G O L D H IL L H lg M a r k a t D » z J a n u a ry la VOL 14 GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1911 Wm. M. Shuster A CHRISTMAS IN WAR TIME } i T infanta Eulalie Ten 1 Pages ■ N O . 33 TRUSTBUSTER MAKES GOOD V e te ra n o f G re a t C iv il C o n flic t P rêten t» O w n e r W ith C o m p ii- T ell» A b o u t the B o x T h a t ment» o f S e ato n in S h ap e C am e fro m H o m e o f R ic h M i l l R u n . Running eighteen to tw enty dol- ••£ * E E IN G all tbs people buying ' lara per ton in free gold, and an esti Christ mas tblngs now,'' s a id a mated hundred In concentrates, the veteran of tbe civil war. "nukss uie think of some Christmas expert first run made with the new m ill at ernes of my owu. first of the time , the Trustbuster : :ine in Sam s Val when 1 used to bang tip m.v stockings ley Is gratifying ,o the ow ner, Chas. by ibe tlreplni-e, sticking forks through W etherbee, and southern Oregon them and then Jamming the forks luto mining men generally. a crack under the mnntelplece. where The Trustbmiter was purchased by Mania Claus could get at them handily Mr. W etherbee several m onths since when he came down the chimney, and from E. W. Cooper, th e discoverer. then of a tune when we were more grown up uud Manta Claus came to us There Is considerable developm ent tu i he nrui) work. Milling operations are hin “The regiment I »erred In put in a dered som ew hat by an Insufficient g<M>d part of Its time In states on the In fan ta E ulalls, the 8panlah p rin water supply, but th is w ill be rem aoutlieru Atlantic seaboard, In Moutb cess who quarreled w ith King Alfonso edied by digging a w ell. Local min Carolina, Georgia and Florida, where over publication of her book. ing men who have seen the Trust- with water transportation to us wv buster m ill In operation claim it is could lie gut at rather more easily saving th e values In good shape and tbsn troops not so far away, hut nt PRESENTS FOR ROYALTY. Interior |>oluta, and no. while you that the plates are fairly yellow with couldn't have things shipped to yon gold. W illia m Morgan Shutter, the A m eri Q u a n tity So G re a t T h a t H o u sin g T h e m there aa you could to thia towu or tbe can treaxtirer qyneral of Persia, whose Is Serious P ro blem . other la times of iieace. you could Were a royal personage to accept all Dies of Heart Failure get things there pretty well, and the removal Was demanded by Russia. the Christmas offerings of subjects and patron for whom our company was Chas. H. Colson, who resided with admirers, knowu and unknown, stand named when It was first recruited used Ibiug lor every body, and carefully we ing room In royal residences would Thomas and Wm. Pom eroy, on their opened It. and with I he ltd off It seemed to see to It that at Cbrtaiiuua time soon be at n discount. Presents arrive ranch In the M eadow « 15 m iles north there was delivered to ua a bit. box full of Innumerable treasures. »> full to ut the British eonrt from all parts of of th is city, was found dead In the filled with things from fneuds ut the Inst lin n of apace was it pnrkcd i thp world. A registered package from house last Sunday at about noon. The “The orderly sergeaut of Hie com home. Vermont one Christmas was found to man had evidently fallen w hile w alk “ We no longer tiore hie nnme in the pany made tbe dlstr'l utlmi lie raised Inclose a prize potato weighing five his hand and reached over amt picked army, for from the mluule we were pounds Another present was a nug ing across the room and died Instant ap a piK'kuge that lay at the center of mustered Into the United Ktnte» ~erv get of pure gold found In the Klondike ly. His face was burned from hav Ice we had become simply Couipuu> the Isix nnd lifted It and read the J and valued nt £280. It w as subscribed ing come In contact w ith the rtove So-and-so, of such and such a uum name on It and passed It Into the out I for nnd sent by the inhabitants of as he fell. Coroner K ellogg vaa tiered regiment, of such and such slate strelchtd hand of the m i n i to whom It | Dawson City. belonged notified and on Monday removed the volunteer», but we uever forgot our Not al: gifts to royalty are returned, body to Gold Hill where an Inquest "Then be went on more rapidly, pick frteud at bon.». and surely he never j Where special permission is asked and forgot us, and at Christina» time he Ing up the rhliigs and rending off the i obtained beforehand a present is ae- was held and th e cause o f death was used to see that our couipuny got that omneM uud passing them over, pack ; cepted In the spirit In which It Is of found to have been heart disease. ages ot all sorts and shapes nnd sizes, box. He had been ailin g for several fered. “Well, In advance b e would announce all eagerly received. Koine men stay The present most coveted by Roman months and was under treatm ent for ed to see everything given out. uud In the home papers that on such and ' Catholic royal ladies of Europe Is the heart trouble at tbe tim e o f death. such it date a box would be sent Io tbe som e went to their tents to see what pa,ml golden rose. The Jewel, the first H e was about 35 years old. H is the folks had sent them or to rend the company and If friends or relative* u. of which was presented by Pope Ur- members of the company would bring letters that limt come with the gifts. ’ ban VI. to Joanna of Sicily. Is a mimic father was com m unicated with In In the gifts they wished to h p ih I they Aud so the tilings In the laix goi low 1 plant of pure gold standing In a golden Idaho and Instructions given from would lie carefully pat keel ami duly er and lower, while still there were |M>t. The leaves are set with dia him to have th e body fu rled here shlpiied. And I ben tbe people useil to some men who had ns y e t got nothing monds In Imitation of dewdrops. nnd were com plied with W ednesday, when mid who now were more mid more bling In tbe things, and. though »tune a palm leaf blessed by the pope ac interm ent was made in the Rock bow I never thought of It then. I have HUXloiis. And bow Joyfully relieved companies the gift.—Chambers' Jour Point cem etery. thought often alms* with what loving when ut Inst something came up for nal. Csali'nu-.l ,,o .„•! a u g care and tenderness must those Christ 111 MU.__ mas gifts have been prepared, those MEMORABLE YULETIDES things sent from home Io their soldier» lo the field! Odd Coincidence o f Q ueen V ic to ria 's "When everything was all In our S orro w s a t C h ris tm a s T im e friend would have the things securely One of the most extraordinary and safely packed, and l h .- n l i e d hlkp Christmas days London ever had was the box down to New York, and there . that of 1891. The shops had l>een. as the quartermaster's department would nsnal. specially prepared and decorat pnt It down to no. Ro Santa Clang ed with the object of attracting the wasn't coming to us with his pack on buyers when suddenly, on Dec. 22, a his back, down the chimney, but In a thick fog came on. Not until the box In the hold of a steamer evening of Dec. 2« did It lift. This "When we got our first Christmas particular fog held the record for be box we were on an Island down the ing the heaviest London had known. const there, drilling some uud doing i • Thirty lives were lost and over 200 guard and picket duty, but largely en 1 ! accidents recorded. gaged In building corduroy roads Christmas. 1880. was the coldest through awntups by day, and by night j England and Scotland had ever expe In lintillng by hand, with a whole regl rienced. Just three years later Christ inent oh tbe re,tea. Heavy mortafa »ml mas day was marred by news that guns over these roads, and also, under William Makepeace Thackeray, the the same friendly cover of darkness, great novelist, was dead. in building masked batteries In which The late Queen Victoria’s most mem the said guns and mortars were mount orable Christmases were the most ed. all this In the course ot besieging pathetic. It was in less than a fort a fort occupied by C oufederale soldiers night from Dec. 25, 1881. that her hus- on uuother Island ' hand, the prince consort, passed away. “ It was plenty of hard work uml nut So affected w as her m ajesty that she mat'll play, mid most of the freight allowed fifteen years to pass before that came to us, besides the usual com she celebrated Christmas day In the iiilssury supplies, was guns mid mor ‘ traditional fashion. Then ua Christ tars mid powder mid shot neul shell mid mas day In 1872 the Prltva o f Wales, Hie various materials of war, but one ! who became King Edward VII.. waa day there came »shore on a lighter so 111 that his life was despaired o from a transport anchored off. along But he made n remarkable recovery. with barrels of pork and kegs of pow der, that Christman la»x from home Mexico was r- v V t l from ocean for us soldiers ocean ml from (liianajuala, on i “We bullied It up frojj the liemii north, and th Isthmus ol Tehaut and Het It down carefully, right slilo up, ut tbe end of the compuny street, P' . on the south, by an earthqut and I doubt If any fireplace on n Saturday. Christmas morning wns ever a greater Reports say the wheat blockade mnguet of attraction to children thun Saskatchewan, Canada, Is without This Is one of the many Illustrations w hich w ill he used In the New Year’s edition of The M edford Mall Tribune to depict th e grow th made hy Hint box wna to the men o f Company Medford during 11)11. This rut show s the hom e of th e Mall Tribune on North Fir street, ns w ell us the new Holland hotctl, a 5 1 -guestroom structure, narallel, farm ers already have i X. To a mun they gathered around It which Is to Is- form ally opened December 28. The New Year's edition will lie replete w ith illustrations and stories o f Medford and the ltoguc river to sue what Rnnta had brought them development d in in g the year. It w ill prove an adm irable asset In attracting new citizens to the wonderful ltoguc river valley. Hold H ill will be i fared enormous losses, and severe i ferlng Is feared. The railways from home. represented In the edition with a lialf-pugc announcem ent depicting the mining resources and developm ent of the Im mediate district. B esides the “It waa a big box, a big dry goods 5(100 copies which w ill lie m ailed by the Medford Commercial d u b , many thousands more w ill be circulated from other tow ns and hy private Indi they are unable to cope with the s parking box, big en o u g h to bold some viduals. The (¡old Hill B usiness Men's association has ordered 5 0 0 copies of the edition, which may be had by applying to th e secretary. atlon. iH-n«