The Taxpayers’ National Bank of Jackson County FOOTS CREEK Tlmre ha» been In«» iiiu w fall at H im Auderion ranch thia whiter than there ha« been for fifteen year» and rain fall In proportion. Thl» ha» been a fine winter for the farmer». The grain on the Champlin ranch 1» looking fine, Thu orchurd 1» alio doing nicely thl» winter. I to hurt Cook, who ha» the latnce Hro». mine leased ha» rented a iplend- Id field from the Itoemer ranch where he expect« to roll« considerable buy While Cook and Iloltom were run nlng the derrick in the luince mine the big boom pole broke. The em ployee« escaped very lucky, no .one being hurt. The pole 1» »evenly feet in length and hud given several year« service. Foot» Creek 1» now connected up with telephone» nod the left fork of Foot« creek ho» «tarted up work for tor a telephone which will »tart at Draper poatofflce and join the line at the fork» of the creek. Every one 1» well »atiafled with the aervice of the Home Telephone company. Mr. Elliott, proprietor of the Foot» Creek »tore ha» been taking itep» to­ ward» having the wire foot bridge close to Woodville moved up oppo»lte hl» «tore, which will be very conven­ ient for the public. After the foot bridge 1» Installed aero»« the river, A. 8, Rosenbaum will try and have the Houthern Pacific motor »top opposite the »tore to handle the passengers. KANES CREEK Antioch Farmer Puzzling Over Good Roads Problem Discovers Revolutionary Economic Principle M. J. SCOTT, u fanner residing in precincct, whose postoffice address is Central Bpint, liural Route No. 2, lias evolved a plan of banking and bonding which, if it could be put in operation_____ in every county ol every state in the un.on, he and liis friends believe would provide an absolutely elastic currencv, obviate ¡lanies, and break the grip of the money trust, m other of all trusts, in thirty flays. Mr. Scott has submitted us plan to competent lawyers, ami they all tell him that it is not only perfectly possible under the national hanking laws, but that it will hear every test which may be made to determine its constitutionality. In case there should ne any question raised as to the constitutionality or legality of his plan, Mr. Scott expects that the people, not only only ol .Jackson county and the state of Oregon, hut of the entire country, will speedily settle the m atter by their votes, expressed wherever possible through the initiative. As to the practicability ility of his plan neither he nor any one to whom he has submitted the scheme has any doubt. An effort will be made to get the plan before the people of Oregon as an initiative measure at the coming general election. W The Birth o f a Wonderful Idea Mr. Scott frankly admits that his plan did not spring from his brain full-fledged, like Minerva from the brow of .Jove, but that it had its inception in, and gradual growth since the attem pt to bond Jackson county for a million and a half for good roads last September, the issue carrying by an overwhelming majority, later being de­ clared invalid by the state supreme court because it was not voted at a general instead of a special election. All but three of the thirty-three votes cast in Mr. Scott’s precinct of Antioch were against the bond issue, Mr. Scott’s \ote being cast with the negative majority. Neither lie nor his neighbors could see the wisdom of paying $3,300,- 000, principal and interest, for the use of $1,500,000 for twenty years, which is what the proposed bond issue ap­ peared to mean to them, and actually did mean. The plan advanced by the Antioch granger was first formulated with the idea of getting money for good roads for Jackson county at as small an ultimate expense as possible to the taxpayers, but when he had it worked out he found that what he proposed, if put in general operation, would actually revolutionize the banking system of the country, Ancient History (M all Tribune, No». 2. 1910.) Everyone in favor of good road» »hould vote for Geo. L. Davl», repub- Ican nominee for county comuil.r- loner. Mr. Davis stand» pledged io a square deal for al! factions and sec­ tion». no neglecting of certain por- lon» for year» and over-attention to >lher sections, no favoritism to eer­ ain clique» and the froxen mitt for .«titers. He stands for modern meth­ ods of construction and supervision of construction and supervision and business system. Himself a aucces«- ful business man, a resident of -he county for upwards of twenty year«, he promises »0 devote the samo .-are and attention to county business that he does to bis own. OLD FAVORITES. DICKENS IN CAMP. * B BO O V E th e pines th e m oon w a s slo w ­ A ly d r if t in g ; T h e r iv e r san g be lo w ; T h e d m S ie rra *, f a r beyond, up­ lif t in g T h e ir m in a re ts o f »now . T h e ro a rin g c am p fire , w ith ru d e h u m o r, pain ted T h e ru d d y tin t» o f h e a lth On h a g g ard fa ce and fo r m t h a t droo p'd and fa in te d In th e tierce rac e fo r w e a lth , t T i ll one arose a n d fro m his p o c k ’s sca n t trea s u re A hoarded v o lu m e d re w . A n d cards w e re drop p'd fro m hand s o f listless leisure T o h e a r th e ta le anew . And th e n , w h ile round th e m shadow » g a th e r'd fa s te r A n d as th e fire lig h t fe ll. H e rea d alo u d th e book w h e re in th e m as ­ te r H a d w r it o f L i t t le N e ll Dick lie*«' of Tnlo passed through Imre recently on a business trip for the Hold Itny Really Co. P e rh a p s 'tw a s boyish fa n c y —f o r th e re a d ­ Mr. Mariloii, who has Iss-n quite sick, er Instead of issuing $1,500,000 in 20-vear interest-bearing bonds, meaning a total to pay, with interest for W a s youngest o f th e m a ll— is much improved. Dr. .Smith of Hold he re a d fr o m c lu s te rin g pine and Hill was In attendance. twenty veMrs at ♦> per cent, of $3,300,000, Mr. Scott proposes to take advantage of existing federal banking laws bv B u t as cedar A silence seem d to fa ll. Will Is'wls and Elmer lliginls>tliam having the p e o p le o f Jackson county vote non-interest bearing bonds, to run twenty years or more, for the total were business visitors in Hold Hill on amount of $3,300,000, and deposit these bonds in the United States ireasury at Washington as security. Then take T h e f ir trees, g a th e rin g closer In th e s had­ ows. Tiwsday. out a national bank charter in the name of “ The T axpayers’ National Bank of Jackson County, Oregon,” have the L is te n ’d In e v e ry » p ray . Tom Norris, who is doing development W h ile th e w h o le cam p, w ith N e ll on E n g ­ treasury department issue national bank notes to the amount of $3,300,000, which the people of Jackson countv, lish m eadow s. work on Ids quarts mine, ajs'iit several W a n d e r’d a n d lo s t th e ir w a y . days recently with his family in Mixlford. miner ibe national banking law, would have to use for twenty years, in peipetuity or as long as they wished to m o u n ta in solitudes, overtaken Mr. Giveidcaf’s wife ami two childn n retain their national bank charter. For the use of this money their hank would have to pay nothing, having the same A n A d s b so y In some spell d iv in e — arrived from Usi Angelee the forepart of privileges that are extended to other national banks. The jieople, through their bank, would own the bonds them T h e ir cares d ro p p ’d fro m th e m lik e the needles shaken the week to make this plate her future F r o m o u t th e g u s ty pine. home. She is much impressed with the L o s t Is t h a t e am p a nd w asted a ll Its fire. country and climate, especially Hold Hill A n d he w h o w ro u g h t th a t spell? and vicinity. A h. to w e rin g pine and s ta te ly K e n tis h spire, Mcsduillce Olson and Stinels-rgof Hold Y e h a v e one ta le to te ll! Hili were pleasant callers on Kanes creek L o s t Is th a t cam p, b u t le t Its f r a g r a n t one day recently. s to ry Mr. Opp of Jacksonville made u busi­ th e b re a th t h a t th r ills To show how the plan would work out in actual practice, according to Mr. Scott: “ Taking $3,300,000 for a W B it le h n d hop w ith vinos' Incense a ll th e pensive ness trip to the Braden mine on Tuesday. round number as the amount desired by the people of Jackson or any other county for good roads or other improve­ g lo ry Quite a few jstso I i « from this place at- ments, it would coy t the people in interest alone on 6 per cent bonds, under the present system of bonding and the T h a t fills th e K e n tis h hill«. tendtsl the dance in Hold Hill the lilth t h a t g ra v e w h e re E n g lis h o a k and system that was p ro p o s e d to the people of Jackson county last September, $198,000 per year. Thus the people would A n d on h o lly ami re|sjrt a tine lime. A n d la l leaves e r.t In e — Mr. Greenleaf this week Inatalled light be, as now, the slaves ol the great god Money. On the contrary, under the plan which I propose to the people of D eem I t u n re o t a ll a too prcau m p fo lly — and phone at his home on Kanes creek. dackson county and all other counties, the people would have $3,300,000 in national bank notes issued on the bonds T h is s p ra y o f w e s te rn p ine! Otlx rs will follow his example in the on which they would pay no interest, saving $198,000 per year on this alone. Such money as is not paid out from near future. LET1'W O M E N PROPOSE. Bank o f d a c k s o n ( ’ounty for road improvement or other purposes could be loaned to the local Janie* fjtw rente made a »'ip l*> Grant.« the lax payers Shyness Is not essentially a ,O- 0,1 0(1 s,,<‘urit.v at a low rate of interest. Thus there would be a saving to the people of $198,- j feinlulhc quality, bnt sim ply the Puss on Saturday to have some dental result of teaching. Women at <•0 a year ui interest that would he paid under the old plan, plus whatever interest was received from monev not work done, th e-p resen t tim e seem to be g et­ .lark lintler, • the “ Sag»'" of Kant s used ior road or other public purposes. The tables would lie turned, and the great god Money become the slave of ting a b etter education th an men ereck, nt tale a trip ttu Gold Hill ami ,Med- the. people instead of their being slaves to it. as they are nc w, and as they xvould be to a yet greater extent rf such a an d therefore should .he able {o for per year lor twenty years, or having recalled them all at the end of the twenty years, the people can then return I and shy T his is plain, for there Htiele Foster, the weather prophet of the $3.300,(M he leaves his own home when M) in hank notes to the government, surrender their charter, receive their cancelled bonds and go out of this section, predictsclear weatla'r for the the hanking business—if they so wish. m arried, ju s t as the girl does here, the w ife being then the next two weeks. How the People Can Bond Themselves Without Paying Interest How the Principle Will Work in Practice How the Bonds May Be Retired at Any Time DEBINGEH GAP ITEMS (By Norm an Gage of B eagle) Dr. Klrehgesmcr of the Riverdale ranch made a professional trip to Med­ ford last Wednesday. School Istgan March II at the Central school district No. Hit, wl ere John Nealoh of Table Rock will teach a throe-month's term. Frank II. McDonald and John B. Cav- nsin of Medford were business ami social callers at the Mears orchard and Dehen- ger Hap rant'll last Thursday, Friday ami Saturday. A couple of men in the employ os Gad­ di» and Dixon, the agents at Medford for the Page wire fencing, were at Beagle last wts'k to stretch some wire fencing for William Jones, w ho purchased some fenc­ ing not long ago from Gaddi» and Dixon. l/v Mitchell, our I'. S mail earlier Is'i wis'ti Stmts Valley ami Asls-slos via Ikagle, reports three Inches of snow at Aslsistos Saturday morning. School began March 11 lit at the Dcb- ungcr t,ti| district No. AH, when* Miss Alma Gould of Medford will teach a throe-month’« term. Roy Stacy of Beagle commenced work ♦ The People’s Votes Will Make the Taxpayers’ Bank Possible William J. Scott, who is declared by all to whom his plan has been submitted to be the author of the greatest economic principle since llen ry George promulgated his single tax, makes no claim to legal learning He lives in comparative retirem ent in his 1365-aere ranch on Rogue river, 14 miles north of Medford. He has read practically no books on political economy or economic questions. He has simply worked out his plan of the Tax­ payers National Bank from ideas given him by the proposed bond issue of $1,500,000 for good roads in Jackson county hist fall. He is an ardent good road advocate. He believes that his plan is the wav to get them, and also to solve the financial problem. Assuming that the government under which he lives is or should be of, by and for the people, and that when his idea is properly brought to public attention it will claim the thoughtful consideration which lie believes it merits, should there arise any legal or constitutional barriers against it, Mr. Scott believes 1 hat. the same will be speedily removed by popular vote, expressed either directly through the initiative or through enactment by state legislatures, or by congress, of laws making the establishment of the T axpayers’ National Bank possible. at the Riverside Iasi Tuesday. Mr. ami Mrs. (lari I’etersen of the Riv­ erside ranch and Burdette Dodge, Jr., also of the Riverside, made a business trip to Medforil Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and .Mrs. Clarence and family of Beagle made a business trip to Central Point last, Saturday. Mrs. Win. Jones of Beagle made a trip to Medford last Monday and her son Ar­ thur, who has been staying at Misifonl for some time, accompanied her home. Name Your Ranch Cloverdale, Sunnyside, Orcbard Every mine has a name, and every: Crest, Oak Grove, Fairview, Lake- ranch should have one. Many ranchos side, Highland, Woodend, Rogue- In the Gold H ill district are already view. Woodlawn, Valley, Oakdale, possessed of fitting titles, by which Shady Nook, Hillside, Hilltop, Oak- they are familiarly known for miles hill, Fairdale, Pinehurst, Pleasant around. A ranch in which the owner Valley, Grand Meadow, Little Prairie, takes any degree of pride Is certainly Pleasant View, Rldgelawn, Sunny entitled to a name, and more ranches Slope, Northwood, Westwood, East In this neighborhood »re entitled to Prairie. Spring Brook, City View, be so distinguished. Here is a list Willow Grove, Orchard Grove, H ill of names suitable for ranches: Creat, Shady Lawn, Old Homestead, Bend, Meadow Lake, Locust Lawn, Maple Leaf, Sunny Brook, Co«y Cor­ ner, Ashwood, Breexy Meadow, Lln- Rlverview, Grandview, Clover Leaf, Outlook, Glenwood, Woodside, Ridge­ wood, Highwood, Peaceful Valley, Forest H ill, Ideal, Greenwood, High­ wood, Fernnook, Sandy Creek, Mo­ del, Wood H ill, Rock Valley, Meadow Brook, Coxy Cottage, Shady Dell, Wildwood, Meadow Lark, Lone Tree, Weeping Willow, Southside, Diamond property ow ner She controls th e house nud lands and directs th e business affairs of the fam ­ ily. And Is* It known th a t the Zunl women are extrem ely mod­ est and virtuous, and they would afford In th is respect a very good exam ple fo r the American w om ­ e n .—George W illis Cooke. Lec­ tu rer. Boston School of Social Science. wood, Cottagewood, F ir Bluff, Cedar Lawn, Fairfield, Elmwood Grata Farm. Many other pleasant and poeti« names will readily suggest th«m- selves. It should be a matter of pride to every ranch-owner to give hla place a fitting aad distinctive title. This done— a rd here comes the milk In the cocoannt— the man who has named his ranch chould make haste to place an order with The Gold H ill News for neat printed stationery, telling the location of the ranch and what ts produced thereon. Don’t all name your ranches at once, or The New» will be compelled to enlarge Its plant.