Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1912)
Sporting Notes. C IT Y N E IG H B O R S . I h e a r th « lr vole»« th ro u g h th e floor a n d w a ll. I h a a r th a lr footatepa paaalna o v e r head. I bruah a g a ln a t them In th e com m on h a ll. B u t never knew th e child do w n- a ta lra w aa dead. Such a tra n c e ra a ra m y nelghbora. tU I 1 aaw A a I paaaed b y w h ite rlbbona on the door. —ll a u d G o ing In Succeaa MEN I AND THE WINDS. T H I N K o ftttm e a th u t llvea o f men m a* *• Like n e d to w a n d e rin g wtnda th a t come and go. N o t k n o r ; ! .^ whence they rise. n h lth - e r they blow O 'e r th e vast globe, v oiceful o f g r ie f or g le a Som e Uvea a re bu o y an t aephyrs sportin g free In tro p ic aunahlna: aome. long w inds of woe T h a t shun th e d a y . w a llin g w ith m u r m u rs low T h ro u g h h a u n ted tw ilig h ts , by th e u n re s t in g sea. O th ers a re ruthless, s to rm fu I. d ru n k w ith m ig h t. B o m w ith deep passion or m alig n desire. T h e y ra v e m id th u n d e r peals and clouds o f Are. W ild , reckless a l l save th a t aome pow er u n kn o w n Suides each blin d cforce till life be o v e r blow n. t o s t In vague hollow s o f th e fathom less n ig h t. —P a u l H a m ilto n lla y n a . Short Stories. Labor Is growing dear in Turkey owing to emigration. Statistics show that fully one-tmrd o f the marriages among the poorer classes o f Japan end In divorce. Although automobile and cycle tires use vast quantities of rubber, gran ter q uantities are used In tbe bool and shoe industry. T he num ber o f passengers tran sfer red from the im m igration station on E llis island, in New York harbor, to the mainland averages now about 2.500.000 each year. Tales of Cities. Melbourne. Australia, has a popula tion ot nearly 000.000. Juarez. Mexico. Is ibe ouly clt.* In tbe w orld that has Its parks cared for by women. Men do tbe work, but they are under the direction of a board of eight women managers. Tburshaven. tbe capital city of the F am e Islands. Is said to be absolutely treeless. T be claim Is made that for gome reason, perbapo soil conditions, trees absolutely refuse to t r o w t h e r e N E E D OF MORE LAND. W e have today In this coun try. iu continental l ’ ulte<l States, about l.lMXl.tW.000 acre« o f land. O f these. 873.000.000 acres are lucludcd in tbe acreage o f farm s In the last ten years that acra- aga did uot Increase more than 33.000,000, or a little over 4 per eent. In th a t same tim e our population Increased 20 per cent. O f the 87Jt.000.000 acre«, 477.- 000.000 are Improved farm land T he S73,OOO.OtXI acres Include woodland and unimproved land. The improved laud la farm s has Increased about 03.000.tXX) acres In ten years, or some 15 per cent, but this. It w ill tie seen, is not equal to the Increase In popula tion. Now, I f our population In creases as rapidly aa It haa In creased we shall In fifty years have upw ard o f 200,000,000 people In this country to sup port on these 873.000,000 acres, much o f which Is probably not capable o f producing a great d ea l There are some 30.000.tXX) acres o f swam p land that can bo drained, and there are 25.000.000 acres that can be Irrigated; but. w ith all these. It Is perfectly palpable th a t w ith in the Ufe of many who are born now we shall be pressing the lim it o f our self support from the soli unless some other method than by the mere extension o f area be found fo r the Increasing o f our crop production.—President T a ft. Eastern Brewers W ill Raise Hops. Salem, O r.— Large Eastern brewers, feeling the necessity of securing a foothold in Pacific coast hopyards, have pooled Interests to gain control of heavy acreage in Oregon and C a li fornia for th e ir own benefit. It Is planned by the brewers to plan t 1300 acres of bops this year. College antf School. Europe has 435.451 schools. 1.UD.413 teachers and 45.400.000 pupils. O xford university has three colleges for women; Cam bridge bus two. H a rv a rd Is tbe oldest college In tbe United States. It was founded In 1G93 New York has tw o universities, sev en colleges for men. tw o colleges for women, and one college for men and women, tn all tw elve Institutions o f higher education, these h aring 1.3CI! Instructors, and a registration o f 11.- 372 students. T H O U G H TS ON L IFE. Some strand o f our own mis doing Is Involved lu every q uar rel.—R. L. Stevenson Weep fo r the fra il that err. tbe weak that fall. H a v e thine own faith , but hope aud pray fo r all. — Holmes. Against stupidity the very gods Themselves contend lu vain. —8chlller. T h e envious are devoured by th eir own disposition, Just as Irou Is by rust.—Anthlsthenea. DUTY TO OTHERS. Blessed Is the man who haa the g ift o f making friends, fo r It is one o f Ood'a best gifts. I t Involves m aiiy things, but above all, tbe power of going out of one's self and seeing and ap preciating w hatever la noble and loving In another.—Thom as Hughes. A little thought w ill show you bow vastly your own happlueaa depends on the w ay othen people bear themselves tow ard you. T u rn the Idea around and re mem ber that Just so much you are addlug to the pleasure or the misery o f other people's days.—George 8. M errtaiu. FROM SHAKESPEARE. M ethinks 1 feel this youth's per fections. W ith an Invisible and subtle stealth, To creep In a t mine eyes. Love’s night 1« noon. Things base and vile, holding no q uality. Love can transpose to form and dignity. Love looks not w ith the eyes, but w ith the mind. And therefore Is winged Cupid painted blind. A national association football body la being formed In Ibe e a s t Princeton university w ill make learn ing to sw im compulsory Ibis fall An Australian northern unlou Itughy football team Is to pay a visit to G reat B ritain next January. T h e Eastern Intercollegiate Basket ball league w ill be made up of Colinu bla. present chauiploua; I'enn, Cornell, Princeton. Yale aud Dartm outh. CA LIFO RN IA is famous ths world over For its splendid hoetelries, its varied attractions, its fine beach««, hot springs and pleasure reaorta All these ca n be reached with ease by the Aerial Flights. Aviation baa brougbt a snug sum of business to the law yers whose spe elalty la draw ing up w ills.—Denver Republican. It remained for a New York W orld Aeodllnc w rite r to name women a v ia tors lie calls tbeui "the flighty oex.'* —Toledo 'lim es T h e const to coast flight by aero plane Is proving a much bigger Job (ban It originally seemed But some body w ill make It If given enough (luie.—Asheville C lt Ilea. SUNSET fOGDENaSHAST ‘Road o f « Thousand Wonders’ * Routa o f Shasta Lim itad Excuraion Tic ko ta Coating $55.00 Recent Inventions. A Chicago hotel stew ard ban Inven t ed a macblue wUlcb can wash and dry I8.IXM) dishes au hour when operated by tw o meu. Com bining a m agnifying glass w ith a spring clamp to bold a needle, an Inventor Uas perfected a device to rnuke tbe threading of needles an euay task. A self dum ping burge luvenied In Europe unloads Its contents by tip I ping over bodily when w a te r la puui|>- i ed luto a tank supported over one side ■ o f the deck. Portland to[Loa Angola a' and Return ?n «ale daily, good six months with stop-overs going or .••turning. Corresponding low fares from other Oregon point«. Call on our Agonis for • Handsomely Illustrated Literature Describing San Francisco, Oakland, Stanford University, Lick Observatory, Santa Cruz, Del Monte, Paso Koble H ot SpringB, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Diego, The Old Spanish Missions, Yosemite National Park and Big Trees, and other places of interest in the Golden ' State; or write to English Etchings. England has one horse to every ten persons W indows accidentally broken by children need uot by law be replaced by th e ir parents. It is Illegal to advertize fur lost prop erty aud to add "No questions w ill lie usked " T h e penalty Is a tine or i.TO T h e library a t Cambridge imlversKy. Englntid. was founded In I475, and the famous Bodleian at O xford was lu etltuted In 15U7. A dry. hacking cough Is hard on the lungs, often causing them to bleed H O R E H O V N I) S Y R U P Blobba— Scribbler's poetry strikes me B A L L A R D 'S aa being ra th e r clumsy. Is a h ealing balm that quickly repairs Slobbe—Clum sy? W hy. I t positively damage In the lunga and a ir passages. trips over Its own feet.—Philadelphia Price 25c, 60c and 31.00 per bottle. Record. Sold by Jarvis, the druggist. John M. Scott General Passenger Agent, Portland B a n kru p t Sale OK ALL KINDS OK E le c tr ic a ! F ix tu r e s SHADES, ELECTRIC MOTORS. TRANSFORMERS ami WIRE. See Agent R E U B E N T. C A IN E GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON OREGON SEWERS • •• CEMENT WALKS HILL has a natural site for a city, built as it is on G OLD the banks of Rogue river, at the gateway to the won T derful valley of the same name- The setting for a city is here—picturesque and inspiring—and if the law of natural development works as it should, the setting will some day, and that not far distant, be filled by a city such as southern Oregon may not boast at present. The town takes its name from Gold Hill mountain, so called because nearly half a million dollars was taken from a ledge at a point near its summit in the early fifties. No town in southern Oregon has a greater list of actual, get-at-able natural resources awaiting development immediately contiguous to its corporate limits. The rushing current of Rogue river—teeming with gamy salmon, trout and steelhead—offers at a compara tively slight cost per developed horsepower an abundance of power for any and all industrial development. And speaking of hunting—the neighboring hills are the happy hunting grounds of southern Oregon. No hunter returns without plenty of venison, and generally he brings in the legal limit. Cougar, bear, panther and coyotes may be had by those who care to hunt them, and several trappers in the vicinity make good money each winter on the finer furs. FILTERED WATER HE follow ing la a Hat of raining pro|>er- tlea in tbe region contiguona to Gold H ill, rlaaalfled aa to their reaper Live districts: Kan (-a Creek: Revenue, A llre, M endenhall, Roaring Gim let, Braden, M illionaire, C enten nial plover, and many Others; also the Hughea and H ouseholder lim e quarriea. Galla Creek: Bill Nye, recently pureh&sed by a powerful French syndicate, o|x-m tlng minea In all parta of the world; five stamps w ill ooon be In operation. Gold Standard, Red Oak, R attlesnake, Kuhll, Tin Pan, Burna A D uffield, II. I). Jones, Last Chance, and Big Foot. F oots Creek: Cham plin Dredging Co., Black Channel placer, I-ance Bros, placer, Dixie Queen, Bertha, lloraesiioe, Hwaker, Hum mingbird, and many others. Sardine Creek: L ittle Giant, Black Hawk, Grey E agle, Lucky Hart group, Corporal G, Garrison, H aff group, H lnckle, Sm ith placer, Dusenhury placer, and m any others; this creek placers its entire length. Hogue River H ills: F airview , Blizzard, W hite Horse, Sylvanite, Trustliuster, I'acto- llan, Garfield (Iron ), Flem ing-W ard (ir o n ). Gold Hill .Mountain: Gold Hill ledge, Cop per Queen, W hitney, F isher, Dlkemnn and many others. n ack w ell H ills: Mnyhelle, N ellie W right, now den, Y ellow Jacket, Lone Pine, Frank Shaffer and many others. W illow Springs: Murray, Nlek Jerry, Hersehberger, Houston and many others. ELECTRIC LIGHTS C O L D IIILL is the center of a rich mineral district. Gold, copper, iron, cement rock, brick and potter’s clay, shale, lime—the purest on the continent, according to government geological reports—all arc here, and all undeveloped. The rich surface gold deposits, both placer and quartz, have lieen worked for fifty years, and have paid and are still paying handsomely. There is no deep mining. This will come later, and when it docs it is freelv predicted that Gold Hill will become one of the greatest camps the west has ever seen- 'J A mountain of high-grade cement rock lies just south of the town, and a mountain of high-grade hematite iron just north—both undeveloped. A bituminous coal belt many square miles in extent lies seven miles north of the town—undeveloped. This is in the Sams Valley and Meadows districts, comprising some of the finest land for fruit and general farming in southern Oregon. An eleven-foot vein of black lignite has been uncovered in the Meadows, and samples of coal taken from wells in Sams Valley have been proven by analysis and forge tests to be of high quality. Capital is invited to investigate the Gold Hill district, either before or after investigating other districts, whether the object of the investigation is mines, timber, cement, lime, brick and tile clay, timber, coal, power, or a location for a sanitarium or tourists’ hotel—Gold Hill has them all. The choicest fruit land in southern Oregon surrounds Gold Hill, the numerous creek valleys, with their deep, fertile, mineral-mixed soil and absolute immunity from Add to all its other advantages ns to location and frost providing almost ideal conditions for the horticul- resources an all-the-year climate that can’t he beaten on F o r fu r th e r in fo rm a tio n address turalist. the Pacific coast, and an idea is gained of the justice of R E X H. LA M PM A N the claim that Gold Hill has the best prospects for future Several extensive timber belts can be most easily Secretary Business Men’s Assn. development of any town in the world-famous Rogue River Gold Hill, Oregon put into the market with mills located at Gold Hill. vailey of southern Oregon.