0EBEN8ER RAP . made to lease property aiatemvwi aa-l Ai-pIkeiWm Ko uteis, Sètta, H -'fi. ,« Mr. anti Mrs. J hiuvs Ma«'- .E state o f. Edward A. King; order •o . a rhaes ife Ngi, * M * • »<••»«*• « '' "'tlsiii- • u* o f BvagL- on Xuviintxer 22, a big appointing Herman 0 . King admin- » r r e M -»l L u . end the i n.her there...., Í in«- boy, k ,- istrator and T. A- Fifer. J. F. Hale Î . I L 1*’ ' » o f ’ he M t of June ’¿ J " :*. emmet»...»», k „ „ .h Work cunaweweeJ Monday on the »lid G.’R. Lindley appruLsgra,-■ a n il M „ , „ L a w ,” a t WKu . Guard Flora A. Carpenter iaeaue; * , randa lending «a the a^proaekes of tha new bndg* ñeros» Rugue rivit order appointing O. J. Patton guard ‘T***"1 *• ew h epptWeth-i., ian and H. C. Keataer. Waiter Me- • * the Riveraide ranch. •*«< HiMtwr thd>te*o » r*v« ItoaaI CaUem and Geo. Careteo appraisers. ÎXlokih.* ,h *' eetlê.ate.1 Dr. E. Kirach-Oeaany made a pro lrtU.lXXI hne/.i |,.„1 jn o. . M Estate o f Clarinda Orlrehy. In tfaaaional trip to Medford in his auto ■aobilp, which is something unusual ventory and appraisement approved. " *’’“* ment on 'bel tor an automobile this time o f the • Estate -of Bradley D. W illiamson.' December 30 set as day for hearing »H . d a y . I la i.« » .., I«!«, i„ lllr, w ynar. ¿“L’ s' ertomi . iouer, el »,<eijv-,i. Hwwo .. L. J. Mareks is moving his sawmill final statement and account. ■ I Estate o f Charles F. Wall. Wil Aay pertm, I. , t liberte in prot.ei l and planer from Long Branch to C. pnrvhaee tafoM. at.tr», « P. Dennis’ place on Trail, where they liam Ulrich appointed administrator a M.L .».spot M an lime 4 , „ • safest will 8aw and plane lumber the coming ai d J. A. Perry, H. G. Wortman and i";- ««'rohemfe.i sffdevit W. T. Grieve appraiser«. ** * L ele a Meh • aulii defeat Ih- « o tri, Estate o f Ella B. Deans. Answer This fine weather we are getting Heoj.s.i.1 F. Jone», * is giving everybody in this part of of guardian ordered entered as o f 2____________ Befi-ter the country a fine chance to get their November 11. 1911, Estate o f A. J. Fredenburg. Final NO TIC E l-OR PU B LIC A TIO N fall and winter work done at a great attatement allowed and administrator . _ D*'»a r‘ “ «a ‘ of tha Interior. advantage. *• *• Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., discharged. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Daily o f Med . X -vt-mlw «3. 1911 Estate James M. Bray; inventory ford came up to Mrs. Daily’s parents* Midi ■» la by aiv a tl at Arch’s and appraisement filed, showing es ranch on Kogue river to spend t »et» )r o M ,»G rille, Oregon, wi.o on tate valued at $5,000. Thanksgiving and the turkey shooting Guardian Flora A. Carpenter, in 'le y 2ft. Hill), mad.- Ili-m-olee-l entry »aateli at Jasper Hannah’s place. sane; guardian's bond filed and ap HvrtsiXo .06290. lor Kt* N W I(, and Elmer Simmons and his brother proved. L.«r .M ft. « . l oa "4 Tewn>hin .46 n. Luther have begun work on a woll Estate Elizabeth Stewart; execu Kaone -1 We I. » illemette Meridian, bar' for Dr. Rirsch-Qessner on his ranch tor’s semi-annual account filed and tile.1 notan-of ini « .lu i m m at« F uel the Riverdale. The well will be used approved. C o . inu'at-Mi r’r-s-f, i.aai b i-ti c alm I for irrigating purposes as well as for Estate John B. Xeehan. Sr; wHI the lem» ala.» . a «rii» d. In-tor« W. H house use. probated and Jennie R. Meehan ap • a- o n , I a r a d S i s e- C-rti u. i—iot.er, a' Al. Hall of Trail passed through pointed executrix, and Mel Hus»» Mad'ord, Oregon. on th.i Ath any of Debenger Gap Tuesday morning on Bert 0 . Lockwood nnd Lowell Trip Jam a », 1912 ( I Minai,t ue-n • s» a lineare« : Frank his way to his ranch at Trail with a per appraisers. sm all herd o f goats which he pur Guardian Martha Hugger; order M Jeiirnr, S. .1 Black in, E. W. Tillon, whased from Earl Grev in Sams Val appointing W. I. Vuwter guardian sud C. M. 8a«... bar», all vf W« x .« j ville ' j Oregp.» ley. and W. B Jackson, A. C. Hubbard B E N J A M IN F. JO NE8. R egl.ter Earl and Clarence Grey of Beagle and W. T. York appraisers. have just returoM from a trip to A. V. Walters i-s. John Walters ' ÜF ‘’ÛBUCATÎÔX---- , L - n’rî.‘ ° ' “ £ ,n ,,r t o r - I Prospect, where they were last «reek action fo r monev. ■with two loads of hay. They report Roy Blackbpm v a Prospect Cou- °" ¡ the roads as being in a terrible condi struetion company; same as above. ,r? !• »«..eby giv u that O it» W J- tion. *—*' ** • * ' *•re»-<rti. «110,1 Arthur Marshall vs. same corpora- l****t/l^*\£’ I c T » ,1 *” 9 . J, .,.. R. niea eeit r>11 ~ ,..w marte Miss Dora Lawrenta and her sis. tion; same. E l ir. .»er al UM», for N», » « V »«▼. Mrs. Mabel Starks, o f Medford, George W. Kearns vs. Ids nnd '.). ESi ^ W V Se, lion M, l- wn-nip S» s with their cousin. Miss LaReina H. Reichman ; same. Kani-e 3 w . Brillameli» MrrMiaw, I a- b o wren tz, o f Cincinnati. Ohio, came «4 in t o "'ak" m a k e h i.a t Anna Caton Hopper vs Enter- ! glen S'"‘ ,-o.tl, ’ e ‘V “’ i u t i n n u* Douglass Honncr- s n i ï f e 7 ' «ve.iwn» pro. f. eei.b | h claim to U e op to the Debenger Gap ranch lakt " _",0 PPe r ’ 8u,t fo r divorce. lano above tie., ' rihed. -rt I ’ ’•» n**om w a»»nv ll-rtn u^rtiru Friday and Saturday to visit their Laura Knutzen vs. D. W. Knutzen ; •»m -It, y •». Ccmniiw-n, »r »1 G r .ife friends. Mrs. J. C. Gage and family same. I*.», Dreg u, uu ti,v 07 J, , | p | and J. B. Johnston. Miss LaReina is Jackson County hank vs. W. H --ember, 1911. C a im a n i n«me» ss w tee» e» ; Je»«- 1 n world renowned girl, as she is the Harden ft Co. and W. H. Rnrdon; ac- X -» ti -m - , L-ut» fSIver-, J< e — hoo-. highest known horseback diver o f the tion to recover money. “ o »• «»ilei-« Galftrenlh, «Il , | * .«<)- v < r W»||are world. She mounts a tower sixty- C. E. Tull vs. Al Tate; action I- ” U “• five feet on horseback, then the horse recover ------------ - B E N J A M IN F. JONEB. Register money. Qns Newbury, attor-1 m akes a dive down into the shallow ney for plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. depths o f eight feet of water with Jackson County bank vs. W. H ‘ M iss Lawrentz on his back. She also Rnrdon ft Co.; action to recover^ Department o f the Interior, •na’kes dives o f ninety-six feet with money. Vawter ft Purdin, attorneys U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, out the horse. She is now on a seven for plaintiff. Oregon 1 rnonths’ vacation. The last dive she November 20, 1911 j Geoige W. Kearns vs. Ida L. Rien, Notice is hereby given that Eugene made on horseback before her raea- man and 0 . H. Reichman; action m «»on was in the presence o f William recover money. C olug ft Reams, at 8 . Jenks, whose postoffice address is ‘ •J. Brean, who came forward after she torneyg. Medford, Oregon, did, on the 2 8 th 1 «node her dive and «hook hands with Carl Coblelgh vs. Prospect Con day o f February, 1911, file in this o rr and congratulated her for her struction company; action to recover office Sworn Statement and Appli ferave and daring act. She has also money. Gus Newbury, attorney for cation, No. 05945, to purchase the | dreed in the presence of President plaintiff. SE %, Section 14, Township 35 S. j T aft, who also shook hands with her Xan L. Strlckfaden vs. Frank Range 3 west, Willamette Meridian i and congratulated her. When but 11 Strickfaden; divorce. H. V. Richard and the timber thereon, under the provisions o f the act o f June 3, 1878 ! -F ^ -s of age she made a dive ninety- son, attorney for plaintiff mx feet fro mthe top o f a tower into Medford »Coal ft Mining Co. vs and acts amendatory, known as the I m e ocean. She is now a tall, slender Sunnyside Coal ft Coke Co.; suit In “Timber and Stone Law,” at stichi. S»r| o f about five feet eleven inches, equity. R. r . McCabe, attorney for value as might be fixed by apprai--- j with a fíne muscular development and plaintiff. ment, and that, pursuant to such ap-j a chest expansion o f five and three- Sarah E. Clay vs. Daniel E. Clay; plication, the land and timber thereon | ronrths inches, which is far above •ult for divorce. Carkin ft Taylor, have been appraised. $650.ft0. the timber estimated. 640,00(1 board feci j m e average. M iss LaReina is really attorneys for plaintiff. a wonderful girl and a good pianist at 75 oents per M, and the land Helen Lee Morgan vs. John B. M o r also. She intends coming back to the 9200.00; that said applicant will o f Debenger Gan ranch for a longer visit gan. Suit for divorce. E. E. Kelly, fer final proof in support of his ap attorney for plaintiff. about Christmas. Sarah E. Clay vs. Daniel E. Clay. plication and sworn statement on the I Suit for divorce. Carkin ft Taylor, 9th day o f February, 1912, before | F. W. Dodge was at Medford on W. H. Canon, United States Commis attorneys for olaintiff. Business Wednesday. sioner. at Medford, Dregon. Medford Coal and Mining company Any person is at liberty to protest I Boguiale the bowels when they fail vs. Sunnyside Coal and Coke com this purchase before entry, or initi «o move properly. HERBINE is an pany and Pacific Coal company. W. ate a contest at any time before pat admirable bowel regulator. It helps E. Crewes appointed receiver. t t e liver and stomach and restores a Fanners’ and Fruit Growers’ Bank ent issues, by filing a corroborated I fine feeling of strength and buov- o f Medford vs. J. F. Reddy and Mary affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry aney- Priee 50c. Sold bv J a n is the F. Reddy; action for money. Porter BENJAMIN F. JONES, druggist J- N eff and William P. Mealey, a t Register. torneys for plaintiff. Professional Cards NO TIC E FOK P U B L IC A T IO N a Dr Pa? “ ent of tha Intarior, it A. E. KELLOGG Embaimer and Funeral Director Compì fe line ot burial robes caskets, etc. Wodeisttikiiig rooms opponile I. O O F bul d in g ; phene «1 Main <iO L D B IL L . ORRGON CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D. GENERAL PRACTITIONER •Office in Wells Building Hours 10 12—2-4 DR. R. C. KELSEY orric« is *» D L 0 H IL L H O S P IT A L CO«. THIBD â c STS. U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore October 2«, 1011. h*r,''by " i.m n k 4 a so?’ ’a that Mr». P'” ‘ -«' • «ddre»» I - / 10 £ ‘ h 8lr,'a t- Portland. Oregon did oo May 20th, 1911, 81« io th j. o%cJ x Z fi’ U n h? *U>me" ‘ “ od Apph.-BOon, onrchAse toe R e *, S E I - E l i, and NE>4 MEM, of need >n 2ft MerHi’J ’’32 8’’ ^ ge 2 E“"‘ Will»'“ett« -the of , heact thereon, under the p “nd- .ov,,,,o,)(, of J(iD<; • hs »Tim« smendutory. known »» Stone Law,” at ,nch »nd’ThVt"’ *’’’ “ PP^'tam em •"d that, pursuant t . »nch application the land and timber -.hereon have b-. n 2 4 % 7 mw V 12? °,’ U , e " ,,her «’•“ mafea 2,420,000 hoard feet at fto cents ,e-r M 'b e T i m b e r « -id »n l offer Anal X lVth Reamfec V r A proof in »npport of ■,WOrn «‘ »Anient on n Janu,rJ \ 1M>2, before Receiver United rttat^F L*nd Office, at Ro-eburg, Oregon Aliy person is at liberty to pmfeht this purchase before entry, or initiate » H . CARKIN GLENN O. TAYL3S , on « t "t any time before patent ir.u-s oy filing corrobr.fed affidavit In thi offi e, af ezieg fact» which would def »; tin« eiv ry LAWYERS If you w ant your t o o l s p u t in g o o d sh ap e b e su re to s e e f '■'-■i OOTNTV WANb it DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST nas « ba i «ter» Mali f f l.U .i'» B U IL D ,X G . M E IttO K D AM '.’ F K » \K 8 . Register NOTH i: FOK I’ lrB L IC A T IO N ^ u IJ?'’a r‘ n'«“ t of the Interior, S. Land Office at Roseburg. Ore. Artgti-t ft, m il. No i e » l.er.-hv »|y „ )m, An<Jr „ ¿ p i“' <r p ",Hr •" '-'"o’ ’» * ' '*• O ' V”“ . d d, on the let da, U M ard i, HU I, fife u .j, 8worn Two For One-— Extraordinary offer by H alo’s Piano House to complete « he >H h 1 c '’8 " t e T 191 b tlUW far »’n,v“d u J« " linl« b Piano House. From now until Pliristma« dav we i “ ¿ h r i» 7 Z o u r “ '™ ™ c o " 1 , l u r i , " t o f th ,: p “ * • K i,J . X i iu M -H o” » «'"I '¡ . ¡nitv Ila •», , n g i 0Ur “,ore ,luri",! tlu' Be*‘ tw en ty -« « ' dnyi. Hale s I iano House has grown and become famous bv rivimr the greatest p«,88,ble value for the least money It is »»SdlX to ue?e nV by buyi “K dlrect from t,u* factory* and in a large man ner. and being under no expense in the w iv of rents and S io td H a V n n ’l Y’’ <>nJ°y ,ulvunU^ >H that other dealer can hope «Ion vnlnJ 1 l Y aUHC We want 8tiH nion‘ to to-reusc our trernen- o r th n Of, h ‘iS ,n e8H ’ w e a r p *ivinK to every purchaser X i e ing b X s 7 >e h“ WVfcat than “ny ° thcr de*Ier on liv- Two Dollars For One Dollar From now until Christmas we will give every purchaser of « ™ t" p .PX i rn‘p “M a n ° * ” C e ip ‘ f ° r ‘ W iM t h e “ “ H1“ “ • Pay $10 and get credit for $20 Pay $15 and get credit for $ 3 0 Pay $20 and get credit for $40 Pay $25 and get eredit for $50 Pay $.30 and get eredit for $60 Pay $.35 and get eredit for $70 «PL v , Pay *50 and crpdit for $100 Ihe balance may be paid a little each month. »4 J ‘ v app every new Pinno *n»d Player Piano in our re8tnct,on8 or reservations. It applies to the lowest p in ed Piano we carry as well as to the world’s finest the cele brated makes for which we are exclusive ^ agents. Ineluded’In \r,e r»h“ r r s i c H i n n i l i a m K ' 1“ 1* - M. I uraam Rlhnlno: , l2ntln«,,' n- M-'iidclaaohn, Lnuter W m a „ T „ S " g' U ,,M gU e’ “”d "V «' . n ,, ? better pianos for less money. But now vour 1 / " ,ent8 i a? e JU8t doubled the value that they have had before dehX Y hnVC ngnin- T1,e Piano n,ay b“ ««iccted at oncVand p r e ,,r m wi" de,iTer “ Ch™ t ™ “ One Dollar Does the Work o f Two Until Christmas t,.;i P t‘inend)er that we arc the only direct factory to home dis- tubutors of the world’s best Pianos and Player Pianos at the Oregon.” “' 5 '' ' XI’*'”S‘‘ each in<iiTi<I,“ I P 'lrc L a cr In Southern io our ™ In th<? buying field thaf w‘‘ have the S . ° Wmg ° Ut,,Ut and “ I” “ »' Our big salesroom is located on the corner of Tenth and Oak CHARLES KELL B la c k s m ith Candy? HALES Sure ! Vze tune Pianos, we move Pianos, we repair Pianos we store Pianos, we buy old Pianos, we sell Piakos, in fact, wTdo^the PiSl business of southern Oregon. ’ Fia^ ° We will give $500 to any charitable institution if anv one can prove that our prices will be raised one penny to offset this a lln u r b " regU,ar retail Wh'ch - ~ “ the CARKIN & TAYLOR 17-19 OVIK J A i'K f in v MEOPOHI», some price. kW" J »” »«I?- 1»I to buy ten rarloada oi w‘ l,u"‘!l<'"" •'■<! «owy Plano imut move at Now w your chime«». M IN E R 5 ■GOLD H IL L , OREGON *«*w »’ r Does This Mean Any thing to You, Piano Buyer? Ask any of Ihe girts B"|R t h e essi BON TON Piano House