« NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, | U, 8. l-and Office at Roeaburg, Or«.. August 86, lu ll. A. E. KELLOGG Notice i« hereby siv. n that Andrew Embalmer and Funeral Rover, whose postofflce address Is Wood vilie, Oregon, did, on the let dee of Director amli, 1911, tile in t i l l " •■Hl"« Sworn Com pit te lino of burial rob««, ■4 ttlvment and Application No 07013. casket«, etc. Io purchase the SE1« NWU, Section tfaderetaklng rooms opposite I. O. O. F JO, Township S3 S , Range 4 W Willem bal ding; phone 36 Maia ette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the eel of June GOLD HILL. OREGON 3, 1878, and sots amendatory, known at the 'lim ber and Slot e Lew," at aoeb CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D. value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, perenant to enoh applieatlon, GENERAL PRACTITIONER the land and timber thereon have been appraised, 8140, the timhe B O N - T O N Chang Yin, Chln.ee minister to Washington, has returned from Mexi­ co, where he succeeded In settling the claims against Mexico arising troni the destruction of the lives and property of Chinese at Torreon In the recen t revolution there. To Whom It May Concern: All persons having claims against me or my estate of any description will present them to me at once for payment or ever hold their peace. A. McNAIR HARRISON. Dated at Gold Hill, Oregon, Novem­ ber 11, 1M1.