Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1912)
I * Will Harmon Be R e-Appointed R oadm aster? Mr. Harmon Put Back $ 9 0 0 Illegally Drawn from the Hoad fund. Thanks, Mr. Harmon! TT a RMON^ T f U M B E j i | His Friends Have O ffered to B et That Way Mr. Harmon Paid Himself $ 9 0 ©he ©Mb lUegaliy for Salary in Jan uary. Put It NO. 40 GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1912 14 Back, Mr. Harm on! Harmon Misappropriates $990; Puts Back $900 OUNTY RoadinuHter W. W. Harmon was required Thursday fu Harry Triplett Blows Out George Davis Quits Com- restore $990, improperly taken by him from the county road fund. C This amount represents the county roadtnuster’g salary for September missionership Because He and October, $3(X) for each month, and November and December. His Brains at Woodville For each month, with $90 drawn by Mr. Harmon, without a Last Night; Cause Insanity Has So Much to Do, Tra-la $130 warrant being issued or without authorization by the county court, P r i u u ere r i o t f P m r iv e a te Business is H is Reason — L o c a l O p in io n . A nother Innovation Mr. liartnon T h a t D a v is is “ C o a t " in ha* Introduced la to keep a detailed Hat of ull monte* received and ex M e d fo r d P o litic a l F ra m e -U p pended. with vouchers for the same. — Mall Tribune. Coimly Ci»miiil*l<»n«T Georg»1 1«. Davis The M all-Trtbune cannot exactly Thiir-<lay afternoon pnxamuxl hi* reslg- call It an Innovation to have a county tuubin to liw cimntjf <-"ort, Pi lake effret orrida) put back money diverted from tlii« m onth. While no olttcial aauuum v- Ita proper place, but a*ldo from thia »1. nl I* forthcoming it I» ruiuiavd Unit one Instance Mr. liartnon appears to Frank Brown of Eagle Point will tic i hosi a have been a very prince of Innovators by the iiiunty court ax hi* xurii'xxor to from building b ridges' w ithout speci eerve until the next general oloetiou. fications to reporting favorably on Mi l»»vl* that die rewignatlou them before they are completed. A win the n-xuli of tin' |»r>—“ire of private tni^ni HM interexl*. wlileh «oreMillaU«! bin few more Innovations like those In n e u li't eltlier of the eo n n tj'« IUterest or troducad by Mr. H arm on, aided and of Ui. Kurni, i < A Fruitgrowers lunik, of abetted by the county court, and Whl h be I* ........ I' llt. lie wuuelei l. il n- Jackson county would need an Inno In the shape of a 11.000,000 a n pnlilieau u year ago luut Movembwr vation b o n d " ¿ 'u * ’to 'p a y ” »ff debt* already a n d bad three year« yet to nerve. Frank Brown, who I» luoudnued um Ilia Incurred mien iuer, I* a »ell known niemtuinl ut Engl. Point, and 1« tiiiona are already in eireiilutiou to nom inate him ax county coinniixaioiier o il the l e p u ii lie u n ticket for the full eleiiion Il is the m il. rnl opinion in tinld Hill th a t heavy p r -<«nr>‘ «a* brought to lieur from Medford to lore«' Davlx’ rexigu.iilon, Unix allowing the up|x .iutiuent to UH vauaiuy of a m a il fra m II j t o Meilford Frank Brown—and the candidacy of a Medford man, xlmiigor and aliler than DsVl- "K II Canon—for a more Im portant office, that of county ju d w Thi* would insure Medford’« liaving " d in ct m pn » nlaliuM in the county e o u rt," of which, ax noted by the wall T ribune, tliat city lias been mnyxirarily deprived by Davis' rexignaiioii. How Roadmaster Harmon Got the Money O m et or w VJ , H A S u F T .o r R M O N D r. Kirschgvagener made a pc> fcssio: al trip to Trail lart tSmclay. R oad « JA C K SO N C O U N T Y BIG PLACER SALE ON FOOTS CREEK , (Hakv.%3 " Ceunty G ents Eastern (M inern liny* Mining Site* for g'Jtt.l.tHHI — Plan Im m ediate P lanting of Orchard With latter Sul*llvl»lon* COL. RAY SELLS OUT SOME MORE ■■ » ifr. T . T H tr ö in .r a ^ le . Bucket Dredge to B e Installed und Hydraulics W ill Waali Down Upper Bench«« Twenty-one hundred acre* of pla cer ground on Foots creek ha* been ■old to an eastern concern, represent ed by Alet Hall and W. H. Go*», for >292,000. The plan of the company la to dregde the land, reclaim It and plant th e same to orchard a* fast as th e dredging work Is completed. Work on the property will begin w lthltr the next few week*, when d rillings will be made on the prop erty. A large bucket dredge has been ordered In the cast and will he In stalled. This will begin on the lower end of the property and work up stream . working th e bunks of the st res in and the little valley, barge hydraulics will wash tho upper benchoa down to the dredge, which will he worked and filled In back of th e dredge. In th is m anner the land will not he washed away and left barren. Following the leveling of the land the property will bo planted to npple and pear trees, according to the prom otara, and will probably be of fered for sale In sm all tracts. This process has been applied with success In California. The company is enthusiastic over th e proapect, as tho property Is ro- from the road fund in hia custody, in payment of eighteen days’ sal- ary for January, 'hree warrant* of $300 euch, with checks attached, drawn by Mr. Harmon in favor of himself, were presented to County Clerk Coleman for cancellation. Clerk Coleman returned them to the county court with his refusal to cancel them, saying that such a pro cedure would be illegal,*aa the warrants should not have been paid from the county road fund, but should have waited to have been paid from the general fund in thetr regular turn. The county court con’ ettrred in thia view and agreed that it was up to Mr. Harmon to return the amount involved to the county road fund Another little Harmony C oroner K e llo g g M a y H o ld I n Mr. Harmon hax built the best quest to Q u ie t N e ig h b o rh o o d roads in Jackson county.— Mail T rib Gossip; T r ip le tt C a rr ie d G an une. C e n s ta n tly ; W as F in e d fo r I t Hut h as he? How about the Derby road th a t was completed and ap- Harry Triplett, storekeeper at Wimer, P">'ed by him, with fake atone cul- on Evans creek, eight mile* from Wood have been? Too bad th a t the road* ville, blew out hi* brain* with a revolver ur(, ar(. tO(j t()(j ba<1 ba(j for ,be Mai) Tribune’s laxt night, hi* body being found in an - tu ff photographer to get out and get alley at Woodville this morning. Insan ity was undnulitedly the cause. Friends Mr. Harmon gave hia personal check for $900. <7“ ,,f those m asterpiece* and neighbors hail believed for years However, Mr. Harmon did NOT return the $90 that he j(.,lti(ii. bitihwaVJ. However, it will ■tluJt ,le * " not rig^1 ” «’n,ally, and of drew for eighteen days’ salary in January, 1912, without a war- be impossible to get pictures o f those | . late la- bail been . yr ,wing worse. He rant being issued, and for which he wrote a check in favor of veneer Harmon culverts, «« the road ,a< a *° * « n < n n • « y. Coroner Kellogg, who wax calk'd this himself on the county road fund intrusted to his custody by the ‘d i'u ie 'u r n 'ie , ’re morning, may conduct an inquest, so county Court. placing them with culvert* o f the that any neighborhood fai-tionul f i l ling may not shape itself in an accu Although he was equally guilty of misappropriation of Ai-uai type, such » allow the p assage i existing sation of murder. funds in this instance as in the case of the three checks am ount-, "X m iH e"'.'rn an e '-1 no d o u b t1 l-a*t spring, as a result of a neighbor ing to $900, he was not required by the county court to restore uibuted' sXwhnt” io the to ta l of hood row, Triplett wa* arrested and tined r Hannon innnvatinti the f}ie ^90 Attain the inevitable question, WHY? 4(1,000 which M-. IIarni<»:> u a s for carrying concealed weapons. After tfiat lie won- hi* gun under hi* arm nn a Mail Tribune m I mhi M not overlook iw Mr. " • __ . by J a c k in county rond su- Iliinii.tii'H hrtmioniniH hwbit <>( paying PUT IT BACK, MR. HARMON, PUT IT BACK! belt slung about his neck. r* in 1011. Iiimsell. 1 I”'1 Triplett liail been running a store at • I Wimer for years, lint of late bis business liad fallen off gn-atly. Thi* is believed to have maile him despondent. How- , ever, >250 wa* found on the body. The suicide wa* a pioneer of tlie valley, (Exhibit “A") liaving lived in this immediate district nearly all hi* life. Hi* early youth was spent in Sams Valley. He was about 45 years old, and was unmarried. A brother, Clabe Triplett, lives in Josephine county. A Little Harmony * .v . r- K * J' • A.-Ì. . . . & [I» ! ’ 7 ÇeWn' All P ow er P lants From Grants to Dunsm uir and Klam ath to Yreka in Deal ’ May Be Col. Itay's Move Toward Trust Controlling E ntire Pacific Coast Pow er 4 dLV werk ¥ein < <eje : * - ..ur1 • • * r the Ceunty *»»j w > > *»• A consolidation of 24 electric light and power com panies controlled by the Siskiyou Light and Power com pany, and comprising all power plants and lines from G rants Pass ta Duns m uir and K lam ath F alls to Yreka, has been perfected under the name of the California and Oregon Power company, with a capital, stock of >10,000,000. The new corporation will tak e over th e holdings of th e Siskiyou, Rogue River, K lam ath, Ashland, Dunsmuir and o th er concerns, control of which has been secured during the past few m onths by th e Churchill syndicate of Yreka. The directors of the new cor poration are J. M. Churchill, presi dent: J. P. Churchill, vice president; Alex J. Rosborongh, secretary. Main offices will be at San Francisco with branch offices a t Medford, Y reka and K lam ath Falls. The deal was consum m ated by Col. F rank H. Ray. form er ow ner of the Rogue River E lectric company, and It Is currently reported to be a move in his plan of uniting under one cor poration or tru st, all power plans on the coast, from San Diego to G rants Pass. •Gents: Please pay me the sum of $3000 to apply on road work ,.County Eng(neer.. Harmon ln ref. being done by me for the county. • erance to the supreme court decision “ Gents” is good. It shows that Mr. Harmon had no time to waste, on the bond issue, says: "It win be a so busy was he in spending the people's money, in spelling out the great disappointm ent to every live more formal and more respectful word, “ Gentlemen.” So he cut it c,,l7en ,n the county, in delivering to “ Gents.” Mr. Harmon made several savings by this. He saved a (y englneer., other.time ..county road few seconds of his $300-a-month time. He saved wear and tear o n . master,'* has made it easy to separate the various parts of his typewriter. Provided he dictated to a sten- the progressive sheep from the moss- ogiapher, he saved her time, too, with another consequent saving of back goats. Dead one3 will please ,j people's money. He saved his voice. He saved the county court’s sUn<1 up and be counte<L . ,, , . . , . | — -------------- tim e in considering hi» demand. He saved all around. And he got Mr. Harmon m ust be judged by the the money all tho quicker for the roads he vjas building—wherever results he has obtained.------ Mall- they were, or are, for he doesn’t say in his neat and modest please’ I Tribune. Ve ry well. Let him be judged by pay me demand where they are, or are likely to be. t them alone, regardless of all else. Mr. Harmon is to be commended for his businesslike brevity. The people are acting in the capaci A. N. Hulbert is In-re from Auburn, Modford Mail Tribune, which for no apparent reason delegated itself The ties both of judge and Jury. California, looking afu r Inisiiicssiiuitlers, (Continued ou Last Page.) t * * * * * * * * a * « # * * * IF IT'S A GOOD THING, PASS IT ALONG. NEWS' MUCKRAKE BUSY—GIVE IT TIME. H A R M O N ’S R E P O R T puted to be one of the richest placer grounds In this section. The property comprises the hold ings of Howling, Mattis, Lance. Os borne and M atthews, whleh nre the entire holdings of tho west fork of thd creek. A portion of the ground at the lower end has been worked during the past few years by the owners of the land. The d ai was consummnt. <1 through rts of C. C. Inman of Salt the effort Luke Cltv, who has been in this city for several m onths working upon the project. Mr. Inman will have nn in eroat in tho company. , The News has received a number of communications from citizens in various parts of Jackson County, telling of alleged mal-expenditures of county funds, and asking that this paper investigate the several cases mentioned. Give us time, gentle men , give us time. It takes not only time, but money, to wield the muckrake. The News has as much time as anyone, but its finances are stretched to the breaking point. However, it promises to do the best it can, and it trusts that it may be able to continue along the lines of its present policy until everything that should be muckraked is muckraked. a I - * * * * a a T ^ J I G H T Y in t e r e s t in g r e a d in g is 1 A R o a d m a s te r H a r m o n ’s r e p o r t, p u b lish ed in y e s t e r d a y ’s M a il T r ib u n e . S o m e fe a tu r e s o f it a r e e v e n m o r e in - a t e r e s t in g th a n o t h e r s . T h e rep ort# w ill h e d isc u sse d in t h e n e x t# is s u e o f T h e N ew s. In case you like the stuff in this issue of The News, pass it along to some friend who hasn't seen it, after you have read it, and tell that friend to pass it along, and so on. Pas3 it along until i t ’s worn out. The last man that is able to read it is supposed by the rules of this pass-it-along game to send in $1.50 for a year’s subscription. But pass it along if you aren’t the last. It might be well, in case you approve of the m atter printed, to mail a marked copy to some member of the county court from time to time. Not th at the members of the county court do not read The News. They do. But that they may be interested in knowing th at you read it too. Pass it along.