Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1912)
Good School Attendance " I f one Is to Judge of Uie spirit of thl* oountry by the attendance In tbe public school* surrounding Gold IIIII, which wars recently visited,’* said Hupervlsor D. (’. Henry yesterday, "It Is evident that some of our people are among the progressives. Splendid attendance for December I* reported from the Sardine creek. Galls creek and Rock Point schools. Hurdlne and Rock Point have had special mention before and are now Joined by Galls creek with a record of 100 per cent at tendance and only three case* of tar diness during. December. Hardlne re ports one pupil dropped, with other wise perfect attendance, and Rock Point falls behind with only throe and a half days absence and two cases nt tardiness. Mrfst of the pupil* of Galls creek. Hardlne creek and Dardanelles attended the art exhibit at Gold HUI Friday afternoon and a few were present from Hum* valley and Rock Point. The Wimer and Hardlne ersek schools have recently ordered double sanitary filter water Jars from D. H. Miller, and the Galls creek and Tolo schools have received full sete of sup plementary readers.1 F. W. Dodge was at Medford on business Tuesday. Chas. Champlin * « • * Mod ford business visitor Thursday. lieu lluy* was In Medford on bual- newt several day* thl* week. J. Q. Järvi* wu* at Central Point and Medford on business Thursday. O. (J. Newell and Rex H. Lumpiusn were ut Eugle Point on business Tuesday. Grant Matthews of Foots ereek transacted busltiess In Medford on Thursday. * II. II. Nye was one of the down river delegates at last Saturday's market day. W. II. Miller, J. W. Hays, O. U. Newell and Rex II. Larapman were at Jacksonville Wednesday. Ur C. II. Smith, city health offi cer, was lu Medford Thursday on business relating to his office. R. B. Hammond, the handsome ex pressman at the local depot, was In Medford on business Wednesday. Ur. A. 1» See, chief oracle of the Gold H ill Rest club, was at Medford watching the passlug show Wednes day. Mrs. G. L. Hoff was at Medford Wednesday for medical attention, made necessary by the ulcerated lleMNie C. Ritter, wife of John J. tooth which aave so much trouble a Ritter o f this place, died January 12, short time ago. 11112, hi her home on Riverside, n iter Col. U. Washington Herschberger a very «hurt illness. The deeensed v walki>d In from Willow Springs last »us born in this county, on Foots Saturday and gave his opinion on creek, March 4, 1888, nod lived in matters In general. The colonel sees this vicinity All hep life. She was things somewhat from the Iconoclastic married March 14, 11)08. The de RIYERHIDE R IPPLES. MEADOWS M till ONIQBAM8 viewpoint, which d<M>s not detract In ceased leaves to mount her Ions be (By Mrs. G. B. Alden.) (My Al Falfs) the least from the value of his dis sides her husband two infant chil G. E. F. Moore Is building an addi Mrs. Butler Is visiting her brother course. drens her purents, Mr. utid Mrs. W. tion to his house. and family at Medford. Forty-four pullets, with a record of A. Cook of this place, nod two broth J. 11. Drake was In Gold H ill on W. A. Elliott has greatly Improved MS doxen eggs from November 1 to ers in Portland, William L. and Frank business Tuesday. his residence by the addition of a January 13. are the pride of A. C. Cook, and many relatives and friends F. Zana of SaTns valley called on kitchen. Wilson, of Sams Valley. The high in this purl of the county. Funeral friends In the Meadows Monday. Dr. J. P. Johnson and wife of Ash ' coat of living Is the least of hl* services were held ut the lute resi Mrs. Rauley, who has been visiting troubles ns long as the pullets main dence Sunday, July 14, nnd inter friends In the Meadows, returned to land were over Sunday visitors of Mrs. Gay and Miss Harper. ment whs made in the I. (I. O. F. her home Tuesday. tuln their present gait. Mr. Woolverton Is cutting out the A. C. Wilson mine In from Sams cemetery. The funeral wits largely Ralph Russell made a trip to Cen old prune orchard, which work will Valley for market day last Saturday, attended. Rev. E. C. Richurds con tral Point the first of this week to lie brought a number of artistic rag ducted the funeral services. Walter meet his mother, who has Just re ' add materially to the appearance of I his place. rugs of hl* own manufacture, which llungey, Roy Cameron, II. E. Darling, turned from California. The Slead bungalow is Just about were quickly snapped up at the rea J. E. Marling. Silas Fleming und completed. The Inside decorating is sonable price for which they were Charles F. Carter were the pallbear GALLH CREEK HCNSIIIXE. being done this week, and they will offered. Mr. Wilson was given sev ers. Friends made a very nice floral (By X. R a j.) soon be settled in the new home. eral orders for rugs of special design. offering, decorating the ensket und The rajp was much welcomed by G. II Woodson, who was a market grave beautifully. One of the twin Mrs. Richard Swacker had word the miners. day visitor In Gold HUI. Is rebuilding daughters to which she gave birth from her father. A. P. Cooper, that he Jam es Burns went to Jacksonville his Sams Valleys residence In the ju st preceding her death survived I was delayed one day on the road on I Saturday un business. bungalow style. Mr. Woodson hopes only n short time, und wits interred account of snow. He has gone to Join ; Mrs. Jumeson'und <luughters s|ient r to liuve the road straightened at the in the same ensket with the mother. the rest of the family In Idaho. the day Saturday with Mrs. Eaton. * point It puMxes his house, so that It A remurkahle feature of Ihe funeral Messrs. Coe, Slead and Alden have i It. H. Edmunds is doing some de will follow the regular section line was that all four grundpurents nod velopment work nt Ihe Tiffany mine. been clearing chaparral from their \ and not cut off a corner of his land, three of Ihe grent-grand|»arenls of Mrs. O. E. Hlnekington s|ieat Tues places, which makes a decided Iro-1 the bereaved little ones were present. as It does at present. . day with Mrs. Robert Hammond in | provement along the line. Messrs, i C. W Riley was In from Sams The grandparents were Mr. and Mrs. Gold Hill. Porter and Aten are also clearing i V. Ritter and Mr. mid Mrs, W. A. Vtlloy for the market day last Sat their places at the other end of the Gus Hluekert nnd Dode Shoemaker urday. Mr. Riley I* thinking of put Cook of Gold Hill. The great-grand have lensed the Bill Blaekert mine I line. ting In tin Irrigation system, using parents were Mr. mid Mrs. Willimn and are placer mining this winter. Informal surprise parties have: the seme method employed by his Morris n[ Rock Point mid Robert A. There huve been prayer meetings been the order of the day with the (Uncle Boh) Cook of Grunts Puss. neighbor, O. II. Woodson, that of every night the past week at the Riverside people. One at Mr. and storing winter water In a reservoir. In Mcnioriwni. Galls creek school house, which were Mrs. W S. Coe’s, another at Mr. R. j Some of the things Mr. Riley said to C. Slead'*, to celebrate the wedding Whereas, The Divine Hitler of the well uttended. his old Gold IIIII chums related Universe hits railed home ihe beloved Wilbur nnd Kenneth Edmunds, who anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. strictly to Irrigation. daughter of our brother mid sister, have been visiting their father a t the Alden; and one at Mr. Gay's and j Engineer F. W. Dodge will shortly Mr. und Mrs, W. A. Cook, therefore Tiffany mine, have returned to their Miss Harper’s for Mr. C. A. Strow-1 commence the construction of an be it home in Ashland. * bridge. artificial lake, to be surrounded by Resolved, That we, the members of a Japanese garden, on the grounds of Gold Jli'l lodge No, 12«. I. O. O. F., FOOTS ( R EEK PANNINGS ROCK POINTERS. the Morrill bungalow at the Riverside how in humble submission to the pow (By Prospector) (By Pioneer.) Mrs. Bessie Anderson, who has been orchard. He will he assisted by sug er over which we have no control, H. B. of Riverdale farm was a gestions from Sato, the efficient Jap und extend to the bereaved brother down with the la grippe, is much Medford visitor Tuesday. anese h ewurd who keeps the house und sister our heartfelt sympathy, better. T. C. Tomlinson was a Rock Point Mrs. M. J. Hosmer left for Med In order and whose literary rntnlflm and he it further visitor Saturday morning. tlons In hide "Les Mlserahles," done Resolved, That n copy of these ford to visit with her daughter, Mrs R. L. Cook visited Gold H ill a few in his native language. resolutions he sent to the bereaved A. 8. Rosenbaum. minutes Saturday morning. J. W. Short had the bad luck to Forty below, thirty-five below. family, mid a copy spread on the B. K Adams was down from his ’ twenty-three below -this Is the tale minutes of the lodge, nnd that the lose one of his work horses. It died mountain homestead Monday. told by letters from friends In North same lie published in The Gold llill of unknown causes. L. R. and R. F. Boling delivered a Dakota. Minnesota and Wisconsin. News. Mrs. BenJ. Haymond was In Jack nice mutton to the butchers In Wood sonville on business Wednesday. The mercury failed to got above xero W. II. STICKEL, ville. I t was the best mutton they for two solid weeks— pun will be W. P. WETHERF.1,1, Mrs. Rose H. Gay of the south side have seen for some time. supplied by Dr. Smith— following the J. E. DAVIDSON, visited Gold HUI Wednesday evening. John Short was up on the range arrival of the gladsome New Year, _______ Committee. H. A. Ensign of Sleepy Hollow looking over the proposition for trap farm,visited Rock Point Tuesday eve which came In cold storage. Moral— In Memorlam. ping. The snow became too deep for Quit kicking, and write a letter to ning Whereas, It hits pleased God, in him to reach his destination. the frost-gripped east, telling what Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cook visited at His infinite wisdom to call to her The freezing weather has at last the thermometer on tho back porch the home of J. J. R itter near Gold heavenly home the beloved wife of broke up. One morning the mercury tells you ench day. H ill Wednesday our Bro. J. J. Ritter, went down to 10 degrees above at the B. M. Hall, manager of the Grants Mrs. Rose Haymond and daughter Therefore, in manifestation of our Anderson - ranch. That Is the coldest Pass Iron and Steel Works, was In Gladys vlolted the “Turner art ex grief mid fraternal sympathy for the It has been for ten years. the city Wednesday to ascertain the bereaved brother, he it The rain has come at last so all the hibit” In Gold H ill Friday. prospect of Installing a system of Resolved, By the members of Gold ,1. A. Martin and daughter Bertha miners can go to work now. Koster cluster street lights. His concern Hill lodge No. 12«, I. 0 . O. F„ that Bros, have Just uncovered a beautiful of Central Point are visiting at the put In the lights which add so much we extend to him our sincere sym nugget weighing |3 5 , this being the home of W. W. H lttle of the south to the beauty of Grants Pass. He has pathy in this hour of affliction, nnd largest one for the .new year. side. Just Installed a sample post In Wood be it further Frank Childers, of Gold H ill, and L. R. Boling, Bob Cook, his brother- ville. and will probably do the same Resolved, That a copy of these In-lnw, Mr. Bottoms and the old gen W. W. H lttle of the south side, are here. Inasmuch as the plans of the resolutions be sent to the bereaved tleman Bottoms started out for a cutting wood on the latter’s ranch etty council Include cluster lights for brother, a copy spread on the min raceoon hunt. On their travel they this week. ! Gold H ill, and In view of the fact utes, nnd that the same he published came face to face with a big six- Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cook and son that Grants Pass Is probably the best in The Gold Hill News. point buck. They didn’t think that Clarence visited at the home f W. lighted city of Its size In Oregon, Mr. W. H. STICKEL, he was worth quite $100. The buck W. H lttle of the south side Wednes H all met with considerable Interest W. P. WETHERET.L, seemed to realize that he was per day evening. In Gold HUI. J. E. DAVIDSON, Mrs. M. J. McAdams, who has been fectly safe. The hunters went on + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Committee. visiting friends and relatives In the after the raccoon. + This Is the open season for + Rogue river valley, left Wednesday Lame back may come from over + calendar solicitors. In this + John O. W alker, mayor of Asbes for her home at Crescent City. work, cold settled In the muscles of + connection The News wishes to + Mrs. N. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. tos, was at Medford and Jacksonville + remind local business men that d- tbe back, or from disease. In the on business Wednesday and Thurs Thomas Young and Sam Virgil, all of two form er cases the right remedy Is + their home print shop can fur- + Lakeview, Ore., visited relatives In day. ♦ nlsh Just as pretty and artistic + B A LLA R D ’S SNOW L IN IM E N T . I t Rock Point a few days last week. should be rubbed In thoroughly over + calendars for 1911 as can be + Mrs. Matilda Cook, of Applegate, W A N T E D - Second-hand machinery + had anywhere—and at a lower + the affected part, the relief w ill be Grants Pass who has been visiting relatives In + price than they can be had + prompt and satisfactory. Prloe IBc. and eest-lron scrap. Rork Point, went to Grants Pass Sat ♦ elsewhere. + 50c and 11.00 per bottle. Sold by Jar Iron and Steel Works, Grants Pass, urday to visit relatives and friends. Or*. d- •!• -1- -1- -I- d- -1- + + + d- + d- d- + + vis, the druggist. | OBITUARY | S H O E S A T C O ST We will offer all shoes at cost for 60 days, except the Cutter, Chippewa, Pacific Logger and Currin’s. We wish to make room for new stock which will arrive soon M E R R IT T e COM PANY NEWS OF NEAR NEIGHBORS I Y our B oy an d Y o u r G ir l will soon be grown up, ready to start in life on his and her own account. What will they have to begin with? A neat little sum to start with may mean thousands of dol lars by the time they are forty years old. Start an account in the name o f your hoy or girl, and have something ready for them when they are old enough to use it. T h e G old HORACE PELTON President B ank LYNN W. SMITH ROBT. H . MOORE Vite I Notice of Bond Sale GOLD H IL L , OREGON Thia City ia offering Twenty-five $1,000 6 per cent. 25- yeor W A TE R EX TE N S IO N BONDS. Date o f aale JANUARY 22d, 1912 at the hour o f 7 P. M. Sealed Bide. No option. March let, 1912; due March let, 1937. Bonda. Proceedinga regular. Date No outatanding $1,000 depoait. We invite bida. J. H. BEEM AN, Mayor. S T E IN H O F F T h e A r c h ite c t a n d B u ild e r Is here to stay, and is very much alive to the needs of this growing city, and will design and execute anything in the Building line. Brick, Stone and Cement Plain or artistic Cement and Iron Grill Fences A S p e c ia lty