Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, December 09, 1911, Image 7

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    Three Weeks to
Have Y ou Remembered Ev
Everybody la Invited to he In fin d
lllll next Saturday und get acquaint
ed with everybody else.
J. W. Arinstroug waa among tl>
from the Huma v u lle y -U 'H K lr ilia
who took advantage of the Imrg
lu the local stores Thursday.
W. P. Ila l’ey und »1 • wnr i
from Pools creek Tburrday to
tend the funeral» of thi-lr I I n<-
bora, Oscar Mwack'-r and Mr.’. I •
Martin, at tin* Rock l’olnl < ini I
“ Hob" Hinftli. native aon of Ju d
aon county, cruikcrjuck lawyer 1
mayor-elect of Urania Pass on a lu«
cnforcoinenl pint form, waa In tl.e i ll;,
on bualneai Tuesday. Ilia d - '
wua a steady round of eongratulh
hand shaking. He won tbo Rur­
ally by only three vot"». bi.; n •
of a eosteat bull’ vc I In ri • rl J
will bo cont llrrab! ■ Increnoed.
J. A. D« .vl<. pri - <’ ■ t. r ■ It
' Farren, gi-icrrl inoo i- !• o f lib ’ p
• p o l ’d Grey in
Soul’ii r
flir t'
’ii iw i i y, wi''i
, in (lie city fr
■ d \V 'in ‘m l
erybody ?
I T h e y pr<>|ai»e lto| oU,.V Io b uild a
Get Youi Presents Before ft | hrinigh - • itln r' Or gm . h it to
offer ail shoes t co st for 6 0
jeYt the Cutter, Chippewa,
a g g e r and Currin’s. W e wish
fce room for new stock
zhich will arrive soon
i i
»cn ol l ’i it O rfo rd . Tli« v wi ic gi
Is Too Late.
u cordial reception in Oold llill «
■ wn which th e y cunnol afford to
overlook in making their plan» fo
the new line.
John Pates advocates tl c sowing
Next Saturday la Get-Acqualuted of orchard grata by farmers, ranch­
day In Gold Hill.
ers and residents of southern Oregon
Chss. Farmer has been p r o je c t­ guuerslly. Pioneers wilt tell you I
that In early daya the hills wern .>+++++4>+<*-A<t"*-
ion on Foots creek thia week.
Wm Kluney and family of Hama covered with gross. making an abun­
Valley were Medford visitors Mon­ dance of good range for cattle. Hut
this natural grass has been killed by
Meek T u rtle Soup.
W. E. Thompson. manager of the too close cropping by stock, and at
Clavvuer palate ranch, waa In Med­ present there are thousands of acre«
Boiled W hitefish.
of wild land In southern Oregon,
Sauce H ellsndsiM .
ford Monday on bualneaa.
Soiled Potatoes.
which formerly furnished good pas-
Roast T urkey. Chestnut M uffing.
C, F. Carter, the hlnckamith. ha» t-r c each year, that Is practically
Bailed Omens.
etnbelliahrd the front of hi« new »hop valueless for run go purposes. Mr.
Stuffed Tomatoes.
with a sign I hut pan he rtad from the Pates has experimented with orchard
Sweet Potato#», Southern Style.
top o f Gold Hill mountain.
Mixed Salad.
grata and finds that If sown In the
Plum Pudding. Hard and Brandy
The holiday spirit in evidenced by fall, so that It will get the benefit
the deporutiona with which J, (J. of the winter rains, It will grow well
Camembert Cheeee.
Jarvis and II. J). Need luive beauti­ and will aoed Hsolf, so that If It be­
fied their plnoew of business.
came a general practice to aow thia
Oregon hlltaldea
Mrs. John A. Martin, u former res­ grnaa. southern
ident of Oold Hill, died at her home would In a few seasons be restored
Merle Kellogg of M<-<lford is visit­
near Medford Monday. She wn» fo tbo summer verdsnry which made ing his father, A. E. Kellogg.
huried nt the Hock Print cemetery good pasturage for the ponies of the
F. B. Wllmarth was a business
Indians and the horses and cattle of visitor In Medford Thursday.
County Superintendent Well» h a a , tbo early settlers.
Chas. Champlin, the Foots creek
Tolo opened a school December 4 placer king, was in Medfoi^ on
given notice that he will hold regt
lar teachers’ examination at Jnek- with an enrollment of 20 pupils. ' business Monday.
eonville Wednesday, Thursday mid Mita Jesslo N. Stannard. teacher. Su­
M », .1, T W n k rbla-e ar iv. d v »lor­
Friday, December 20, 21 and 22.
pervisor S. C. Henry waa present ds» f o m M i, neapnID, »nd
J. II. McNiehol, who hn» lensed the during the morning to help give the b rC a u g h t >. M r-. G A Pxterix.n.
Huy brick and tile plant at Tolo, wn» new school a start. He spent the | Tony Olsen
reports everything
here Thursday inspecting clay de­ afternoon of the same day at the booming In the Meadows district. In­
posits on Kanes creek, just across the Sardine Creek school, attending a cluding the bullfrogs along the
rier frem Oold Hill, which will he school meeting, and observing the bosky banks of Evans creek.
school which he reports In a very
used at the Tolo plant.
With tbeir crack pack of “ varmint”
M. E. Worrell, having sold part of thriving condition under the able ad dog-, John H aum ierslv xpu Chas G I-
Ilia Sum» Valley orchard und given
■ h' let left yesterday for upper William-
the balance to the care of Ed Ship- the 13 pupils In attendance, all en­ en eg. They prop- «» 'o greatly redue
ley, the experienced orehnrdist from tered the first day of school and the ll e i umlwi of he»' in that region.
whom he bought the forty acres he record for three months shows only
As yet the challenge of the Gold
still retains, has removed to Portlnnd 11 1-2 ilaya absence Including three Hill bank for any bank In southern
for the winter.
moved away and waa dropped from Oregon to match Its record of not a
Arhur Fitxpatrick, the successful
the roll. There were seven cases or single overdraft at the close of busi­
young Grants Pass contractor, is en­
tardiness, six of which were made ness November 29, remains uncalled.
gaged in completing Kiley Morrison's
M m .L ew hof Kanes cret k was the
one very stormy morning— a very ex­
new house in Hams Valley. He is a
cellent record. It might be added first to diive and Ed B o ll the first Io
cousin of the Fitr.gerald boys, who
that the officers of this district are walk across the new Centennial bridge,
grow the peaches that have made
making a record thia year, having which was completed Wednesday and
Sams Valley famous.
secured 20 feet of slate and 10 feet inspected and accepted by the county
L. W. Smith Is advertising his no­
of cloth blackboard, six sets of sup­ court Thurtd»y.
tice of application for a patent to the
plementary reader», a complete set
John McNIchols, who [eases the R.
Stansell consolidated group of placer
of nine maps and have ordered a A. Cook farm and placer mine on
mines In the Foots creek district,
atove jacket and a sanitary water Foota creek, and who by virtue of
originally located by Wm. Ludington
bis lease Is deputy postmaster of the
In 1R98, The publication Is being
'Tentlon! Canton Snowy Butte Draper office, was In Oold Hill Wed­
made in the Jacksonville Post.
No. 15, Patriarchs Militant of Ore­ nesday on business.
Miss Mary Newton entertained gon I. O O. F.. will give a grand
A. C. Wilson came In from his
some o f her friends at her home on military ball at the Gold Hill opera
Beagle ranch Thursday with 23 dos-
Sardine creek last Saturday evening. house next Friday evening. The dis­
en fresh eggs, for which he received
Dainty refreshment« were served and tinguished officer General Public, Is
111.50 at Lance & Co.’s. He also
the guests enjoyed themselves thor­ Invited and wlil undoubtedly be
sold a big churning of gilt-edge
oughly. The house was decorated present with bells on, as they say In
ranch butter at the same store.
with mistletoe, fir and chrysanthe­ Medford, the slang center of south­
Gold Hill's fame as an egg mar­
ern Oregon. Besides the general, all
ket, the result of a price of 50 cents
Mrs. M. E. Worrell raised a flock members of uniform rank of any fra­
per dozen for fresh hen-fruit, has
of bronze gobblers, who were brought ternal society, national guard, bands,
resulted In plenty of eggs being
into the world last soring and con­ or others entitled to appear In mili­
brought for local consumption, some­
voyed all summer by a motherly old tary regalia, are Invited to be there
thing unusual for this time of year.
hen, that averaged nearly twenty- with all the fuss and feathers to
five pounds npiece when they came to which they are entitled. The local Mrs. L. L. Shelley, of Sams Valley,
shuffle o ff beneath the merciless canton will appear In full dress pa- was among those who marketed fresh
eggs In the local market this week.
Thanksgiving guillotine.
rnde uniform, belted and plumed,
To be prepared for the Christmas
A Christmas cantata will be given with swords adding to the splendor
trade Frank Burnett has just put In
by the young people and the drama­ of their array. It will sure be some
a splendid assortment of baby 30-
tically inclined o f the residents of swell hop, ns they say in Medford, carts and carriages— sizes to fit any
the city. The direction of the ennta- where they get the latest slangology
tawill be ably eared for bv Mr. Weth- direct by wire from New York. One
erell, and all can feel assured of its large round commercial unit of
successful appenrnnee some time be­ United States currency will be the
I am prepared to do all kinds of dress­
foe exacted of every gentleman, making at the residence of Mrs. 8. H.
tween now and the holidays.
whether In uniform or merely In his Dufflleld on the eouth side.
♦♦♦♦»♦♦»♦♦»•»♦♦« * « > •♦♦♦♦♦ beat suit, who Joins In the revelry.
Mas. Iva S hbllxy
Those who come merely aa behold­
T h e Chrletm ae Dane«.
ers will be given a seat In the gal­
When i o n ln x danced the ash
Some sixty years age
lery for one-half this amount, or
The stately coapleo often met
four-hits, to employ the Grants Pass
Baaeath the atetletee.
vernacular. Demery's orchestra will
Ta waltaee n o * the cuetoaw at
do the bugling.
Bat Mabel's rosy beau
Time, you thief, who leve le get
Local News Notes
That danteal doth centrlve to a
Beneath the mistletoe.
The dance» ehaaga. but aat the
Aa «toes abatrvao Jut»«,
i For menala eel about the Sasse
Baaeath the rfuadetaa
-Louisville Ceurtar-Jtu r a l i.
i t
l l t llt M H U U IIH R
W. J. Myer« ha» a few United
States army knapsacks which he will
close out at 75c. Just the thing for
school children to carry their books
or lunch. Will make nice Christmas
tweets tote year But, put that I
■ay Tm weary, ear Tm ■*«.
■ a r that health sad wealth ha
toleeed ma
■ay r m growth» sM. but a M -
Jeuar kissed asel
I [T o u n ty Scat Official News
M a rria g e Llo-naea,
£hristm as
Gilbert Clark and Bessie Kelsey;
Marl n F. Caster and VlLcey V.
.winter; J. E. Grlbble and Marlon
Foster; Alfred L. Master and Rosa
* P ro b a te .
A Modem Fable
(based on facts)
“Once upon a time a certain coun­
try boy became enamored of the Belle
o f the Village. Now this country boy
knew when it came to brains he had
the town boys beaten to a frazzle, so
after he had arrayed himself in a
clean celluloid collar and with a
bright silk handkerchief tilted at ex­
actly the right angle from his pock­
et on the “o ff side” he hied himself
to the corner grocery where he pur­
chased a sack o f plain mixed candy
atid called 011 the fair damsel. Now
this fair damsel who had been touted
by her good parents to win nothing
less than a duke or earl treated the
country boy with disdain and a Dr.
Cook expression. After fifteen min­
utes o f agony our hero excused him­
self and skated out on the ice. The
next night the village cutup, whose
mother allowed him to stav out until
9:15 every evening, called on the fair
maiden. On account of having a
father with a past he compelled him
to kick across with enough mazuma
to be classed with the spenders. Be­
fore calling he beat it to the Bon Ton
where he separated himself from a
small portion o f his hank roll in ex­
change for a swell package o f tooth
ticklera that would cause any girl
to go d affy for j«y. Armed with this
powerful incentive he laid siege to
the fair maiden, who knew a discrim­
inating taste when she saw one and
sh « married the village entnp and
they lived together happy ever after­
Moral— Buy yonr Bon Bone at the
Bon Ton.
done up in beautiful
boxes for
holiday presentation
fresh nuts
fru its
Gold Hill
Iff y o u r K en s a r e n o t le x in g as
tK e y sK o n ld tH ey n o d o u b t n e e d
o f som e o f t b e fo llo w in g fo o d s
a n d to n ic s
Blood meal
Beef Scraps
Alfalfa meal
K o c h 's S to c k a n d P o u ltr y
T o n ic s a r e g a u r a n te d
Guardian DeForrest W. Jonee, an
incompetent, and Delbert Emerick
Jonee. a minor; order made to sell
real estate.
Estate America E. Thompson; or­
der appointing Dec. 28, 1911, as day
for final settlement.
W. H. Reynolds vs. Fred H. Run-
dell and Minnie A. Rundell; action
for m ney. Burns & Seager, attor­
neys for plaintiff.
8. T. Howard Jr. vs. James L.
Spink; action on negotiable Instru­
ment. O. C. Boggs, attorney for
Clara M. Botnar vs. A. R. Botnar;
divorce. W. J. Moore, attorney for
plaintiff. .
Edmund E. White vs. Ethel E.
White; divorce. J. A. Lemery, at­
torney for plaintiff.
Samuel Dyer vs. Era Dyer; di­
vorce. Colvlg & Williams, attorneys
for plaintiff.
State of Oregon vs. Bert Bowlin;
transcript from justice court.
Della J. Brown vs. J. A. McIntosh;
suit to foreclose mortgage. Walter
H. Evans and N. R. Jacobson.
Charles P. Christensen vs. J. J.
Cambers; action to recover money.
H. V. Richardson, attorney for plain­
Jease Neathamer vs. Charles E.
Palmer and Harry E. Palmer; action
for money, A. E. Reamea, attorney
for plaintiff.
C. Q. Seaman vs. W. C. Lehman;
action to recover money. J. N.
Johnston, attorney for plaintiff.
H . C . R .« a < l« l, P r o p r l a t o r
H om e P n on e
— r r r r r r r r r r f f j jl
S. P. Time Card
.......................... 8:39 a.m.
23 (m o to r).................. 11:02 am.
32 (motor) ................. 5:28 p.m.
.......................... 6:00 p.m.
.......................... 6:27 p.m.
23 (motor) .................
8:02 a.m.
1 5 .................................... 9:52 a.m.
31 (motor) ................. 1:42 a.m.
1 3 .................................... 2:45 p.m.
......................... 10:46 p.m.
Full line of artistic wall paper
just received by Frank Burnett, the
fsrntture man.
Regulate the bowels when thoy fa il
to move properly. HERBINE is an
admirable bowel regulator. It helps
the lover and stomach and restores
a fine feeling o f strength and buoy­
ancy. Price 50c. 8old by Jarvis the
S te in h o ff
tb e p a in te r
is d e a d
I n te r r e d b y b is
fr ie n d s
t b e a rtist, a r c h ite c t
a n d b u ild e r
’ /W *<*»•
e *|