Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1911)
The Gold Hill News el GeM IMI. (•only, M X N. LAUFMAN »r«4 s i th» G rid H ili |u»toac<- lo r l f » n « i l i ■Ion thron g* I ho i'll lw t Mal»» mollo Ir lo m matter S otvodat , N ovana** 18. 11*11 loliocrlgHoit $1 .SO Po» Amtant. in All Over Oregon The Yamhill County Mollneaa Asa©- elation closed an Interesting and sue- eesaful session at McMinnville. The 39th annual convention of the Yamhill Sunday Schorl Association will convene in Amity, November 14. Two charter* embodying feature* of commission form of municipal govern ment were voted on at Eugene Mon day The United States Bureau of Flah- erle* ha* delivered to the Oregon State Fish Commission during the past week 4.419,000 Chinook salmon egg*. Clodfelter A Perkin*, owners of a ■ear-beer place at Springfield, plead guilty to the charge of violating the local option law and were fined 1300 each. The Reclamation Service announce* that >30,000 a month la now being ex tended on the Klamath Irrigation pro- p e t, the principal work being on Lost River. The Oregon City authoritlee w ill In vestigate the mysterious death of Henry Henning, the Warm Spring* Indian, whose body was found in the W illamette R iver'n ear Concord. Substantial prise* and instructive addresses by dairy expert* w ill be the features of the 10th annual meeting ef the Oregon Dairymen's Associa tion in Portland, December 7 and 8. Fines aggregating 11600 were col lected in the justice court at Roseburg as a result of the recent crusade of 8herlff Quine against persons suspect ed of violating the local option law in Douglas County. An apple packing box that may rev olutionize northwest apple shipping packages is being experimented With by the Davidson Fruit Company of Hood River. The material is heavy pasteboard instead of wood. The beautiful >60,006 Elks' temple in The Dalles was dedicated by mem hers of the local lodge. No. 303, and their visiting brothers of the antlered order, nearly 1000 strong, who came from Portland. Vancouver and other eitlea of the Pacific Northwest. Dr. W. A. M errill, assistant director of the New York botanical gardens, la visiting the Oregon Agricultural College In search of material for “The North American Flora," a work on ■yatematlc botany which aim * to de- acribe all specie* of plant* in North America. Word has been received that An drew Carnegie w ill not Increase h it original offer of >20,000 for a Carnegie library at Pacific University. Mr. Car- ■egle offered >10,000 on the term * that the Institution raise an additional >10.000. Friend« of the university se cured >30,000 and had hoped to get an additional >10,000 from Mr. Car negie. .1 State Capital Gleanings GOLD HILL MUST WAKE UP ! n J P Van Winkle is one of the moet delightful character« in fic- ■» tion, but he will not do as a patron saint for any town that hopes to become a city. General Apathy never commanded a victorious army. If Gold Hill does not wake up pretty soon, the obituary of the town may as well be written right now, for there is no practical difference death and an indefinitely prolonged trance. With perhaps the more beautiful location on the Southern Pacific between Seattle and San Francisco, the natural siie for a city, surrouded by a multitude of rich natural resources, Gold Hil, has remained stationary as a hitching post for years. We have sat like Patience on a pedestal, in a Nirvana of blissful do- nothing, and watched neighboring towns forge uhead until their progress is held up aa a pattern to the entire state. While Med ford has grown from a bumptious village to a busy metropolis, while Central Point has taken the trade of our territory from under our very noses, and become a town of splendid business blocks, handsome residences and paved streets, we have sucked our thumbs. Woodville has crept close up to us in population and commercial importance, and unless we get busy our enter prising little next-door neighbor will soon be grinning back at us. It even may be prophetic that Gold Hilt was left off a map re cently issued by the Medford commercial club. Gold Hill must wake up. It is high time that something be done, or the town will be hopelessly gone to seed. 1 he organi zation of a business men’s association, pledged to a vigorous campaign of advancement, is a good move. This association has a strenuous task before i t Hard work will be its steady diet. But hard work is necessary to pull our town out of its slough of sloth and slumber. It makes but little difference what or who is to blame for the condition we are up against. That we remedy that condi tion or conditions, and that quickly, is vitally important. With the passage of the new charter next Monday one of the things that has kept Gold Hill back will be shaken off. The new charter should mark a new and better era. But all the charters between here and kingdom come will avail nothing unless we all unite in a long, strong pull for advancement It is up to all of us to get going in the work of making the greater Gold Hill. Where to begin is obvious. Begin any old place inside the city limits—or outside for a radius of fifteen miles. •I’ W a tch G o ld H ill G row M o ro n a tu r a l resou rce* th a n a n y to w n In S o u th e r n O regon L IJ W h y ffir ir o fu r th e r o r a r r o u g h e r r o a sts to ■pond y o u r m o n ty T C o m p a re o u r p r ic e * w ith th o s e o f a n y to w n In s o u th e r n O re g o n . W e m e e t e ll h o n e s t c o m p e titio n Standard Bi?t Fruit sugar & »6.95 Yeloband Burbank Spuds 1.50 Milk Ham Rice 15 lbs. for 1.00 18c Bacon 15c 3 25c for r F l i O f X U r $ 1 6 0 $1-65 $1.75 27*7: F lO U r 15c p e r s a c k o f f o n 5 0 0 l b . l o t s We pay 45c for fresh ranch eggs LANCE <&. C O M P A N Y Hu N O T IC E O F U V H L It A T IO N . Department of the Interior, U. a. Land Office at Roaeburg. D r*., November 10, lu ll. No:tee I . r> >eby giv n that Otto W il Irrigation—th at’s the thing the Rogue River valley needs liam Mill, r, of Wo dville, Oregon, who, January tl, 19,i3, mao« H. mes'eail most of all. The problem of getting water on the land must mi Entry Serial No (13428, lor N>. HEW, be solved. Call an irrigation meeting at Gold Hill. E jq liW W S. i tion 26, lo w o .h ip 84 K Range 3 W . W llla iu e iie M e rid ia n , ba» filed notice ol int. nllon to make float PROPOSED NEW CHARTER EOR THE CITY OE GOLD HILL five-year proof, to eetabli-b claim to the land above dracrihed. be'ore Herbert >nntb, (J. 8. Conmiiselnner at Grxnla To Be Stibmitted to the People November 20, 1911 Pas., Oregon, on the 271b day of D - i-ember, 11)11. Claimant name* a* witnes-es: Jesae Notice of Election N-atbniner, I xiuik Hlver», Joe dvhoon- P U B L IC N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : over, Wallace Galbreath, all ol Wood That, pursuant to a resolution duly passed by the board of councilman ville, Oregon. B E N J A M IN F. JONES, Register of the City of Gold HU I, Oregon, and approved by the mayor on the 6th day of November, 1911, a special election w ill be held In the City of Gold N O TIC E FOB P U B LIC A TIO N . H ill on the 20th day of November. 1911, for the purpose of subm itting to the Department of the Interior, legal voter* of the said city a proposition to adopt or to reject a new city U. 8. Land Office at Roaeburg, Ore.. charter, aa set forth in said resolution, which charter and resolution are now Augu«t 25, lu ll. on tile in the office of the city recorder. Notice i* hereby giv, n that Andrew Polling place of said election w ill be at the City H a ll, and the poll* Rover, whose postofflee sildr ra l.Wond ville, Oregon, did, on the 1st day of w ill he open from 1 o'clock p. m. and close a t 7 p. m. of the said day. March, 1911, die in this office Sworn By order of the board of councilman. Statement and Application No 07013, lo purchase the SEt4 N W W , Bectloi, J. H. BEEMAN. 20, Township 39 8., Rang* 4 W W illam Mayor. ette Meridian, and the timber thereon, Attest: ander the provisions of the act ol June O. L. H AFT, 3, 1878, and act* amendatory, knnwo a* the ’ Timber and Htoi a Law,’ ’ at such Recorder. value aa might be fixed by appraisement, and that, per.oant to such application, Proposed New Charter the land and timber thereon have been appraired, >140, the timber estimated BE I T E N A C T E D BY T H E PE O P LE O F T H E C IT Y O F GOLD H IL L . 160,000 board feet at 76 cent* per M, OREGON. and the laad >20; that aald applicant will offer final proof In support of hit C H A P T E R I. application and sworn statement on the Of th* Incorporation and Boundaries of the City: 26th day of Jaonsry, 1912, belore W. Section 1. The Inhabitants of that part of Jaekaoa Connty, Oregon, H . Canon, United States commissioner, at Medford, Oregon. comprised within the limit« In the next section prescribed, are hereby created Any person it at liberty lo protest ■ body corporate, aa a municipal corporation, with perpetual ancenanlon, this purchase belore entry, o- in tiete under the name and atyle of the "City of Gold HUI,’’ and aa aneb and by a roots»! at any time before patent tach name, they shall have power to sue and he sued, defend and he de issues, bv filing a corroborated affidavit in >hts office, alleging fact* which would fended, plead and be Impleaded, In all th * courts of juatloe and In all action«, defeat the entry. suit« and proceeding* whatever; to purchase, acquire, hold and maintain Benjamin F. Jons., Register. property of all kind*, both real and personal, within and wlthont aald city, Working in conjunction with the state tax commission, Governor West is collecting extensive data on the good roads work now being done by the different counties la Oregon sine* 1906. According to the predictions of old and to lease, sell sad dispose of the same, for the use of the city aad for the pioneer* of Salem who have had occa NO TICB FOB PU B LIC A TIO N . common benefit; to have and to uae a teal and to alter the aame; to borrow Department of the Interior, sion to observe weather conditions in the W illamette Valley for the peat 40 money, aad loan money on approved security; Provided, said corporation U. 8. i.*nd Office at Roaeburg, Ore., October 26, 1911. years, some bad storms are in store shall not create aay debt* or liabilities which In the aggregate shall exceed Notice is hereby given that Mrs. the sum of fifteen hundred dollar* (>1600.00) except a * hereinafter pro for this section within the next few Nellie Davit, whose postoffl'-e address vided. it 410 6th Street, Portland, Oregon, month*. Section 2. The corporate lim its of the City of Gold HUI shall Include did on May 20th, 1911, file in this office What Secretary of State Olcott baa Sworn Hi stamen t and Application, characterized aa "gross carelessness” all the Lots, Block* and Alleys, and land lying and being w ithin the following ' No.07220 to I'ttrchaae the N)<; N E |, HEj l’ nes, and Including the Dekum Addition to the City of Gold H ill: fN E J i, and NEW HEW, of w h n 26, in the preparation of some of the Beginning at a point on the North Rank of Rogue R iver where the township32 8., Range 2 East Willamette vouchers received from state Institu- ' Meridian, and the tim b .r thereon, lions, has resulted in a tip to some section line between Sections (2 1 -2 2 ) twenty-one and twenty-two, in Tow n under the provisions of the act of June ship thirty-six. South of Range Three West, W illam ette M eridian, In the of the superintendents that in future 3, 1878, and act* amendatory, known a* vouchers must be made out according County of Jackson. State of Oregon, Intersects with the said North Bank the “ Tim ber and Stone Law ,’’ at »uch of Rogue River; thence Easterly following the meander lines of the aald value as might be fixed by appraisement Io law. end that, pursuant to such application "Reclamation week" is the title with North Bank of the River to the South line of the Oregon and California the land and timber thereon have been Railroad track; thence in a Northerly direction to the Southeast corner which Governor West has' dubbed the apprai-ed, >1260, the timber estimated seven days beginn’ng Nov< mber 18, of Block number Eleven (1 1 ) In the City of Gold H ill; thence North along 2,420,000 board lest at 60 cents per M, when important reclamation work w ill the Weat line of the County Road to the point where the same Intersects and tm- land >40.00; that said applicant, will offer final proof In Rapport of be gone over and the life or death of the North line of Lot numbered Five (5 ) In Section number Fifteen (1 6 ) her application and sworn statement on I said Township and Range; thpnce West along the said North line of Lot certain Irrigation oompanies under the the 12th day of January, 1III2, befor. Carey Act will be hung In the balance Five (6 ) to the Northwest corner of the said Lot Five ( 6 ) ; thence west R e g is te r A Receiver United States ■long the quarter Section line to the half section line of Section Sixteen ( 1 6 ) ; Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon. before the Desert Land Board. Any person is at liberty to protest A new system has been inaugurated thence South along the said h alf section line to the point where the same thia purchase belore entry, nr in itlit-i h intersects the South line of the Oregon and California Railroad right-of-w ay; contest at any time before patent issues, | in the state engineer’s office to keep water-right records more nearly down thence Easterly along the line of the said right-of-way to where the same by filing corrohratcd affidavit In tin- offi'-e, alleging facts which would defeat to date. Instead of each claimant, as Intersects the section line between section twenty-one and twenty-two thia entry. (2 1 -2 2 ); thence South along said 8ectlon line, to the North Bank of Rogue heretofore, applying for the entire B E N JA M IN F. JONES. Register stream flow, or all the water he thinks R iver th * place of beginning. Section 3. Said city shall be divided Into not less than two (2 ) wards, he can use, and having an indefinite For Rent time within which to pul It to bene th * boundaries of which shall be fixed by the city council, and the aame may Hix room rcsidenc- partly furnished, ficial usp , the new law provides for be changed new wards created by ordinance, but the number of wards city water in the honae, one fourth acre g.rden land, herrira lor family, chick hi the limitation of each applies* on ar shall not be reduced below two ( 2 ) . nark, etc. All for >10 per month; or C H A P T E R II. io the amount of water, and time for >7.60 without the gaiden and chicken Section 4. A ll powpr and authority given to nr vested In th« City o f yard. heglnp’n r n-n* eom ple'lrv «-o-k. and fCi’»tiw«”« f f i t h p«gc| I J ohk B. H a m m ik r i . y . i z ;. «. . - - t tu t. Co-operation O-OPERATE conies from the Latin co, meaning “with," and opus, meaning “work," “TO WORK C WITH.’’ The first form of co-operation is with yourself. The first way to co-operate with yourself is to get into line with nature and health. Get enough sleep. Keep clean. Don’t worry. Eat spinach. Co-operate with your family. Be on time. Do your p a rt Think up a few pleasant stories to tell a t meals. Don’t make the t. mily table a gen eral scrapping ground. Co-operate in business. Pull with the men around you. Don’t pull against them. No man will ever succeed who has not learned how to work smoothly with other men. Co-operate with your home bank in building up the financial standing and solidarity of Gold Hill and community. The Gold Hill Bank HORACF PH. TON ROBT. M. MOORf Vkel IYNN W. SMITH The Miner Will soon be making the rock and gravel fly. He w ill want Shovel, Pick and Pun or D rills, P ow d er and Fuse I have constantly on hand first-class goods with prices as low as the lowest. Remember— D. H. MILLER P io n e er a rd w a re M a n G . Id Hill, Oregon Vi SZ>c G o l d H i l l C a f e M n . W . W . T rxia P r o p r ie to r Al.WAYH HOMKTHIKU IIOUH Ihr. market af- fords hi ftul>etantlal f<xxl« and the flnent hnnie rnaria dellcadra lo en t—T h e