iübaiM ) I Local News Notes Today I n Market I,ay In Gold Hill W. A. Marvin was at Medford on buelueaa Tuesday. J. L. Itow« was In from hl* Sam* valley ranch Monday. Or Hinlth waa a profeaalonal vla- Itor nt Urania Paaa Monday. Mlaa Edna llaya haa been «the Kuoal of Medford friends thia week. II. A. Enalan of Sleepy Hollow (arm waa In Medford on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Gene Ravage re turned Wednesday from a visit with Medford friends. Mr*. F. Zauu of Sams Valley was the guest of Medford friends a few days, returning Wednesday. 0. E. Slmmunds of Dunsmuir la vis iting his three children, who are liv ing with their grandmother, .Mra. K. F. Steeluiun, on Galls creek. Grant Matthews was In from his Foots creek ranch Tuesday, and re ported miners still waiting for more water— which they now have. Mrs. A. K. Rippey. a sister of W. H. Harvey and a former resident of Gold illll, but now of Medford, Is spending the winter In Klamath Falls. January la a good month in which to subscribe for the leading weekly paper of southern Grt«on— and It la Just as good a month In which to pay your subscription to The News. Mra. Lynn W. Smith went to Hugo yesterday to see fo the shipping of the Smith household goods to Gold Hill. The new bungalow In ('havener Hark Is now ready for occupancy. The Odd Fellows and Rebekah* had ono of their acmi-orrasinnal so cial evenings at the I. (). O. F hall Saturday evening, with a swell spread and the usual good time. i Gold H ill has the location and the resource*. She nuuds the Indust lies and the people. Ferslatent advertis ing of the right aort will bring both. Engineer F. W. Dodge haa Just started the Installation of an orchard- heating system at J. F. Morrill's Jtlverslde ranch north of Gold Illll on Hogue river. Gil will be the fuel employed, distributed to heating pots by wsgons from an 8000-gallon tank. Two thousand pota will be necessary for the first year, to bo Increased to 8000 as tho entire or chard cornea Into hearing. There are now thirty acres of hearing trees, and thirty acres or young orchard. The oil to be used costs 4.8 cents per gallon. With the arrival of three new transformers next week, five stamps will begin puundlng out the gold at the Illll Nye mine on Galls creek. The power line has Just been rebuilt and th e new transformers became necessary because of the new voltage to be used, that of the Hogue Klver Electric company. Instead of the Ore gon Water A Power company, which formerly furnished power for the mine, The new equipment should arrive and everything be Installed and working smoothly In leas than a week. Sixty horsepower will be de veloped at the mine from two motors. There sre 250 tons of ore ready for the mill which should average about 210 a ton. though the average may he higher than that, as much of the rock Is very rich The Bill Nye has 1800 feet of development work, and Is expected to maintain Its past re- ord of being one of the district's best producers. r A SÌH O E S A T COS ► T We will offer all shoes at cost for 60 O days, except the Cutter, Chippewa, r • Pacific Logger and Currin’s. W e wish to make room for new stock which will arrive soon L • M E R R IT T ©. COMPANY --------- --------- . ----- ... .. I ... ....—------;----- NEWS OF NEAR NEIGHBORS K A NES G R EEK Nl GGKTH BEAGLE BUGLE CALLS. BY &U& Ciffifr VMlfG (By Cynthia) (By Norman Gage.) We are getting plenty of rain now. The people of this port of the coun Another ln»lsn<* of Newspaper Value Mr. and Mrs. Lewis were recent try are suffering from very severe, As an example of the unexpected Medford visitors. colds. use or value that a uewspaper article Mrs. Avery Is spending a few days George Stacy of Beagle made a may have many months or even years In Gold H ill with friends. business trip to Central Point S a t-. after its publication, the following Paul l«ake of Central Point spent urday. letter addressed to "Lynn Purdin, Sunday with .Kanes creek relative«. Frank Mlddlebusher of Trail went Gee. Lyman, who with William j Og|tor of The Gold H ill News." re- Mrs. Swlnden of Galls creek was to Central Point Modday to get a load ftouten has one of the finest young > celv<,d thlB ww,ki te „ f Interest. It a pleasant caller on Kanes creek of provisions for the Troll store. and that means the season for »rehards on Rogue river, as well as 1 was written by W ill Light, and Is Thursday. Clarence Wilhite of Beagle went to 1 coughs, colds and chills. Every the r! nmplon cherry tree of southern dater at Troutdale, Oregon. Jan. 8. Mrs. Blowers Is enjoying a visit Central Point Saturday after a load ’ body has such experience dur Oregon, was In town on business 1812: from her daughter, Mrs. Shelley, of of provisions for the W ilhite store. ! ing the uncertain temperatures Monday. "I have been reading one of your near Eugene. Carl Petersen, who is foreman of I Wm. Kinney was In from his Sam* papers given me by John Humphrey, of Winter. Sudden changes Mr. Shelley of Saras Valley took the Riverside ranch, with his wife valley stronghold Tuesday. He was a former resident of your town, of dinner with his friends, Mr. and Mrs. made a trip to Medford last Sunday. from a warm room to the chilly looking for Deputy Game Warden Oct. I . 1808. In It Is an article Blowers, 8unday. street, will bring on a cold. To- Isaac Smith of the Riverside ranch , Hnmniersly, who Is looking for the telling about Gen. Lane giving battle George Hlglnbotham and wife made a trip to Eagle Point to meet be prepared for these sudden attacks one should keep a suppl^ man who feloniously hypothecated to the Indians lu the spring of 1853. were visiting on upper Kanes croek his wife, who has just returned from of reliable remedies at home. Here we have everything that Mr. Kinney's tame itoose. There was a man by the name of Sunday with friends. a trip to California. is dependable in the way of remedies for coughs, colds and G. L. Ila ff reports good progress Armstrong killed. I had an uncle. Quite a few from here attended Miss Isabelle Jones of Beagle com-1 chills. We guarantee them. with the work on hl* mine on Forest Thomus Armstrong, that went to the Galls creek dance Saturday night, menced work at the Riverside ranch j creek. A long eroas-eut Is being run California In '4 8 or '4 9,— from Co A dance Is given every two weeks by Thursday, where she will help Mrs. ' which will cut the lode at a much lumbus, Ohio— and the Inst heard Eaton brothers. Nellie Petersen with the housework gr»rter depth than has yet been at from him was In '52 or '54. He was There will be a social dance at the during the tree planting season: tained. mining then at Negro Bar. on the Ma) belle mine In Blackwell on Sat- R. p. Dennis cf the Marks A Den- J H. Ml mom; returned Wednesday American river. la there any way urday night. A cordial Invitation Is nis sawmill company of Trail has' from Portland, where he has been for you to find out who this Arm extended to all. . been visiting friends at th e . Deben- ; employe.) by the Hutnason Interests strong Is that was killed under G»n. Mack Davis, traveling Sunday ¡ger Gap ranch during the stormy for *-»m. time, and left the snme day Lane’ If so I would be pleased to school organizer, gave a lecture at weather, b it went back to Trail for East* Point, where he has busi have you do so. and I would pay yon the school house one night recently Monday to resume work on the new ness which will keep him several for your trouble. He would have for the purpose of organizing a Situ- house he Is building. been about 2 4 years old at the time day school, which would be a very amoks. COLD HILL, OREGON The leap year dance given at the Carl Furling left Monday for San of the battle." good thing. Charlie Centers place In Sams valley F r"r» d -‘»i r'te r attending the holi The article which prompted this I was attended and enjoyed very much Thia City ia offering Twenty-five $1,000 6 per cent. 25- day» »•It', h's parents In Gold Hill. letter was written by Andrew Jack- KOCK POINTBR8. by a large crowd of people. The year WATER EXTENSION BONDS. Date o f aale 11» ha» t e"'i employed for the past son Barlow, and published In The Prof. D. C. Henry visited our . dance was well managed by a presi two yoprr. In a power plant at Deer Gold HUI Miner of May 3. 1896. It school Monday. dent and committee, the president Cre ' ’c-rda, but will shortly be was republished In the Gold Hill Mrs. Schnavely wss down from the and manager being Miss Alberta assigned to another station News of October 8, 1908, Lynn Pur mine Wednesday. Stacy, the committee being Miss a t the hour o f 7 P. M. Sealed Bide. No option. Date I. T Gslllgnr has a crew of men at din then being editor of the paper, Mr. and Mrs. William H lttle of the Mart>ia Gage, Miss Flora Stacy, Mias work clearing up the six acres of and a copy of that date has undoubt south side visited Tolo Monday. Grace Patch, Misses Julia and Lillie March lat, 1912; due March lat, 1937. No outatanding Cal Dusenberry of Sardine creek is gtineen and Miss Grace Humphreys, the C re-« ranch, adjoining the De- edly been retained by Mr. Humph Bonda. Proceedings regular. $1,000 depoait. Quite a disastrous fire might have kuni i ddlliun on the west, which he rey for Its historical value. It confined to his home with lagrlppe B. E. Adams is doing some carpen happened at the Bailey brothers place bought recently Mr. Galllnger ha* relates to the discovery of the fam We invite bida. not dc"'iod yet whether he will set ous Gold Hill pocket, and the para ter work for Mrs. Gay and Miss Har at Upper Table Rock had It not been J. H. BEEMAN, Mayor. the tract to fruit or plat It In town graph which refers to the Indian per. for the heroic efforts of little 9-year- fight, and which brought Mr. Light’s H A. Ensign o f * 8leepy Hollow old Lawrence and 11-year-old Cyril lots. farm was in Rock Point Tuesday eve Daw. The two little boys were left Harvey E. Lounsberry, general letter, follows: " In the spring of 1853 the Indians, ning. freight agent of the O.-W. R. A N K alone last Saturday with their little William Hlttle and Frank Norton 7-year-old brother Teddy and two lit company, according to a current news smarting under the castigation given Item, will distribute in the W illam them by the miners at Big Bar the are blasting out stumps on the Hlttle tle baby sisters, one aged 3 years and ette and Hogue river valleys enough year before, determined to have re ranch. the other a months. Cyril and Law J. W. Haya of Gold H ill was In rence were out in front of the house seed barley to each farmer to seed venge. Active preparations for a gen one or two acres. This barley will eral war wpre quietly made, which, Rock Point on business between mo cutting wood when they happened to ho supplied by applying to him at late In the summer, broke out with tors Monday. think that their little brother and such bloodthirsty fury that It causes Sardine creek miners report plenty sisters might be getting cold, so they Portland. Lynn Purdin was down from Ash us to shudder when we recall It to of water now. of which they are all went into the house to build more If you are not feeding Oil Meal to your land visiting his wife’s parents Sun mind. Houses were burned, women taking advantage. fire, but before putting any wood in children were mercilessly R. L. Cook, the contractor and the stove Cyril looked up and saw day, and with Mrs. Purdin, who spent and horses and cattle, try it. The result will the holidays here, and the baby re slaughtered and pandemonium reign builder, of Rock Point, la doing some that a large portion of the ceiling turned to the Athens of southern Or ed. But retribution was swift. Gen work on his house. was on fire, whereupon he Imme be an agreeable surprise to you. It is in John B. Hammeraley and William diately told Teddy to take the little egon In the evening. The Purdlns ex eral Lane, who had Just been elected expensive. If you do not know about the pect to become residents of San to congress, was soon at the scene of H lttle have disposed of their herd of sisters from the house, and by that Francisco soon, where Lynn will han the hostilities, and with a large body goats to W. L. Greenleaf living on time Lawrence had got a pall of feeding value of Oil Meal, ask your neigh dle the linotype on one of the big of soldiers and volunteers attacked Kanes creek. water and a broom and they ran up the Indians on Battle creek, a tribu Frank Norton, the successful trap stairs and fought bravely until the papers. bor. He knows. W. A. Carter, a former Gold H ill tary to Evans creek, and gave them per, says some one la taking game fire was extinguished- Fortunately boy, who Is now n prominent Port an unmerciful chastising— not, how out of his traps. He saw tracks that there was not much damage done. land lawyer, Is the first to file his ever, until after Armstrong, Evans, were not made by a fodr-footed ani At Portland Monday, John C. Jen declaration with the secretary of Songer, and others had been killed, mal. state that he will be a candidate for and the general himself had been Ben Hays of Gold HIU visited In kins was appointed receiver of the the republican nomination for dis wounded.’’ Rock Point. Tuesday and Wednesday. Grants Pass and Rogue River Rail [While many of the volunteers who He and Alex Morris went otit to get road company. At the same time trict attorney of Multnomah county. W ith the copious rainfall of (he served under Lane enlisted so' Hur the eotigar, but they failed to bring Judge Calkins nt Grants Pass ap pointed M. J. Anderson receiver of past week, filling the gulches with riedly that they were not properly him In. H . C . R a e d e l, P ro p . H om e PKone the property upon petition of H. N. little singing streams, local pocket enrolled— Judge C. C. Gall, the pio The subject of Rev. B 0. Richard.’ , ° f 0™ nts P,,ss' 'vho ^ lds ” hunters have lifted up their eyes to neer Sams Valley Justice, was one the hills, and have gone forth with of these men—It Is possible that sermon at the M. E. Church to-morrow >»’H tor grading against the company. Lame back may come from over resigned from the company before pick, pan, spade, a chunk of bacon Mr. Light may be able to learn the morning will be “ The Gospel In Minia The latter order is held in abeyance the lots were sold under the allot work, cold aettled In the musclea of ture,” being the last half of the Lord’s -pending information regarding the Identity of the Armstrong who was Praver. His evening subject will be and hopeful hearts. ment plan, hving only served during the back, or from disease. In Urn killed on Battle creek In '63 by ap "The Young Man Svmmetrloal.” This Portland appointment. the period of organization us attor two former cases the right remedy is Heartburn, Indigestion or distress District Attorney Mulkey petitioned plying to tho war department At is the first of several evening sermons BALLARD’S SNOW LINIMENT. It ney. of the stpmach Is Instantly relieved by to voting people, the seriee to Include Judge Calkins to dismiss both indict Washington, giving all the facts The grand jury adjourned with the should be rubbed In thoroughly over "The Young Man and Hie Home," ments against John K. Kollock, for HERBINE It forces the badly di available, which are probably con "The Young Man and His Business," gested food out of the body and re mer secretary of the Rogue River recommendation that the county court the affected part, the relief will ba tained In this article.—Editor News.] "The Young Man and Hie Amuse prompt and satisfactory. Price 26c. stores tone In the stomach and bow- ments,” "The Young Man and Hie Townsite company, who was indicted begin action to remove the bridge sis. Price 150c. Sold by Jarvis, the Chnreh." C N. Shaver will lead the with H. L. Chapin, president of the over the Rogue constructed by the 50c and 11.00 per bottle. Sold by Jar league nt 7 :30y vis, the druggist. druggist. company. Kollock proving that he had !’• railroad. “0»l(l Hill makes gom’..’’ zr It Is Sneezing IS Time W>e J a r v is t h e D r u g g is t Notice of Bond Sale . JANUARY 22d, 1912 O il M e a l COLD HILL FLOUR, FEED & COMMISSION STORE