Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1911)
6417 AUTOS IN OREGON T h e ir V a lu e E x c e e d * T e n M illio n D o lla r*. Plot to A ssassinate Madera Foiled. Mexico City.—A conspiracy to as sassinate President Madero and pixy claim a provlsonal Presidency, pend ing the coining of General Reyes to the capital to assume the office of President, has been frustrated at the last moment, in the opinlou of the authorities, by the arrest of Genera! Htgtnco Aguilar and Me oton Hurtado, of the Federal army, and of a score of co conspirators. L a n d Office. at K oaeburg. O rego n. A n y |w a.>n i* *1 liberty Io proles! th is purvbeae Ire 'o ie entr y, ■ r initiât a i o r iio -i et any tim e b a le r - i a • lit l»»il ». by filin g «»■ robralr-ri » r tlils fii in tlil- otfi. e, si egin Get- wliicb would d. I a thio entry Salem.—Secretary o f State Olcott BENJAMIN F JONES Reelat* kaa mail'd io the varoua automobile NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. owners and rtgialered chauffeurs In Department of the Interior, the state blanks for flllnff formal ap U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore. plication* for renewal of their licenses A u gu -t 5. UH I . for the year 191». as required by the Notice is herein giv n b it >ndr « motor vehicle law enacted at the laat B o y e r wl -e p r-t Nice eililr- -e i-H session of the Legislature. It Is pro vi 1. t 1 g-'n lb" I arch, 1911, file In this office Sworn vided in the law that reregistration THE MARKETS. Settlem ent and Application No. 07018, by both motor vehicle owners and to purchaoe the SF. l4 NW is, 8ection chauffeurs shall be renewed annually Portland. 20, TownahipS# 8 , Range 4 W W illam Wheat — Track prices: Club, 79c; ette Meridian, and the timber thereon, to take effect on the first day of Janu under the provision* of the sot of June bluestem. 83c; red Russian. 78c. ary in each year. 8, 1878, end sot* amendatory, known a* In order to expedite such registra Barley— Feed, »37 per ton the "limber and Stoi.e Law," at such Oats—No 1 white. »31 per ton tion for 1918. such instructions and value at might be fixed by appraiaement, Hay—Timothy, valley, »16; alfalfa, and that, perauant to auoh application, directions as were deemed necessary the land and timber thereon have been . for the guidance of the applicants |14. apprai-ed, »140, the timber eetlrneted Butter—Creamery. 36c. were incorporated in a circular letter 160,000 board feet at 76 cent* per M, Eggs—Ranch. 37c. and included with the blanks. On De and the la id »20; that eaid applicant I Hop*— 1911 crop. 44c; 1910. nomi will offer final proof in eupport o( hl* cember 1, there were 6417 motor vehi "'ration and eworn étalem ent on the cles. which Includes 410 motorcycles, nal. day of January, 1912, before W. Wool — Eastern Oregon, 9®16c; 11 Canon, United State* commissioner, 40 electric. 235 trucks, 41 del.very at Medford, Oregon. wagons, 31 taxicabs and 5660 autos of W illamette Valley, 15® 17c. Any pereon it at liberty to prole*» Mohair—37c. various kinds registered with the sec thia purchase before entry, o- in tiete Seattle. retary of state and 1665 chauffeurs. a contest at any time before patent Wheat — Bluestem. 81c; club, 78:; Issue*, by filing a corroborated affidavit S a w m ill M en A re Gloomy. in 'h it office, alleging facte which would red Russian. 77c. Seattle, Wash.—The proposed gi defeat the entry. Barley—»35 per ton Benjamin F. Jones, gantic merger of 60 tidewater saw Oats—»30 per ton. Register. mills in Oregon and Washington has Eggs—Ranch, 50c. met with a serious reverse In the Butter— Creamery, 38c. N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . refusal of Attorney General Wicker- Hay—Timothy, |i 6 per ton; Department of the Interior, . S. Land Office at R oseburg, Ore . sham to pass upon the articles of in N O T IC E O F C O N T E S T . N vein I * 28, 1911 corporation of the Pacific Coast Lum Department o f the Interior, United Notice is I - r. by given that Arch e ber Company. States band Office, R oseburg. Ore Craig Jr o W<» d v ille, Oregon, w ho on gon. November 22. 1911. May 25, 191d, mad. Hi in -tend entry I To W illiam E. Wren, contestee: Sériai No OfiJiHI. lor I?» NW>4, and You are hereby notified that Lit* 3-4-6, S-11 on 4 Township 86 8, W alter M essenger, who gives Cen Range 4 We-t. H ill.nnette Y, has A. E. KELLOGG tral Point, Oregon, as his postoffice tiled notice of ini-iitioii •« make Final Embalmer and Funeral address, did on November 21st, 1911, Co mutat'on Priicf.'ncet b ii-b c a m t Director file in this offlco his duly corrobo the laun abov i e-c»U* <1 before H . II. rated application to contest and se Car on. United Sta'c- C. inm ie.loiier, at Comph te line ol burial robes, caskets, etc. cure the cancellation of your home Meil'urd, Ore...Hl on the 5th nay ul tlndeiatakiug room«opposite t. O. O. F stead. entry No.............. i , serial No J.tiitiaiy. 1912 bni ding; pbone 36 Mam C la im a n t nano a a ’ wime-see: C rank 05291. made for SE 14 , NW 14. 8W *4. GOLD HILL OREGON N E14, HE 14. SW14 and N W k SEW ,M. Jenner, 8. J liiaik in, E. W. Tilton, Section 12, Township 35 South, a. « C . M . b " ' h e iy , all of Wei oville, CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D. Range 3 W est W illam ette Meridian, Oregon BENJAMIN F. JONES. Register. GENERAL PRACTITIONER and as grounds for his contest he M i l l t E OF I’l » L it ATION. alleg es that W illiam E. Wren has Office in Wells Building D e p a r tm e n t o f the Interior, abandoned his said hom estead for U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., Hours 10 12-2-4 more than one year last past; that N o v em b er 10, 1911. said W illiam E. Wren has never at No ice ia b lelijr giv n that Otto H i l DR. R. C. KELSEY any tim e made settlem en t or resided iu m M ill. r. ol W o d v lie , O reg o n , who, orrica i n upon said hom estead nor has he ever mi January 6, 19. .3, mane lb m es'ead G O LD H IL L H O S P IT A L Entry Serial No. 03428, for N tj sE .1-«, built any kind of house or cabin E«» SW«4 > ilm n 2 6 , Town-bip 34 » COR. THIRD a C STS. Range 3 W. Wiiian e ..e M e r id ia n , b a GOLD HILL, OREGON thereon. , You are, therefore, further noti ttled n o tice ol m t - ................. m ake final fiv e -v e » r pria 1, to e s ta b ll-li c la im to tb e JOHN H . CARKIX GLENN O. TAYL3B fied that th e said allegation s w ill be land ab y e deacribed, h e u r e H e rb e rt taken by this office as having been M n 11 h , U . 8 . C om taiaein a t G ra n ts CARKIN & TAYLOR confessed ,by you, and your said en Pass, O reg o n , on th e 2 7 ili day u l . D e LAW YERS m b er, 1911. try w ill be canceled thefeunder w ith ce Claimant names aa w itn e s -e s : Jesse OOMS 17-19 OVXK JACKSON COUNTY BANS out your further right to be heard N e a t l i 'H ie r , I. in* hiver-, Joe aclioo • MEDFORD, OREGON therein, either before this office or o v er, W . llace G a llir e d h , a ll ol W oo d on appeal, if you fail to file in this ville, Oregon. BENJAMIN P. JONES. Register. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE office wRhln tw enty days after the fourth publication of th is notice, as DENTIST NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. shown below, your answer, under OAS ADM1NI8TBRKD Department o f the Interior, RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORDM oath, specifically m eeting and re U. 8 . Land O ffice a t Roseburg, sponding to these allegations of con Oregon test, or if you fall w ithin that tim e November 20, 1011 C. F. BOWMAN to file in th is office due proof that , „ Notice is hereby given that Euge i C arpenter and J oiner you have served a copy of your an- • , an , . contestant . . . either i.t, _ in Paperhanger swer on the said in I 8 , , . Jenks, whose ..... p o sto ffice address is . , , , , . n .n if n t» iUidford. Oregon, did, on the 2Eth GOLD HILL. OREGON person or by registered mall. If t Is F tbruarv, m u . file in th is service is made by th* ‘ o tflc e Sworn Statem ent and Appli- A. E. KELLOGG copy of your answ er to 1 h « c o n t e .G , (o h M v lh ( NOTARY PUBLIC ant in person, proof of such service T,jW1;shi 3<- s must be either the said co n testa n ts 74 ’ ... Phone 35 Main iuu=v uv . , ' Range 3 w est, W 'Haimttc Meridian written acknow ledgm ent of nls re- . .. .. , ., j GOLD HILL, OREGCÌ . \ v. i ,u and the timber thereon, under the celpt of the copy, show ing the date .. - c , . - .u ,i. ,i„. provisions o f the s e t ol June J, li>< ASSAYER AND CHEMIST. o f its receipt, or the affidavit of the know„ , h„ EARL V INGLES, B Su.—General as- | person by whom the delivery ™ | , a w „ at Ruph| •ay und analytical work. Cement snd ru-pbiilt testinj. Best equip ! made staring when and where t! value as might be fixed by apprai ped asea1 office and te-tm c labor i copy was delivered; If made by reg ment, and that, pursuant to such a p atory :» O rego n. A ll w ork gua - istered m all, proof o f s -c h service anteed Cal VF't-P*'dork block must consist o f the affid avit c f Ihe plication. the land and timber thereon have been appraised. »950.00, the Phone 370-J, Grants Pass, O re g o n . person by whom the copy ,a3 mailed timber estim ated, 610.000 board f e ; t stating when and the r -•«•tnf'I. n if f to l - - ftt cen ts per M, und the land | P ion eer A ss ay in g & R e fin in g which It w as m ailed, a' 1 this a $200.00; that said applicant will o f C om pany davit m ust be accorap-tiled by the 1 3 1 -5 th S t .. m a r U . S . M .n t fer final proof in support o f his ap S a n F r a n c is c o postm aster's receipt fur U n letter. plication and sworn statem ent on ill . r f n«wpr W e b u y g o l d - r i c h o n - a m a l g a m a n d a l l m in You should state In vour answer • •hl h ' !1t*’ ('nv February, 1012, before i n g p r o d u c t» . W a p a y c a a h a n d g iu a a a q u a r a the name of the post .fflce ' VY. II. Canon, United S ta tes Commis 1 d u a l. A a a a y in g 5 0 c . E a ta b h a h e d 2 0 y a a ra . you desire future n ctlica to be sent R a fa r a n c a , F i r a t N a t * I B a n k o f S a n F r a n c ia c o . sioner, nt M edford. Oregon. to you. Any person is at liberty to protest BENJ. F. JONES, Register. th is purchase before entry, or initi Date o f first publication December ate a contest nt any time before p a t 9, 1911. ent issu es, by filin g a corroborated Date of second publication De a ffid a v it in this o ffice, alleging fa cts cember 16, 1911. Miners, I can sharpen, which would d efeat the entry. Date of third publication Decem BENJAMIN F. JONES. repair or make tools, ber 23, 1911. R e g is te r. and guarantee my work Date of fourth publication Decem to stand the racket; try ber 30, 1911. __________ _____ Professional Cards| Just a word! me and be shown. C. F. Carter Blacksmith P R A C T IC A L S H O E M A K IN G B o o ts and S h oes Made to Order R E P A IR IN G D on e in firat-C lass Shape H A R N ESS R E P A IR E D SA TISf ACTION GUARANTEED J. E . M A R T I N G Next to Border Shop NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., October 26, 1911. Notice is hereby given that, Mrs. Nellie Davis, whose postoffl'-e sildress is 410 5th Sir. et. Portland, Oregon, did on May 20th, 1911, file in this office Sworn Statement and Application, imrcb'ise the NX N E i, S E i N E X , *"<• N E X S E X i o ( section 26, tow nship32 8., Range 2 East Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act ol June 3, 1H78. and acts amendatory, known ae the “ Timber and Htone Law,’’ at such value as might be fixed by appraisement and that, pursuant to such application the land and timber thereon have been appraised, »1250, the timber estimated 2,420,000 board feet at 60 cents per M, and tne land »40.00; that said applicant will offer final proof In support ol her application and jwn-n statement on the 12th day of January, 1912, before Register A Receiver United State* A LF A LF A STRAW H A Y $1.75 p e r to n o n ground I n q u ir e N e w * o ffic e o r e e e M ack B lo w e r s For Rent Six room residence partly furniebed, city water in the house, one fourth ecre garden Und, berriee for fam ily,'cbickJii nark, etc. All for »10 per m onth; or »7.80 without the garden and chicken yard. J owh B. H ammirsi . t . Does This Mean Any thing to You, Piano Buyer? Mr. llalu goes oast after January 1st to buy ten carloads of Pianos for next year’s business and every Piano must move at sonic price. Now is your chance. Two For One— Extraordinary offer by Hale’s Piano House to complete a record breaking year, 1911, has thus far proved a record year for the Hale’s Piano House. From now until Christinas day we want to completely eclipse our sales record during any of the past six Christmas seasons. To accomplish this we have worked out u plan—a new plan for Christmas huving. This plan is so attractive and so profit able for the purchaser that we positively know that when it is properly understood, every piano sal«* in Me icrd and^ vicinity will be made through our store during the next twenty-five days. H ale’s Piano House lias grown and become far..o :: by giving the greatest possible value for the least money. It is needless to repeat that by buying direct from the factory a;.«l iu a large man ner, and being under no expn7 sc ; ' tin* wav of rents and high salaried help, we enjoy adv mtages that no other dealer can hope to obtain, and because’ we want still more to increase our tremen dous volume of business, we are giving to every purchaser more for the money lie has to invest than any other dealer can on liv ing basis. Two Dollars For One Dollar From now until Christ mas we will give every purchaser of a new piano or player piano a receipt tor twice the amount of his first payment up to $50- Pay $10 and get credit for $ 2 0 Pay $15 and get credit for $ 3 0 Pay $20 and get credit for $ 4 0 Pay $25 and get credit for $ 5 0 Pay $¡10 and get credit for $ 6 0 Pay $¡15 and get credit for $ 7 0 Pay $50 and get credit for $ 1 0 0 The balance may be paid a little each month. This applies to every new Piano and Player Piano in our stock. No restrictions or reservations. It applies to the lowest priced Piano we carry as well as to the world’s finest, the cele brated makes for which we are exclusive agents. Included in these are such world famous Pianos as the William Knabe, A. M. McPhail, Sterling, T.affargue. Huntington, Mendelssohn, Lauter Humana, Helming, Sterling, Laffargue, and IIunti"gton Player Pianos, and many others. f Remember that at all times and under all conditions Hale’s Piano Hons«* sells better pianos for less money. But now your payments have just doubled the value that they have had before or ever will have again. The Piano may be selected at once and delivered at once or if you prefer we will deliver it on Christinas eve or Christmas morning. One Dollar Does the Work of Two Until Christmas Remember that we are the only direct factory to home dis tributors of the world’s best Pianos and Player Pianos at the 1 ast possible expense to each individual purchaser in Southern Oregon. We agree to sell you any piano you may want to buy of the same quality for $100 less than you can buy the same quality else where. Now, Mr. Piano Buyer, i t ’s up to you. Ho you want to keep this money in your pocket, or give it to the other dealer that «an’t enjoy tin* advantages in the buying field th at we have the opportunity to receive owing to our large output and no expense lo our selling metnods. Our big salesroom is located on tin" corner of Tenth and Oak dale avenue, just south three blocks from tin* Washington school. We are outside of the fire limits, hut we are inside on prices. We I ave over twenty-seven hundred satisfied customers right here in the Rogue River valley to refer you to as to the quality of our goods. HALES P ia n o House We tune Pianos, we move Pianos, we repair Pianos, we store Pianos, we buy old Pianos, we sell Pianos, in fact, we do the Piano business of southern Oregon. We will give $500 to any charitable institution if any one can prove th at our prices will be raised one penny to offset this allow ance from our regular retail prices, which are at all times the very lowest. 1