Ten Per Cent Off for Cash on holiday Goods Saturday, December 16 “Let’s Get Acquainted” The Gold Hill News All Over Oregon Every Saturday at Gold MiM jackson County, Oregon Jarvis the Druggist NEGLECTING ESSENTIALS. Clocks Watches Jewelry a handsome new line and more coming c a l early for choice h. i » t ■ ,*f4 4 « • “The 0 « Timer” S. V. McFarren 1 No. 131. Report of the Condition of S OME eighty or ninety cal's of potatoes were shipped Business men of Condon have or into the Rogue River valley last year. The quantity ganlzed. temporarily, the Condon REX M. LAMPMAN Business Men’s Association. this year will be nearly as great. The Oregon State W ireless Associa­ A few years ago the valley was exporting potatoes. • a t e r a l a t the G r id t i i l i poeiodice (o r tra n s m is sion th ro u g h th e f i l l e d states m ails tion was organised at a meeting of There is no reason under the sun why its farmers should as secoad clsM m atter amateur w ireless operators held in not be exporting them today. Portland. 8 a TVBDAT, DECBMBSH 2. 1911 There is no valid excuse for sending tens of thousands The proposed commission form of Subscription $ 1 .5 0 Per Annum, in Advance charter submitted under the Initiative of dollars out of here annually for a product that we can at a special city election in Ashland easily supply ourselves. Hardly a place th at will not, with The political policy of the Mist will was overwhelmingly defeated. intelligent care, produce with irrigation an abundant crop be republican. It will advocate the The train service on the Pacific nomination and election of William Re'lr-3-id t Navigation Company la of needed staples. H. Taft for president. It will op­ caiu Here is an instance of what potatoes will do here: Fred 'ir g e amount of travel be pose Jonathan Bourne, Jr., for sena­ tween Tluamook and Hillsboro. Puhi, an energetic farm er near the city, had some so-called tor. It will support a good, progres­ Pendleton will be the scene of an­ sive man for congress from this dis­ other state convention this week, “ desert” land idle. He bought water for it, and in one trict, reserving the right of selection year paid for his water and made a handsome profit be­ when the Farmers’ Educational and of such man when the candidates are! Cooperative Union m eets in its second sides. He planted one acre of potatoes, which yielded 150 announced. In the main, it will up­ sacks, which he sold for $1.50 per sack or $225 for the annual gathering. hold the popular and progressive Ed Jurgens and F. Foster, the two acre. There are thousands of acres of this land awaiting laws of Oregon.—St. Helens Mist. men held in the county jail at Rose­ The Mist has missed it on the first burg charged with holding up the cultivation. Another instance of the money potatoes yield: Scott two or three counts at least, as sub­ Drain-Scottsburg stage, have made a sequent events will undoubtedly complete confession. Davis and A. S. Rosenbaum planted twelve acres of show. Under orders issued by the war Rogue river irrigated bottom land in the Table Rock dis­ department. Colonel James Jackson, trict to potatoes. They secured 1800 sacks of marketable retired, will move his headquarters spuds, and are feeding forty hogs with the undersized as instructor of the Oregon militia potatoes. These potatoes they have sold in the vicinity of from Salem to Portland. $1.50 a sack. The Ashlakid Tidings (newspaper) is now under the ownership and Why not produce what we consume, in at least one management of Bert R. Greer, a news­ line? Every farm er can do it—with water. paper man from Muskogee. Okla, who Turn back the pages of time a few years and the purchased It from R. B. Bennett and Rogue River valley is seen a large exporter of poultry. brother. Why? It is estimated that 35,000 sheep Today it is an importer. will be fed for mutton in and sur­ George L. Davis, now county commissioner, states that rounding Joseph. Of this amount for years he bought from $10,000 to $20,000 worth of 22,000 are long-wool sheep, which poultry, mostly turkeys, every fall, and shipped to San make the finest mutton obtainable as they fatten out quicker and run heav­ Francisco. In those days turkeys only brought 8 and 10 cents a pound. Every farm er’s wife reared them and ier in weight than the finer grades. That part of the city of Browns­ they furnished the valley’s Christmas money. Now they, ville, one of Linn County’s leading are worth from 20 to 25 cents a pound and scarcely anyone towns, lies in the Oregon and Califor­ real’s turkeys, not enough raised to make a shipment. nia land grant, which may be forfeit­ These are but two everyday products among the many ed to the government. Is a fact which overlooked by Rogue River valley producers which al­ has developed In a case now pending in the circuit court of Linn County. most anyone can supply. The country will not be upon a Improvement on the entire high sound basis until it is an exporter in other lines than fancy sehool course of study in the state is fruit. We must first feed our own population—then feed contemplated for the meeting of su­ the world with our surplus. perintendents, principals, high school teachers and anyone else interested, I t is an absurd and humiliating confession—that we do which has been called by Superin­ not produce the necessary a b c’s of farm life, that with tendent Alderman for December 28 ideal climate, soil and natural advantages we have passed and 29 in Portland. County Judge George D. Culbertson up the very foundation of a successful community, but has announced the appointment of P. as confession is good, let us see to it that our ways are S. Davidson, W. E. King, Captain mended ere another season is upon us. Let us reform and v Charles R. McCan, W. S. Orlbble and plant something to supplement our orchards. Instead of Walter Mason as delegates from Hood at bargain prices breaking the orchard planting record with 15,000 acres of River County to the International Ir­ ■ rigation Congress, which will convene fruit trees, let us vary it with 15,000 acres of potatoes and in Chicago a1>out the middle of De­ other produce that the markets of the world are clamor­ JUST RECEIVED cember. ing for.—Medford Mail Tribane. ===== by ========== Only a Trifle Mere. H obby (patting wallet In his pocket) —I sincerely hope. Helen, thin finishes np the Christmas baying job. W ifey—Tss; that’s all. Henry. I shall not need any—bnt bold on! I ’ll need about S3 more. I w ant to get some­ thing alee for yon. yon know —Phils delphla Ledger. Pat a porous plaster on the chest and take good oough syrup inter­ nally if yon would treat a severe case of sore lungs properly. Get the dollar site BALLARD’S HORK- HOUND SYRUP. With each bott'c there is a free HERRICK'S RED PEPPER POROUS PLASTER for Geo. Lance, Jr., was at Grants the chest. Sold by Jarvis the drug Pass on business Thursday. gist. Ti,*-Gold llil> II». k , » . Gold Hill in I hr Slulr »»• O n p n . Ht the elo-e of huain. ■- Dec ft, 1Q11. ■ KR< »VRCKB Quarterly Statement Linn« and dtartmti'a •44.114«* Ov.-ni. «Ite, arcui ». andunaacoi.il n"in Bund» ami «arra* te 472 25 Pnrni'ur» »mi li« i« ’