Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1912)
W (Solò Kill ærtw « i w o b i m u l Ur. 77 ft .\i AGOG (J E Published tverv Saturday al Gold Mill. Jackson County, Oregon SPE A K IN G for itself alone, The Gold Hill News he- lieves that Theodore Roosevelt is the most dangerous dem ■■ -■ - = b y = = = agogue, the people’s interests considered, that has ever R’ X M. LAMI'MAN arisen in this or any other time or country. The News, be ; «h» »• «I (h it i»«M»i»rtl«f (or 'rim am i i» ti through the I tile d M ate* mail» lieving that Wall Street despairs of electing Taft or liar- a« n * » «-la'» matter 111011, or any man so eminently fitted for its purposes as are these two. has decided to swing its powerful and malig S aturday , F kbki ary 17,1912 mint support to Roosevelt, who as a professor of progres- Subscription $ 1.5 9 Per Annum, in Advao, dve polit ies, is a popular idol, hut upon whom as president it knows it may depend to render those policies innocuous PO UT CAL ANNOUNCEMENTS in their enactment into 1 iws. Roosevelt’s value to the pen- For County Clerk pie, if any he has. lies in the fact that people graduate from (P aid Advi rti< hi , n t ) I hereby announce myself as a can Rooseveltism into something better. ai dlda e for the democratic nomination for the office of county clerk, sub ject to the will of the voters of that par at the primaries. 1 romisc the people of Jackson co w ry that In case of my nomination and lection 1 will fulfl'l the duties of t office of , ounty clerk accord Ing <> law and to the best of my kni lodge an ,b;llty t! d Hill. Or Poh in. | » i ; x\ 11 XII LI E It For Cm i n im e s io n r r (P a il X r : . , nt 1 Il s If a e 1 li reby aim .III befor> the prim ,, th H m nom ination for , ni-si, n nom inated and I i mis fill th duties o ili e niin law and to th f n lility Gold HUI, On ■ ?! G EO ’; l.YM XX F o r S H e ■ i f f (P aid Advert! in ) 1 announce m y-»if a' democratic nom inati >n for -li Jackson county, snhj th a of the voters of that p rty «t ’ marie». XV. A. JONES. .1 sy stem is t h e o n l y s y s t e m Study Our Prices and Be Convinced SAM PLE/ I F the following is a fair sample of what the people t Jaekkson countv are t<> expect from their leading news paper, the Medford Mail 'Tribune, in the political cam paign now under wav. then that star-eyed goddess, gentle i ruth, is in for the most brutal ravishing that she has ex perienced since the Mail 'Tribune told what George Davis do—and di In t if elected county commissioner, it tlm people of Jacks > county choose to swallow such »utrid stuff as this, tliex ’eserve all they get at the hands J -V p " §ang ° f inIi‘P‘ “baits and nincompoops that the Mail I ribimc may sliced I in electing. “ The village press , f Ashland. Gold Hill. W'ood- ville, for the past three months have never missed an opportunity to persistently malign, abuse, villifv and belittle Medfortl. Every criticism of county affairs was made the excuse f< r airing petty jealousy and ani mosity and prejudice against Medford, in the effort to create discord anti strife, to line up the county against its most progressive city. One of the little papers would slander and all the rest copy—to convex the impression that public sentiment sustained thei’i libels. We w ill sell Fancy W illam ette Spuds, $1.53 cwt. on arrival of car. Free Delivery to Foots Creek by Stage twice a week LANCE & COMPANY’S RIG STORE ! £■3; F o r C o u n ty R e c o r d e r ( Paid A dvertisem ent) 1 am a candidate f r m .l t n n fur the office of County Recorder on the Re publican ticket, subject to tile coming primary. I have conducted the office to the best of my ability, the beoks an ' always open for inspection and I feel th at I am en titled to a second term . FR ED L. COLVIG. Ashland a Striking Place IS T H IS the c a sh SOM E L Y IN G H E R E is as fine an aggregation of lies and near-lies as could be packed into the same number of words bv a committee composed of Ananias. Baron Munchausen, the Portland Oregonian and the devil. However George Putman accomplished this monumental marvel of men dacity with no assistance whatever—unless it be that the Ashland Tidings is correct in its contention that Ed And rews had a hand in it ! £■3 G o in g ' O u t o f B u s in e s s PIONEER XEKCHANT OF SOI TU. LRN OREGON KKLLING OUT J. Nutum, After an Active Business Career of Forty leur», to One Is struck by several things in Retire Beware of the Greeks hearing gifts! Ashland, including real estate men, First under his own nnme and late The Greeks in this instance hailed from that Athens ly as the corporation people with rooms to rent and Lie of The Nuuan- restful, contented attitudes of the of southern Oregon, that seat of much learning and yet Ta, .or general. The beautiful environs of more religion, Ashland. Leaving the peaceful serenitv o l* “ *“ ■ "-------“ the place strike deep, and the murmur - -------- tin oumn- of the mountain brook sings in your their native city, they hastened unto the citadel where the ' ern Oregon. heart long after it has ceased to dwell campaign threatened to revolve, called Central Point. SELLING AT (GST Among in your ears. If you get up before □ the ---- Greeks ----------- were former u State i u i c o Senator r i i t u u r i Mulit n u ill The entire stock goes nt »hole ale breakfast and seek an upper street democrat, who opposed the county road bonds; Attornex- prices. Now is the time to buy silks, you may be struck by the magnifi E . I). Bi iggs, republican, an aspirant for legislative hon drees goods, outings, calicos ging cence of the sunrise, glorifying the hams. nercales, corsets, hosiery, laces, rugged summit of old Grizzly across ors, who threatened injunction proceedings against the embroideries, underwear. linens, the valley and fringing the eastward road bonds, and the editors of the two Ashland papers glove', etc. Also glassware, dishes clouds with gold. Ashland strikes who hadn t been in Oregon long enough to vote hut vet trunks, »ultra»"« and men's furnlah- you as a nice place to live and raise had opposed the road bonds. These reactionaries were Ings. Many splendid bargains In la a family. The girls and boys look dles' shoes—the well known “John healthy and well-kept, so do the captained by the political ghost of former Countv Judge Strootinnn’' make. Dunn, whom they had dug up from the graveyard of p..- lawns, and speaking of things beng The only exception to this "Cost well-kept, there's the Hotel Ashland, litical oblivion, where he was buried, without a single en Price Closing Out Sale" Is a »1300 where Landlord Hardy and his good during county monument to mark his regime, some four stock of Fechhelmer Fishel Co.'s suits wife strike you as pretty much the years ago by an electorate disgusted with an official and Dutchess Mfg. Co. trousers. To right kind of folks to stop with. Their move this entire stock of clothing at dining room is perhaps the most whose record consisted of marking time, but who like once, the selling price Is exactly one- tastefully decorated and artistically Hamlet s ghost seems. half the present marked price. For arranged in Southern Oregon, and the “ Doomed for a certain time to walk the night,” Instance. »22 suits now 111; »ift suits cuisine, although they never call These Greeks called upon Mayor Leever, whose candi now »9; |3 trousers now 11.50. that, strikes you as about the best dacy for county judge had been announced, and whispered As a guarantee that prices quoted since you left home and mother. A actual cost, the "cost mark" Is sweet nothings in his ear. The editor of the Woodville gre great deal could be written about Ash published. land, including something about the Argus x\as summoned to paint the rainbow ends, while the M A K E P R O F IT leading merchant who claims to be editor of the Gold Hill News did a muckraking Salome 1 2 8 4 ft « 7 8 • 0 the meanest man in town. He strikes dance for the head of Hannon. W hether or not the soul There is a large sign In the store you as being entitled to that distinc with above cost mark and figures tion. But this is as good a place to kiss was used upon Mayor Leever bv the ghost, as ru which will enable every customer to stop as any. If it strikes you that mored, cannot be confirmed. The result would indicate it figure the closing out price of every the writer may have been a guest of A fter much palaver, it was decided that the unpro- article. honor at Hotel Ashland, he hastens gressive tail should wag the progressive dog. Woodville »7,00.00 GUARANTEE at once to say that everyone is As a guarantee that this cost mark and Gold Hill were promised by their respective editors guest of honor there, and that he paid has been the cost mark of the firm full fare for his fare on the occasion and Central Point by its mayor, to work for D unn’s elec for the past forty years there Is de of his recent visit to the queen city tion and a restoration of the Ashland do nothing except posited in the Bank of Jacksonville of the Sisklyous. draw salary dynasty. |500 In gold to be paid to any one It was brought out that Medford was guilty as charged who can prove that any article Is not P. E. Merrick, former councilman honestly marked and has not always and a well known business man of of having grown too fast, of being progressive and of hav been so marked. ¡Medford, has announced his candidacy ing materially aided in developing the resources of the AVhcn buying goods at this store please for the republican nomination for county as well as having been responsible for the influx say yon saw this advertisement in The Gold News. county Judge. Up to the present time, of immigration and the increased valuation of propertv. Judge Dunn of Ashland is the only MEADOWS. So a union of the entire county against Medford was other avowed candidate, and it is prob C. C. Taylor from Seattle recently s p l i t det ged and the campaign slogan “ Anything to heat Mefl- a few days with friends in (tie Meadows. able that there will be no other en trant into the race. Although there has J>rd adopted as the rallying cry for the ghostly candi AV. W. Cottrell made a business trip to been a great deal of talk about Judge date. Medford last week. i.tll running for reelection and Mayor The Greeks then bestowed tlioir gifts. To their genial Mr. W ringer lias Iwcn doing some graft ( anon’s friends have been urging him ing and priming (or for J. II. Drake the host Mr. Leever, they gave a tiny gold brick labled “ Sup- past week. to be a candidate, neither man has Mr. Miller and daughter of low< rE vans made any public announcement as yet, jort for county eommissionership.” To the Woodville and and it Is rumored that both men would Gold Hill editors they presented nice little lemons, then creek visited friends near Centrul Point last week. prefer to keep out of the approach eparted to their restful habitat. Mr. S. Drake was a Medford caller ing contest. from Thursday to Saturday. We have a car of special extra Star-A-Star red cedar shingles, »2.50 per M. Lance & Co. Dry oak stove wood, »2.00 per tier. Lance & Co. And that is whv some people are saying that Mr. ueever and his friends have made their town politically a cem etery for still-born hopes, a central hole rather then a central point. 'I lie Mail Tribune lies like a McNamara, like an epi aph. lik e----- well, like no one else can lie. Mrs. Ilszlcwood and son of Portland and Mrs. Laidley and son of Medford calk'd in the Meadows Wednesday ami Thursday to hs>k Ht property. J . Dinkens is improving the looks of ids ram li by taking out a few stnnifis. J. II. Drake of the Meadows lias just received a fine purr-bred Poland China li ". from Eugene. STATIONERY; Ladies should keep on hand a liberal supply of Fine Stationary, which is now-a-days considered an es sential to all those who correspond. We have a full line of the smartest pure Linen Note paper, with Envelopes to match. Also Pads, Ink, Pens, Blotters and School Supplies. J a r v is , t h e D r u g 'g 'is t Gold Hill C a fe Eor Sundries and Meals Fancy Mixed Candy Eresh Supply Peanuts 15c per lb. 15c per lb. English Walnuts Almonds, Oranges and Apples At Prices that Meet any Competition TRUAX & CO., Proprietors S T E IN H O F F ‘ “ --------------- --- — i— .. s-.".-1 .: , , ¿ /i , g sssass-aag T h e A rch ite ct an d B u ild e r Is here to stay, and is very much alive to the needs sens of oi tnis this growing city, and will design and e:---- L~ — ............ line, id execute anything •- in the — Building Brick. rick, Stone and Cement. Plain or artistic Cement and Iron Grill Fences A S p e c ia lty ♦