THE HAHMON M M IIKil * * ■ ■ * ■ ■ * - < (W oodvlllv A rgui.) Th« “ Harmon «dltlon" of th« Gold Hill N mwi was a humm«r, R«x Lampman. the puhllahvr, haa started to eluun up th« affaire at th« county euat and la making eicollent progreea, conalder- lug that th« said affaire have been In euch an unclean etato. The taxpayora should eupport Mr. I^tmpnian In thia worthy venture, as be la go­ ing about the laau« in a clean, fearleea m anner and with ab­ solutely no thought of reim ­ bursem ent, but la actuated by a dealre to a«« th a t Jackaon county officiate do by the taxpayer« aa they would be done by. The Newa proposes to atop political graft In Jack ­ aon county and the Argua la offering odda th a t It doea. Our beet wlahca are extended to Brother l.niniiinnn nnrl his excellent paper, th e Gold lllll Newa. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ * * ♦ ♦ ♦ * * ♦ 0. Wilson, whoae record-brta pullula have solved lUu pion,» of tne higher coat of living tor i..n, eaa In town from bla Hama Vauey ranch with a large conalgnmeut 01 . their product Wedneaday. i tod Simmons, who know« how io . make hens work three shifts a uay uud W. L McClure, who make« a mu.. capable wet nurae for one of the bo«i power altea on Hogue river, were nt G rants l'aaa on bualneaa Monday Their mission la unknowu to the gun- eral public. It may have been chlca- a or It may have been water, but between the two the chance« favor tue cblckena. Uncle Hob Cook of Foote creek, who waa one of the county commlaaiotn i, back In the elghtlea, when the preaeul courthouse wax built and when county w arrant« «old at a premium, wus ul Jacksonville Friday telling old friend:, of hie Borrow that the old-time way« of doing business. which kept a county out of debt and made county warrant« aa good or better than gold, aeern to have gone out -of fashion SEE OUR SPECIAL PRICES SO lbs half ground salt 50 lbs fin« dairy salt Range salt block 10 lbs Pink and white beans per lb Pink salmon per can Milk 3 cans 6 bars laundry soap Fancy head rice 3 lbs Baking powder 16 oz can Vanilla extract 2 oz bottle Lemon extract 2 oz bottle Pork and beans per can Q yafera 2 cans , Peaches 1 can I Pears 1 can Pine apples IS 20 25c per can Pelton9 s hams, bacon and lard Thwarted Publicity Last aummer a little Gold HUI girl and a little Gold lllll boy—June lu wua the date, and the little glil uud little boy were Dorothy bantu auu Donald Avery—wrote u letter, algu- tng both their uaruea and putting t II. D. Reed was at Medford on busi­ la a bottle which they set afloat on ness Tuesday. Hogue river, lu the letter they to.U Fred T urner wus a Medford vis­ what a nice town they lived In. In fact they i oped that tlielr little bm i ito r Thursday. J. D. S terns waa at Eugene on bual­ for Gold Hilt would be picked up far out at aea, or would float over nesa the present week. to China or A ustralia or home plan.: . Hex 11. l-umpman was at G rants long way off, and that In due course ' Pass on bueinoaa Monday. of time they would get a letter with ,i 11. O. i'uruckey of Medford was In mysterious foreign atamp.on It telling ( A bland Tiding-) stripe who insist on g ettin g th eir the city oil business Wednesday. “ Jackson county ia to elect a new arm s Into the public funds w ithout them Glut their effort at publicity (or Charles Farm er was at Medford and the best town In southern Oregon had county court this year. This Is for­ offering an adequate retu rn . These Jacksonville on business yesterday, not beeu unavailing. Hut It didn’t h ap ­ tu n a te, We need a new county court men say Dunn Is "cold blooded.” If there is any one thing above another Mrs. F. W. ta r n Milan of Medford pen that way. The bottle waa plcl .ia n d a good one. The Bun Intends to work for n th a t Jackson county needs at this was in tho city yesterday on business. up at the Mg Bend ranoh In Curry county court with som e backbone. tim e It is a county judge cold blood- „ M.’a. i>, F. Gardner of Sams Valley cotnty, thirty mile« above the mouth 'Three men should bo elected who ed enough to cut off every g rafter’s was a. Medford on business the first I of J- W. Meservey of llluhe postoffice, on February 5. Mr. represent the county as a whole, uud hand when It Is shoved tow ard tha of tiin week. .iitm -ncy at ouce acknowledged t.,e who will have tho good Judgm ent to county treasu ry with th e Intent to Mayor Beeman has been at Portland receipt of Dorothy and Donald's let. dlscm d tho policy of try lug to please filch from It. When George Dunn this week on business, stepping off nt ter. stating where and when he had every, ne and end by pleuxlng no one -was county Judge before, every see- Drain for a day. The court thould be progressive, tlon of the county had th e same fa-I picked up Mie hottie. The next time William J. Scott of Antioch precinct Dorothy and Donald attem pt to com­ but not ao progressive th a t they can- vo:a as every other p art of the coun- 1 was the guest of Hex II. Isimpmau on municate with foreign parts by means not pay th eir bill«. They should not ty. W hen he th ro ttled the tricks of j Thursday and Friday. of a bottle thoy Intend to use one that bo political offlceseekera, but men the g rafters they cried th a t he was Mr and Mrs. George Kram er of In Its shape, color and general appear­ of ability and energy, fam iliar with "non-progressive, a ^nosshack,” and G ram a l'ass were guests of Banker ance gives no suggestion that It has the ncoda of the county, and deter- one not In favor or public Improve- ! Smith and family Thursday. ever been used as a receptacle for any mined to put county affairs upon a ments. F o u r years ago thia argu- , ment was urged so lustily by the F\ J. Alexander, the dapper and poi>- alcoholic beverage, as battles that arc sound and businesslike basis. It Is tim e for all good citizens to Medford Mall Tribune, and the g a n g 1 oliti Medford haberdasher, was In Gold at alt suspicious and that float down Hogue river are generally picked up get together, losing personal or polltl-j who had Its arm In the county treas- Hill taking measures Wsdneaday. before they get anywhere ut-as the cnl prejudices. In the determ ination j'ury to Its elbow during the four years 8. H eight and Fred T urner did a Job of papering at F. C. Bellamy's mouth of the river. In fact, under to secure men on the county co u rt Just past, th at Mr. Dunn was dofeat- who have the confidence of the peo- ed. The w riter has talked with a residence a t tile lllll Nye mine Mon- conditions existing at G rants Pass pie and who can be depended upon to num ber of men who th ought that since Bob Smith became mayor, It d i;'. will bo almost Impossible for certain tecuro 100 cents of value In retu rn Dunn was too conservative mid who | John A. Martin, a leading rancher kinds of bottles to float past that city fur every dollar expended.”— Med- listened to the siren song of th e and atock-rataer of the Beagle district ford. Sun. i grafting dem agogues, but now every In the river or on trains. w e lu Geld Hill on business yester We hnve learned to look somewhat one of them are sorry they did and «lay. w ith suspicion on propositions polltl- will give Dunn hearty supjiort In the Name Your Ranch F ry your taxes befor«/ March 16 cal com ing from Medford. If the coming campaign, . Every mine has a name, and every Sun really means w hat It says It will and get a 3 per cent discount. Pay Jackson ¿uUU, , 1,5 s hart enough of your subscription to The News any ranch should have one Many ranches have the support of Ashland In Its th e “ good fellow" business In the ad- In the Gold Hill district are already undertaklng. The th in g Ashland m inistration Just closing. It wants Unto and gat a receipt. i siesscd of fitting titles, by which want:!, and will fight for. Is a county , no more of th a t kind. Valuations In Fred Giddings completed the work o! they nre fam l’larly known lor miles board th a t will rep resen t Jackson the county have been raised about l.nsta ilng the motor at the Bill Nye around. A rnnrh In which the owner county as a whole. It w ants its Just one-third and the tax rate has been mine Monday, which enabled the five- takes any degree of pride Is certainly share In the benefits accruing from raised a th ird more and th e taxpay­ stam p m be put In operation. untltleij to a name, and more ranches public Improvements, arid It w ant^ ers are groaning under the heavy Tom G al,g ar. the Beau Brummel of In thlB neighborhood are en titled to every o th er part of the county to so burden. If the county Is going to Hock Point, was In Medford yester­ be so distinguished. Here Is a list legitim ately profit. T h at has not vote a million and a half of road day on business relating to the big of nam es suitable for ranches: been th e rule In the past, but It Is bonds. George Dunn is th e very best Del Rio orchard—700 acre« all set to ^¡overdale. Sunnyside. Orchard going to be In the fu tu re, or there man In the county with whom to In­ fru it—of which he la manager. Crest. Oak Grove, Fairview, Lake­ Is going to be th e “ d arndest b’ar Mrs. A. L Ingraham of Sams Val­ side. Highland, Woodend, Rogue- fig h t" you ever saw. Ono locality tru st Its expenditure. Under, his care a dollar's w orth of roads will be had ley, who wua taken to the G rants Pass view. Woodlawn. Valley. Oakdale, has no. rig h t to usurp th e powers of for every d o llar expended. hospital with a badly Injured eye last Shady Nook. Hll’slde, Hilltop, Oak- governm ent and th e benefits of Im- Mr. Dunn does not w ant to be a week. Is reported to be In no danger hill, Fairdale, Pinehurst, Pleasant p.-dvoments, and It shall no longer be candidate. It will be a big sacrifice of having her sight Impaired, but li Valley, Grand Meadow. L ittle Prairie, so. for him. He does nut need the sal­ recovering nicely. P leasant View, Rldgelawn, Sunny In th is connection th e Tidings de­ ary. He Is in a position financially Norman Gage, wireless correspond Slope, Northwood, Westwood, East sires to m ention George Dunn, of »•nt for T he News, from the Beagle Prairie, 8prlng Brook, City View Barron precinct, as th e best available th a t he does not need, even if he had d istrict, was In town Friday. He la Wlllojg Grove, Orchard Orove, HI’l tim ber In Jackson county as a candi­ the disposition to do It. to listen to som ething over six feettall and Is Crest. Shady Lawn, Old Homestead, date for county Judge to represent the persuasive voice of thffcf g.kTter n.ake a fully ns handsom e aa his distinguish­ Riverview, Grandview, Clover Leaf, the th in g for which the Sun here con­ who Is always working "d e al" with public ofjitVrs. But he ed neighbor, Dr. Emil Kirchgessner, Outlook. Glenwood. Woodside. Ridge­ tends. will run. He wlij do It In the inter­ Mr. Dunn has had experience in est of thp tt^pcVers of Jackson coun­ Will Pomphrey and Ed 8truble leave wood, Highwood, Peaceful Valley, tomorrow for points In the Canadian F orest Hill, Ideal. Greenwood. High­ the work. He will come as near get­ ty. E lSrybody who knows him, who northwest, where they will prosoect wood, Fernnook, Sandy Creek, Mo­ ting a d o llar’s worth of value for Is Limiila:- with his rugged Integrity with a view to finding a location- where de’, Wood Hill, Rock Valley, Meadow each dollar expended as any man in khci his ability and disposition to say they can make a lot of money to bring Brook, Cozy Cottage, Shady Dell, the county. He Is p opular because no on m atters th a t are FI advised back and Invest In the Hogue River Wildwood, Meadow Lark. Lone Tree. he has been tried and has proven and extravagant, will support him. W eeping Willow, Southside. Diamond himself honest and capable. When The people who know George Dunn valley. Scott Boyer, nob B urkhardt, Bond. Meadow Lake, Locust Lawn, he was county judge before he made h ^ t are insisting th a t he stand as a kloyd Seaman, Fred Naylor, Dick Maple Leaf, Sunny Brook, Cozy Cor­ a few enemies, but they tfere of the I candidate and he will not refute. Robinson, Jim Stannard, George Gar. ner, Ashwood, Breezy Meadow. Lin­ re tt and Bill H ebrard were a party wood, Cottagewood, F ir Bluff, Cedar •F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F + + -F + -F -F -F -F •F + -F -F -F -F -F -F -F *F -F + + -F ■ of Woodville boys who took In the Lawn, F airfield, Elmwood Grain SIEDI ORD OPERA HOUSE. -F •F This Is the open season for dance at th e Gold Hill opera house Farm. ■F ’F F -F -F -F -F -F •!• -F 4 •F -F -F •F calendar solicitor«. In this ■ F riday evening of last week. ” Many other pleasant and poetic •F connection The Ne'- s wishes to Feb. 22— Mutt and Jeff. J. H. Beeman closed a deal this nam es will readily suggest them- March 1— Schuman-Heinck (at •F remind local buslm as men that ■ week whereby 160 acres belonging .o selves, it should be a m atter of pride N atatorium ). •F their home print -bop can fur- ■ F. Znna In Sams Valley were sold io to every ranch-ow ner to give his + nlsh Just as pretiy and artistic • March 4 Leslie C arter. R. A. Dozier of Drain. The place has I place a fitting and distinctive title. ■F calendars for 1-13 ns can be • March 0— Alma. been occupied by H art Lester for the This done— and here comes the milk March 13——Le Brin Grand Opera. d- had anywhere -and at a lower • past two years. Mr. Dozier will soon In the cocoanut— th e man who hns ■F price than they can be had • March 22— Excuse Me. take up hla residence on the p u r-| nam ed his ranch should m ake haste F elsewhere. •; March 22— The Newlyweds. to place an order with The Gold HUI chase. •F -F -F -F *F + -F -F -F -F -F -F -F March 27— N aughty M arietta. Mrs. 9. T. Hodges Is In a hospital News for neat printed stationery, March 30— A round tho Clock. stock, new building, good estab­ at 9an Francisco, w here she Is un­ telling th e location of the ranch and April 9 -W h ite Sister. lished trade. W rite to ow ner only, dergoing trea tm e n t for cancer. L at­ w hat is produced thereon. Don’t all FOR SALE— Grocery business at In­ M. E., care Medford Sun. nam e your ranches a t once, or The est reports are most encouraging, voice; stock and fixtures will In­ and It Is believed th a t she will be News will be compelled to enlarge Its voice ab o u t $2,000; reasonable Hay for sale—Alfalfa, baled; grain, com pletely relieved of th e trouble. plant. re n t Including ap artm en ts above baled and loose: $15 per ton; smaller T he trentm ent will take a month or Dry oak stove wood, 13.00 p»>r ti"- "tore containing fi large rooms, than ton lots at rate of $17 per ton. six weeks. Lance ft Co. all modern conveniences; new Darling ft Hodges. M E R R IT T ®. COMPANY Jackson County Needs a New County Court Badly /k NYBODY can live up to his earnings—and then some. But Y O U —can’t yon save a little money? THe G old fiiil B an k Percent On Tim e Deposits T h e G old Hill B a n k MOftArf PELTON HOBT. M. MOORE Vice Prcaideat LYNN W. SMITH CaaMar If Hens Could Talk / They’d Advertise My Business They can only cackle; but when you hear a cackling hen it not only means that she has laid an egg, but th at she wants some more of my Poultry Food, go th at she can lay more eggs. I have tons of good stuff for chickens, in­ cluding Crvstal Grit, Oyster Shell, Sea Shell, Diamond Chick Focd, Diamond Scratch Food (a balanced ration that gets t he eggs), Charcoal, Ground Bone, Meat Scraps and the like. GOLD HILL FLOUR, FEED & COMMISSION STORE H . C. R a e d e l, P r o p . H om e P h on e The Gold Hill Market Fresh and Salt MeatA är F. L. Caldwell Gold Hill, Oregon I