(he Taxpayers’ National Bank of Jackson County IVoodrow Wilsoa Boosts Himself f Antioch Farmer Puzzling Over Good Roads This matter is sent in plate ,rovi,lw an absolutely elastic current^, Rank and File of the Party in obviate panics and I b reak th e Jr n hS'plan to“ onine!cnt l a ™ 1 , 5 th ? 1O,her °f aI1, trU8,s’ in th irt-v ,lavs- M*• ’< ’<•»» »*“* submitted That Great Section Recog­ laws but that it will bear ow’rv t r ' , tl> lllin that it is not only perfectly possible under the national hanking nize His Worth. £ X q u X n ra L ^ a s fo * t£ ± T dc, t0 de,k :rmin® ita constitutionality. In case there should X lv ^ f Ja ck so ^ c w n tv and th^sF«?» nV n ^°na hi* p,an’ Mr’ S‘‘ott “Xp^ t8 that ,hv »,eoPlc’ not HAS REDEEMED HIS PLEDGES rot*.«, Vv?,? a i * aud the btate of Oregon, hut of the entire country, will speedily settle the m atter bv their 'uveo n e \o 3 \^ e>m7?'5yeVei,?X)^fF^ii !hr° U,gh iDitiativc- As to ,la' Pnudieabifitv of his plan „ekhef lie nl S ?!ib“ ntted the scheme has any doubt. An effort will be made to get the plan before the H i« Action« aa Chief Executive of iconic of people of Oregon as an initiative measure at the coming general election. 1 the State of Naw Jersey Show His Political Ability and In- Wfirtty— Loyal te People. The Birth o f a Wonderful Idea brow o fI!oS°lnii, 7hUFIi ?dliUi8 that h?s I)hin did not spring from his brain full-fledged, like Minerva from the million and ^ h a if for t ^ d rlaAs 1U’. and f radunl «rowt.h si“ce tht> attem pt to bond .Jackson county for .. el u-ed invilid hv FhJ t 1 bePtcmber, the issue carrying by an overwhelming majority, later being de »i G suP1f ,11c court because it was not voted at a general instead of a special election Ml vote liPiiHv / ? tbirty-three votes east in Mr. Scott’s precinct of Antioch were against the bond issue Mr. Scott’s (MK) rin g ' ibt tbe negative majority. Neither he nor his neighbors could see the wisdom of D ivine #3 300 BY CHARLES G. H E IF N E R , Xhalrm an of Democratic State Com­ mittee of Washington. 1 know pretty accurately the sent! tn e n t of the rank and file of the dem­ b u t thn>.> n f tJ, >' h ocrats of the W est They are strong U in tavor of Woodrow Wilson for our Presidential nominee next year. . feel sure that this statement will hold good in every state west of the Mis- -sissippi River. I recently spent some -time in the east on business that -brought me in touch with a number if mduentlal buslneea men. Inci­ dentally ( have had occasion to dis­ cuss political conditions with these nicu and 1 am glad to say that, regard tciM of past party affiliations. 1 find ¿them strongly In favor of Governor V ilson. It Is not difficult to ascer -tain the cause of this faith and trust h a v i n g t h o J n U k f T and confidence on the part of farin- ~*s, a age workers and business men In the political ability and Integrity hf Woodrow Wilson. He kept the faith. A year ago while a candidate e to r Governor of New Jersey he made “ b i n t certain pledges and promises to the gieople of that trust ridden state. The .People took him at his word and elect­ ed him, the flrst democrat to be elected Governor In that state In six teen years, and to the g r a t if y in g n: . zement of all honest men and to le v utter consternation of the political -tricksters he and his loyal support­ ers in the legislature proceeded to en­ act laws and carry out plans In ex­ act conformity with his pledged word to the people. Among the plain peo- S “ ‘S & S S X .pie everywhere he has come to be re yarded aa a man whose performances square with his promises. Just such a man is imperatively needed as the chief executive of the United States Having demonstrated his practical ca­ pacity to accomplish things In his •own state, though one branch of the v i i - iv p ’ i -«’ legislature was of opposite political taith , It is not surprising that there Is such an overwhelming demand for bis elevation to the White House All Favor Wilson. 1 believe the State of Washington w ill send a delegation to the next Democratic National Convention fa vorable to Governor Wilson for our presidential candidate, and I might ___g ay further that I believe he is the ¿ t S only democrat who can get the elec « toral vote of that state, and other Western States. We democrats out there are not unmindful of the merit «d consideration which other great <1 rata are receiving at the hacds o f their fellow citizens throughout the c o u n try b u t we believe Governor Wilson, nearly than any other! a p X î avowed c a M a t e . typifies in his rec­ ord and his personality, those quail I ties and characteristics which the i b T average American Is proud to see ex- | empllfled In the President of hi country Hence, his popularity In 3f)(! (Kit) in such an extent eg io tUuid: aud aiXiiud to t»»<» demands of the presen( hour. | am . f o r him because he * n « ■» “ i I '" m o n g e r udn'ted “ tri.d e “ . ” W ................... * " " 'h' place on the statute bgofce a la»- rug ulaM w -ib K ^-state conic,< cèj»o clear so dfitoeiM, ? t I o H.000 F S S t s ) X Î ; ,K8U.“ i î , r ' “ D o K 1Vt' “ S ’ " a l , s \ n ' ; lu s V " “ 1* <' »i w ' * d i i v c r n n ,c n ‘ ’ **1,1 a -y T llis « -« -I« ' X X Æ v th. n»‘<*t'>>l'eTaxp,1yera’ Nutiulm lB i,,,k a ttt< -r» te 'o f$ lftv ,d * " c i r i c h ,ld the peuple can then ™ return “ r ° t c r ’ r " " J"’< " i v ‘,,tv " " K venps, 'ir ‘ " " u I» , 37ÎÂ T > I3 T T 3 a The question. "W h a t are Jackson county warrants really worth, legal­ ly ’ Is still unanswered. Who k ill­ ed Cock Robin, gents of the county court? Anrirnt history V is ib le , of names suitable for ranches: Cloverdale, Sunnyside, Orchard JQverj^ mine has a name, and every i ’ m | | i skthlkl bava one. Many ranches Crest, Oak Grove, Fairview , Lake­ Woodend, Rogue- ill IJie Gold H ill district are already side, Highland, ¡ f e s s e d of titles, by which view, W oodlawn, Valley, Oakdale, they are fam iliarly known for mile« Shady Nook, Hillside, H illtop, Oak- a ro u n d A ra n , h in w h ic h t He o w n e r h ill, Fairdale, Pinehurst, Pleasant takes any d eg reT o Tp rld e Is certainly Valley, Grand Meadow, L ittle Prairie, cntitlqdi^p.jpg^mJ, anjl mqj-e ranches Pleasant View , Rldgelawn, Sunny In this nelgfiborhooff are entitled to Slope, Northwood, Westwood, Bast Be sty dfvfWgtrtalfM.- Here 1« a list Prairie, Spring Brook, City View , | HAPPINESS A DUTY. There I* no duty we so Biueh undernite „■ thul of being bap- py. Bj being liap|>g we how anonymous lienetll* uimhi ilia world which retunln unknown even Io ouraelvga or when they are disclosed aiirprtga iio I mv I v so much as the benefactor. A hap­ py man or woiumii la n iH-tier ttdng to And than a fiv e uoond note. He or she Is a radiating fo­ cus of good will and tlielr en trance Info a room Is as thuiigb another candle had been llgliled We need not care whether th e y could prove the forty-seventh proposition. They do a batter thing than thnl—they > tract leal |y deinunstrnte the great th,i,rem of the llvnhlaness of Ilf,- -Rob­ ert Ixiuts Stevenson. , h , ‘ i r s *-n t a s s ,,s 8 e d ' a i " a < i ' ” > o r g reatest""™ ,.rai^p X 'iriN ^i.I’ p by ‘° i " ¡ ' been 8ubm'tt« l be the author of the lives in eornm p. h J ( F r v ® I i’v George promulgated his single tax, makes no claim to legal learning He nraet “ dh fn ,1k« letir‘i" ,‘‘n 111 hl* 1365-aere ranch on Rogue river, IT miles north of Medford. lie has read pavers' National ’ iSnV nV u'fh< , On°-,U' °J’.ecoaoI“J,‘ questions. He has simply worked out his plan of the Tax- •uïintv last fall n é ?n î " “i ,y the Pr°P08ed bond of $1,500,000 for good roads in Jackson X e he fix a éi.i m g°°d advocate- He believes that his plan is the wav to get them, and also fo and tl, F b VV’11.1’ Assuming that the government under which he lives is or should he of by and for the brought to public attention it will claim the thoughtful considérât on f i t h e samei wd 1 L . Z l d i f ° Uld th a rc a n a e a,Uy lcgal or in stitu tio n a l barriers against it, Mr. Scott 1believes • ïiaetment hv uFnF > l 8.P,e dl removed by popular vote, expressed either directly through the initiative or through > legislatures, or by congress, of laws m aking the establishment of the T axpayers’ National 1Sank fi$lug things.— I The People’s Votes Wili Make the Taxpayers’ Bank Possible Name Your Ranch I-abor conquers all Vergil. " “ kin* 1 h""' '«»"■' I How the Bonds May Be Retired at Any Time - O U O p e A a T iS ? ^ n the $3 lomL-’n’ t i7i> ,of ^ n,Wan(!|caps Work fire, mid tbeu real.—Itua­ kin. The three things most difficult are to keep a secret, to forget an Injury and to make good use of labor.—Chilo. How the Principle Will Work in Practice P-,..L-/r i i t l d ^ WO a year in interest Hv.t u ..l 1 t^V’*,!le aft’r earefui of all government.-’ A wurk well begun la h alf unti­ ed.—Plato. To labor Is tba lot of man be­ low.—Homer. the T-i ensrd eratio n Tba rännit taata th# work.— Washington. Labor. If It were not nocuasary to the existence, would be Indls- iwuaablo to the bapplucas of man.—Johnson. * fn which f o c X S p a v no r a llie r a comTfig Before them H would free trade and commerce of with whlah \ ^<®y iife >dow AkirdqiHd He woiilfl WORK. The time la nvver loat that ta devoted to work.—Kiuemon. All work, even cotton Hplnulug, is noble. Work alone is uoble. —Carlyle. To show how the pJan would work out in actual practice, according to Mr Scott- X i t l & r S te of A * “ " aid . the Whoever may Discern true ends will jvow pure enough To love ibetn, brave auough to strive for (barn And at rung auough to reach them, though the road ba rough. —K. It. Browning. A skillful mechanic la a good pilgrim -Addison. bonds ,,,,-nning a total l„ pay. with inter,7| to, ’*MW,OOO, Mr. Scott proposes to take advantage of existing federal hanking laws bv t Whoever la a genuine follower of truth ’keep« bla aye steady upou hla guide. Indifferent whith­ er ha ta led. provided tliat aha la the lead»r -Burke. At the wurklnguutn's bouse hunger looks In. hut doua not en­ ter.—Franklin. with the idea of getting How the People Can Bond Themselves Without Paying Interest twenty TRUTH. Use I ha commeninry o f u •«- vara friend rather than (ha gluaa of a sweat llpiwd llatterer. There la more praflt In a dlataatefttl truth than deceitful swoatuaaa. - Quarlaa. W illow Grove, Orchard drove, H ill Crest, Shady Lawn, Old Homestead, Rlvervlew, Grandview, Clover Leaf, Outlook, Glenwood, Woodside, Ridge­ wood, Highwood, Peaceful Valley, Forest H ill, Ideal, Greenwood, H igh­ wood, Fernnook, Sandy Creek, Mo­ del, Wood H ill, Rock Valley, Meadow Brook, Cozy Cottage, Shady Dell, Wildwood, Meadow L ark , Lone Tree, Weeping W illow , Southside, Diamond Bend’ Meadow Lake, Locust Lawn, Maple Leaf, Sunny Brook, Cozy Cor- ner, Ashwood, Breezy Meadow, L in ­ wood, Cottagewood, F ir Bluff, Cedar Lawn, F airfield , Elmwood Grain Farm . Many other nleasant and poetic names w ill readily suggest them­ selves, It should be a m atter of pride to every ranch-owner to give his place a fittin g and distinctive title. (M u ll Tribune, Nov. 2, 1910 ) Everyone In favor of good roads should vote for Geo. L. Davis, repub­ lican nominee for county commis­ sioner. Mr. Davis stands pledged to a square deal for all fictions and sec­ tions, no negloctlng of certain por­ tions for years and ovor-attcnilon to other sections, no favoritism to cer­ tain cliques end the frozen m itt for others. He stands for modern meth­ ods of construction and supervision of construction and supervision and business system. H im self a success­ ful business man. a resident of the county for upwards of twenty years, ho promises to devote the same .a re and attention to county business that he does to his own. This done— and here comes the m ilk In the cocoanut— the man who hns named his ranch should make haste fo place an order with The Gold H ill News for neat, printed stationery, telling the location of the ranch and what Is produced thereon. Don’t all name your ranchos a i once, or The News w ill be compelled to enlarge Its plant.