“Alma Where Do You Live?” Grants Pass Opera Mouse Monday Night Columbia Harbor, the Great Seaport of the Northwest * Delienger Gap Breeses Mr. C usick ot T rail made a businass (Oontinned from First Page) trip to Medford aud Jacksonville la st (C ontinued fro m F irs t Paire.) is o u t w ith his bid fo r th e republican Monday and Tuesday. nom ination fo r one of th e tw o su b o r papers, paying a good, fair rate and offering good value, they could D uring the p ast week Miss Ola d in ate places on th e county co u rt. Mr. R odgers ot B eagle has been suffering very soon change the output of automobiles in America from 140,000 Sm ith is said to be especially stro n g from a severe a tta c k of la grippe. in Medford, w here he is best known in one year, which was the record of 1910, TO FIV E HUNDRED School closed last week III the Con by reason of his having been in b u si THOUSAND OR ONE MILLION IN ONE YEAR, and this tra! D istrict No. 89. w here Misa Cora n ess th ere for years. M ayor L eever of M. H all of T able Stock tau g h t a suc is up exaggeration. C en tral P o in t and Geo. A. M orse of The smallest of the country newspapers has among its readegi one cessful term of th ree m onths. T a le n t a re tw o m ore a sp ira n ts for re Dr. K lrchgessm er of the R iverside publican favo r a t th e p rim aries. Both ' or five or tea or a hundred men that could be made to buy a car now ranch made a trip to the east side of a re well know n. M orse has lived in and will buy one sooner or later. Some intelligent automobile, manu Rogue riv er to atten d a m eeting of Medford. A shland and P hoenix, and is th e stockholders of the Eagle P oint- facturer with the right kind of product will realize this and sell tens a t p resen t living n e a r T alent. He is Rogue R iver T elephone Co. Dr. K lrch- an extensive p ro p erty ow ner, a t p res of thousands of cars through the local newspapers before his coin- gessner, who Is president of the T rail e n t holding over 600 acres. H e h as p e ti to r s know what has happened, Mutual T elephone C o. was elected u „ o,| p e r ,, uru nil<h, , <cart., 1 to October I Is 60.6 and from O ctober p ro p erty n e a r Medford and T alen t T H E A V E R A G E O F P R O S P E R IT Y A N D O F W E A L T H A M O N G T H E president of the new line, and W. H. on th e Pacific C oast of the I’nlted I to April 1 Is 43.3. a and in A shland city. F ra n k Brown of ! S lates, and north of Fan F rancisco R E A D E R S O F A C O U N T R Y N E W S P A P E R IS F A R G R E A T E R T H A N G randall was elected treasu rer. E agle Point, who w as a republican The Salmon Industry laist Monday Miss A lberta Stacy, o u r there a re only tw o --tw o good o n es— candidate fo r com m issioner. has A M O N G T H E R E A D E R S O F A M E T R O P O L IT A N D A IL Y , A N D . IN P R O Only a few people probably re a l changed his mind and pulled in his P O R T IO N T O T H E CO ST O F A D V E R T IS IN G , IN T E L L IG E N T P U B L IC IT Y popular young teac h er of Beagle. | P uget Sound and the m outh of the ize tho value lu dollars and cents of petitions. George Lym an of Gold Hill T H R O U G H T H E C O U N T R Y N E W S P A P E R S G IV E S BY F A R T H E B EST commenced teaching a three m onths' I Colum bia river, and by fa r the best of, the salm on shipped yearly from the term of school a t th e Long B ranch j these Is th e latter, is th e only dem o crat to announce R E S U L T S . C olum bia riv er to the m arketa of teh school D istrict No. 64. and on the him self th u s far. world, but when com pared with th e Pacific ( oust'« Greatest Harbor W hat we have said'about automobile advertising refers to adver- sam e date Rose Nealon, a p o p u lar) ( L a t e r — Mr. Morse has decided not to b>- .. . . ., -ri i n • ,i. i t Ijt has many advantages over all j shipm ents of w heat the salm on trad e a candidate for commissioner, it is report- tlsln8 ln other llnes- The dwellers in the cities, readers of the metro young teacher of T able Rock, a fter o th er p o rts on th is coast. -It's 'h e m akes a m ost creditable showing. e d ; this will no doubt be a great disai~>int- p o lita n dailies, have before their eves the temptations and attractions having finished a successful term of P resident Stone of the A storia Coni* j onf) utie with a w ater level haul back m eat to his Medford friends, who urged of the great stores which cannot be reached by the reader of tho coun six m onths’ teaching at C haparall to th e whole Inland country and It's , •lerclal d u b and general m anager of him to run. 1 — school. D istrict No. 32. will begin a For county clerk there is but one try newspaper. If our business men realized their opportunities they Utu only firs t class fresh w ater harb o r th e Elmo <'aim ing Co., one of the th ree m onths' te rm a t Antioch school. candidate. W. H. M iller of Gold H ill, larg est pack ers of salm on on the P a- In th e U nited States. would fight for parcels post, and they would MAKE OF EVERY D istrict No. 18. fo r th e dem ocratic nom ination. I t is it is large enough and deep enough <*fle coast, m akes the follow ing com. COUNTRY N EW SPA PER AN ' ACTIVE DISTRIBUTING Died—On March- 3. 1912. T hom as It confidently expected th a t W. R. Cole to accom odate th e largest! ships now p aratlv e statem en t of th e salm on m an, present clerk, will soon be AGENCY, DOUBLING AND TREBLING TH E COUNTRY’S W ilhite a t the home of his parents, building in d ifferent co u n tries to ply packed on th e C olum bia riv er and in Mr. and Mrs. E. D. W ilhite of Beagle. o u t fo r th e republican nom ination. ihrough th e P anam a canal, with good A laska and at coast points and PR O SPER ITY AND INDU STRIA L ACTIVITY. Mr. WlUtite was born lu the sta te of ( Later—Prof. Jiarregan of Eagle Point anchorage, w ithout d anger of unseen bro u g h t th ere for shipm ent to the This we have said before, and we shall say it again. Inasmuch as A fkansus ami w hile y«f quite young re^fs. It bus ubout 50 OOO.OUO.OUO feet m arkets aud of the w heat shipped has announced himself for the republican nomination for «lerk .) there are no Hearst newspapers in the country, inasmuch as our he cam e from th a t s ta te w ith his of ¡the fin est standing Umber In the from the C olum bia rlveç d istric t d u r- W. A. Jones, who has announced his p a re n ts to O regon, w here be has re c o in try right around It thnt will ho (tig th e period from June 1. 1911 to th ird -te rm candidacy fo r sh eriff, sub newspapers are published exclusively iu the great cities of tho coun sided ever since. He attended the Ja n u a ry 31, 1912. c ject to th e will of the dem ocratic vot try, we shall at least be credited with unselfishness in making a fight .Ashland norm al. A fter com pleting o u t there. C latsop county alone con- A ccording to P resident Rtone'n fig j ( a » s about 18.UOO.OOU.UIH) feet. ers a t th e prim aries, is as yet unop for local editors that DESERVE TH E THANKS AND A P P R E course In the norm al he becam e s t e - ) u res the total num ber of cast-» of i N orthw est’» N atural Gateway posed w ithin or w ithout his own party. canned sulm on packed last season at CIA TIO N AND FIN A N C IA L ENCOURAGEMENT OF EV n o g rap b er lo r a larg e business hotyie t is th e n atu ral gntewuy to the H ow ever it is understood th a t n o t only in P o rtlan d and rem ained th ere until various ix>Ints and brought to A atorla ERY GOOD C IT IZ E N .# will this pop u lar official be opposed a few y ears ago, wftpn he cam e home w to le northw est, and. with th e co m fo r shipm ent w as: A laska. 157,650; in th e p rim aries by A ugust S ingler. Verv few realize what it means when a man undertakes the pub on account of poor ■ health. J t e has pletion of the. P anam a canal, It will t'oluiUjlila River. 425.900; coast ot Or county constable a t Medford, but th a t lication of a daily or a weekly newspaper in a small plaec. been under the care of several physi sh iw the g reatest ru sh of develop. egon and California^ I90.OIM; total, J. H. B ellinger, h is republican oppon cians and ail medtua) aid tlia$ could ' uh ut ot any section of th e whole coast. *772,608. The value of th e various The editor risks everything, poverty, bnnki'nptey, indifference of t e oufalnrtd w as Viced. tuft Without e n t a t th e la s t election, will sh o rtly Y arreuton, Oregon, is tho pliu,o kind» of salm on shipped from the Co the public, and at best his reward can lx? very «mall. * * * announce his candidacy. avail, life was taken to his bed about | fed ero th e real rush will take place lum bia river during Cue period waa D em ocrat diffidence is again a p p a r Manv of us, of course, would feel happier if we could begin our eight mouti ago and was n i t able be » u s e both the lllll and H urriniitn ’772,664 ru ses canned sulm on, ut $5.50 ent In th e fact th a t no m em ber of the to get about ugaln. He was aged' ,11 fnierest.a have p u ro ia se d tertnloals ji case,, $1.2411,674 ; 85,000 fierce» of work with a life pension that would free ns from all care ever after g re a t unw ashed has y et offered him years, 2 m onths and S day.«. He leaves (lifre atod becaUde the big ships from plck!«d »aim«* a t $100 a tierce, ISÓO.» self fo r th e nom ination for recorder; ward. But the country editor goes to vyork with NO PEN SIO N AND a t a t l c r and m o th e r and one b ro th er th i e a st will brin g th e ir freight o(i(i; 800,000 pounds frozen fish, a t II Two republican s have stepped up and NO GUARANTY, n e asks no pension, no tmeli in adkaneo, alily C lli'efidff -Wllh Wllhlto* wfio f*W«d mwi th ’ough the canal to this point to m eet cent» n pound, $550100; total value, said th a t they would like th e job. T hey FA IR PLAY AND A CHANCE TO WORK. * * * ' I n i p a re n ts ' hem e at Hesgl». He w a r, th o to n n ag e of th * Inland E m pire, $6,154,674. Vi a /feinst exem plary young man and j T his will be the g re a te st factory, mill a re F red L Colvlg, now serv in g his In tho sam e period th e re w ere R- The country editor is the man who oiiglit to have a pension “ for firs t term a3 recorder, and C hauncey wall liked by a ll’ wfio knew Tifiti. In and dtrftrtbivtlfwf point o f tlwt wrtiole 575,377 bushels of w heat shipped out F lorey, now em ployed as deputy in the the work that he does, if any tnan ought to have it. He is also the te rm en t was m ude in the A ntiorb north west. o f 'th e C olum bia riv e r'd fa trle t to v ar a ss e sso r’s office. T his prom ises to man, as it happens, who would not take a pension from the steel trust, Jllll and H nrrlm nn Ruth T here ious p u rls uiul this at 811,cent» a bush develop Into one of th e p re ttie st fights J. J. lliil paid 36.rtrtO.UrtO for the As el 'had * vaino of $5,280,"0160, or iottfjf or from the railroad that runs through his town, or from any other ev er seen a t a Jackson county p rim ary , NOTICE TO CREDITORS to ria & C olum bia R iver railroad when about tlOO.Od# m òre tbon th e iv a lu e o( as both m en have m any stau n ch agency of public exploitation. ho knew It coat b u t 31,800,000; and th$ salito on. frien d s who will stra in every nerve to That is why we have in the past and today tried and shall in the fu , r.stn tr of S tillm an A. G ra j, D eceased the builders w ere otfered $7,000,000 liy V w York fl) Y ears Ago land th e nom ination which, with no ture try to impress on onr reader« and on big adverti«ers the fact that N otice la hereby given th a t the un- E. II. H arrim an before the deal w ai (Seventy y ears ago New York began dem ocrat in th e ru n n in g , now looks , deralgned, E xecutrix of th e esta te of TH EY SHOULD DO TH EIR SHARE TOW ARD SU PPO RT ; Stillm an A; G ray, deceased, to the consum m ated. Both H ill and H a rri its g reat change Into a big city, Up the equivalent of election. B oth Col- man iiave targ e holdings a t W arrenton to*that tim e'Its h a rb o r had been called vig and F lorey invite the people to In- IN G TH E LOCAL PRESS OF TH IS COUNTRY. There would i redi ♦ of nt;d all persona having wori.l, several million of dollars. a gangw ay to Albany. T he first rail- spoct th e ir,re c o rd s. As fa r as is know n be and could be no philanthropy about it. Simply W ISE SELF claim ag ain st said deceased to exhibit One of the g re a te st of national m a rood In the United S tates had recently both have m ade good in th e c o u rt I X J E R E S T should make every citizen buy,his local paper and make I them w ith the n ecessary verification, rin e project» Is undcY way a t th e hden b u ilt and a road wits planned house, and th e co n test will probably . ; w ithin six m onths a fte r the first pub- m outh of tiie Colum bia riv er involving to go down the Hudson. T he Albany settle down to one of th e stren g th of e v e l7 advertiser contribute according to Ins means to the SU PPO RT i lication of this notice, to said E xecu. an expenditure of $6,000,000. papers ridiculed It aa a foolish project th e personal follow ing ot th e tw o m en, O F TH E LOCAL PItESS. i trlx a t Medford, Oregon, o r A. C. anti wound up by declaring th a t New The Canning Indnatry coupled w ith th e ir relativ e cam p aig n T H E C IT IZ E N T H A T B U Y S H IS L O C A L P A P E R G E T S H IS M O N E Y , Hough, h e r atto rn ey , n t G ran ts P ass, Net to the fish can n eries a re $4,00.-, York could never be m ore than a ing ability. , Oregon. B ACK M A N Y T IM E S O V E R IN P R O T E C T IO N O F H IS IN T E R E S T S . 000 to $5.000,000 each year. Salm on gangw ay to Albany. How doe» th a t It is n o t definitely understood th a t 1 D ate of first publication, M arch 2, A N D T H E M A N W H O A O V E R T IS E 8 W ID E L Y A N D W IS E L Y IN T H E alone add $3,000.000 to th e w ealth ot bank of th e Colum bia to got there. D istric t A ttorn ey Mulkey will a n 1912. T here is a reason for all this. A storia and C latsop obuntles. n ounce his candidacy fo r re-election, L O C A L P R E S 8 G E T S H IS M O N E Y B A C K M A N Y T IM E S O V E R IN CASH FLORENCE J. GRAY, Executrix Now nothing th a t I» w orth having T his p o rt has bueu endorsed as the R E T U R N S . b u t It is expected th a t he will again n a tu ral, the cheapest, th e Inevitable j •» obtained w ithout effort and a few be w illin g to a c t as blind-pig ex term i- ; The people should not be niggardly in support of those that do Notice of Administrator’s Sale g re a t o u tlet to th e Pacific by the tra n s-) Ini’ In W arrenton are w orthy of all Notice Is hereby given, th a t I will, n a to r fo r Jackson and Jo sep h in e g o o d work. Business men and the public generally should be espe- portatlon giant» of A m erica—C lark, ; y o '"- effort. Have you th o u g h t of It in p u rsu an ce to an o rd e r m ade by th e X ^ w n ^ X ^ X i t h 1: cial’y B R 0A D W INDED AND LIBERAL in their support of the Hon. J. R. Neil, C ounty Judge, on the H untington, H ill and H arrim an. Now before. Ju s t think w hat It all m eans to h o n o r unopposed, fo r Ju d g e E. E. local newspapers that REPRESEN T AND 1 E N S IIY PUBLIC nth day of March, 1912, offer for sifie J. J. Hill ratifies It by upending $45,- the ones who have a few lots th ere 000,000 fo r ,bl» new line down the K elley of M edford Is ou t fo r th e dem- j O P IN IO N throughout the country. a t P ublic Auction, fo r cash a t the before th e g re a t activity begins. P e r o c ra tlc nom ination, fo r w hich It seem s | * * * » » » * ♦ City H all In the City of Gold H ill, a t sound today? * * * * * * * * * * * * * haps you h av en 't stopped to recall the Keso,trees. Climate and Scenery p ro b ab le he w ill have no opposition. | + th e h o u r of 2 p. m. Uie 10th day of IF IT ’S A GOOD THINO, PASS IT ALONG T here a re unlim ited resources In fact th a t the Colum bia riv er and Its K elley h as th e re p u talto n of being A pril, 1912, aJl th e real estate be branch«» d rain ubout 250,000 sq u are In case you like the stuff in this issue of The News, pass an able, fe a rle ss law yer, w ith a stro n g longing to th e esta te o f C larin d a C. farm ing, dairying and stock raising m iles of country, giving a down hill of all kinds su rro u n d in g W arrenton. p red ilectio n fo r Ju stice ra th e r th an for Oglesby, to-w lt: it along to some friend who hasn’t seen it, after you have read haul going o u t and a w ater level grade The clim ate is delightful; no hot th e fin e-sp u n , h a ir-h u n g tech n icalities T he southw est q u a rte r of section it, and tell that friend to pass it along, and so on. Pass it going back. th a t have com e to be used by a certain tw enty-tw o (22) tow nship thirty-five w eather In th e sum m er and no cold along until i t ’s worn out. The last man that is able to read F o r fu rth e r inform ation apply at T rees and c la s s of b a rr is te rs to d efeat th e ends (35) south of ran g e th ree (3) west, w eather ln th e w inter. it is supposed by the rules of this pass-it-along game to send of ju s tic e . H e *s a law yer, his frien d s W. M., Jackson County, Ore.; con g rass a re aa green aa an em erald In the Nash H otel, Medford, to A. J. Lupton. in $1.50 for a year’s subscription. But pass it along if you tain in g one hundred slxtV (160) acres. D ecem ber and Jan u a ry and the snowy a s s e rt, v ery m uch o f th e Lincoln type. We have a car of special extra T h ey p ro m ise th a t he will m ake an P ublshed In th e Gold H ill News by crests of Mt. St. H elens and Mt. Hood aren’t the last. It might be well, in case you approve of the In the d istan ce gleam w hite and dazz Star-A-Rtar red cedar shingles, $2.60 a g g re ssiv e cam p aig n , n o t only before o rd er of J. R. Neil, C ounty Judge. matter printed, to mail a marked copy to some member of the ling In Ju ly and A ugust. T he mann per M. I,ance & Co. elec tio n , to be elected , b u t a fte r th e J. H. BEEMAN. county court from time to time. Not that the members of the A d m in istrato r of th e E sta te of C la r m axim um tem p e ra tu re annually for 40 electio n , if elected , to clean up w h at county court do not read The News. They do. But that they years p a st show s 67.3; m ean minim um Dry oak stove wood, $2.00 per tier, e v e r n eeds cle a n in g up In th e tw o inda C. Oglesby. may be interested in knowing that you read it too. Pass it along. D ated; Gold HUI, Ore., M arch 8, 1912. 39.3. T he general average from A pril lomee A Co. counties. Plot Begins to Thicken Support Local Newspapers * * * ♦ * ♦ * •* •* » * ♦ » * » « * •