THE ARMY M ETH O D IST EPISCOPAL CM F it CM Ernest C. Richards. Minister Services Every Sunday Moralng Sunday school at 10:00, sermon at 11:00. Evening Epworth Ijeagns at 0:45. Song service and sermon at 7:30. A sincere invitation to all. CANTEEN. There Is no qaestiou whatever In m.v mind or Ui the minds of the great majority of officer» of ex|>erteoce In th ■ aervtrv* that the abolitioti of the army canteen baa done much io in<reuse iiu- uiornllty and to telax the bonds of dts.'ipline in the army. The intentions of hose who were ac tive iu Its abolition were uu- doubtedl.v good. but their igno rance of the actual situation pre vailing was profound It Is dif ficult for any one who was fa- nti'lar with the conditions which existed In the army under the canteen to dis. ttss with patleu.e the quest Ion of it s abolition. The abolition of the canteeu has heeu one of the strongest Influences against d:s ipline which we have had to combat. and I earnestly urge its resiortitlon. being con vinced that such restoration la In the Interests of the morality and discipline of I lie army —Gen eral Leonard Wood. S. P. rime Card N o rth b o u n d No. No. No. No. No. » 24 (motor) ;t2 (motor) 1« . * 14 . No. No. No. No. No. 23 (motor) 15 31 (motor) 13 19 Beauty Is a fragile good.-Ovtd. U nderatski ng moni» oppcaila I. O. O. butiding; pbooe 3b M a in GOLD HILL. OREGON Beauty can afford to laugh at distinctions. It is itself the greatest distinction.—Bovee. G ENERA L PRACTITIONER Office in Wells Building Heurs 10-12-2-4 IO H X H .C A R K IX LAW YERS OGMS 17-18 OVSB JACKSON COUNT Y M EDFO RD, OREGON + "I* + + + + + *1- + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ N OLD SEXTON. beausd s sextan old on his earth worn spade 111* week was don», and he paueaS to w ait The funeral train at the open gala A relle e f bygone days was h». And locks wora whits as ths foam , sea. And the»# words cam» from his Up» so thin: " I gather them In. I gather them In , “ I gut her them In. Fo r man boy. Tour a fte r year o f g rief amt Joy. I'v e bulldrd ths houses that lie around In every nook of Ihla burial ground M other and daughter, fa th e r amt eon. Come to my solitude ono by one; llu l, come they strangers or come 'hoy kin. I gather them In. 1 gather them In "M an y are w ith me. hut atm I n, alone I'n , king o f the dead, and I m ake my throne On a monumen* s _ o o f m arble cold. And m.v a c t. (a. o f rule la I lie spade I hold. Come they front cottage or come they from hail. M ankind are my subjects, all, all. all! tert th e n loiter in pleasure or to llfu lly •pin. I gather litem tn. 1 gather them In. “ I gather them tn. and their final rest Is here, down here. In the earth's dark breast." And the sexton ceased for the funeral train W ound m utely o'er th at solemn plain And I said lo my h e rrt when lim e la lolo A m ightier voice than that sexton a old WUI sound o'er the last trum p'» dreadful din: " I gather them In. I gather them In " For Your Wants See the News SA N S C A L IF O R N IA is fam ous the w orld ovor For its splendid hostelries, its varied attractions, its fire beaches, hot springs and pleasure resorts—All these can be reached with ease by the Good sea i n ty ,caret*, 1 tu O rtobrr I Is 80.5 anil from October on the Pacific (c a s t of the United j 1 to April I Is 43.3. States, and north of Ban Francisco The Mll|n|0B , BdB, |ry there are only iw o -tw o good o n e s -! On|y # fpw probab|y Puget Sound and th . mouth of F t , , . v>, ue ...... anJ cenU o{ Columbia river, and by far th . bast of ahipp(,„ yB#rly fn>m U e these Is the latter. j Columbia river to the markets of t.h ovrica IN GO LD H IL L 01/ lOGOEN&SHASTA] SUNSET H O S P IT A L COB. THIRD A C STS. GOLD HILL, OREGON I'a rlfir Coast*» Grealesl llnrhor world but when compared with the It has many advantage» over n i l 1 shlpinrels of wheat the salmon trade ROUTES other ports on this enact. It's 'he'm ake« a movt creditabio showing, only one with a water lev. I haul back President Slone of the Astoria Com- to the whole inland country and It» mcrclal d u b and general manager of the only first cla*s f r h water harbor the F.imo Canning Co, one of the largest packeia of salmon on the Pa In the United State». l t is large enough and deep enough c'»*c coaat, makea the following com. to accomodate the largest] ships now paratlve statement of the salmon ' building in different countries to ply packed on the Columbia river and in ! through the Panama canal, with good Alaska and at coast points and ' anchorage, without danger of unseen brought there for shipment to the reefs. It has about 50 00(1.000.(100 feet markets and of the wheat shipped of the finest standing lim ber in the Dom the Columbia river district dur- country right around It that w ill he ,n« th" l” ,rlod frotn June ’ • “> cut there. Clatsop county alone con- Janil*ry 31. 1913. According to President Stone's fig tains about 18,000.000.000 feet. ures the total number of cases of Northwest'» Natural Gslewuy canned salmon parked last season at I t Is the natural gateway to the vartoua „ „ brou({ht (<> A, U)rla whole northwest, and. with the coin- for shipment was: Alaska, 157,850; pletion of the Panama canal, it will Columbia River, 425,000; coast of Or- show the greatest rush of develop. e<on CBl|fornlB> , 90.0lg; total, ment of any section of ths whole coast. 77, 6M T h , TB, ue of lhe TBrlottB Warrenton. Oregon, la the place kinds of salmon shipped from tbs Co where the real rush w ill take place lumbia river during the period was because both the H ill and Harrim an 772.888 cases canned salmon, at 85 50 interests have purohased terminals a case. 34.249.874; 86.800 ttsrees of there and because the big shljw from pickled salmon at 8100 a tierce, 3860.- the east w ill bring their freight 000; 800,000 pounds froxen fish, at 11 through the canal to thia point to meet cents a pound, 365.000; total value. the tonnage of the Inland Empire. $5 154 g-74. Thia w ill be the greatest factory, m ill ¡ n ¡ he 'Rame pPrlo<, ther„ w#r, , . DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE D E N TIS T en a d m in is t s b s d R IA L T O B U IL D IN G , M EDFO RD " R o a d o f a Thousand W onders" R ou te o f Shasta L im ited Excursion Tickets Costing A. E. KELLOGG NOTARY PUBLIC Phone 85 Main GOLD HILL, OR EGG F ASSAYKR A N D C H E M IS T . EARL V IN G LE S , B 8c.—General as- my and analytical work. Cement and asphalt testing. Beat equip ped sassy office sod teeting labor atory in Oregon. All work guar anteed. Calve* t-Psddock block. Phone 870-J, Grants Paas, Oregon. ♦ This Is the open sesson for calendar solicitors. In this connection The News wishes to remind local business men that their home print shop can fu r- nish Just as pretty and artistle calendars for 1918 as can be had anywhere— and at a lower price than they can be had elsewhere. Pioneer A ssayin g A Refining Com pany + + IS I Silt Si . u . s. a u t + S w n kn + W« iagy •rw- gRMÍrM« M l/ • // m<«- + W i r i A n f « . IK « y < z c««A + r f t o i A«MEjr4n< SOe. Z s ta M is k a d 2 0 p a a r» . ftg /tr w tc « . Æ ïrW N a l ' ! B a a k a t J m F ra a a ia a a . + Keep Up Your Subscription 4* + + ++++++++++++++++ $55.00 P o rta n d to Los Angeles and Return ?n sale daily, good six months with stop-overs going or returning. Corresponding low fares from other Oregon points. Call on our Agents for Handsomely frustrated Literature Describing San Francisco, Oakland, Stanford University, Lick Observatory, Santa Cruz, Del Monte, Paso Roble Hot Springs, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Sun Diego, The Old Spanish Missions, Yosemite National Park and Big Trees, and other places of interest in the Golden State; or write to John M. Scott G e M r a l P a ' " n* ~ P o rtla n d 1 and distributing point of the w hole, 575 377 bu. h<| , ol wheat .hipped out northwest o7 tbf( Columbia river district to var- >1111 and Harrim an Beth There i l«ue ports and this at 80 cents a buah- i Courteous Treatment for A ll LUNCHES ? *:* THE CAUSE Served at All Hours The Home Telephone & Telegraph Co. of Southern Oregon. S an d w ich es C hile c o n Carne C offee THE EFFECT A 40 per cent reduction in toll rates for merly charged in Southern Oregon, and the best phone service that can he had anywhere. L u n ch es Put U p fo r D rives o r Parties TURNERS Columbia Harbor, the Great Seaport of the Northwest ■ Io s aravs th a t wsa newly mads DR. R. C. KELSEY BREAKING UP HOMES. We break up homes because of lack of Income, though the home be otherwise fitted for preserva tion. The state has the right to break np homes as n matter of principle, but not on the ground of poverty alone. I f it tie wrong to take a child out of its home because its mother is poor it is not less wrong to leave a child in a home merely because its parents are rich. There are homes In the Five Points which ought to be maintained by the state. There are homes on Fifth avenue which the state ought to break up. Children should be rescued from homes which are blighted by moral poverty and spiritual destitution and not only from homes of Insufficient Income.—Rabbi Stephen S. Wise. ♦ G LENN O. TAYLOH CARKIN & TAYLOR Beauty draws us with a single hair.—Pope. ♦ Here's the end of dreamland: here's the place of rest; Here's our little cottage where the roses blow! What to us are hroexes singing of the west? What to us are voices that we used to know? Yet the road was merry, yet the life was sweet! How the firelight flickers on the cottage floor! Here's the end of travel for our weary feet; Here'a the end of roaming—till we roam once more! —Berton Braley lu Munsey's Magazine IG H CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D. Beauty doth varnish age as if newborn And gives the crutch the cradle's infancy. Oh. 'tls the suu that maketh all things shine! —Shakespeare. ♦ in. ui. : m. I m. ui. Corn pieta iin * oi burial robea, raakata, etu. Beauty and folly often ge to gether.— French Prvberb. ♦ 8:02 a. 9:52 a. 1:42 p. 2:45 p. 10:46 p. A. E. KELLOGG Embalmer and Funeral Director A thing of beauty is a ioy for ever.—Keats. ♦ in. in. . in. in. in. S o u th b o u n d BEAUTY. ♦ 3:39 ». 11:92 a. 5:27 p. t<:99 p. 6:27 p. TH C JOURNEY'S ENO. Hens's the end of roaming, gyp sy love o' mine; Here's the place to settle while the world goes by; nero the fire is burning; here the lump’s ashine; Here's a s|H>t to cling to till the day we die! Toss aside your bundle; throw your staff away; Snuggle to the fireside tu the warm, soft gloaui. Here's the end of rovtug; here's the place to stay; Hero Is quiet shelter; here's Uie port of home.' J = Modern Equipment That Insures r Perfect Service ________________________- J. J H ill paid 36.000,000 for the As- el ha<1 • value of H.2#v,30180. or only torla * Columbia lliver railroad when about »'»0.000 more than the value of he knew it cost but 3i.8OO.OOO; vnd , the salmon. New York 70 Years Ago Seventy years ago Now York began llM Kr«»1 chRjnge into a big city. Up ,0 •*•’* • " nie !*• harbor had been called » gangway to Albany. The flrat ratl- rottil ,he United States had recently bwsn bullt * nd * roftd w“ Pl»nneff to 8 ° down the Hudson. The Albany papers ridiculed It os a foollshproject and wound up by declaring that New ,, . . j York could never be more than a gangway to Albany. How does that bank of the Columbia to get there. alone odd 33,000,000 to the wealth nt There Is a reason for ail this. Astoria and Clatsop counties. Now nothing that is worth having This port has been endorsed as the o,)tnlnp(1 w,thout nffor( & f#w builders were offered 37.000,000 hy Y the E. H. Harrim an before the deal wsa X consummated. Both H ill and H a rri- X man have large holdings at Warrenton million of dollars. Y worth several of the greatest of national ma- X rlne One projects Is under way at the X mouth of the Columbia river Involving f an of 36.000,000. Y expenditure .................................. ..... The (aim in g Industry . » Y . Net to the flab canneries are 38.00 - X 000 to 35,000,000 each year. Salmon Y X X Y X X Ti ♦ I X ♦ X great outlet to the Pacific by the trans portation giants of America— Clark, Huntington, H ill and Harrim an. Now . . J. J. H ill ratifies It by spending 345.- 000,000 for Ails new line down the sound today? 'o '" I" Warrenton are worthy of .11 your effort. Have you thought of It before. Just think what it all means to tf)fi onpa w„o hRve fflw , otg t h w before the great activity begins. Per haps you haven’t stopped to recall the Kesonrces, Climate and Scenery fact that the Columbia river and Its There are unlimited resources In branches drain about 250,000 square farming, dairying and stock raising miles of country, giving a down hill haul going out and a water level grade of all kinds surrounding Warrenton. The climate is delightful; no hot going back. For further Information apply at weather In the eummer and no cold weather in the winter. Trees and the Nosh Hotel, Mulford, to A. J. Lupton. grass are as green as an emerald tn We hove a car of epeetal extra December and January and the snowy Star-A-Biar red eedar ehlngles, 83. M crests of Mt. St. Helens and ML Hood per M Lance ft Ca. In the distance gleam white and daxs- llng In July and August. The mean Hay for s a le -A lfa lfa , baled; grata, 1 maximum temperature annually for 48 baled sad loose; | I 5 per toa; s m a ll* years psmt shows 57.8; moss talnlmum 1 than ton lota at rate of 317 por too. 89.8. The general average from A p r il' Darling « Hodges ♦ X ♦♦♦ 1