Spechi Offerii The Gold Trial Comas to Abrupt End Whsn Plots of Guilty Are Entered. N ew s k n d .« L a T o lle tte ’s W e e k ly M a g a z in e Both A Tull Lo. Angalea.— "The üaltod Btatea government and California authorities ara oo oparatlag to nacovsr one of tb . m »it gigantic conspirada» ever con- cslvsd In tb . history of this country. T*>la was tb . declaration of Assistant D l.trlc t Attorney W. Joseph Ford, second la command to District Attor n .y Fredericks. and tb . man wbo waa arrested In Indlaaapolls for tb . al Isgsd Illegal extradition of Joba J. McNamara. H . admitted that tb . proaecutloa bad under survailtoBea In other p art, of t b . sountry prominent labor leaders alleged to b a r . beca Involved in the Times explosion, but said tbat arresto might first be made by the Federal government In connection with Ito In­ vestigation. Y ear Tor Only You can read every week what Senator Robert M. La Follette, the fearless champion of the people’s rights, the leader o f the progressive Republicans, thinks and says for Only Fifty Cents More Than The Price O f The Gold Hill New» Alone A stirring and momentous campaign is opening. You will want to be posted. You will want the record o f your congressman. Does he represent YOU? You will want information about the great political issues that you and friends are talking about. Senator I^a Follette knows what is going on at Washington. He is on the ground; be­ hind the scenes. He tells you all about it in LA FOL- LETTE’S WEEKLY MAGAZINE. Sixteen pages of crisp editorials and interesting special articles each week. La F • •, G old H ill News, 1 year $ 1 . 0 0 1 year $ 1 .5 0 O u r O ffe r, M’NAMARAS ADMIT DYNAMITE CHARGE „ I $2.00 J I - o . Angelea.— Tb« McNamara case oatne to a senaatlonal end when James B. McNamara, In Judge Ilordwell's eonrt. pleaded guilty of murder In the first degree, for billing Charles J Haggerty in tb . d y n .m lt. explosion tbat wrecked the build lag of the bos Angslos T im .» on October 1, 1110; and h l. brother, John J. McNamara, pleaded guilty of dynamiting tbo Llewellyn Iron Works. Loe Angeles on the Cbrtotma. following Dlatrlat Attorney Fredericks will reeommead life Imprisonment for James B sad tea years for John J. CITY OF NANKINS PEACEFUL Rebels for Jackson and Josephine Counties for the Autom atic Jack Combination Tool Wire Stretcher nnd Splicer, Lifting Jack, Fust Puller, Press, H ol.t, Tire Tightener, Wrench, Vise, Clamp, and many other sat- l.lactory usne. Unequnlled for — Farm, M ill, Mine, Factory and General Construction a m . C e l. B le th e n Caper tty: 6,0 00 bs. Weight: 24 lbs. Address J Gold Hill, Oregon CALIFORNIA it famous the world over F or its splendid hostelries, its varied a ttractio n s, its fine beaches, hot sp rin g s’nnd pleasure re s o rts —All these ca n be reached w ith ease by th e A c q u it t e d . Seattle.— Holding tbat the stats bad not produced sufficient evidence to prove that Colonel Alden J. Hlethen. editor of the Seattle Times, bad aided and counseled Ludovlc Dauaglovana and Charles Berryman In maintaining the old Arcade dance hall as a nuis­ ance. Judge J. T. Ronald Instru .ted the jury to bring In a verdict of ae qulttal. Battle In the Philippines. Manila.;—In a battle between a bat taUon of the Third Infantry and Moro gnerillaa one American soldier and 30 natives were killed. ROCKEFELLER QUITS JOB John 0 . and O ther “ O ld-Tim ers” In Standard Oil Company Resign. New York.— John D. Rockefeller has terminated hi» career as head of the Standard Oil Company. W ith him , allft retired ntv-n* of the conspicuous ) I tufds of the early days of the fo il t r u s j." W illiam It -ckefeller, W illiam 0. Rockefeller, C M. Pratt, II. M. Flag­ “ Road o f a Thousand Wonder»’’ Route o f Shasta Limited Excursion Tickets Costing $55.00 Portland to Los Angeles and Return On sale daily, good six m onths w ith stop-overs going or retu rn in g . C orresponding low fare s from o th e r O regon points. Call on our A gents for Handsomely Illustrated Literature D escribing San Francisco, O akland, S ta n fo rd U niversity, Lick O bservatory, S a n taC ru z , Del Monte, Paso Roble H ot Springs, S an ta B arbara, Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Diego, The Old Spanish Missions, Y osem ite N ational P a rk and Big Trees, and o th e r places of in te re s t in th e Golden S ta te ; or w rite to John M. Scott General Passenger Agent, Portland ler, B. T . Bedford and others whose names have been prominent In the oil busln as, stepped beh.nd the scenes. II. C. Fuffler, Jr., waa elected presl dent of the Standard Oil Company of New York. The new officers of this eompeny, besides Fogler are: Vice- president and director. II. L. Pratt; vice-president and director, W. E. Be mlaa; secretary, R. C. T eit; directors, W. R. King, H. A. McGee, C. M. Hig­ gins and James Donald; treasurer. It. P. Tinsley, assistant secretary. W. J H I ss - h . ________ Lawyers In Finland. It Is obligatory on Finland lawyers before they can secure government em­ ployment to serve ns policemen for the purpose of gaining practical experience. A S m a ll Boy’s Knowledge. A small boy whose examination pa- pera Included a question as to the ori­ gin of the nlphabet gave the following answer: “ Anglo-Saxon was the first mnn who wrote the alphabet He wrote It In Greek first and then came to America and taught it to the na­ tion.” I TO fiKND W IT H CHRISTM A S • IF T f i. Calendars. Station Nanking.—Conditions is Nanking now are a i most normal. T h . revalu tlenarles h av, placed police patrols throughout tbs city end tbsy bave re­ stored order. Osneral Chang, the Im­ perial commander, escaped across the river to Pu-kow the night before the revolutionary forces entered the city II is believed, with the consent and sonnivanos of lbs rsbsl oommandsrs. Tbs foreign warsMps have retarned to their anchorage opposite 8hal Kwan Trains have begun to run Into Nanking. Reports from 3rscbuen province are not reassuring. Many foreigners ere unable to leave because the gov­ ernors find protection from bavlog tor •lin e rs within the various towns, which guarantees against attack. A g e n ts W a n te d Mack Blow ers, General A gent Rester. Order and Relie. Ratrele. “Righting Osb* Iva n s’ tte ry af Mto "Rrceento” to Feet Rlshee. “On Christmas morning.'' said Bear Admiral Evans. 0 g. N., retired. “I thank God tbat be made three tim e, as much water a> land. Ne true sailor would exchange Christmas at ami for one on shore. “O f all tbe Christmases spent et sea the one tbat rises before me most vlv. idly Is that of If*» . wben the Federal army and the gunboat fleet were try­ ing to capture Fort Fisher. Tbe only presents wo received, sod they came fast and furious, were solid shot and shell from tbe guns of tbe enemy Dot this didn't destroy our sense o f humor The boys would write on each solid shot or shell before piecing It In tbe gun. 'Presented by.' and add rbe name of the vessel from which It happened to be tired Mighty few burled at tbe fort that day lacked this Christmas greeting. All tbe gunners caugbt tbe spirit of tbe grim je s t for tbe fighting line Is no place for serious faces. "Despite the exeltsmeat of the fierce combat ws managed to have tbe m ail heads of alt tbe ships trimmed with Christmas greens, even though the sailors bad to risk their lives In going ashore to get them, and you may be assured tbe sentiment of the day was not wasted." No nation provides more plentifully for tbe Christmas cheer of Its sailors than does Uncle Sam. Each of the battleship crews bss n dinner of roast turkey, plum pudding, pumpkin pie end all tbe trimmings tbat go with It. The men are served in messes of tu rn ty at 12 o'clock, and each man Is al­ lowed one snifter of grog ns un nptw- flaer In celebration o f tbe occasion. The o ffic e rs dine at ft o’clock and. as Is the custom when spending tbe holiday at sea. are guests of the com mending officer. M a y a ll th o days T h ro u g h o u t th ia y e a r "R e d to tte rs " be To you. m y dear. M a y a lt th e Jeweled beads U pon T im e 's ro s ary Ito gold w ith o u t allo y. T h is la m y p ra y e r f o r th a n H a n d k e r c h ie f s . T w e lv e hits o f w h ite flu ff to m y la d y ’s boudoir— A s m a n y as m o n tlis In th s ysar. H e re 's hoping t h a t never a m onth n o r m o u c h o lr W ilt hold f o r th a t la d y a te a r. A Bex of Cigars. ’ M a n y a film o f f a ir y fa n c y ' • Goes up In a m o k , each y e a r; B u t. bein g a w o m a n , of course I o a n 't see . i W h a t d re a m chrys a lid e s a re here. ; ; - D e lin e a t o r . ' ♦+»+♦♦♦♦♦♦< ♦♦♦♦»+++♦»♦»»; i ne u o id m il News L a rd , to r th e lo nely h e a rt I p r e y spar« N e w fo r U s sen o f sorrow W h o m this to m o rro w BeJotoetb n o t, O Lo rd . H e a r m y w e a k word. f v e ry S a tu rd a y a t G o ld Jackson C o u n ty , O r e g o n " ■ ■B!"' - - - ■ = = RtX M. LAMPMAN F o r liv e s to o M tto r to bs F o r tb o ts m p trd an d th e F o r tbo p ris o n er la th s e F o r tb o sham s lip d o th ■ F o r tb s h a g g a rd suicida. Fanes, paseo. U ~ ‘ S a fared s i (he U r ld H ill posroftles for transmis «Ion (h ron «h th« UMtedl mail« ** Affifoad eUM matter Hsrtmnsr, D b c xm b ss 2, 1911 SI .SO Rar B y tbo long sick. O O s d i In t o ths pot le n t gloom O f th a t »m en room W h o re Has tb s c h ild et pa O f a ll aaglostsd m ost, bs I T s e a te r, h e a lin g s a d rem ow a t th e f a ll o f d a y bo w sad pray. F a r these w b o c a a a o t etoi A w a tc h I keep. O h . tot th s s t a r r t a g b ra to B s fad and fed egata. A t th y hottest T h e to rtu rs d aoroea Bad r 1 see U s ra o a n t s h a lr. F a t h e r o f souls, p ro p ers M y poor th o u g h t's fosM o T o plead this hour. F o r tho e m p ty , a c h in g hom e, W h o re tb s sltont footsteps asasav W h e r e tho unsssn fo r a looks on. W h e r e th o hand clasp to not fe lt. W h o m th o dosrsot ayes a rc g s a a W h e re th s p o rtr a it on th s w a ll • U r s s ad stru ggles as to spook. W h o re th s tig h t b re a th fro m U s hM I C an s th e oolor to th s eksok. W h e re th o voles b re ak s la th o h y m n W h e n th o sunset b u ra a th dim . W h a re th s la te la rg e te a r w ill s ta rt. Fro s e n by th s broken h e a rt; W h a r s th s lesson Is to le a rn H e w to live , to grtove. to r o a m . H o w to bo ar nod bow to bow. O h . th e C h ris tm a s th a t to Itod. L o r d o f liv in g an d o f dead. C o m fo rt U o u ! —E lis a b e th S tu a r t C h r is t m a s O n e s a Y e a r . Th aa e C h ris tm a s bolls as sw oo tly ohti As on tho d a y w hon firs t th e y ra n g Bo m e rrily in olden tim e A n d f a r an d w ide th e ir moot« I ■h a ltin g tho to ll g re y Ivied to w er W I U a ll tb o lr deep, m elodious pi T h e y s till p ro c la im to ov*ry oar, “ O ld C h ris tm a s c o m m h u t ones a T h e n b , cam « singing th ro u g h tho A n d plucked th e hotly b rig h t a nd F u lle d hara nnd th e re th e toy buds: W a a so m etlm m hidden, eom ettm ea H a l f bu rled 'n e a rh tb e a ik tle to s . H ie lo ng beard hung w ith tla k e s e f snow. And s till he ov e r c aroled c lear. "O ld C h ris tm a s oomee but once s y e a rt" W h a t tho ugh upon his h o a ry head H a s fa lle n m an y a w in te r ’ s snow. H is w re a th to s till ae green nod rad A s 'tw a s a tho usan d yaara ago. A g a in w e 're happ y a ll day long. W a sm ile a nd 1 Iatan ts th e song. It s burden s till re m o te o r n e a r. “ O ld C h ris tm a s comes b u t onoe a —Joaquin Among the Wise Sayings I t Christmas came more than ones I a year. say four times, tbe sheriff also would call around about that of- tra. Yes? CHINESE LEAVE COLLEGES Mrs Frederic Thompson, known in theatrical circles ns Mabel Taliaferro, has suad her husband. Frederic Thompson the well-known producer of New York, for divorce. V'ctor Berger, Socialist member of Congress, says that tbs McNamara confetslon waa “the greatest blow tbat has ever come to tbo Gompera- Mitchell school of unionism." A Anal decree of divorce In favor of Mrs. Elisabeth M Chester agalaat her husband, George Randolph Cnea- ter, author of the "Get-rleb-qulek ; Wallingford'’ stories, has been en - ■ fcred. New York Is still laughing over J. Pierpont Morgan's discomfiture to church whsn he tripped and falling to tbe floor spilled a collection plate piled ' high with money. Tbe banker waa uninjured. Jobn C. Stubbs of Chicago, director of traffic of .lie Harrim an railroad system, will go on the pension roll af tbe Southern Pacific Company thia week by tbe official act of tbe com­ pany's board of pension officers. i—— mu— — t Weather Predictions. Nostradamus. French physician and astronomer, born In 1533. was tbe first to publish almanacs containing pre­ dictions of tbe weather. Suffragists to W in Working Wa New York.— Following the victory of the East In the national conven­ tion of tbe woman suffragists, it is announced that a campaign la to bs inaugurated K»re tbat w ill have for Ito chief purpose the spreading of ths propaganda of tbe suffrage among the wage-earning woman of thia part o f the country. The campaign w ill place emphasis upon the economic phase of the Issue. Candy? Funds far Education, Supplied by Manohus, Cut Off Owing to War. San Francisco—One hundred and fifty Chinese students whose means of The President's W ife Herself Rut Up eduontional support w m recently cut ofT by the Manchua, will give up their Delioaeies For the 8iek. Christmas at the W hite nouse with college careers In America and re­ Mrs. Hayes ns Its mlatreas waa a suc- turn to China on the liner Perala, No­ ilon of Christian charities nnd Joy­ vember 29. Forty of the students are ful gatherings. from California schools and the others “ W illiam, I want you to buy forty from eastern educational inatitutlons. turkeys, besides our own. and vegeta­ bles. pickles and fru it to go with The collegians, It is reported, will them," she said to the steward one take an active hand In the organize tlon of the revolutionary government Christmastide. ^ The steward has told with pride how for four years he got the forty turkeys nnd how the mndnm eatne to the store­ room. rolled up her sleeves and filled lings with cranlierries. lemons, crack­ ers nnd small delicacies for the sick. The Hayeses gave the home Christ­ Ever citiae mas presents In an original way. All raw - • ltd th»* “hi the gift» were taken to the fam ily \ / Cnlkp», be mom. assorted for each person and ST B B S B ours » will laid on tables. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes R W a ! Arto, I ) i l l . - ' • .tr v Hl d 3 distributed them At the tap of a H E L P the F liell some one wns railed, nnd. walking In. he received all Ills gifts. Each In il K rii, turn eatne the same way. THE HAYESES’ CHRISTMAS. S u re ! Ask any o f the gH s THE BON TON es O. A . C. S Kegin Jan. 3 « a rc * 1 Th» -Tailest Holly Traos. The American hnll.v appears* to a t­ tain Its grcntc'tt s'? » nud perfection In southern A r b p ji’K nm! Tctn«. when» it is to be Been ut times fr«jiu forty to fifty feet In height, fn much ainnllcr form It grewx nntnrolly, however, along the south «here of Massachusetts among tui>oloa, black oaks, red maples, cedars, etc., but not much northward of Hingham nnd Quincy. The Little Boy Who Moved. The fairies m isled l.Im wben they cam e To play their evening gam e They searched tho old red farm house through. They called aloud his name. They even looked Inside the barn. But vain their questing proved. So they made up their ellln minds The little boy hud moved. K rlss K rlngle m issed him when he c a n e Upon his reindeer ride. He hunted fcr him high and low. But not a trace ho spied. But still he keeps a lookout sharp To find him If he can— The little boy who w ent one day To live Inside a man. —McLandburgh W lleon In Judges Ilorsathosing. Horseshoeing was Introduced In lOfle by British King W illiam 1. Low Lying Holland. In Holland one travels by railway through an agricultural country as flat as a lake, w ith the land below the level of the ocean and In some flections lower than the rive n . t invited ,ul ’ h ’T t F a r m o rn eK i to At- iltural neFve '.ltouiftt , Eor-V m | to :» this lo tti- . O»W.. J E. C. STEIGER LUMBER CO. LUMBER L. C. Æpplegate, Sales Manager G o ld H ill, O r e g o n LUM BER Sugar Pine, Yellow Pine and Fir SUGAR PINE SHINGLES Messenger Lumber Co. Sams Valley, Oregoa IM W E ARE now in shape to figure on bills of lum ber- bills of any size or lumber of any size; sugar pine, yellow pine and fir. We can fur­ nish the best black oak lum­ ber, suitable for finishing and furniture making. Mill on Sams creek.