♦ ♦ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + I» + + + ♦ (¿01,1* llll.l, OPERA lllll'N E H eating C apacity 600. « ta a « 60<2E. + + It la th e o b ject of th e m an ag e m en t to book only (Irat clana a ttractio n » and ab o u t tw o per for in a ncoa a m onth. Th» »tau» haa been + e n la rg e d and new d ressin g + room * added to th e build in g w ith uev? tre u o ry and th e + p resen t stag e, we cub stag e + any kind of a production. T he Ilonas In th e fu tu re + + will lie booked th ro u g h th e N o rth w e ste rn T h e a tric a l us- + aoclallon having signed a con­ -I- tra c t to thia effect, and they •b have naaured ua th a t they + will u»e th e ir beat en d eav o rs + to only book good com panies. + W . II. HTICKEI*, M anager + + + + + + + + + + + + + -I- + + ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ M EDFO RD M ARKETS ♦ R e ta ti P r ic e s ♦ + I + + 1 * + + + ' +1 + + + •b + i + + + + + ; ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a V e g e ta b le * Potatoes—*$ 1.80 |» rcw t. Cahlisg.-- or. Pamnlps Is-ltllll— head ('urrot*—2L,.-, It* et*. < inioiin—ite. Celery—Atk- ., $ I dux. < 'aullttower—lU'<20c liea. Tornili»—21c. Radisi»*»—,5c hunch. Onions—Gr>i-n, Ac bom b F r u ita — |o,- i-a.li. Prilli*- Dried, ltk- II*. lan io n s— dow n, linnana*-—In to JWIc per down. Oratigli- -1.5 to tu.- per dow n, ('ran is rri. s— lite quurt. C i h - o m i i u I B u t t e r . F.RRa a n d P o u l t r y B utter—Fresh ranch, per roll t»5<- cream ery, Nor. Egge—Fresh rain li, 35c storage, 2.5c, Poultry— Hens, .In-reed, Ike; live, I2<- springs, dn-MHil, 20c. Turkeys—2th- to 25c, dressed M e a ti w h o le s a le Ibi*!—{' own , 41 c ; steer»*5c. Pork—54^ (d He. V.-al—Dn-ss.il, 71 *4 10c. M utton—:i 1 sw a n .- I a n ightingale I would p art of a nightingale; a sw an, the p art of a E pictetus. CHEW YOUR FOOD. I have learned Hie g reat bene- II,» which com e from chew ing food thoroughly I could sw al­ low only liquids for a long tim e u fte r 1 w as abut mid could get them down only with difficulty. A fter aw hile I la-gun to eat a little solid food, hut had to chew It very line before I could sw al­ low I t T h at condition persisted last full nnd w inter. Now I am ab le to do better. 1 lentued a valuable lesson from my difficul­ ty. I had been a careless eater oiwuya. I did not bother much bow much I a te o r how much I chew ed I t People w ith bad teeth have to chew more Hum those w ith good teeth. Rut. how ­ ev er go*sl th e teeth, otic should chew th e food slowly an d th o r ouglily. If he does so he will bnve a good stom ach nnd good blood and he happy and healthy. I hnve eaten less, tort derived m ore from my food than If I had eaten a g ren ter quantity. It Is only w hnt w e dlge«t*tbnt liene- fits us. I hnve learned th e lea- bob because I w us forced to. hut I hope o thers may learn It w ith ­ out being compelled la th e sum s way. My w eight becam e less and la leaa now th an It w as tie- fore I waa h u rt, hut my health Is good —M ayor Gaynor. = A VOICE FROM WOODVILLE [ f H o o r n n ir , O rf . F<-l>. 20, 1012. Fuel. *ed p|e!tM. fi,„| <50> (f>r wJii(.b , clcose acmi m - a receipt te r tbe Gold Hill Yews for one year in advance. Ol.LOW ING the battleship p a­ Yellow «lone .Yntlonal park. G reat Me 5 uu m ight, send me a copy if lost rade Into Man Francis'-,* bur lake. Puget sound, the Inland trip tu j «*k’s paper, us I bur a t the Opening of lie* Pan- not get it. I A laska, the "overnm ent's huge reels nma Pnclllc Interm itlm »1 ex- tnatiun pm mv * in sixteen w estern I I l a vc rc<-cive«i*i rs. I noti«- Hie with th e ruinous bird in,-a of the Interesting of all will lie tbe opportu ’ *s iw-s E4,000 a year, and still world Olympic gum«» In wbl-Ii Hi* nlty for a trip through Hie Panam a ath letes of the world will take purt, In­ inty board allow * him a whole ennui cither <• lining o r go:n-r. tercollegiate -on lest«, autom obile races of deputies ami ufRn- help. T he reconstruction of e..n Francisco III w h ic h (he holders of ti . w orld's is one of Hie greatest ultra--les w ithin »<■ need is a county l«>ard Uiat records will p articip ate In Hie uulomo- Hie history of A m erican numb ipailtlcs down tla- county exp* uses in blh-s of every nation, inllii. ry m aneu­ Five hundred und eight city hlocis. -. as wi II as other tines, instead vers In which Ila* crack lufu u try und einlirailug the principal hu . »- * met ng a trip to the legidatnre to get cavalry of this and oilier unllous will residential (sirtious of the c ity. wero i ir satarsw as mmoi «s they an- elected, p articip ate u|*ou un extended scale. wiped from the e arth tu 11XMI The r liiey n-rtainly km w Is-fwn- they are T h e location o f the .„p o sitio n gives , streets w ere covert-d In some- places widest scope for the g reatest iu trr—t- w ith debris forty feet deep, yet Uxlay I •'•t' *! what tia-y an- to get. and if they thmul » p io n program in lii.oi'y The a stran g er to the city would never or not satisfied they honld i-sik for au to races will puss into Golden G ate , know from Its appearance th a t a fire lucrative p-»*ition< purk before tbe concrete coliseum, ■ hud occurred. em - if ihe jaopli want a man in which will have u seating capacity of T he loss through th e fire Is estim ated V.ho W '.rk.* for tb jss.pl.. (as Mr. 75.1MXJ (ample. The military tuuueu- I by Insurance underw riters ut E4UO.OOU. • * *lid) they throw him out and the vers and Olympic gam es will also lie (XX) To reconstruct San Francisco ■ r i.fiieisls can get away with any b**.d In ib» stadium , On Km* F rancis 1 called for g reater w ealth th an w as de­ a, - I -it anti «ijjj Ji.,j<| H a ir office*. co liu.v m otorboats will vie for tb s ' stroyed by the tire and fa r exceeded w orid's records before the H arbor View ; -i - t*i a n-*-alI. I ihiiik lin n of the tax ­ the cost of building the P anam a canid sin* of th e c ip o iltlo u The yachtsm en I Since the fire E242,OUO.(XX) has l>een ex­ payer* an» w ah yon tian*, os they (th e of the world will sail from Europe ; -.fli«i-r*) sc-m to h - . f JittJ,. jK| p tc IW> pended upon new buildings alone. across the A tlantic to .Yew York und Today Man Francisco is tbe new est out ke p rolling up unn-Munubk- hill» the') through Hie P anam a eanal to Sun city In tbe world, its buildings rep­ 0,1 -. ill th. titii,-, ami I have coasulted Fiam-lsco. resent tbe latest type of modern re­ a g o o d m any taxpayers on the subject The I'unaiua-Pnclflc International ex enforced concrete stru ctu res It has and ail th in k tla- s u n t. position wus llrst proposed h.v Mr It. ' more than 1.300 hotels and apartm ent Our roa*U are in far worse condition l! H ale, a mer< hunt of Sun I'rmrclsco, ' bouses, with accom m odations to suit tl.-.itt tla y were twmty-fiv-e year* ago, as In 1IXM Mr H ale wrote n letter to tbe all persons. M erchants' iis««-laHou. mid the Idea In preparing for the Fanam a-Pacific i was over them a few «lays ami they an» took like wild (Ire. At th a t tim e It waa International exposition hundreds of almost impa**.-ii)k- with a iigiit rig. I ST fUASCIS MEUOhlAI. TOWEB. anticipated ttiat the ennui would be Its em issaries are visiting all th e re­ have h ay an,I different tilings to sell, Isn opeued In 1013, an..ixx( H aw aii and the Philip- m ajesty tbe E m peror M utsuhlto will jws-ahk- and don’t need any repair*—in th is Itecamv the battlecry in th e fight ptne* will contrlhat* mure ihim El.000 4 m ate the use of the Imperial a rt col­ fact most of it g o » ,,ff ¡„ ,j,wt fXMl each. to build a new city lection to the exposition. The board of 45 hat is Mr. H arm on doing Tlie Pnctflc const of the United Indy m anagers, of which Mrs. Phoebe winter. (If more tliuu E2U,tXX).**- R(X*K POINTERS. papers, in which county publications shall be made, there ■ ^ r- an<' ®- W ooiverton an- is but one such “ official” paper in Jackson countv W H Y ? now ""'"P*"*thcir new hom‘‘ an<1 Mr- Mr. and Mrs. Rinaon and Mrs. W arner of Sleepy Hollow Farm s attended Sunday When W. W Harmon first began to “ w ork” 'for ochool here last Sunday. soil county, and for months afterward, he was called t i ,, „1,1 home, which h » stood for T. C. Tomlinson and little grandson ‘ countv engineer” . Suddenly the title Was shifted to |tlmnY y**’** been divided and mow A visited Rock Point Munday. to be used for a chicken house and wood that of “ county roadm aster.” ’ WHY? Mr«. Sehnavely, of the Big Foot mine, Perfect Service. Courteous Treatment for A ll THE CAUSE The Home Telephone & Telegraph Co. of Southern Oregon. S a n d w ich es C hile c o n Carne C o ffee L u n ch es Put U p fo r D rives o r Parties THE EFFECT A 40 per cent reduction in toll rates for­ merly charged in Southern Oregon, and the best phone service that can be had anywhere. Modern Equipment That Insures TURNERS i l l 08712822 _________________ t T I Y shed. Mr. H all, of Medford, who has bought Riverside tract of land, is having tem porary home erected ami plans t build perm anently later in the year f, liimself and bride. Mr. and Mrs. Benton, of Medford were gurets of Mr. and Mrs. D. H . Slead over Sunday Mrs. C. I). W olverton has been suffer­ ing with a aevere cold the past we-»k. Mis* Margaret 44'alia,i- wo* unable to attend to h er schisil akes, after which all ilejiarted with ,-on- gratillations and l*->t wishes. left To.-s.iay evening for Portland, where she will spend some time visiting rela­ tives and friends. Mrs. R. L. Cook visited relatives and friend» in Gold H ill Thursday. Mrs. H. B. Nye, of Riverdale farm , visited Rock Point Saturday. 44’illiam Morris ami wife were- Gold Hill visitors Thursday. Leila Flippin* yisik-d Rock Point Sun­ day. Miss Bertha W olverton viasited Mire Gladys Haymond T hursday afternoon. ___• _______ _ T he q uestion, “ W hat a re Ja ck so n county w a rra n ts really w o rth , leg al­ ly? " is still u n an sw ered . W ho k ill­ ed Cock R obin, g e s ts of th e co u n ty co u rt? •6CI uj p ain in a 8K.W p jo jx o )» ntqeipoa snoinaj l pun -2>n u| papunoj sbav puniSng •Altsj.*.i|nn a a p p q n iB j jo i'jnjqii eq j, 0*J? i ° *nq « s | Jjinued eq.j, po-tan *1 |||M Kiiotis.it,b o\-„ p p s oj pun í u » dojd jboi jo j osjue.ipB oj tniteiH kj ji '»iaajBd itm ii iq pedBidej eq m b , Xq jou poaq najptio» iq oejjojq ¿¡iBiuepjoOB «.wopni.u stiosaad oaj i j o .a oj osjotj ,euo snq p u ris n g Mr*. Ida 44 i Igamot, of Fairlw nks, hi., has Ixvn visiting nt the home of 44'. A. Elliott mid fi mily. Mrs. ftu tk r w, nt to M ulford 44'ednes- duy to v:..it In r 1-rotli, r, Frank Elliott. Master Elliott Butler is m ourning the I h * of littlo dog, "K en o ,” which was ■sßuiqo}3 qsi|ßu3 î poison,*! by * utlng a jsiisoned rabbit. ❖ Mr. McDonald, of Medfewd, was in •Jioap e q j jo i ibis vicinity 4Vcdncsday seeing to the »Pta eno jsao p ep o d d n s , 'i n j n oinj pa jeli-nring of hi* trai t o f land in Riverside -dmnd st js jb .« naqM in r o q jaxo Sujd d p -id sjn a io o j sjj spi:o,nn o d o jn g stilsllvision. ut patuean, sajiiq Euplum p yjas v Misses Elixals-th Wallace and Ik-rtlia WH 44'oolverton wen- callers in Medford X sbo nB se,paon jo flntpnajqy eqy nqnrn Thursday. oj aotsep B pejoajuad snq jojuoauj *: Frank Elliott, of Medford, visit«*! at ub 'oip.i.in n pioq oj duTBj.v E upds u qjt.w ssujS auixjinam n u Suiujqrooo tlie parental henne Sunday. riatn omj ♦i« paittjado OsMbu anoq n r noo*8i W hy DTD G eorge Davis resign. Op pnn qwttM nwo ?j • m oorq.im i n po lUHatij > tmj pjtfM ajs p?oq oSo»i|L|3 V an y w a y f Y ♦1 f Y Y I