Zljc (Kolb Hill Xctt« V O L 14 GOLD H IL L JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1911 NO. 29 New Charter and $25,0Q0 Water Bonds Carry by Splendid Majority TEXAS DRIVES OUT , MEXICAN REBELS P JULIAN HAWTHORNE PROGESS AND PURE WATER WIN By 5-to-1 Vote Gold Hill G ets Governor Gives Revolutionists Two Days in Which to De part From Laredo. in Line for im m ediate Advancem ent HILL made a splendid G OLD stride forward and took Austin, T e x — "All revolutionists In the vicinity of Laredo mu i t leave within 48 hour*,' reads a specific or der from Uuvernor Colquitt, of Texas, to Adjutant-General Hutchinson, who la at Laredo trying to cope with the situation there. Federal authorities seised a quan tlty of ammunition and arms said to he a part of a store provided by per sona who hoped to lead a revolt against the Madero government In Mexico. Governor Colquitt has received a telegram from President T aft saying he had Instructed Secretary Stlmson to ewoperate with the Texas gover nor In every way to stop the move meat within this state. This telegram came la response to • message to the President from Gov ernor Colquitt In which he said he had Information that there were 600 revolutionists In the vicinity of Laredo planning to divide Into two attacking parties and begin the new Mexican revolution at Neuvo Ijtredo Uovernor Colquitt notified the Pres ident that he did not Intend ttxjiave a repetition of the Incident at HI Paso, where Texas cltlxens were killed by flying bullets from the Mexican battles gt Jaures. place among the progressive municipalities of Oregon at last Monday’s election when an up- to-date charter was adopted and a bond issue of $25,000 for a new municipal water system was authorized by a vote of 86 to 15. While this was not a full vote, it is probable that the op position to the charter and the bonds showed its full strength. The majority of more than five to one was a suprise even Julian Hawthorns, the well known author, whose m ln ln - snterprlees are to the most ardent supporters of under Investigation by the poetal offi the charter and the bonds. That ce re Rudolph Blankenburg, who was re such unanimity exists on so im cently elected mayor of Philadelphia by the Oemocratlc-Keyetone party. WRIT DENIED TO PACKERS portant a question, and one so vital to the future welfare of Government Interprets Decision as Brief News of the Week. Gold Hill, augurs well for the Meaning Trlai W ill Now Begin. Chicago.— The government won an future of the city. The sale of chewing gum a« ship's stores has been prohibited by order other move in Its fight to bring to trial However, had it not been for of Acting Secretary of the Navy W in nine Indicted Chicago meat packers the opposition that developed throp. when Judge Kohlaaat. in the United The so-called steel trust Investlgat States circuit court, quashed a w rit to the charter as it was first of habeas corpus. Judge Kohlsaat, submitted, it is almost certain Ing committee of the House of Repre however, agreed to delay the enter that the measure would not sentatives resumed Its hearings In ing of a formal order quashing the Washington Munday. Pa roe Is Poet Is Opposed. have passed. The election was habeas corpus write and remanding It Is reported in financial circles that Kansas City.—A fter selecting Salt the nine packers to tbelr sureties first called for November 6th, Lake City aa the meeting place for the Clearing House Association of New Lawyers for the packers obtained this but on the eve of this election, 1911 and Kansas City, Mo , ns official York is endeavoring to raise a fund delay after a «harp fight with the headquarters, the l id annual session of *160,000 to aid the movement for at a get - together meeting ro iin a e ! fo r the govsmment, who ttreed of the Trans Mississippi Commercial the promotion of “a sound banking called by •_-.-.uaa, thiii system.” that the tria l be begun Monday. Congress adjourned The resolution GEORGE W. CABLE, NOTED NOVELIST OF CREOLE LIFE Tbe decision means that after nine opposition expressed itself in Constituting what la sold to be the declaring that the congress was years of legal action the packers must the naming of a committee of against the parcels post, which was largest matrimonial offer In history, go to trial, according to the Interpre adopted, provoked TortM .1 lout dis the members of the Oaunau liaclteioie O M E T IM E « the namesakes of Ueorge Washington turn out badly, revision. This committee made tation of the government oounael. At ousslon The vote was »0 for to I t Association of Oatman, Arlx., have but now and then they make good and useful cltlsens. George Washington Cable belongs to the tatter division. Ilia stories, par torneys for the packers, however, con the amendments demanded by against the resolution. A vigorous proposed to 160 widows of Santa ticularly those dealing with the creole life of Louialana. have tend that their appeal to the supreme its constituency, the opposition. Monica. Cal. verbal scrimmage followed. given lasting delight to many thousands of readers His first book, "Old court w ill act as a stay to prevent Im Interest In the work of the Inter The amendments were submit Creels Daya," *a a published In 1878 "Bonaventure." “ Dr. Sevier" and mediate trial la tbe district court. Commerce Commission la expec GENERAL DISTRUST ALLEGED state "The Silent South" are other books of wonderful charm. Mr. Cable wee ted to the city council, which ted to center In the proposed Investi boru In New Orleans In 1844, fought In tbe Confederate cavalry two approved them, annulled the Tarring of Girl la Told. ■sker Says Pear vf Roads Is Bar to gation Into the business of the ex years, was ■ reporter on tbe New Orleans Picayune and began his dell press companies. The hearings be nite literary career at tbe age of thlrty-flve. He resides now in North Big Float Lincoln Center, Kan.— W hile the election called for the 6th, and amptnn. Maas. Washington— in hla tostlmony be gan In New York Wednesday. young victim sat motionless, betray with the amendments incorpor By a vote of *6 to 8, the light for fore the Senate committee on Inter- ing not the leaet sign of a tear, ated in the proposed new char •ta te commerce, Bernard N. Baker, of special "AA" classification was won Chester Anderson, a laborer, related Baltimore, attributed hla failure to by the Pacific Coast league, Eastern to a Jury the startling story of how ter, ordered the election which finance the Pacific Steamship Com league and American Association at ten men of Lincoln County, himself took place Monday. pany. not to any direct and 111, gal In the final session of the National A n o one of them, dragged Mias Mary There was practically no dis of Professional Baseball fluence of the railroads, but rather to elation Chamberlain, a school teacher, from a general fear that hla company, If Leagues. a buggy and applied a coat of tar to sent at any time to the proposal Currency reform will be the all-ab formed, would be crushed out by.com her naked body. to bond the city for $25,000 for petition from steamship lines which sorbing topic of discussion at the an the installation of a modern Seattle.— Seattle’s water supply cut Salem.— Shot at from the side of Road Bonds Hold Legal. transcontinental road* might build nual convention of the American the road by an unidentified person, off, the municipal light plant out of Medford, Ore.— In a declsioa hknd- sanitary water system, for and operate at a lota for the apeclflc Bankers' Association, which assem Dr. Frank E. Smith, superintendent commission, railroad service dtmor ed down by Judge Calking of the cir purpose of wiping out Injurious water bled In New Orleans Tuesday and everyone knows how badly such of the State School of Feeble-Minded, allied, bridges washed' out, and utl- cuit court the legality of the *1.500,- com pet I to n through the Panama will cm tinue In session through the a system is needed, both for fire had a narrow escape Sunday night as ley towns and farms under water rep 000 bond issue for good roads sanc gi i atcr part of the week. «anal. he started from the Institution In hla resent the damage done by the floods tioned by the voters of Jackson coun and for the health of the city. Mr. Baker testified that the Pacific automobile for the city. The attack In Western Washington caused by ty, September 30, waa sustained. Gold Hill, with its new char Mall 8teamshtp Company, owned by N pws pf Noted Persons. followed receipt of several threaten heavy rains in the low lands and the the Southern Pacific, had not, In hla te r and bond issue for pure sudden melting of six reet of snow ing letters by the superintendent *rom Judgment, been a m ney-maker, hut Johnson for La Follette. Richard Croker has returned from an anonymous source. in the Cascade Mountains. water, is now in a position to bad been maintained to protect the Ireland for hla usual winter visit. Sacramento, Cal.— Governor John The moat serious aspect of the flood Since receiving the threatening let keep pace with the develop ra il business of* this corporation. Hetty Green, the world's richest I ters, Dr. Smith has been In the habit is the cutting off of Seattle’s water son came out squarely for La Follette _____ J ______ ment of the balance of southern woman, attained her seventy sixth 1 of carrying a revolver, and had his supply, which Is obtained from Cedar for President and a direct Presiden t Hard to Secure McNamara Jury. Oregon. tial primary in a formal statement year Tuesday. weapon on the seat beside him. He Lake, 25 miles east of here. A bridge Los Angeles.—The trial of James II Andrt w Carnegie, who has Just fired three shots In the direction of 16 miles w est of Moncton, that carried •«sued here. The passage of the charter McNamara fur murder In connection given further evidence of his-desire j the pipe lines across Cedar River, the flash. , and the bonds have settled the with the destruction of the Los Ange to (He poor by donating an additional Beattie Must Die. Hurrying to town he secured as was washed out when a deluge of les Times October 1, 1910, encounters $26 000,000 Cor educational purposes, political atmosphere, and there Richmond, Va.— Governor Mann re sistance. A .3!-callber revolver was water came over the power dam Just more and more obstacles as time w ill enter upon his seventy-fifth year iterated his decision not to Interfere is a prevailing spirit of unison found' lying on the ground, where it above Moncton. The Seattle munici passes. Friday. lad evidently been shot out of the pal power plant is situated at this In the case of Henry Clay Beattie, Jr., and progress that is bound to S'nce October 11 the attorneys for M ist Carmel Kgan, daughter of Dr. hand of Dr. Smith’s assailant. The point. The power plant was put out sentenced to die In the electric chair have its good effect in the de both sides hnve been endeavoring to Morris F. Kgan. American minister night was so dark that further search 1 of commission by the washing away for the murder of his young wife. qunltfy 12 men to try the case. There to Denmark, Is to marry Gabriel velopment of the city. , of the intake pipe that feeds tbr 1 H E MARKfcrt». t for the fugitive was abandoned. are five sworn Jurors and two men O'Peilly, formerly of the United 1 turbines. We have seen Ashland grow, passed for cause. States army and well known as a Portland. Great Britain Plana Annexation. and Medford f.scw, end Central polo player. Wheat — Track prices: Club, 79c; Ixindon.— All Europe Is sitting up W iley Fiqhts Absinthe. Point grow ant. tVoodville grow. Fn'd I). W arren. Socialist editor, of waiting for the next big grab, for poor Mexican Gsncral and Followers Ac Washington.— Absinthe Is an enemy bluest- in, 82c; red Russian, 77c. Gfrard, Ksn., who was pardoned by Barley— Feed, *33 per ton. It’s Gold Hili’s turn at the cused of Violating Neutrality. old Turkey Is nearly due to be which the pure food board is going Oats— No. 1 white, *32 per ton. Deaplte vigorous de to fight until it Is banished from the San Antonio, Texas.—General Ber President T aft on the occasion of hla plucked again growing game. Hay— Timothy, valley. *17; alfalfa nardo Reyes, of Mexico, who Is al conviction for using the mails Im nials given out by the foreign offlee, United States, according to Dr. Wiley. Now— leged to have been leading n move properly. has been Indicted a second diplomats generally believe that Great It Is a foe, he asserted, which as yet »14. time hy tii,. 'c -l.'n l grand Jury at WATCH GOLD HILL GROW! Butter— Creamery, 37c. Britain la going right nhead with her has not gripped, the people of this mem for the overthrow of President S SUPERINTENDENT IS FLOOD CUTS OFF SEATTLE^ WATER AMBUSHED AT SALEM Madoro, was arrested here by United States ollleers on an Indictment re turned at. Laredo, charging him with violation of the neutrality laws. Following the arreat of General III yes 10 others were arrested on the Mexican side of the border. Four -eases of ammunition were seized. There Is evidence of a well-defined revolutionary plot, which appears to have Its base In the northern part of Mexico, and the Americas troops along the border have bees ordered to watch closely for and prevent any -violation of the neutrality Fort Scott. Public criticism has proved too strong for the Rev. Joseph Lambert, the Providence Congregatlonallst clc-gyman who got Into the limelight by wedding Colonel John Jacob Astor and Mlsa Madeline Force. He has re signed as pastor. Mrs. E. H. Harriman, widow of the railroad wizard, has announced her Intention of donating *40,000 this year and *10,000 annually for the next five years for an experimental school In New York for the scientific study of the administration of public business Eggs— Ranch, 45c. Hops— 1911 crop. 45c; 191b, noml nal. Wool — Eastern Oregon, 9®16o; Mile a Month I * Record. Klamath Falls.— About one mile a W illam ette Valley, 15® 17c. President of Santo Domingo Shot. Mohair— Choice, 37c. month Is the rate of construction be Washington.— Ramon Caceres, pres ing accomplished on the work on the Ident of Santo Domingo, was assas Klamath Falls-Natron cutoff north of Seattle. sinated by political malcontents In Chiloquin. The force of 300 men of Wheat — Blueatem, 83c; club. 79c; Santo Domingo City, according to re the Erickson & Patterson contracting red Russian. 78c. ports to the State Department. Barley— *35 per ton. force, which la building the line to The president waa set upon and the Williamson River crossing, Is Oats— *30 per ton. shot down by a small band and killed within two miles of that point, and Eggs— Ranch. 45o. while riding In hla coach on a public expects to get the rails laid that far Butter— Creamery, Me. road. Hay—Timothy, *16 per ton; alfalfa. by the first of the yew. plans for the annexation of Egypt, di plomatically, If possible — forcibly if necessary. country, “and we will try to keep It t-om getting any hold," he added. A sanitary, government approved abattoir, to cost between *15,000 and *20,000, Is the latest institution to be proposed- tor Pendleton and active steps have been taken for Its con struction. The storms of the past week have put a stop to all construction work on the government Irrigation project near Klamath Falla. The Incomplete work 1« the Lost River diversion d»m and the drainage canal. J. J. Houck was at Medford cn business Thursday.