G ranta Paaa la In the midst of an anti-blind pig crusude. Liquor to the value of 13000 haa been poured In Geo. McClellan was In Medford on th e g utter, nine men havn been a r rested and fined f t 860, four dealers burlnesa Thuraday nre In Jail one of them a form er Mr. nud Mra. Gnorgn Patrick were city councilman. Medford visitors Tueeday. [¡Local News Notesj] Mra. A. I,. Ingraham of Sum« V a l I I. II. McCarthy, of Medford, won lit ley waa taken to Grant« Paaa Tin «day Gold H ill on btndncHH Thurwlay. evening w ith a badly injured eyehall, E. E. Horapaugh of Grant« Paaa waa valued by the piercing of a gimlet, which in Gold lllll on business last Friday, «he wua tiaiug. Mra. Ingraham wa« la ir II. I). Heed went down to Medford ing tiim u g li a shelf w ith llw gim let hav W ednesday to nee Charley Young'« ing a loaded handle, when the inatrumcul new taxicab. alip|a«l atilt pierced llu> e y 'lia ll, ulm car L. A. Hainnicndy and Brave Hunter, ryiug a »liver in to the eye. The in ju ry of the W ikh I v III c Aruna, ludpud get out wa< inowt painful and dangcroiia mid lie thia iaata< of The New«. lady wua plaeed In tin- South Par Ifle lloa- The a riuon aoliJiM'ta fur Sunday arc; pitul a< laani aa »lie reached tha t city. morning, “ Heavenly Helper«", evening, Tla- eye la being treated by Hr. Findley, wtio reports that lie elitertaiiia ho|a-a of “ Dyed Garment« From B u zra li." aaviug the eye despite the aerioua nature Mra. C. C. G ault leave« for Iter honu* at Portlautl thia evening, after a visit of the in ju ry. SEE OUR SPECIAL PRICES 50 lbs ha. f ground salt 35c 50 lb» fine dairy »ait 50c Range »alt block 10 lbs 15c Pink ana white bean» per lb 6c P in’u salmon per can 10c M ilk 3 can» 25c 6 bars laundry soap 25c Fancy head rice 3 lbs 25c The United States civil service The^revivala continue with H ite interest. commission announce« th a t a forest Tltc audience« are large and the «iiigiug clerk exam ination will be held In ciithilaiaalie. The young people'« choir ia Beattie March 18, 1912, to secure eligible« from which selection may he a feature. 11. D. Betta waa down from Pro made to fill vacancies In the position spect thia week to visit Gold Hill of forest clerk us they may occur. folk«. The roada are bad, be says— Thu entrance salary Is *1100 or *1200 per annum. One year's com- or worda to th a t effect. Mra. A. K. Rippey, who recently n'*,r r |" 1 experience la required of up returned to her home at Medford ' Plk'» "u - Applicant« should apply at from a visit with friends a t K lam ath once to the Secretary, Eleventh Civil Kalla, waa In Gold Util Bunday, the Service D istrict, S eatt'e, Waah,, for «neat of her brother. W. II. Harvey applh-atfbn blank and full Inform a tion. Men only will be adm itted to and family. Mra. II. H. l.aitipnian of Asbestos, thia exam ination. who hna for three weeka been the Geo. Lance was at Medford Tiles guest of her «on Rex and family, i day night. Ho went on bmdn> as visited with Mrs. W. P. Gould and which kept him Into the evening, daughter Alma In Medford T h u rs d a y ! Along about nine o'clock he liap- uud Friday.. . p o l l e d Io hi ir th a t th ere was a p r »- George Laldley. the well known b nul boxing contest at the Nata- Medford tim ber man, who has been torluni. Having never seen one of In Gold Hill frequency of late on the«« debasing exhibitions, he satla- bustm-as, w is here again W ednesday ! rk*d a nutting curiosity by am bling evening Ho was accompanied by <!<>wn and paxlng u dollar for a seat Mrs. Laldley. clove In. Mr. Lance states th a t the P h ilip S. Bates of P ortland, pub- j a ffa ir was not nearly so b ru tal as Usher of the Pacific N orthw est, a one who hnd never seen such a thing farm magazine, was In towu Thurs- may Imagine. In fact, he claims that day. He la secretary of the state he has seen many a fistic festival In editorial association, and was out re- Gold lllll th at was more for gore and crultlng members. We Joined. general «irnestness. B u t th a t was Hen Burke arrived from Sun F ran-I y, urH «“ '* year» ago. before the moral cisco W ednesday for the purpose of wave th a t has hit nearly every place Inspecting Bams Valley coal deposits. but Medford struck Gold Hill. W ith a bint-clot on h i-b ra in , K. W. He Is the guest o t hla friend. Geo. Holcomb. It Is Mr. Burke's opinion McCcinl hi lie« iincnuscioiis III a San Diego on observation and Inform ation, that hoHpitnl. Although hope« arc held for southern Oregon will soon be burning hi« r.-ci very, hi« c .m illion is critical. T li“ accol nt is'cun d as he was alighting coal mined In Bams Val'ey. Bill Bogue left yesterday for Sel from an automobile llia l had not come to dovia. Alaska, where he haa engaged a fu ll stop. He (d i, strikin g his Itcad with a fishing company for a year's again«, tin- machine, ooncuwinn o f tla- brain o nulling. The blond d o t 1« a work. Seldovia la about th irty miles small i uc, and the doctors th in k tlia t it up Conk's In'et from the ocean. Mr Qua Hill's stupendous production cf nary interest, and no lack of grasp- ; la' absorbs!. They say that it w ill !»• Iiogue returned about a m onth ugo Bud F isher's cartoon play of "Mutt Ing these opportunlUes will, be found j a 'Vcral days la-fore consciousness is re from th a t point, where he spent a and Jeff" will make Its initial appear by a visit to the Medford theater d u r - , stored, ullhotigb the accident «»"cured a .▼oar with the name company which i w .... ii k b up». At fir-t . u it w w «* i. . . . thought that ance In Medford at the Medford the Ing this engagement. More than fifty J this week sent him a first class ticket n . v, „ „ , , . h<i( ,m( ater on February 22 for an engage people will be concerned In this pre and traveling expenses, together with ; ..... ment of one night. It will be a mu sentation, including a chorus of the ' an urgent letter requesting him to each day, and II is now thought ilia, sical comedy of a very high order prettiest girls a big city has to offer. ' again become an employe. , |lull(V f(>r n ^ , v< Q a,. containing a laugh to every tick of The antics of Mutt and Jeff, while K ata Richard« O 'H ara, socialist, ) though tin- jiatient’a condition will re- the clock. All you have been led to the object of interest, will not be will speak nt Medford Bunday a f te r - ! main critical for some time. With Ids expect from the cartoons, and then oilseed when they are not on the noon, 2:00 p. in., at Bmlth'B hall. Her I wife, Mr. McClendon has lavn »pending some, will be In evidence in the pro stage, as the play has been construct duction. Fisher's eccentric "brain ed so as to be sufficiently interesting a u b jtc t wl'l be “ The Law and the the winter in southern California. W hito Slaver.*' Thia address la a W hat Is pronounced by critics to people” present very broad opportu. without having to depend entirely on terrific Indictm ent of the process of have been the best boxing m atch ever nltles for a play of more than ordi- these two "funny fellows." recruiting tho dens of vice which pre- seen In southern Oregon was staged + a + valhi In the United Btutes today, with nt Medford Tuesday night by Man + + + + + + d- + •!• + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + the counlvanvo of public officials, ager F rankio EdwardH of the Nuta- -I- ,M EIIFORD OPERA IIOVSE. d- + EDUCATIONAL + and tho tolerance of the pillars of so tcrlum athletic club, who had the + -I- - f + -!• + + •!• -i- + 4- + + + <• - f 4- 4- - f + •{• + + + 4.... a ciety. Mrs. O 'H ara speaks from her good fortune to secure two o t the Feb. 22— Mutt and Jeff. The schools of Jackson county are ow n observation, and certainly every cleverest, young lightw eights bow on .M arch 1— Schuman-Heinck (a t entering upon a series of contests in m other and fath er should h ear her thia coast— Bobble Evans of Portland N atatorium ). spelling and arithm etic. If you are message, and act. and Young Dixon of K ansas City. The March 4— Leslie Carter. ' Interested, ask the children to te ’l 8. D. Stoner of Sams Valley was In bo; w ere evenly matched and went March 9— Alma. you about it; If not. get interested ten s; irlted rounds to a draw. The th e city the past week and reports March 12— Lo Brin Grand Opera. and help the good work along. that a five foot vein of splendid coni | dc Ion was popular with the crowd March 22— Excuse Me. Superintendents W ells and Alder has been struck In the Quixote hills a !' wax difficult for anyone to aa' March 22— The Newlyweds. man have- sent out notices to the two miles north of Moonvllle. He t'.ia either of the little scrappers 'lad March 2 7 —N aughty M arietta. school children th a t long lists of says there Is conslderab'e excitem ent a shade the best of It. A nother March 30— Around th e Clock. prizes will be given at the county and In th a t neighborhood over the find match will be arranged between April 9— W hite Sister. state fairs for the best productions of na the coal Is of a very high quali Dixon and Evans In about two weeks, x s w x w , a«Bgaa' a n»i'B school children. Prizes wi 1 he given ty and the vein of a splendid width as th e Medford fight fans are anx country, Mr. Morrill securing as a for practically everything a girl or for mining. Mr. Stoner reports th a t ious to see more of the same hlgh- highly prized trophy a beautiful tig er boy can produce or m ake In th e line a great many people are coming Into clasa work th a t resulted from the skin th a t will no doubt appear in the of domestic science, agriculture, and th a t region Just now buying fruit first encounter. form of a rug to grace th e floor of m anual training. Encourage the boys lands half a dozen tracts having Interesting letters received from his southern Oregon home. A fter a and girls to try for these prizes, changed hands there la the laat few .fuck Morrill and Sprague Relc.el feu days in Paris, renewing old There will probably be from four to days.— Ashland Record. from various ports of call on th eir friendships, Mr. Reigol will retu rn at Rix prizes in each class along such Supervisor Henry has recently re extended trip through southern E u r once to Gold Hill to fight the frost lines as field corn, popcorn, sweet turned from a two weeks trip among ope and northern and central Africa and codling moth on th eir Riverside corn, cabbage, onions, celery, squash, the Upper Rogue River schools. In Indicate that as gentlem anly soldicrr ranch. Mr. Morrill will indulge In a w aterm elons, miiskwelons, potatoes, addition to his usual work in the of good fortune Richard H arding motor trip through California, nr- and co lections cf wheat, oats, ba -’ey schools, public m eetings were a r D bv I r and W inston Churchill have riving homo in the la tte r p art of pnd rye rai e l by others as wo" s ranged In most of the districts at nothing on the Rogue river recruits. March. exhibitors; model chicken houje. which he met the people of the com After th eir adventure with the Ital --------------------------- ! piece of fu rn itu re, model labor sev- m unity and spoke on the general sub ian am bassador and th eir fo rtu n ate FOR SALE Grocery business at. in - , ,n B device, bread, canned fruit, Jel’. ject of school Improvement, describ escape from service in the commis voice; stock and fu tu re s will in-I and cake; darning, hand made drerr ing some phases of his work and sary departm ent of the Italian army voice about *2,000; reasonable j hand-m ade apron, m achlne-m sd, pointing out why the people should operating against the T urks in T ri ren t Including apartmentB above j apron; astors, s w e o tp 'a s ; best three visit the schools to keep In touch poli, they found pleasure and seclus store containing 0 large rooms, chickens hatched an 1 raised under motor trip w ith the school work and become ion In an extended all modern conveniences; new j direction of exhibitor, three best well acquainted with the teacher. He through n o rth ern Italy and southern stock, new building, good estab- ducks; best hog or pig. The con- also suggested th e value of educa- France, getting away from Monte llshed trade. W rite to owner only, teRtanta will be divided Into two tlonal magazines and public m eetings Carlo with sufficient funds to carry M. E., care Medford Sun. j classes, those under twelve years of for the discussion of educational them to Egypt where they pyramided ----------------- age and those between twelve and subjects. In order th a t the people th e ir good luck by rendering a ser Hay for sale—Alfalfa, baled; grain, tw enty' one- m ight be ready to actively encourage vice to one of th e A rabian nobility, “ — — effective school Im provem ent: pre P asha Enfendl, who evidenced his re baled and loose; *15 per ton; sm aller than ton lots at rate of »17 per ton. To,,? 'honl 11 f oncPi''ni' sented some of th e valuable features gard by more th an ordinary hospi a I AH P,rso n s having claims against Darling & Hodges. j or my egtate of gny description tality. Continuing th eir Journey Into of th e Union H igh school, and called ----------------- i will present them to me at once for atten tio n to th e free bulletins fu r central Africa by way of th e Nile We have a car of special extra «ver hold th eir peace. nished by th e D epartm ent of Agri river they have, according to th eir HB1 O re ^ n , cu ltu re, W ashington, D. 0., and by latest letters, been m ost fo rtu n ate In Star-A -Star red cedar shingles. ,2.501 th e ir ventures Into the big game per M Tjince A Co. her 11, 1*11. th e Oregon A gricultural College. I w ith her iiiulhcr, Mra. M. It. Blue Baking powder 16 oz can 25c Vanilla extract 2 oz bottle 25c Lemon extract 2 oz bottle 15c Pork and beans per can 10c Oysters 2 cans 25c Peaches 1 can 25c Pears 1 can 25c Pine apples 15 20 25c per can if Pelton9s hams, bacon and lard M ER R ITT COMPANY Mutt and Jeff to Be at Medford C h A © e c R 1 JUS u n t s c c o Everyone who receives or pays out money should avail himself of the Safety and Con venience afforded by a Checking Account with this Bank. The business man regards his checking or com mercial account as one of the necessities of his business. It is the financial compass which guides him in the direction of his affairs. No m atter what your business, it will be bene fited if you bank here and pay by check. Small accounts welcome. Checks payable throughout the United States collected promptly for customers, and state ments of accounts rendered the first of each month. T h e G o ld H ill B anK HORAf C PELTON President ROBT M. MOORE Vice President LYNN W. SMITH Cashier FEED GOLD HILL FLOUR, FEED & COMMISSION STO R E K . C . Ra ? d e l, P r o p . H om e PK one The Gold Hill Market Fresh and Salt MeatA ZST F. L. Caldwell Gold Hill, Oregon