Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1912)
W «olh Hill Netos h i b lt t h u i t t m Saturday at b a ld WH. to llo o n County, Oregon A Cal! to Arms 4* HE NEWS calls upon its fcllow-worken iu the Jackson county journalistic vineyard to fall in and help it in the work it has R tX H . lA M P M A N undertaken mum ly. tha id' eh nil) up Jackson county officially u U n>: at 'h e < ” M H ili po*<ofl!c«* to r tra m o n ta and politically. This paper he it now announced, if it is no, already •io n »hrough th e I H Iteri State# lu a iU # • »eoon«» v i a » m attar understood has taken a stand lor eomniOQ honesty in the official life of Jackson county. and it believes it has gone far enough in that fight S àttrday , F krki ary IO, 1912 to prove lo its local contemporaries, and to every one else, that it S u h lt op tio n $1 .SO P er Annum, in Adyante is in earnest am, that there is plenty that needs cleaning. If there has been apy doubt that this was the ease before, the present issue of The News should allay it This paper is out to do its duty as it sees it by the people of Jackson county. W hat's everybody’s busi ret ommended fo r that tired f e t in g ness has been nobody’s b u sin ess loo long. The mistletoe has grown upon the oak until its .strength, supped insidiously, is beginning to Riches be taken away. Soon, if the parasite he not removed, the oak will Best Sugar, 14 lbs. - - $1 00 Pink Beans, 10 lbs. - - $1 00 A little faith, be dead. There is yet time. Bui taxes are creeping up year by year, Rice, 15 11«. - - - - 'A little hope, Royal Club Coffee, 3 lbs. 1 00 1 00 A little son keeping well ahead of a constantly rising assessed valuation. The Salt, Dairy, 50 lb#. - - 50 L & Co. Special, 4 lbs. - 1 00 To warm life’s slope. A little joy, county is aomething like a half million in debt. Each year of the Salt, half ground, 50 lbs. 40 Kerosene Oil, 5 gals. - 1 00 A little song, present county administration has seen it go something over $100,- A little dieam When night is long; 000 deeper in the mire, on an average. W H E A T . $ 1 .0 0 P E R B U S H E L A little fun. It is time, and over tnie. to sharply call a halt, to discover causes A little play; A little rest aud to devise remedies for die sickness that manifesta itself iu high Syrup, White Clover, can 36c - - 26c Milk, 3 cans - Along the w ay; Syrup, White Clover, can 66c and increasing taxation, deep and deepening debt, depreciated and A little work, - - 10c Corn, per can Lard, 6-pound cans - - 75c A little sleep; even unsaleable county warrants and all the contingent alarming svm- - - 10c A little hottie Tomatoes, can Lard, 10-pound cans - $1.40 toins. Things have gone far enough as they are. The juggernaut W here rones creep; A little tin1 miscalled progress must be arrested before it is too late and Jackson To tune your heart, P E A R L S H O R T N IN G , 6 O c a n d $1.15 county lies a ruin in its wake. True progress and good business must Win n twilight draws Your soul a p a rt; take the place of fake progress and bad business in the couduet of A little star - 95c Heavy Shorts . . . . |,35 Weightsburg Brand county affairs. I, is criminal to delay longer. Something must be done In Heaven above; A little prayer. - - 55c Alfalfa Meal, per cwt. - 1,40 Seed Oats, bushel and done quickly. Anil lots of love— Rolled Oats, sack - - - 1.25 Dairy Food - - - - $1.35 Ami life goes singing Therefore The News, believing as it does in the honesty, sincerity Night atul day and public spirit of the newspapers of Jackson county, calls upon To shake the shadows •All away. them for aid in its fight for what it knows to be right. Sectional We will sell Fancy Willamette Spuds, $1.53 cwt. on arrival of car. L arry H odgson . jealousy should be brushed aside. Personal animosities, if any exist, Free Delivery to Foots Creek by Stage twice a week should be forgotten. Call i, muckraking, if you will; there is need Putting O n the Finishing Touches for a new birth and a new deal in Jackson county. (Central Point H erald.) The Woodville Argus is already aligned with The News. The In tlie most recent ¡sane of The Gold Hill N\w» I>r. C. 11. Smith, M. I).fc Central Point Herald does not disapprove of the course The News has city health officer of th at town, presum taken. The Medford Mail Tribune has done some muckraking of a ably hv appointm ent, and pretender to certain kind in its own way. The Medford Sun has called for an BBS tie same position in Central Point, pre sumably n account of brainstorm, flags official houseeleaning. The Jacksonville Post has been silent. So rii has the Ashland Record, ami its contemporary, the Tidings, while the Herald in lurid yellow and tangli “ eruptive disease,” scarlet fever and sneering slightly, has been of some assistance. Asbestos Absorbents measles into a conglomerate mess that That is the roll call. Gentlemen of the press of Jackson county, Levi Richter, chief mogul <>( all tin- would require the services of the Ameri will von join with The News in its struggle for purer polities, for a rnipqiiMH. wfls down from Ilia Dough»» can Medical Society to unravel. county ranch over Sunday. The good doctor seeuis to be worried, wiser expenditure of county moneys, for the elimination of anything Jim Dinkena 1» engaged at p n n q it in and perhaps for re ason. It is not so easy and everything that has even the faintest resemblance to graft ! dynam iting atniiqH ami otherwise im • to start an epidemic scare now as it useti The people of Jackson county, as well as The News, await your proving Ilia model trm k patch. to he and th at must be discouraging to answer. T 4 THE CASH SYSTEM IS THE ONLY SYSTEM Rexall Remedies Study Our Prices and Be Convinced LANCE & COMPANY’S BIG STORE say the least. Space forbids a reproduc tion of the doctor’s letter in which lie post s as an ardent defender of medical laws and enstoms and then rails at the H erald because it told the tru th about the prevalent "eruptive disease” in Cen tra l Point ami other valley towns. In closing his rem arks in The News this self appointed guardian of general health conditions sound« thia warning—or is it a threat aimed at Central Point? “ Tlie next time a warning is rendered necessary by open violation of the law, it will NOT take the form o f a printed no tice. ’ ’ W hat will lie hi- n ex t move? Will lie attack this town with a blunderbuss or his pill liags? God give him gnus, a time like this requires guns, strong guns, any thing th at will kill quick and save ns from brainstorm prescriptions and pre seti bers. If the State Board of Health lias listed brainstorm as a contageous disease and adopted a distinctive quarantine fiagtliey would better send one to Gold Hill quick In reply to th e statem ent of the C entral P oint H erald, I have only th is to say. The editor of th a t paper stated th a t I was only doing my duty in taking the stand th a t I did; and th a t my action was such as to call the attention of the local authorities to the position In which th eir town had been placed. This, in effect, was his personal opinion. This week he has indulged in noth in b u t personalities. As such they are beneath notice. C. H. SM ITH , M. D., City H ealth Officer. QUIETUS. M an and hia strife, an d b en eath him th e e a rth In her green repose. And o ut o f th e e a rth he com eth, and into th e e a rth he goes. Oh. sw eet a t la s t is th e silence! Oh. sw eet a t th e w a rfa re 's close. F o r o ut of th e silence he com eth and into th e silence goes. A nd th e g re a t sea round him glis tens. an d above him th e g re a t n ig h t glows. And out of th e night he com eth, a a d in to th e n ig h t he goes. —W illlr.m W a tso n . SORROWS OF WERTHER. rX T E R T H E R Lad a love f i r C h a rlo tte ’ * Such a s w ords could never u tter. W ould you know how first he m et h er? She w a s c u ttin g bread an d b u tter. H A R L O T T E w as a m arried lady, A nd a m oral m an w as W erth er A nd f o r ail th e w ealth of Indies W ould do n o th in g fo r to h u r t her. C D O he sighed an d pined an d ogled, And his passion boiled an d bubbled T ill he blew his silly b ra in s out And no m o re w as by It troubled. H A R L O T T E , h av in g seen his body B orne before h e r on a sh u tte r. L ik e a well co n d u cted person, W e n t on c u ttin g b re a d and butter. - W illia m M aki peace T h ack eray C Inspector J . C. Aitken, of Wiaalville, waa up in the hill» long enough to place hia official O.K. on the “ Hillbilly” orchard on Saturday last. Jack W alker la naidiug on hia hoiue- 3R downright, absolute boneheadednetw Grants Pass, or those of atead claim at present. He contemplate» employment for the atimraer at that city who were to blame for a failure to have Josephine county seeking Prmpect. represented at the Medford mining congress. takes all the blue rib It ia reported that Mr. Burton ami bons and grand prizes. Secretary Andrews of the Grants Pass Com wife, of Central Point, will occupy the B I. mercial club, in an extended article in the Courier, explains lucidly Weli h bungalow, near Aala-atoa poatotfiee, sometime the present niounth. that (Jrants Pass is a booby community. He doesn’t put 5t just that T I h ' Storms Bros., whe liave l»cn trap way, but he makes it plan enough. ping in the Fish laike country, are Inane In refusing to participate in the Medford mining meeting Grants with a fine exhibit of choice pi Itri. ■». T h e y ! Pass bit off its own nose and ate it with relish, much to the disgust will return there shortly for the bahinee of all beholders. There is no doubt that the congress was injured of the trapping aeaaon. fu r l 11umui,>n. 1 Mini David W alker by the failure of Grants Pass to help make it a success. came down from Prospect, when* they When prospective mining development in southern Oregon be have tw> n em ploy'd fur m int- time fiaxt, comes actual. Grants Pass will inevitably benefit, perhaps more than on Saturday last, »ml an- vi»i<injz with i any other town. Grants Pass missed a chance to help herself along friend» ami relative» in thia vicinity. by snubbing the Medford congress. Shannon Oliver,will give a grand hull at Trail on the evening of the 14th ¡nut. Here is the Grants Pass attitude, from a Grants Pass Paper; I t ia reported th at if "S h a n ” fail» to luml The Southern Oregon and California Mining con a »tin- enough valentine on that nccu»ion gress will be held at Medford this week, Friday and Sat lie will w-ek other Held» of conqilcMt. urday, but on information from good authority the local Mi»» Ida Simmon», who haa (wen em mining men are of the opinion that they will not partici ployed at Medford for several month» pate. nor will the rich exhibits of ore in this city grace p a s t, 1» spending a brief varation with ! the exhibition tables in the Medford show. her grandparent», Mr. and Mr». J . (). A prombMTit business man who is interested in the W alker, at present. mines in this section said yesterday that if it could be John (). W alker 1» Netting out a large shown that an exhibition of the fine samples of ore from tract to peacliM, »mall fruit», etc., on the Josephine county at the Medford congress would in any “ Hotige” ranch, near Trail. Mr. W alker j way benefit local men, then the m atter would be con ha» made m any improvement» on that sidered. But as it now stands the only ones to be bene property of late, and it is rapidly heroin- | fite d from the congress is the Medford people and so the ing a very valuable holding. Grants Pass men are inclined to buck. Lee M it.hell la in line for a Carnegie Josephine county is first in the state in mine pro medal, all right, from the fact th at tie ducts and has the finest exhibit in this part of the coun earrie» the mail three time« a week on i try. It is the intention of local mining men to organize, foot, from hi» home to the poatoffice, two during the coming year, a mining congress for Josephine and a half mile«—one mile «until and a county and prepare an exhibit for the National congress. mile and a half at m ight up. How’s that for pinnacled pinheadednesa, gentle readerT Do von Mr. Kinger, an expert horticulturist get the Grants Pass spirit! And isn’t it inspiring! from Illinois, ia doing some artistic work in the way of orchard pruning in thia vicinity. Mr. Ringer 1« a most genial POST BREAKS SILENCE ON COLEMAN CASE gentleman, and it i» to la - hn|«d that he may liecome an actual resident of the T H E neglect of Clerk Coleman to remit the money received A»l»»t<is district. Welch and Lumpman an ' keep ■ for hunting and fishing licenses has been the subject of ing Messrs. bachelor hall while their iietter- many articles in the papers of the so-called metropolis this lialvea an' viaiting relative« at Gold Hill week. It seems to us that the m atter has been magnified and Central Point. It’« an even !«•( Iw- out of all proportion. There is absolutely no evidence what ween J. B. and II. II. aa to which of them will first auccnmb to the effects of ever that Mr. Coleman attempted to embezzle any of the their culinary effort». Sam Koae, another of the “ hillhillie»" funds belonging to the state ; in fact, within 24 hours after who “ live» on a bluff” , ha» made »nine the demand was made he had remitted to the proper author aulistantial improvment» on hi» ranch the winter, and will leave shortly for ities the full amount delinquent, something over $10,000. paat northern Colifornia when' he will a|wnd Some of his detractors would likely have been about 24 tlie coming Mpring ami auinmer aiming the tall tim la r in the employ of a logging years in making a like remittance. As the m atter has been tom pany. The surrounding hill» an' literally cov- so thoroughly discussed in different papers during the past ri d with early spring wild flower», the week we will simply say that the entire amount due the state lark, robin and other Hummer aongatera In re in inyriada, while the raucous has been remitted by Mr. Coleman, and th at the whole mat an' m aking of frog» in the meadow» in con- ter was an oversight, and not an atlempt to defraud or wrong unction with otla r memlier» of Pan'« or- haatia, reminds tt» that the vi rmd aea either the state or its citizens.—Jacksonville Post. aon ia hen- rather In advance of achodnle time. The Grants Pass Spirit F Hl G et T h e Purest stnd the best in Drugs and Medicines, and that means you will come here for them. We carry a full line of very high grade goods, and we guarantee them to give satisfaction in every particular. Our charges, too, will satisfy the most economically inclined. Hen* we have a special department for Toilet and Bath Room necessities. Once you get the habit of dealing hi re you will find it profitable J a r v is th e D r u g g is t Gold Hill Cafe Eor Sundries and Meals Fancy Mixed Candy Fresh Supply Peanuts - 15c per lb. 15c per lb. English Walnuts Almonds, Oranges and Apples At Prices that Meet any Competition TRUAX & CO., Proprietors S T E IN H O F F T h e A r c h it e c t a n d B u il d e r Is here to stay, and is very much alive to the needs of this growing city, and will design and execute anything in the Building line. Brick, Stone and Cement. Plain or artistic Cement and Iron Grill Fences A S p e c ia lt y 1