4 i-H -s ä ,r««W >«ry V O L 14~ Shi* Suti h M ill l^L H j B L j l ■ JgUzljL/ j ^ , j ^ . BL. /4 b < W jlL ^ ___________________ GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 28,1912 W jZJ^ w h it.w a .h io • ring pubuc „ NO 46 County Court Given a Lovely Coat of Whitewash Custom Mills Help Mining Odd Combination Ex - Roadmaster Harmon Handed Goes Gunning for Handsome Halo Warrant Buyers “The recent Incorporation of the Gold 11 Ilf Mining and Milling company, a portion of whose projeced plans Is to erect and operate a custom mill to work the gold ores of this section, marks another Important step In the line of progress If this natura'ly gifted area tributary to the Rogue river," said C. W. Patterson, secretary of the Houthern Oregon Mining Men's club, at Medford yesterday. "The citizens of Gold Hill are to be congratulated on their enterprise In offering the company a tract of land ‘ n,bracl,‘* l* ° * b«ch Is advan- tageously situated between the tracks of the Southern Pacific railroad and the Hogue river," continued Mr. Pat- terson. "Apparently they realize the Importance of having such a plant In the neighborhood of their city.” "With such a plant In operation the prospectors imd small miners will have meuns at hand whereby they will . ,, » .. J . be able to convert their rock Into coin of the realm, thus enabling them to more thoroughly prospect and de- velop their properties. "It Is a well known fact that there are thousands of tons of ore scattered on the Innumerable mine dumps throughout this section which owing to the distance to the necessary re­ duction works have never been moved. In the early history of mining In th e’ Hogue river country none but the very highest grade of rock was shipped, thei ores of lesser values were simply left + + + + + + + + + + + 4* + + + + •;• + + + + s- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ + + + •»• + + + + + + + on the dumps awaiting a more favor-! + + HOBS THE COUNTY COURT •> TO WHOM IT MAT CON. ♦ ♦ able time. That time is now here and + CEBNt “THOU SHALT NOT + (MOW H l I I I M M II I M h 4- What the District Attorney Prom inent Jackson County the heretofore discouraged prospect- + STEAL.” + MANOMKNTf ' + Said he Was Going to Do + + + + + 4- + 4- + + + + + + -C-Í- Men G jests at O re g o i ors and miners will soon be hauling 4 . 4 .q .4 . 4 .4 . q . + q .+ + + + 4, + -> + -------- + + ------- + this ore—which nearly all carries ----------------------------------------------------- + (Portland Journal) + + "I will li« ready at all time* GREAT SOCIALIST TO SPEAK good milling values—to the mill and MILL NEWS ENDORSED 4- Hr. J. F. Reddy, the well + + to admit, and I now Invite, evl- ______ get the money for It. + known booxler from the Rome + + donee relating to the alleged "There are many ore dumps within + River valley. It; a guest at the + + maladministration of county af- John Spargo Will Lecture at Med­ easy reach of the railroad on which City Administration Also Com­ 4- Oregon from Medford. + + fair« to the grand Jury room. ford Thursday, Marc h 28 there are from five to fifty or sixty mended by Commercial Club + 1 will systematize and organ- 4- J. V. McIntyre, easbier of the + tons of gold ores which will be hauled + I«« that evidence for proper + Bank of Eagle Point, and Frank + to the mill and the values extracted. "The llltter Cry of the Children," Is At a meeting of the Gold Hill Com­ + Brown, n commissioner of + 4- presentation to the grand jury, In fact a custom mill will be a bank mercial club Wednesday evening, res­ the subject on which John Spargo + and I solicit all persona poi- + Jackson county, also of Eagle + will speak at the Medford Natatorlum to the prospector and miner. Instead olutions were adopted commending the 4- Point, are gnesls at the Oregon. 4* aeaelng any Information that + , , _ , . Thursday evening, March 2R. ot bemoaning hard times and waiting Gold Hill News on the stand It has + 4* will be of value to come for- + J, It. Nell, county judge of Horn In Cornwall, England, of taken in county politics, and com­ 4* ward with the same. If at any ,or 8ome one to come alonK Bnd buy mending Mayor Beeman and the city + Jackson county, Is at the Ore- wealthy parents, who, when he was 4* time I find that, because of ten years old lost their wealth, young ,he Pr°perty, theY wlli Ko to work council for their able and business­ 4- gon from Jacksonville. With + 4* pressure brought by the a- and ln a very short while many of like administration of the city's af­ + the other members of the reun- + Hpargo was forced Into the Cornwall 4* mount of evidence given me to 4- ty court. Judge Nell Is In Pert- + mines for a livelihood. Prom this time them will be on Easy Street.” fairs during the year now drawing to 4- lund for the purpose of ar- + + arrange and present, It be- on his life was a terrible struggle for a close. 4* comes necessary for me to have + ranging finances for Jackson + the bare necessities. He studied dur­ Much other business of importance + eonnty. 4* assistance, I will at once call ing the evenings, entered and gradu­ came before the meeting, including + + + S + + + + + + + + + + + + 4* In the same, to the end that ated from Oxford and Cambridge. He a proposal to build a wire footbridge 4* the fullest and most searching then took a small Sunday school class across Rogue River at some point on + Investigation of county affairs Noble Dr. Reddy! Public spirited and In a little while raised It to twen- the south side of town, for the benefit 4* shall result." Prank Brown! Devoted Mr. McIn­ ty.two hundred. At once a pulpit was of the residents of Galls Creek who + + + + + + 4- + + + + + + + + open to him. A strike occurred. have already raised fifty dollars to­ tyre! Dear old Judge Nell! Bless With such Among the dock laborers were many ward the cost of construction. It was their darling pictures! an unselfish band of heroes knocking What the District Attorney Did of his parishioners, lie ibvestlguled decided that the Commercial club With District Attorney Mulkey min­ the case mid found they were right should provide further funds for the at the citadels of capital in Oregon'» ing the alabastlne and the Medford and some of Ills parishioners wore early completion of the bridge, which proud metropolis, there is Indeed hops papers applying the various dainty wrong. This contest resulted In Mr. will be of the usual fence wire type, that the prediction made by District Hpargo's resignation. tints as fast as mixed, the recent and will cost, when completed, about Attorney Mu'.key in Medford Friday evening, that county warrants would Since that time, after coming to grand Jury gave the county court, ex- »160 Kellogg and Reed, of the Wego, of- > J‘ L ^ , . 7 ltbln ,tW d,ayB’ '! America, lie lias used his voice and Iloadmaster Harmon and ex-Commls- slouer George Davis as fine a coat of pen most effectively for the uplift of fered to secure Judge Watson of Ash no addled dream of a brain made mad whitewash as was desired by even the his fellows, believing that the religion land to deliver a lecture on Southern by a bubble reputation gained In the fastidious taste of the editorial artist of Jesus 1« a religion for every du.v Oregon u- snery. illustrated with col­ i .termination of many helplees blind of the Medford Mall Tribune. It win life. He Is regarded ns one of the ored slides, the net proceeds to accrue pigs. Suiely/M r. Mulkey must have a highly Harmonious bit of work, and great captains In the socialistic move­ to the commercial club funds. It was known the purpose of the Portland those who maladmlnlstered the busi­ ment, and his coming Is an event of decided, for the purpose of further pilgrimage, else why would he have Walter L. Houser, chairman of the the administration could by no possi­ augmenting the financial strength of proclaimed with all the cocksureness ness of the people of Jackson county lni|K>rtance Io those, whatever their during 1911 stand forth smiling politicals leanings, who want to know National Progressive Republican Cam­ bility be ousted from its entrenched the club, to give a dance, probably in of a conceited canary, that county position, no one else would be a cas- the Gold Hill opera house, next Frl- warrants would be selling at par with­ through tears of Joy and looking ns the truth. paign Committee, nudar date of Mar. The prices for the Spargo lecture Lhough they had been ducked In a dldate and LaFollette consented to day evening, March 29. The best of in ten days? Again arises, like Banquo's ghost have been fixed at the lowest possi­ 16, addressed the following letter to make the fight and represent the pro- music will be provided and It Is ex- flour bin. the editor of The Gold Hill News: come back to plague us in our com­ ble figures, 26 and 60 cents. gressive movement In the convention, ported that every one will boost the Harmon and Davis Stick Around "Senator IsvPollette has asked me "When his candidacy showed unex- sale of tickets, as the club needs the pounded perplexity over the strange Ez-Commlssloner Davis and ex-1 ways and devious devices of Jackson Io make this acknowledgment of the pected strength other candidates were money. Appeal to Reason Quits lioadiunster Harmon kept within ensy, county official procedure that signif­ receipt of your letter of the 1st. He brought ou t Though urged to do so, ------------------- reach of the grand Jury room. This icant monosyllable—WHY? K a lso m in e ! Kansas City, Mo., March 23.—"The read It with unusual Interest and was LaEollette refused, as he always has, waa particularly the case with the Why did not the noble doctor, the Appeal to Reason " leading socialistic deeply touched by what It contained to make any deals or combinations i latter, and whenever testimony filter­ ; public spirited commissioner, the de- that would confuse the issues or mis- ( Medford Sun ) periodical of the United States, Is soon personal to himself. ed In that could be construed as at After a week’s investigation into voted bank cashier, and the dear old "While he was obliged, because of lead the people, who looked to aim to cease publication, according to an­ all damaging to the county court or nouncement made here today. The overwork, to take a little time for as the unswerving, uncompromising county affairs, in which accusations judge get busy quite a while ago, be- himself ,he was ready with explann- editor. Fred I). Warren, declares that rest, he is now quite himself. On two leader of Progressive principles. He of graft were hurled, the grand jury fore the majority of the mammoth 11- tlons galore. Ex.Commlssloner Davis, . . . , , , . , , It is too hard work to keep the paper or three other occasions during his asks only for delegates who are will- adjourned Saturday afternoon with legal issue of county warrants had who resigned because he was so busy, , , ___ _ ai__ . __ ,, going, and Rays that the Appeal’s pres­ twenty years war against Privilege, ing to stand on this basis, and are the recommendation that its work be passed into the hands of the banks and was not too busy to drop In whenever when his zeal to meet conditions has ready to win or lose, If need be, In continued at a session beginning Mon- their able allies, the professional needed. He Is credited with the state­ ent fight with the United States courts day. The charges oí graft fell flat, warrant shavers. WHY? anil the postoffice department over the overtaxed his strength, he has had to the Interest of the cause. ment before the grand Jury that his "We are glad to count you witn us none being substantiated by evidenco ■ Why was not some effort made to alleged I^avenworth prison scandal Is stop, as now, but he has recuperated bank, the Farmers and Fruitgrowers, quickly and returned to the field, with In this vigorous and aggressive cam- of merit. The Inquisitorial body re- maintain the market for warrants at the paper’s "swan song.” never bought a county warrant it a The Appeal to Reason Is published renewed vigor and power. Wo, who paign which we shall carry on to the commends that the accounts of ex- par. so that those who rendered value discount. This was at variance with ' expected and that all records of build- for them in labor and supplies In the know him, realize that he will never conclusion. In Girard. Kansas. evidence which the grand Jury was “ A gain we thank you for ino mi I County Roadmaster W. W. Harmon be first place could have sold them for a relinquish the fight as long as ne told could be adduced, but the witness­ couragement and confidence your let- ing, road and bridge, improvements be full hundred cents? WHY? R. C. Kelsey and C. Coppack were lives. es to the contrary were not subpoen­ Why, unless for the benefit of the , kept In the county courthouse on file. "At a time when It was believed ter brings." at Jacksonville on business Monday. aed. nlnety-per-cent-and-less sharks, did the noble doctor, and the devoted No Time for Real Investigation cashier, and the patriotic commission­ The grand Jury undoubtedly, with er, and the dear old judge delay their its legal life of six days and the pres­ time of getting busy, In the chaste and sure of other work, had no time to i discreet terminology of the Portland properly consider any charges of graft Journal's hotel reporter, at the game It the people of this county de­ pended. that might have been brought, nor to In consenting to run for the nom­ son county should be administered arrive at a conclusion as to why the ination for the office of county Judge. In a businesslike manner, always sire the issuance of bonds for the The horticultural Interests of Jack- of “arranging finances for Jackson county court had violated almost ov- I feel that It is due the electorate of keeping within the law. It any law construction of permanent roads, as son county have grown to such pro­ county?" WHY? Ever and always that damnatory In­ ery law provided for Its guidance, why Jackson county, Oregon, to set forth Is wrong, let us change the law. but. may be shown by a vote of the people, portions that it is Imperative that bridges In Jackson county coat ap­ fully the reasons which have prompt­ so long as It Is a law, let us abide of the county, should I be elected the same should have competent, ef­ terrogation Intrudes like a ghost to by It. If we have outgrown the con­ county Judge, I shall endeavor to ficient and scientific supervision, trouble joy, like a scythe to cut down proximately three times as much is ed me to do so. In Douglas county, why county war­ There Is not, nor can there be, any stitution of our state, let us amend It, make every dollar of the bonds thus and, If I shall be elected to the office our confidence In the altruistic mo­ rants are depreciated, and the host of strong personal desire for the office, not violate It. voted do Its full duty, and without of county Judge, it will be my pur­ tives of that queer qulrumvirate, the 1 believe in the construction ef favor to any locality, but, as far os pose that the laws In these particu­ doctor, the commissioner, the cashier, other things that the people had a for everyone knows that the duties and the judge. Why—there's the rub right to believe would be thoroughly appertaining to that office are many, permanent roads, adapted to our possible, apply the sums voted, for lars shall be strictly enforced. Investigated. In short, if I shall be elected to the —WHY? complex and difficult, under ordinary present needs, and, so far as can be the best Interests of the entire coun­ Of course there is no taint ~f pol­ However, the grand Jury, having conditions, and will be doubly oner­ determined, to our future needs, and, ty. office of county judge, I shall en­ boldly bit off more than It could chew, ous under the conditions that now should I be elected county judge, I I shall not favor the employment deavor honestly and energetically itics in the obeisance made by the bravely essayed to chew It, with the prevail in the county and In respect shall use all lawful means at my of convicts or undesirable foreigners and to the extent of my intelligence, doctor, the cashier, the commissioner result that, as far as county affairs to the county's finances. command to further the construction upon the public Improvements ot the to obey and enforce the laws as I and the judge—noble, public-spirited, devoted men that they are—at the alter are concerned, the mastication was ot substantial, permanent roads for county, so long as It possible to get understand them. I was born In Jackson county, and of the coarsest character. In fact, the feel, and can; therefore, be pardoned this county. our own citizens, or those who have. I have no other pledges or prom­ ot Mammon in Portland. A has such grand Jury appears to have swallowed for feeling, a pride In the prosperity We have a county Indebtedness ap­ In good faith, declared their Inten­ ises to make to the people of Jackson an unworthy idea! Political capital whole much that was Bet before It. and the upbuilding of this beautiful proximating »626,000, a large per­ tion to become such, to perform the county, and I have made no other will not be made of the monetary cap­ Although It Is almost certain that valley. I wnnt to live long enough to centage of which Is not an Indebted­ roads or other Improvements that pledge or promise to any one. And, ital that the doctor, the commissioner, no direct charge of graft on the part see this valley the garden spot of the ness contemplated by the law. But may be established. while I shall always court advice and the cashier and the judge hope to of county officials were preferred, the world, and I desire that she shall no person who has regard for the I feel that our first duty Is to our j counsel, If elected. I shall be as free interest In Jackson county’s depre­ grand Jury made .haste to exonerate progress along safe and sane linen, welfare of the county would seek t o ! own citizens, and that. If there Is a as "the dew from heaven" to per- ciated warrants. Their attempt to "ar­ Roadmaster Harmon and the members developing her many and diverse re­ repudlate any of that Indebtedness.1 public fund available for expenditure form every duty devolving upon me. range finances for Jackson county” is of the county court from anything that sources as rapidly as the most favor­ However, I think that some steps upon the public roads, these citizens as the dictates of my conscience and as free of any selfish stain as is the iniiHit In; .• I.' .'ii ' i in I In' linn able conditions will permit. should be taken towards legalizing. should have the first right to earn whatever ability I may have, shall solicitude of a boa constrictor for I by their labor, the money thus ex. suggest. GEORGE W. DUNN. I believe that the affairs of Jack- the same, If It Is possible to do so. (Continued on local page) (Continued on last page) WAITED FOR. WHITEWASH This issue of The Gold Hill News is delayed three days so as to give the people of Jackson county the result of the grand jury’s probe of county affairs. LaEollette Will Fight to Finish H for Progressive Principles