Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1912)
r SEE W. L G reenleaf a prom inent goal ra lie r of Kanes ereek, was In Medlot on business W ednesday and T h u ti II. II. Ny« of K lverdala farm vlaltad day. He did not get his go ats In Med ford. He bought them of John Haiu Kook P oint Monday. Prof. I). (’ lla u ry of Hold Hill visited niersly. They had been boarding with ’ Will lllttle a t llo -k P oint for a year 1 o u r school Wmlnoaduy. before Mr. G reenleaf bought them M: H. A. Ensign of Hleapy Hollow vla- G reenleaf th in k s tu a t il will h« un Itcil Itock P oint Wndnuaduy. m icessury for him to fence them In. i J. A. W hite has been h are from P o rt us they have th e rep u tatio n of nevei ' land on bualnaaa thia waek leaving a g reen leaf. (In self-defnti< J. L Bowe ami wife o f Hum» Valley T he News h asten s to add th a t Dsaco« SO lbs h a lf ground salt 35c Baking powder 16 oz can 25c a re visiting friend» a t C entral Point. W alker, th e liou-T on's g re a t draw ing SO lbs fine dairy aait 50c V anilla extract 2 oz bottle 25c W. W. lllttle of the Mouth ah je^ tm a curd, ha» Just had th at pun patented, ! over from hl» ranch Monday evening. being afra id of Infringem ent by Dr Range salt block 10 ,bs 15c Lemon extract 2 oz bottle 15c W illiam M orris and wife vl»ltad Hiulth on hl» rig h ts as Its Inventor I Pink and white beans per lb 6c Pork and beans per can 10c William J. Hcott. a farm er frl«ipJs and relative» at Hold HUI re In Hams Valley, bus evolved one of Pink salmon per can easily. 10c Oysters 2 cans 25c Mr». Della M iller of Hold Hill waa a th e most rem ark ab le Idea» yet ed j M ilk 3 cans 25c Peaches 1 can 25c Kueal a t the home of Mr». It. U Cook vanned to solve th e money problem and provide for public Im provem ents. 6 bars laundry snap Monday. 25c Pears 1 can 2 5 Judge Nell, according to w ell-found, Mr. S cott was In A shland and called ( Fancy head rice 3 lbs 25c Pine apples 15 20 25c per can lie ed rep o rts, 1» a candidate fo r re- a t th e R ecord office T ueaday. believes and o th ers believe with him election. WhyT th a t he has evolved a proposition Ml«« Bdlth H arvey of Hold Kill vis w orthy to ran k with Ihe g reatest of ited relative» and frien d s In Rock the a g e —a proposition which may ye P oint S aturday and Holiday. sw eep th e co u n try and m ake o r un J. W K oster of Medford wo» in m ake political p arties. J u s t w hat Its Hold Hill on business yesterday. He legal aspect Is will yet be determ ined, 1» Interested In m ining m atters. hut If Its basic p rin cip les a re sound Muyor J. II. lleem an and C ouncil th e people will soon—lie believes — man L. It. C ardw ell retu rn ed Tuesduy reg u late th e taw s to m eet Its demand,:. Mr. S co tt's Idea appeared In the U o'J from a business trip to P ortland. Mrs. O. F Wood and children ware HUI New*.—A shland Record. g uests a t Mrs. W. W lllttle '« beau Mrs. W illiam M. Cotvlg died at hei tiful south side hom e, Wednesday. home In Me dford Sunday m orning. Mrs. R. U Cook, who has been on Mrs. t'olvlg was a native of Jackson No. ia i DIRtCT PRIMARIES AND CORRUPTION the sick list th e p a st week. Is Irn- county. She w as born at Kort Bird, R E P O R T O F T H E C O N D IT IO N O F proving g reatly , we a re glad to say. sey n e a r F oots creek. She was the Mrs. U ddla H andles retu rn ed to h er ! o f David and C lara Blrdsey T HE fact that Senator Stephenson, of Wisconsin, spent over home In Hold Hill S aturday m orning who settled on a donation land clai n A t C o l d H i l l i n «Iso S t a t o o f O r e g o n , a t t h . c l o s e o f ■ $100,000 to secure his election, is being exploited by plut >- a fte r a visit In Mwdford with Mr. and I In 1852. H er fath e r died several b u lin a li F eb ru ary- 2 0 , 1013 y ears ago b u t h er m other, who Is now cratic pap rs as an argument against direct primaries. They Mrs. F rank T rue -Sun. seventy-eight y ears of age. Is still liv are doing plutocracy h very poor service. They are calling a t Mrs. B ernie D ufur gave b irth to a R e io u r c e i ing on the old donation land claim. L ia b ilitit. fine little duugh ter a t th e residence Loan* and discounts tention to the fact that while the direct primary law of Wiscon- $.39,84«. 04 Capital stock pai«l in - - $10,000.00 I'he deceased w as m arried to William Bowls anil warrants of J. W. Haya last Sunday. Dr. Sm ith 181.40 Undivided profits, lessexpenses M. Colvlg In 1879 and lived with her s n at the time of Stephenson’s election was defective enough to Furniture and fixtures rep o rts all concerned doing nicely. and taxes paid - - - 1.39.81 2,826.74 husband on land adjoining the Bird et such a sum be spent, it nevertheless made it impossible to Other real estate owned 95.28 3,470.61 Dn«' to bank- and bankers - Judge C. B W atson of A shland was sey hom estead until 1886 when ah Individual deposit* subject to In Uold HUI T h u rsd ay exchanging moved to Jack so n v ille w ith h er fam ily keep the ex[>enditure secret. The people of Wisconsin have Doe from approve«! reserve hanks 0, 950.63 «'beck - - - - - - 42,319.28 2,402.33 j Ca-hier checks outstanding - 2,232. rem iniscence« with old friends. In T he fam ily resided In Jacksonville for lieen given some information about Mr. Stephenson and his Cash on hand Other resources -gold dust certificate » of deposit 290.29 Time certificate» dep«jsit - 1,190. cluding It. H. Moore and D. II. Miller. nineteen y ears moving to Medford In methods which, but for the direct primary, they would not have Ti>tal - - T o t a l ....................... $55,977.04 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. T hom pson a t 11105, w here she has since resided. The had. They will not elect one of his kind so «oon again. $55,977. ___________ ______ tended the Schutiiann-H elnk co n cert i t deceased w as th e m other of seven How much has it cost to elect a senator in Illinois, Mass;- state of O regon , Medford yesterday evening T.hey w ere ch ild ren of whom five, to g eth er wit or J aik -, n » *■ accom panied by Miss C apitola S w in h er husband survive her. T he chlldro chus’tts, Delaware, Pennsylvania or some other state where the i , *• Lyn>> W. Smith, cashier of tbe above-named luenk, do solemnly swear that don. now living a re Mrs. C. L. Kearnes, Mrs old secret corruptionist method still prevails? No one knows. the above statem ent is true to the best of my knowlislge anti belief Mrs. I-ynn W. Suill.'i and Miss Bess It. G. Gale, Mrs. W. J. W arner, Van Two investigations of Lorimer’s election have resulted in uncov Correct—A ttest: LYXX W L M ,T H ' C« hfer D aniels attended th e S rhum nnn-H eink a,1<l Donald Colvlg. ering the expenditure of $100,000 or so in his behalf, but no one b . H. Mooug, Subscribed and «worn to before me this coucert at Medford last night. They H oback P kltox , 22nd day of February, 1912. can say how much more was spent or who got the money. AoGce Io the 1‘uhllc w ere accom panied by I h eir friend, Win. H. ” W. G. MYERS, Notary Public. T he tw o leading m agizlncs of th Director». If it had been possible in past years for the public to learn McKenxIe of Hugo. -7- Pacific c c a it the Pacific M onthly and Wanted—10 to 15 acres iuipruvixT or j th e Sunset. have been consolidated un how much was being spent in senatorial elections, it is extreme with light iuiprovi'inciits, or can lai Irri d er th e title of “S u n set— th e Pacific ly improbable that the United States senate would today be dis- gated. I‘ii«v lull'd lip reasonable uml on raced ly the presence among its members of such men as Monthly. ' easy terms. Answer luljy. S. F. Is'ii- It is th e Intention of tbe publishers Lorimer, Lodge, du Pont, Penrose, Bailey, Smoot, Guggenheim, Itari, M nl(or,I, Oregon. to sp are no money n o r effo rt to m ake Mr. and Mrs. M artin E rlw eln have and others of that kind. It is possible that one or more'of them S unset, th e P urifie M onthly, a crcd! been e n te rta in in g a welcome little M ade to O r d ir Rubber Stamps to th e west and a m aglxlne of national may, like Stephenson, have slipped through for one term. But s tra n g e r a . th eir co ttag e on the south there would have followed, as in Stephenson’s case, inevitable value sn d im portance. side since laat Sunday. T he new com er To Introduce to new read ers, w exposure which possibly would have enabled the honest members Our prices are the same as Portland, San Francisco and la the firs t baby, and Its p aren ts see will m ake th e follow ing special offer Saciamento. Our stamps are better and we give you correspondingly happy. of the senate to exclude him or would certainly have prevented Send 50c In stam p s, and we will put more prompt service. H. U. C lark and fam ily of Sams V al I y o u r nam e on o u r su b scrip tio n list for nis re-election. ley. w here (hey have lived for a b o u tj t n M t four m onthg and ill send Stephenson’s case is an argument not only for th e right > e a r left T hu rsd ay for Kugeno, you a free copy of th e sup erb ly Ulus hind of direct primary, but shows the need of the 1 ecall as well. w here th"y Intend to m ake th eir fu tu re tra te d M idw inter num ber, and also the home, Mr. C lark having leased a tra c t fam ous S unset In d ian poster, securely It the people of Wisconsin had the right to apply that measure 2 0 3 F ru itg ro w er, B uildin g M edford, O regon of lund n e a r th a t place. packed In a m ailing tube. It will m ake to United States senators, Stephenson would certainly be recalled It. C. Blake, know n to many Gold a beautiful orn u m en t for y o u r fro n t and Senator Latollette be given a colleague who would come ORDERS T A K E N H E R E much nearer to measuring up to the hitrh standard he has set. HUI people by reason of his many room o r den. visits here d u iln g th e past few Send y o u r o rd er to F red Lockley m onths, is the proujl fath e r of a th ir« N o rth w estern m anager. S u n set — the teen-pound boy, who arriv ed a t his aclflc Monthly. P o rtlan d . THE TRUE RIGHT OF PROPERTY h ':n e In Medford W ednesday. 42-<5 R eports from San Diego regarding Serm on su b jects for Sunday are: 8. W. McClendon, who w as Injured HIS world is the creation of God. The men brought into it for the brief th ere th ree weeks ago In an autom o Morning, "T he Winnowed E lain e;" period of their earthly live.« are tile equal creature« of Hi« li uniy, the Evening, "H ell.'' T he m eetings which bile accident, a re moat en couraging equal subjects of His provident care. He Jias been removed from th e h o sp it have been .held d u rin g th e la s t three By bis constitution man is beset by physical wants, on the satisfaction al to his ap artm en ts at th e hotel, and w eeks a t th e old school building, wil; of whiclidep'iid not only tlie maintenance of bi» pby.-ical life but als > the de If th e re Is no setback will arriv e in In all p robability close Sunday night velopment of bis inU'lltx'ticd ami »piritual life. T h ere has been an Increased a tte n d Uold HUI tom orrow evening. (toil lias made the sat ¡«fa tion of there wants dependent on man’« own cx- Win. Jones of Beagle, who made his ance and In terest all th ro u g h th e serv ertions, giving him power and laying on him the injunction to labor—.i power ices and a good n um ber have accepted firs t visit to Hold HUI in 1881. when «bat of itself raises him far al»>ve the brute, since w«‘ may reverently say that th e re w as but one sto re In th e place th e C h ristian life. On the evening of it enables him t o liei'ome, a« it were, a h Iper in tbe creative work. Mareh 10. one week from th is Sunday and it o therw ise had not attain ed Its God bos not put on ui.tu the task of ui iking brick« without straw. With p resen t m etropolitan stan d in g , whs In Rev. R ichards will ad d ress th e Odd III«' need for labor ami the power to labir II > bi«^d«i g iv n toman the material tow n Tueaday. Mr. Jo n es and hln F ellow s’ lodge a t th e tim e and p lu ie for lalxir. This material is land—man pby -icaliy being a land animal, who can neighbors a re pleased with th e stan d of th e re g u la r church service. Local News Notes OUR SPECIAL PRICES u £ Pelton’s hams, bacon and lard L M E R R IT T ®. COMPANY £ 5 ii THE B A N K OF G O L D K IL L u LET GEORGE DO IT ” Geo. J. Kunzman Printing Co. T taken by the Gold HUI News ag ain st co rru p tio n in Jack so n County, 8 p rag u e Rlegel, his com plexion hav ing taken on some of “th e shadowed livery of th e burnished su n ” durin g his sw ing around th e M editerranean and up th e Nile, with Ills gold-d'lat grin now ise abated, arriv ed home Mon day. Ho Is now engaged In g ettin g the R iverside autos tuned up, so th at when his bon enniarade, Jack M drrlll, who also asked the Sphinx why Buch things be, gets h ere n ex t week they will lie ready for th e su m m er's cam paign. Hobble E vans mid Young Dixon, who a re to box ten rounds at th e Medford N alatorlum A thletic club n ext W ed nesday evening a re dally hard at w ork p rep arin g for w hat will tu rn o u t Io be one of the fa ste st ten round bouts ever seen In an y r Ing. Hot,h boys are overburdened w ith confidence. Each has an excuse why he did not win Inst tim e. Evans says he will lick Dixon su re anil Dixon rem ark s the sam e about Evans, so th e re you are. Pick th e w inner. G eorge Lance will re p o rt the c a n ta ta fo r th e News. h 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. I- M ED FORD O PER A H O l’NE. 4- p 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. M arch 4— L eslie C arter. Mnrch 9 Almn. M arch 1 $ — L e Ilrln O rnud O peht. M nrch 22 — Excuse Me. M arch 22— T he Newlyweds. M nrrh 27— N au g h ty M arietta. M nrck 30 -A round th e Clock. A pril 9 W h ite S ister. •J. »1« .J. .J. »J« »J» eje »J« .J. aja .J* T his Is th e open season fo r cale n d ar solicitors. In th is connection T he News w ishes to rem ind local business men th a t th e lr home p rin t shop can fu r nish Ju st as p re tty and a rtistic calen d ars fo r 1913 as can be had anyw here—and a t a low er price th an th ey can be had elsew here. + 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. + + T •!- H ay for sale— Alfnlfn. baled ; grain, baled and loose; $15 per to n ; sm nller th an ton lots a t ra te ef $17 p er ton. D nrllng & Hodges. live only on and from land, and can use other element'«, such as air, sunshine, anil water, only by tile use of land. Being the eipial erealnr, « of th ■ ('real ir, equally entill xl under Hi« provi dence to live their lives anil satisfy their needs, men are equally entitkxl to the lir e of land, and any adjmtm nt that <|enie.< thia equal ine of land is morally wrong. Being i n'iiled individual waul« and powers, men are iiuli.-idually entitled <subject of eour«e to tin..... . obligation« that aria- from su b relatsous as (hat of tile family) to Ihe use of their own powers und the enj yment of the results. Then' thus arise, anterior to human Inw, and deriving it« validi y from the law of God, a right of private ownership in tilings produced by lab ir— a right tin t the postx isor may tran«fer, but of which to <hpri*e him w i.lout hi.« will is theft. This right of property, originating in the right of ihe individual to himself, is the only full and complete right of property. It attach >s to tilings produc'd by labor, but cannot attach Io things ercateil by G«»l. Tims, if a man lake it fish from the ix.'eun he acquires a right of pr i;x rty in that fish, which exclusive right lie may transfer by salg or gift. .But be caii not olttain a similar right of pru|X'rty in Ihe o van, so tli it he may sell it or give it or forbid others Io use it. Dr, if he sets up a wimiinill he acquii ‘ a right of properly in the tliiius such use of wind enables bint him to prrxluiv. But be eann it claim a right of projx rty in tbe wind itself, so that be may sell it nr forbid otli, rs io u . * Dr, if b«' cultivate grain lie acquire* a right ofpro|» rty in llic grain hi« lain r brings forth. But be cannot obtain a similar right property in lie« sun wbidi ri|H‘iie«l it or the soil on which it grew. For tliese things are of tin- eontimilng gilts of God to all generation of in n, which all may use, but none may claim a« bis alone. G O L D H IL L F L O U R , F E E D C O M M IS S IO N S T O R E H . C . R a e d e l, P r o p . & H om e P h on e The Gold Hill Market Fresh and Salt Meat F. L. Caldwell A Sanitary Shop Gold H ill, Oregon