FARM Fine Care Fine H a ir ------------ T T T T - i ‘ Dos» no/ rAenfs /As ce/or • / /As r e t a t e l e » l» k M * k »•«« >• > «bvw II »• * * ^ * * '» V » . - - . T I I Nota» and hutrvcU on from A ffricuItu ra I CoUaga» and K xptrhnm t SlaUont of Urtf/on and Wathlnplon. Sptclallp S uitu b it Io Pacific Coat! Condition» 1,*» fine care that makes fine hair! Use Ayer's H a ir Vigor, new Improved formula, sys* te in a tlc a lly , conscientiously, and you will get results. We know It stops railing hair, cures dandruff, and Is a most elegant dressing. Entirely new. Hew bottle. New contents. l¡ £ r S « ORCHARD yew Ask b im sheet H u ta « 4 a a a b a a a r Ayer's Hsir VI«or, ss new made from our new Improved formula, It the latest, most selenitic, and In every way the very best hair preparation ever placed upon the market. For falling hair and dandruff It It the one great medicine. — ■ M»a»sy«a»a.O. ajw o».. fcew«U. l« aw * ■■ Deceitful. •‘ Slater Henderson,” said Deacon Hypers, "you ahuuld avoid even the aptM'urance of e v il.” "W h y , deacon, what do you meanT” asked Sister Henderson. " I observe that on your sideboard you have several cut glass decanters and that each o f them is h alf tilled w ith what appears to be ardent spir­ its ." " W ell, now, deacon, it lan’t any­ thing o f the kind. The bottles look so pretty on the sideboard that I just Ailed them half way w ith some floor atain and furniture polish, Just for ap­ pearances.” "T h a t's why I'm cautioning you, eister,*’ replied the deacon. "F eeling a trifle weak and faint, 1 helped my­ self to a dose from the big bottle in the m iddle." F A C T S A B O U T B L U IN G . Since the placing of RED CROSS B A LL B LU E on the market there he« been n rapid falling off In the sales of all liquid bluing. Why buy water containing a small percentage of bluing when you can get a ««'lid (utekage and dlwotve It as needed M a k is clothes whiter, laate longer, and Is cheaper. l-urge package. Id cents. ASK Y O l’ R GROCER. " A r t and buaineas have nothing la common." said the idealiaL "O h. I don’t know about th a t," re­ plied M r. Cumrog. “ The v a lu j o f a painting, like the value of a check, depends a great deal on whose name is at the bottom of I L " — Washington Star. _ __ ___ FOR ALL IV K D IS E A S E » She (g ushin gly)—W hat a magnifi­ cent G reat Dane I And of course hia name is Hamlet? He (the owner)— Not exactly; yoa aee, I — er— couldn't consistently use that name. The best I could do was to call her Ophelia.— Everybody’s. Facts About Motherhood The experience of Motherhood la a tryin g on« to most women end marks distinctly an epoch In th e ir lives. N o t -one woman In a hun- pdred is prepared or ^understands how to properly care fo rh er. i self. Or course near­ ly every woman now­ a d a y s hns m e d i c a l t r e a t m e n t a t the 'tim e o f child-birth, ) b u t m any approach the experience w ith an organism unfitted fo r the tria l of strength, and when the strain is over her system has received a shock from which I t Is hard to recover. Follow ­ ing right upon thia cornea the nervous •tra in of caring fo r the child, and a distinct change In the mother results. There Is nothing more chnrm lngthan a happy and healthy mother of chlL dren, and indeed child-birth untjer right conditions need he no h»7.nrd to health or t>eanty. Thu unexplainable thing Is. that, w ith all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting fr^in an unprepared condition, women w ill ]H»7 la d ie a a h o e th a t positively contain« O lL. Black» and P o U A en fa d le iT a n d child ren'« boot« aud ahoes, akln ow w l i h n a t T a b b in g , 2-^c. “ French Gloss, IdCa D A N D Y com bination fo r cleaning andIpolisfetaff all kinds o f ru **e t o r ta n Khoes, 18c. “ S tar fciae,10o. E L IT E com bination fo r gentlem en w ho ta k e pride in having th eir shoes look A L Restores color and lustre to all black shoes. Polish w ith a brush or cloth. 25c. BABY E L IT E sfee 10c. I f your dealer does not keep the kind yon w a n t, send us his address snd the price in stamps fog a fu ll sise psckagv. pottrLaxD, onroofr SEND FOR FREE FIRST LESSONS WHITTEMORE BR O S. & OO., XO-2B Albaany S t., C a m b r l t r a . Maann. TAa trtdeat an d Larffrut M a n u ja c tu rtra o j Hhoe Polith»» ua tha H arid . » N U NO. 41-»!» 1 T ST H K N w r it in g t o n advertlaerapleog e I fV m en tis» « t h i s pai COLT DISTEMPER Osa he handled very easily. The sick are cured, and a ll ethers l a saaae »table, no matter how •,e«’»osed.” ke->t from having the die* earn, by ««in« SPOHN’g LIQUID DISTEMPER CUBE. Give on th e t o n n e o r ia feed. Acts on th e blood and e x ^ l s irenn» o f s is form» o f distemper. Best remedy eve er known for m rree ia fo sL One b ottle eur ran teed to cure < on e rase. fiOr and f l a bot*(e; A r.n<> till doxen. of d: M ustang L in im e n t SPOHN M EDICA L C O - Ch.miata end Bacterioloai.ta, GOSHEN. IN D , U . 3. FOR RHEUMATISM. M rs . O liv e H u n tin g to a, Norton», O re ., says 1 1 •‘ I consider y o e r M e s ire a M u s ta n g L i n - 1 im e n t th e best* o f linim ents. 1 h ave used 1 i t fo r different ailm en ts and i t a lw a y s I g av e satis fa c to ry results. I t is especially | goo d ia esses o f In fla m m a to r v Rheum turn and a ll form s o f lameness.” I 8 8 c . 80c. $1 a bottle at Drag 8 G » n 'l Stores I A. W. L. DOUGLAS *2.50, *3.00, *3.50 & *4.00 SHOES M e n and W o m e n w e a r W .L D o u g la a ahoes becauaa th ey are the best aboea produced in thia co un try fo r the price. Insist up on h a v­ in g th em . T a k e no o th er m ake. TH E STANDARD OF Q U A L IT Y FO R O VER 3 0 YEA R S T h e assurance that goes with an estab­ lished reputation is your assurance in buying W. L. Douglas shoes. I I I could take you into my large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W .L D o ug laa shoes are made, you would then understand why they are war­ ranted to hold their shape, fit better and wear longer than any other make for the price " I f I buy’ you a seat in'the stock exchange w ill you agree to go to work?” " I ain 't craxy for work, dad. Make i t a seat in the senate." — Louisville Courier Journal. Judge— Do you know the meaning of the oath, madam? The Witness (proudly)— Your Hon­ o r, A n ’ me husband ahippln’ before th ’ mast these IS years!— B irm ing­ ham Post Reporter— Was Jones calm and col­ lected when the boiler explosion oc­ curred? Ctitzen — ¥ ell, he was calm, alt rig h t; but they never did get bins quite collected.— Pathfinder. a s to th e P ro p e r A p p lic a tio n o f th e M u r in e E y e R e m e d ie s in Y our S p ecia l Caae Your D r u g g is t w il l t e ll yo u t h a t M u r in « R e lie v e « Bore E ye», S tre n g th e n s W e a k E y e s D o e s n ’t S m a r t. S o o th e . K y . P a lo , e n d « 1 1 . for 60c. T r y I t in Y o u r E y es a n d in B a b y ’s E y e s f o r b c a iy E y e lid s a n d G r a n u la tio n . M e x ic a n “ How did Congressman Wombat acquit him self In the congressional ball m atch?" " H e struck out twice and then got leave to print a base h it . " — Louis­ ville Courier Journal. SCOLDS ik Suburb— I tell you there is nothing lik e a trip to the country! Avenue— Yes; i t certainly makes one appreciate the city better. — Judge’s Library. Pa Munn— I want’ Helen to marry a business man. She’s going to get all my money. A lg y— T h a t’s grand! W hat busi­ ness would you like to set me up In?— Philadelphia Bulletin. B ea t f o r A Poor Weak Woman “ Are you interested in orithol»gy, Mrs. W uffer?" " N o t a t all now, although I once did a pipe rack for my husband."— Birmingham Age-Herald. “ I asked her to m arry me, and she gave me a supreme answ er." Mearchant— W ell— er— the truth is, " W h a t kind o f an answer ia that?” my buaineas is hardly worth advertis­ "She said she would give me six ing. months to readjust myself so aa to be Hustling Ad Solictor— Then adver­ acceptable. ” — Puck. tise it for aale.— Boston Trascript. so s Wild Oats. A rth u r Lefevre, the well-known Texas author, said in Victoria, accord­ ing to the Kansas C ity Star, apropos A s the is term ed, w ill endure bravely end patiently of the Texas prohibition campaign: atoniee which a strung man w ould give w ay under. T h e Inc» it women are more patient than they owtht " T h a t reminds me of a happening to he under auth trouble». at the University of V irg in ia during E very women ought to kn ow that «he m ay obtain my student days In '84. the moat experienced medical advice fret t f chart» "T h era was a Baltimore freshman and in ah»»l»l» c a a fijta tt end privacy by w ritin g to at the varsity whose father got sever­ the W o rld ’s Diapenaary M edical Association, R . V . al letters about hia boy's wild ways— P ierce, M . D . , Preeident, Buffalo, N . Y . D r . Pierce about his fondness for peach-and- b a t been chief ooneulting physician of the Invalide* honey and such Ilka heavy drinks. H o te l end Surgical In s titu te , of Buffalo, N . Y . , fo r m a n y years end lias had a w id er practical experience These letters grieved the old msn to in the treatm ent o f wom en's diseases than soy other physician ia this c o u n try . i the heart. He wrote to the freshman I l i a medicines are world-famous lo r th e ir astonishing efficacy. and in reply got a general denial of T h e m oet p e rfe c t r e m e d y e v e r devised fo r w o nk all the charges. • a t e w o m e n is D r . P ie r c e ’s F a v o r ite P re s c rip tio n . "Evidence, however, continued to pour in, and Anally the father decided IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG. on a secret journey to Charlottesville. SICK WOMEN WELL. . . He timed himself to arrive late at T h e m any and varied symptoms of w om an's peculiar ailments ere fu fly set night. I t was, in fact, 2 o’clock in forth ia Plain English in the People's M e d ic a l A d v is e r (1008 pages), r new ly the morning when he rang the bell o f revised and up-to-dets E d itio n of w h ich, cloth-bound, w ill bn m ailed fret on receip' of 31 one-oent stamps to pay eoat o f m illin g an/y. Address aa above. his son’s boarding house. " I n response to his ring a woman in a yellow bath robe appeared, lamp in hand. " ‘ Madame,’ said the amateur de­ tective, ‘ ia this the residence o f------ ?’ In short tim « and a t small cost by uso And he mentioned hia son’s name. Rheumatism, Stomach and n . s. 8 ad fo r "T h e woman's grim look relaxed, Lung Troubles, Skin Diseases ue>i»».ni>i> and litemtum. ti-eo wui ■ and she answered indifferently: Address LA N G ’S ROCKY M O U N T A IN M IN E R A L W ONDER C O M P A N Y 231 M a la BtrwS. P O K T L A N D . OttXtiOh. “ ‘ Yes, he lives here. You can carry him rig ht in .’ ” CAIITIflN g e n u in e h a v e W . L. D o u g la s VWV1 m i l n a m e a n d p r ic e sta m p e d o a b o tto m If you oannot obtain W. La D ouglss shoes in ” your town, write for eataloe. Shoes sent direct O N E P A I R o f m v ROTS’ St* 08.80 or from factory to wearer, all eha* *es prepaid. W .L , B3.O0 SH O E S w ill p o s itiv e ly o u tw e a r D O U O L A g, 1*5 S p a rk SU , B r o c k to n , M aas. T W O P A I R S o f o r d in a r y b o y a 'a h o o s PUTNAM FA DELESS DYES r colors th a n a n y o ther dys. On« 10c p ackage c o lo n silk, w o o l snd c o tto n actually w « n uits.