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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1912)
W hat A b ou t CCORGF. LY M A N o fC o ld HUI F o r C o m m is s io n a r ? W hat A bout CON LEEVER o i C e n t r a l P o in t F or C o u n ty J u d g e? GOLD HILL, JACKSO N COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1912 *♦*****♦••♦• ***♦♦♦♦***♦♦♦♦'' Talcum Powder Won't Kill Snakes \1 I <•*/////"/’. SY Ö *6 ’ < V.AVÌ i> A . J. Smith Elopes With Another Man's Wife SNAKES W HY? Why a re n 't th e specifications for the Central Point boulevard on filo In th e clerk's office? Why are many other Harmon contracts missing from their proper repository? Why did th e county court m ake Mr. Harmon put back $900, and al low him to keep $90 w itch he had diverted to his own uses In a m anner fully as illegal, or more so, as In the case of the larger am ount? Why, O, why? iv im n l e u u o lrt H ill M o n d a y m o rn in g for Medford on the motor to do some »hopping. She has not been seen bv her husband since. She is aupppsed to have gone direct Io Ashland whe.-e she joined Smith and left with him on No. 13 fo r Sacramento. In Ashland the couple were seen by a number o f people who knew them and they a t once telephoned to Gold H ill, so that Mr. Knotts lost little time in getting on the tra il o f the e b , pers. Today he asked fo r a war rant fo r Iheir arrest. Smith is said to have drawn $180(1 from a Gold H ili bank and $1375 from a bank at Nampn, Idaho. ITe is sup posed to have this money with him. The intimacy o f the elopers is sup posed Io have dated from Inst sum mer. Eighteen months ngo Mrs. Smith died and Smith took u p bis residence with the Knotts as a board er. Knotts’ work took him away from home a great deal, leaving the children, Mrs. Knotts and Smith nloim in the house. However, Mr. Knotts "B"T ' Reprinted from The Gold Hill New» of January 20th, 1012) Has there been a sudden rush in th e Medford banking business, or a sudden lull, since Jackson county w arrants, along some tim e between Oct. 9 and Oct. 20, 1911, became un saleable In Snn Francisco? Did they become unsaleable In th at city at that tim e? If so, why ? And incidentally, why did (leorge Davis, president of th e F arm ers and F ruitgrow ers bank, resign? Why didn't ho resign In Oc-1 toiler? O, this w hirlwind of whys! It Is most exasperating to the conse crated seeker afte r tru th . Ca TORIES in Jackson county official life are , living fast and loose throughout the length and breadth of the county. But they wriggle away and are lost like snakes in the grass upon the approach of any one who is looking for snakes. Acting on the adage ‘ that where there is much smoke there must be some fire, the News proposes to pursue these stories until some of them arc caught, killed and hung on the fence, so that the public may see what manner of reptiles it is that keep the grass ? gossip rustling. The News believes there are snakes in the grass. It believes they can be caught and killed. ;. proposes to catch, kill and hang them on the fence for la»“ benefit of the people of Jackson county. Harmon9s Queer Report 3 lias naa ns expert accountant—his name is not Wil- 3 he from Corvallis—at work all week trying to get f Roadmaster Harmon’s official report, submitted to !D by the county court February 8, 1912. The expert is puzzled. He cannot understand to save his l i f e - says why three distinct and separate charges should irvey work on the Gold Hill bridge”—$25.00 in one another, and yet $220 in another. He gives it at his that this is rather expensive surveying, allowing for i” that appears as some portion of the two larger charges. He does not understand why three canthooks should be charged up to the county at $17.25, when the best canthooks made can be had for $2.50 to $2.75 each. He can’t hook onto the system of bookkeeping that makes them cost that much. In fact The News expert accountant—who is not getting $700 for the job and whose name is not Wilson—gives it as his expert opinion that Roadmaster Harmon’s report is full of blowholes. He proposes to spend some little time figuring it out. When he arrives at his conclusions they will be printed in The NewB, which will then deem it its plain duty to ask the county court WHY it accepted and APPROVED such a re- i port. Perhaps for the same reason that roads and bridges were ac- i cepted and approved by Roadmaster Harmon. Perhaps—but it will 1 be up to the county court to furnish the reason. And the people will demand one that is good and sufficient. If it is not promptly ' forthcoming, perhaps the grand ju ry can adduce one. ’ ^Z — Why did R oadm aster Harm on fall to comply w ith th e law, when his con trac t provided expressly th a t all his official actions should be legal? Why did the county court, responsible for all his official acts, allow him to break laws like straw s whenever he encountered them . Why? Why? My, my, but th is why business is confus- W hen a few counties have a t tem pted to hire road engineers, poli tics and not efficiency has governed the appointm ents— and it will ever be so.— Mail Tribune. Can it be th a t the above black and b itter bit of pessimism refers in anv way to the appointm ent of late Road- m aster H arm on? No, It cannot be, for th e Mail T ribune has said th a t Mr. H arm on built the best roads In Jackson county. County Books Now Being A udited By Expert and as the contract called for work i to begin immediately Mr. Wilson crossed the hall, took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves and began with the key volume in County Clerk Cole man's office. Every officer of the county will have his books audited before the contract is complete, which will take some where between two and three months. County Clerk Coleman, by special re quest, has the first opportunity to have his books checked up. Following his office comes the offices of the re corder, sheriff and treasu rer in order. The work will cost th*s county |700 and will cover the books since the last accounting, which was held up to and including July 6, 1908. Why did Judge Neil insist th a t Mr. H arm on should be paid out of the road fund, or th a t he was entitled to pay him self therefrom , when the w arrants issued to Mr. H arm on for salary, like o th er county w arrants, state on th e face th a t they should be PAID OUT OF TH E GENERAL mo |COUNTY FUND, FROM MONEYS we NOT O THERW ISE APPROPRIAT- to ED? Is Judge Neil Incapable of un- or d erstandlng plain E nglish? Or Is he »ts in favor of paying o u t county money m- Illegally? W hat Is th e psychic bond It betw een Judge Nell and R oadm aster he H arm on, anyhow ? H arm ony of the >d- 'r ig h t so rt is a great thing, b u t It re- shouldn't exist In such a m arked do- rt- gree betw een a county Judge and a i county roadm aster. ord re- isk t If >ne eet ’