can Judge, who bait such confidence Ic Vanilla extract 2 oz bottle 25c SO lb» fin« dairy »alt 50c human nulure that he doesn’t con­ sider written contracts or specifics i 15c /tang« »alt block 10 lb» 13c Lemon extract 2 oz bottle tlons necessary for county work a-> 10c ws were saying, here’s hoping th e y ; P ink an J whit« bean» per lb 6c Pork and bean» per can make good, and bring buck a bundle 25c P ink aalmon per can 10c Oyatera 2 can» big enough to buy the whole outstand Ing Issue of Illegal county w arrants Peachea 1 can 25c M ilk 3 can» 25c at something like the price they were 25c 6 bar» laundry aoap 25c Pear» 1 can bringing at the close of the despised mossback adm inistration of Judge Fancy head rice 3 lb» 25c Pine apple» 15 20 25c per can Dunn four years ago. There are moss- backs aplenty Ghat wish them well In 35c. Carton Gasem Soap for 25c their sxtroordlusry endeavor to bolst­ er up the shipwrecked credit of Ja<-k- aon county. Not only, at the present trying time, would real money be wel­ comed as a circulating medium In place of the ten-per-cent alt paper I sued by the Ilnrinon-Nell-Davls "bus­ iness adm inistration," In such copious quantities, hut the statem ents of bo ­ or two Jackson county hanks would have a healthier appearance, per­ haps. But how can the doctor the comtnlK- sloner, tlie cashier and the Judge bless his patriarchal lilacs hope to N o . 1 S 1 RISORT o r T H E C O N D I T I O N O F accomplish their laudable purpose without the aid of that master finan­ cial mind. ex-Commlssloner George A S G o ld H i l l In «H o S ta to o f O r e g o n . a t « H o c lo s e o F Davis’ Why didn’t they take Geoti;c b u s in e s s F a b m a r y 3 0 , 1 9 1 3 to Portland with them ? WHY? Aud from the vaults of the county clerk's office, where contracts or.d /f.M urc.s L ia b ilit y R ep resen specifications for county bridge and Lam* and discount« - $39,84(1.94 Capital stock paid in - • $10,000.00 Undivided profit», h-twexpenne* road work are NOT on file according Bund* and warrant» - - 181.40 and taxes paid . - - 139.81 - 2,82(1.74 to luw. to tho vaults of the Farm ers Furniture and fixture* D im - P> hank* and hanker» - 95.28 ( A lter real estate owned . - 3,470.(11 and Fruitgrow ers bank, where we are Individual deposit» subject to assured the contract and specifica­ Dm- from approved reserve hank* 8,950.83 c h e c k .......................... 42,319.28 - 2,232.22 8,402.33 Cashier check* outstanding tion* for the Central Point boulevard Ca*li on hand . . . . - 1,190.45 - 2119.29 Time certificates of deposit safely repose—with Judgu Nell In Other resource»—gold dust $55,977.01 Total Portland with the key—the echoes r e ­ T i d a l .................................$55,977.04 verberate— why. why. WHY? And county w arrants are still P eru­ STATE GF OREGON) ns ou tlie market at ninety. Corirrv o r J ai knou I I, Lynn W. Smith, cashk-r of the above-naim-d hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement i* true to the l»-*t of my knowledge and belief. LYNN W. SMITH. Cashier. POIIT’CAl ANN0UNC EMENTS Ct. rrect—Attest: K. 11. M ookb , Subscribed and sworn to before me this C ounty f l e t k H orm - k P ki . tox , 22ml day of February, 1912. ( Paid Advertisement) H. D. R keo , W. G. MYERS, Notary Public. I hereby announce mysMf a* a candi­ Director*. date for the republican nomination for county clerk, *nbji*t to the Indons-ment of the rvpuhllesn party at the primary Is the O n ly L ife In su r a n c e lect! n April 11», l ‘U 2. Pelton ’s hams, bacon and lard M E R R IT T ®. COMPANY T H E G O L D H ID E B A N K T h e G old H ill B a n k N I,. NAKREGAN For Sheriff (Paid Advertisement) I respect hilly pre.-nt iny name te the reputiliean voter* as candidate for sberill ol Jackson county at the coming prima­ ries. I have served two terms as con­ st side of M edford d is tric t, and if n o m ­ inated and clerred I shall serve the people in the future as in the past. AUG. D. HINGLEK For County Judge Orçgoaliiç Company Exclusively Oregon has Its e n t ir e .D e r a tin g p la n t In O re g o n , m a k e s a l l o f Its ln v e s t - m e n te ln O re g o n s e c u ritie s o n ly , hae an u n m a tc h e d re c o rd o f e u c - , 1. g r o w in g g r e a t e r d a y by d a y . a n d re c e iv e s p r e fe r e n c e fr o m j a l l d is c r im in a t in g b u y e rs o f li f e In s u ra n c e In O re g o n . a » "* _____■ — X _____ - H o m o O ffic e . C o rb e tt B u il d in g C o rn e a F i f t h a n d M o r r is o n . P o r tla n d Xe. n A. U M IL O ! P resident U SAMUEL A . B. CO RNELL. Oasieral M an ag er District M a n as w Pantorium C lo th e s Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired in G ood Order C rysb al B a r b e r S h o p E. T. SIMMONS Thoroughbred Poultry E-. T. S im m o n s C old Hill t ts o f the stron gest Old Line Fire Insurance com panies in the w orld. Insure y o u r house and bam and live stock. Do it n ow . B e s t f o r O r e g o n ia n s (Paid Advertisement) P. B O U C H E T , P rop . I aui a candidate for the nomination of connty judge of Jackson county te be determined by the will of tlie voters at the primaries April ID, 1912. If I am nominated and ek-cted 1 will during my term ol office, as soon as lawful authority of the voters can Is- secured, bond the county a j l begin tlie construction of a iclentlfic system of permanent roads. B est W o rk D on e T h at C an B e D on e One million and a half <1 dlars is not too much for this purpose. But a dollar'/ value must la- bail for every dollar spent I will oppose Increasing the county’s warrant indeldedtiess and will endeavor Pi reduce the same and restore the coun­ ty's credit. I will assume (nil responsi­ Ralph Main, principal of the Wood­ bility for a bualnesa administration of ville—Is'g pardon—Rogue River schools, every county office. F. K. MERRICK 3 IIIIU was in Gold Hill belay. Me Main has iimii: lieen retained by the schisd board k> For Representative again direct the ilestinies of that school 1 hereby announce myself as a for onolher term. He was accompanied BREEDER OF candidate for the nomination as one by L. A. Hammersly, of the Argus. of the two representatives to the a s­ Kellogg and Ibxsl, proprietors of the sembly for Jackson county, to be Wego theater, have announced another chosen by the republican voters at of the popular voting contests to com­ the primary election April 19, 1912. mence March 30 and ending May 27. My two Interests -the ranch at Tills time it is for tlie little Misses be­ Central Point and law practice— No money hrs been spared to get the best laying tween the ages of six and twelve years of I avlng brought me In touch with age, each admission titket sold dnring conditions confronting both the far­ strains. I am selling this period entitles the holder to ten mer and the business man, In con­ B l a c R M i n o r c a E g g s —1 3 f o r votes. The first prize Is a gold locket senting to make the race for the B a b y C h » c R « - > l 5 f o r 1O O » $ » t o r 5 0 . bracelet with the winner’s Initials en­ nomination of representative, I wish graved and the second prize a $5 box of B u f f a n d W h i t e L e g h o r n E g g » —> 3 f o r $ 1 . 6 5 . to state th a t I am In favor of well bon-bons. B a b y C H i c K a —$ 1 5 f o r l O O i $ 8 f o r 5 0 . built highways, cone! m eted along Dr. A. E. Hee, the well-known pro­ economical and scientific lines. 1 S ilv e r L a c e d W y a n d o te a E g g s -1 3 fo r $ 2 . moter of Seattle who has been looking favor such laws as will enable our alter his property Interest hero the past Money with order for baby chicks orchardlsts to protect and care for few wix-ks, left for homo Friday evening. their orchards In the best possible Just liefore leaving lie purchased the sev- manner. I believe In such legislation enteen-acro tract lying and adjoining A as will protect and safeguard all the «tract belonging to the Chavner estate. Interests of the people In m atters of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Blower«, until taxation, railroad rates and efficient ■lx weeks ago, residents of Kanes public service. street, arrived Monday. They rem ain­ And If nominated and elected I ziiiik ; ed several daya, during which time will at all times, to the best of my Mr Blowers made a satisfactory ad­ ability, give to each taxpayer In Jack- under careful supervision, by the low­ (Mall Tribune, Nov. 7, 1910.) justm ent of the shortage In the funds son county, be he farm er or business Mr. Davis atand« pledged to look est responsible btdder— and more of the Dardanelles school district, of man, capitalist or laborer, a dlreot, which he was clerk. They returned practical, business-like representation afte r th e tntereats of all seetlona. • * th an th a t, to m aintain them after Stand« pledged to build good road« In construction. A vote for Davie Is a to H arrisburg, Oregon, Wednesday, and honest, efficient service. Jackson county, to have them bu ilt vote for progress, a vote fo r good where they expect to make their future JOHN H. CARKIN. according to approved speelfleatlona. highw ays and adm inistration. residence. (Paid advertisement.) C. J. Coburn, of the Ashland shoe­ making firm of Watkins & Coburn, was In Gold Hill Tuesday with saw pies of their celebrated goods, which may later be placed on sale tn the local stores. Raphael Chartrand Messner, better known as Roxy, lias returned from Port­ land and Seattle, where he has lawn studying mental science. He now hold» a diploma. He Is visiting Ids mother and brother, A. J. Messner, the litlb tailor, latter lie will go to California. if LYNN W. SMITH ROBT. H. MOORE Vice President MORACf PELTON P eal dent FLOUR FEED AND GOLD HILL FLOUR, FEED & COMMISSION STO R E H . C . R a e d e l, P r o p . Hom e Phone The Gold Hill Market Fresh and Salt Meat F. L. Caldwell A Sanitary Shop Gold Hill, Oregon O regon NOTICE TO CREDITORS within six months after the fi ' St pub­ Estate of Stillman A. Gray, Deceased lication of this notice, to Mlc Execu­ Notice Is hereby given th a t the un­ dersigned. Executrix of the estate of Stillm an A. Gray, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claim against sold deceased, to exhibit them with the neceeeary verification. trix at Medford, O regon • r A. C. Hough, her attorney, at Sr ts Pass, Oregon. Date of first publication March 2, 1912. FLORENCE J. GRAY, Executrix-