The Gold Hill News N M oM (very Saturday a< Caid MW, lattaon County. Oregon 1 ' b* ------- RtX M LAM PM AN 4ü?er**c. at thv Iw lU H ili po»ioffVv fur tra n a m i* •tu n th ro u g h t h * Vnlk* HEN a man has accumulated a sum of money within the law—that is to say in a legally honest way— W the people no longer have any right to share in the earn Start the New Year Right iugs resulting from that accumulation. The man has re­ spected the law in accumulating the money. Ex post facto laws should not apply to property in whatever form that cannot he denied him in any process short of confiscation.” The above, quoted from a recent interview of John D. Rockefeller, was intended, so it is alleged, as an argu­ ment against the income tax. We can’t tefl what the last sentence means, but the rest of it, if it is an argument against anything, is an argument against any form of txation whatever. But isn’t it amusing to hear this pious old man talk of legal honesty and accumulating money within the law ! Something seems to suggest to him that the people think they have an excuse for attem pting to recover some of their contributions to the Standard Oil Company. If they do attem pt it, we dare say it will be in v “ legally honest wav.’’ By Reducing Your Cost o f Living! H AVING changed our method of doing buBinesti from the CREDIT System to a CASH BASIS, it became necessary also for ua to make a complete Revision o f our prices. We quote the fo llo w in g : Pure W hile Flour, persk., $1.60 Daily Bread, per sk. - - 1.60 Peerless Flour, per sk. - 1.46 Carnation, per sk. - - - 1.46 BACK TO N A T U R E ? These four brands are all guaranteed hard wheat, and every sack is warranted to be first class. EVERAL fads and -¡sms have for their basic prin­ ciple the “ hack to N aturp” idea. It would indeed S lie interesting to be the only person in the world to rue White Middlings, 100 pounds, per sk. - - - $1.90 Feed Rolled Oats, per sk. 1.26 Bran, sk. ....................... ’.96 A B Dairy Food, per sk. 1.40 A lfalfa Meal, per sk. - - 1.45 Diamond Chick Feed, sk. 2.75 Scratch Food, per sk. - - 2.75 Fine Salt, per sk. - - - .50 Half Ground, per sk. - - .40 3 lb. cans Coffee, - - - 1.00 Spitzenherg Apples, box - 1.75 Yellow Newtown, 1.50 and 1.75 main as our present civilization has made us, and watch Golden Rod Flour - - $1.36 the antics of the rest, who had gone “ back to N ature.” Liberty Bell Flour - - 1.25 In a book called “ Sons of the Morning”—don’t know These are No. 1 soft w h eat who wrote it. and it dpesn’t m atter—the following indict­ Heavy Shorts - $1.35 p ersk. ment of Nature occurs: “ I ’m weary of this nonsense about going straight to Nature. She’s a bat, a mole; she doesn’t know her best REM EM BER THE PLACE friends. She’ll sink a saint in midocean—a real saint with an 18-earat halo—anetjet a pirate come safely and hapnily to some innocent merchantman stuffed with the treasures of honest men or her own priceless grains and