FOR COUNTY CLERK tl ■is announced his candidacy fur the ‘v clerk. This is the first time hat anyone north of Central d county office for many TH E C A S H 'v known throughout nnty will have an SYSTEM is the o n ly system * C o f ille u n r t is , ......... a succeas- i/CS* j ^ aeks‘,n eoun,.v- hi l' 1148 , fU' " •gnt’esaive in business and Study O u r Prices and Be Convinced I hf , .'ogresstvc, hut otic win» ' since 4. a . . plained his unalterable opposition .». Statement No. 1: A S APWtAI. TO M A SO N Friends and whoolmalos, I appeal to you to make at least one reselution an d th at ia this, ' ‘W hat oth»rs h a w done wv can do” . Let us elim b the ladder step by step. We are need»el at the top. Let us rem ember as the coming citizens of G rand Old Oregon th at w e m ust be prepare»! to take th e reins of the govern- ment in doe time and fill the pla»v of honor. Let ns be qualified to, fill the legitimate positions th at aid in m aking a great people and a glorious commonwealth. Let it- all take care and lieed the pitfall that leads to destruction and disgrace. I cannot allow myss-lf to think th at law b n ak » rs of all »l» s»'ript»ins, liars, inqx»»- ter« anti the rest of the evil »letu» tit that is to tie toiuid in part- of the universe, shall 1»' supplie»l from tie rank of tlh schools ofourw otrliy state. Ktincml« r dear chil­ dren the great men of today er yesterday were school ehildrtn once, though no; bk-ssst » itl. the mo i rn o p iip n u -n t which *itlong the lines of safety cnee as miner, rancher and into anti a knowledge of the in Jackson county that fit hint spires. He made good as deputy n the Applegate, a miner on Foots de and Gold Hill, he has a uniform record of squareness anu » u ic,» . He is now serving a term as city councilman of Gold Hill, and his record of alertness and ability in that capacity fully justifies the confidence reposed in him by the voters who elected him. In private life, as in public affairs, he has always borne himself hopomblj and uprightly. The democratic voters of Jackson county will confer a favor on the entire county electorate by nominating W. II. Miller of Gold Hill for county clerk. Then, whoever is nominated on the republican ticket, the people of Jackson county will have the satisfying assurance that they have at least one candidate who is amply qualified beyond all question or criticism. W H E A T , $ 1 .0 0 PE R B U S H E L P E A R L S H O R T N IN G , 6 O c a n d $1.15 We will sell Fancy Willamette Spuds, $1.50 ewt. on arrival of car. Free Delivery to Foots Creek by Stage twice u week COUNTY COURT TO BLAME AS WELL AS HARMON N pat vernacular. Engineer Harmon’s friends—and he has not LANCE & COMPANY’S JBIG STORE a few among those who have been the beneficiaries of his official I bounty—consider that lie has been unjustly made the “ goat” for misdeeds upon the the part „ the credit for which they vehemently insist properly repose county court. This is erroneous insofar as any intention on of this paper is concerned. Mr. Harmon is indeed the He degerVes Io he. Assuming that he knew the law, he In 11.u , »1 the above sta te ! truth» k* » that he was breaking it many tunes during his slapdash career apjx’al to you, classmates an.!, w, ! as county roadninster. He should have known that he was none the are comparatively few in num bers, we less culpable with the county court approving of his illegal actions, ask that you one ami all try and interest gg d must be presumed that they, knowing the law, did approve, some friend or loe, ami bring them t-> T , . . £■3: POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR COl'.XTY t ’LFItli I hereby announce myself as a can­ ... , ... ... .. ,, . That the county court was accessory both before anti after the fac this beautiful Southern Oregon village and I , • didate for the democratic nomination introthice tlwm ¡nt.« the routine of work *s uo extenuation of Mr. Harmon’s .illegal official actions. Neither for the office of county clerk: sub­ of one-of tlieeth cicn tan d uKHlem schools js the fact that Mr. Harmon was the principal actor in a frenzie» ject to the will of the voters of that of today. u e are lab».ring underditficul- , tics, our ambitions an- g n a t and to great d ram a of illegality any excuse fo r the co unty court. If H arm on was party at the primaries. things do we aspin». but how much inon- Brutus in the tragedy of stabbing the state law in a dozen places I promise the people of Jackson could we do were our nuincers only in- ■ 1 county that In case of my nomination crease» 1 and how great would be the boon the members of the county court were co-conspirators. If Jackso to suffering hum anity. county’s credit lies a prostrate corpse today, the county court is and election I will fulfill the duties The following paragraph from a North Dakota paper is offered by the Retail sped a 1st to those who find his remedies beneficial as being good for whatever ails them: There is a certain quality in happy recollection that defies definition— that is as impalpable and as sweet as tlit- wind blown perfume of springtime fields, and that is in its elusive frag­ rance never twice the same. What secret chemistry of memory do we grope upon at such times— unless It be the very e of forgotten joy? of the office of county clerk accord­ my equally guilty with Mr. Harmon. Those who ehoose to believe that ing to law and to the best of Mr. Harmon is less guilty than his fellow-stabbers of the couuty knowledge and ability. court are welcome to that opinion, for whatever it is worth to the\n Gold Hill, Or., Feb. 16. 1912. Qr j0 Jjim W. H. MILLER The fact remains that laws have been broken both by Mr. lia r mon and the county court. Perhaps it will take a special session of the grand jury to fix the blame and the amount thereof exactly. THE UNITED MUCKRAKERS HE newspapers of Jackson county have responded nobly, and almost unanimously to the “ Call to Arms” printed in the las: The worst thing that has been issue of The News. With one exception, the county press is united printed about Judge Colvlg since he came home and told the papers how in the fight for a higher conception of public duty as applied to conn a girl in ’Frisco filched his watch and ty officials than has heretofore obtained. The News has faith to be­ stickpin is an eight-story “pome’' In lieve that this one exception—the Medford Mail Tribune—will soon Thursday's Mall Tribune. As far as j shake off the possible entangling alliances which seem to clog its is known, the judge has never done editorial utterance, and vault into the arena to become the most anything to provoke or justify his being celebrated In spavined dog­ zealous muckraker of the bunch. True, the Mail Tribune took care gerel, such as limps and wheezes of the ease of County Clerk Coleman and his failure to comply with down an entire column t ‘ southern the law. and waiving all possible motives aside from a desire to fur Oregon’s leading dally. The author ther the common good, took care of the case in good shape. Having had the saving sense not to reveal his performed this magnum opus, the Mail Tribune, contrary to its tra Identity, and Harry Hicks, although innocent, is compelled to shoulder ditions, subsided into a clam-like silence, which The News trusts will be broken shortly with a noise that will drown the busy click­ the b'ame. h -------- ing of the linotypes and the rhythmical roaring of the big Duplex. Oratory Then the people of Jackson county will get the truth in one unpollut The statesman throws his shoulders ed stream from all their newspapers, to the great final benefit, as back and straightens out his tie, And says, "My friends, unless it The News is bound to believe, of the administration of county affairs, which has become o ’ergrown with the moss of carelessness and tarn rains, the weather will be dry,” And when this thought into our ished with the rust of illegality. brains has percolated through, We common people nod our heads and loudly cry: ‘‘How true!” The statesman blows his massive nose and clears his august throat, And says, "The ship will never sink as long as It’s afloat.” Whereat we roll our solemn eyes, ap­ plaud with main and might. And slap each other on the back the while we say, “He's right!” T RUN AN EXCURSION FOR SCHUMANN HEINCK l PERSONALITY absolutely unique is one of the factors that has » placed Ernestine Sehumann-IIeinck at the head of all present day concert singers. A newspaper writer once said of the great contralto that she was “ essentially human.” Since then hundreds of others have repeated this assertion. And it tells a part of the story of the tremendous popularity of an artist who is none the less a musi­ cian because she is always a woman, with a kepn sympathy for her The statesman waxes stern and warm fellow beings. his drone becomes a roar. That Madame Sehumann-IIeinck should stand in the same super­ He yells, "I say to you my friends, lative position in the concert field that she occupied in opera is large­ that two and two make four!’’ And thereupon our doubts dissolve, ly due to her personality, a personality which projects itself beyond our fears are put to rout, the footlights. The moment she appears on the stage she seems to And we agree that here’s a man who transfer to the audience something that binds them together in bonds knows what he’s about. — Exchange. of sympathy. And when she sings her effects are the keener because The chap who does this stunt the of this tie. This season Madame Schumann-JIeink will be busier than ever, singing in all of the principal cities and in many of the best of all the windy bunch, The hero bold who never falls to smaller towns, where she is as popular as in the metropolis. have the proper hunch. Included in her tour is Medford, where she will give one concert The statesman who with sage advice on the evening of Friday, March 1, at the Natatorium. Owing to the Is always primed and ready, Who knows it all from soup to nuts size of the auditorium and the vast popularity of the artist, popular — good guess, why, yes, It’s Teddy! ' prices will prevail, the best seats being but $2. Political Notes A (M-rsistcnt ranior floats out from Medford to tlie ell'eet th at W. II. Canon will shortly withdraw his candidacy for the democratic nomination for judge. C. E. Whlsler of Medford. In an­ nouncing bis candidacy for joint representative, declares that he is for statement No. 1. because he believes in It. Mr. Whlsler's frankness Is such that It becomes almost sarcastic. C. B. Watson, of Ashland, is out with a political announcement—dif­ ferent from the average run of polit­ ical announcements, howuver. He says he Is not a candidate for the republican nomination for county Judge, and that he would not accept the honor If It were to be unanimous­ ly tendered him. COME HOME Far, far away where the silvery spray Dances along the shore, There waits today, as she does al- way The mother whom you adore. She’s thinking of you, this mother so true, Wherever you may roam. Tho’ beyond her view, she's calling to you: “Come home, my boy, come home.” In many a place on the earth's broad space, A mother sits alone, Where she tries to trace the dear, sweet face Of the one she calls her own. She's thinking of you, this mother so true. Wherever you may roam. Tho’ beyond her view, she's calling !o you: "Come home, my lass, come home.” By the old fireside o'er the ocean wide, A mother weeps today, Where oft she's cried for her great­ est p rid e— Her dear one, now far away. She's thinking of you this mother so true. Wherever you may roam. Tho’ beyond her view, she’s calling to you: "Come home, my child, come home." JAMBS A. POWER, G et T h e Purest and the best in Drugs and Medicines, and that means you will come here for them. We carry a full line of very high grade goods, and we guarantee them to give satisfaction in every particular. Our charges, too, will satisfy the most economically inclined. Here we have a special departm ent for Toilet and Bath Room necessities. Once you get the habit of dealing here you will find it profitable J a rv is th e D ru ggist Gold Hill Cafe For Sundries and Meals Fancy Mixed Candy Fresh Supply Peanuts - 1 5c per lb. 1 5c per lb. English Walnuts Almonds, Oranges and Apples At Prices that Meet any Competition TRUAX & CO., Proprietors S T E IN H O F F T h e A rc h ite c t a n d B u ild e r Is here to stay, and is very much alive to the needs of this growing city, and will design and execute anything in thje Building line, Brick, Stone anc id Cement. Plain or artistic Cement and Iron Grill Fences A S p e c ia lty