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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1911)
anjc icoiù imu Xfu« ■ NO. 28 GOLD HILL JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1911 V O L 14 ■ GOLD HILL BUSINESS MEN RESOL VE ON PROGRESS TRIAL OF GHICA60 PACKtRSHAS BEGUN FRANCIS L STETSON DR. SUN YAT SIN Already We« Under W a y - 3 0 Ten Face Prosecution in Fed eral Court With Jail Sent ences Possible. Members Pledged to Hard Work Chicago— After uMira than nine year»' Investigation by tba govern meal, the firat crim inal prosecution of Individual meat packer« under the Bbarman an tllru e t act has begun h«rg Before Judge Carpenter, In tba United Mutes District Court. Ten Chicago paokara wars placed on trial charged with monopolizing and restraining Interstate trade in fresh musts. The penalty which may Ba Inflicted If they ba found guilty la a tine of *500 or a sentence of on« year In tha county Jail, or both. The defendants are Luula F. Hwift, president of Sw ift B Co., and direc tor of tba National Packing Company; Edward F. Swift, vice-president of Sw ift B Co aud director of the Na tlonal Packing Company; Cbarlea II- Mwfft. director of Sw ift * Co.; Ed- ward Tilden, proaidant of tha Natioual Packing Company; J. Ogden Armour, president of Armour B Co.; Arthur Meeker, general manager for Armour Franela Lynda Stetson, chief coun B Co.; Edward W. Morris, president of Morris B Co.; Francis A. Fowler, sel for the "Steel Truat," who will director Swift £• Co ; Thomas J fight the Gcvornment'e ault to diasolv* toanora. auperlntendent of Armour B the mmnany. Co.; Ixiuls H. Ilaym ao, manager lor Morris B Co. B rie f N e w s of the W eek. Moro» K ill American». Orluklng water for the United States San Francisco—-News of a fr»ak army in th« future Is to be purified by oot break among the Muroa of the Isl electricity. The flrst session of Canada's newly and of Mindanao «aa bruugbl by tba army transport Logan which baa ar- elected twelfth parliament opened Wednesday. rived bar« from tba Philippines Almost 1,000,000 women will be eli gible to vote for president of the United States In tha national election neat year. Control of Paper« W ill Not Vot Pass From figures Just compiled It ap Into Hands of P m 11 hoar*» Sena pear* that the citizen» of the United Now York.—Not until Herbert, the States hold the unique record of lick 18-yaar old son of the late Joseph ing 30,000 000 postage stamps every Palltn-r, becomes 21 years of age and day. baa had some little experience la the The total registration of Los Ange publishing bualnosa. « Ill the actual les (or the coming city election oontrol of tho Pul User newspaper», reached a total of 191,941. Of these the New York World and the 8t 108,738 are men and 88,805 women Louis Globe-Dlapatch, pass Into the voters. hands of the famous editor's anna. The Great Northern Steamship Mr Pulllser never aaw hla youngest Company's liner Minnesota, which son. who was born five years after wsa aground off Kurushlma. near the publisher was stricken blind, but 8'ilkoku, Japan, was floated safely at the lad had been the constant com high tide and proceeded on her way to panton of hla father during his de Seattle. clining year» and the terms of Mr. Between 30,000.000 and 40,000,000 Palltaer's will Indicate that be thought bushels of wheut lie burled and worth Herbert promised to have great abil less t.nder a foot of ffpzen snow on ity. the prairies of Western Canada, ac The term» of the w ill provide that cording to the estimate of local grain all the Pulltser boys come Into con men. trol of the newspaper properties «1 Hostility toward Chancellor von the same time. Mr. Pulitzer evident Bcthmr.nn-Hollweg and criticism of ly though; the best way to turn over the crown prince, Frederick W illiam, the guidance to bis sons would be were features of the debate over the when Herbert, the youngest, reached Morocco Congo affair In the Herman maturity. R,tells! ag. The national baseball commission Baker Poatofflee Clark Arrested. says the players are not entitled to Raker.— Melvin Alexander, member a share of the money obtained from a of a prominent fam ily and a local moving-picture company for the privi postufllcc employe, was arrested on lege of taking picture» during the charges brought by a poatofflee Inspec tor of misappropriation of money re world's championship aerlea. MUST WAIT SEVEN YEARS ceded for tn'iney orders. The charges specify numerous offenses but the ag gregate »'"«tint of the alleged defalca tions Is not known. THE M ARKETS. Portland. Wheal— Track prices: Club, 80r; bluestem, 81c; red Russlnn, 77c. Barley— Feed, f 38 per ton r »a— N >. 1 white, |2Z per ton. Hay— Timothy, vslley, 817; alfalfa, 8H- Butter— Creamery, 35c Eggs Ranch, 44c. Hops 1911 crop, 48Vic; 1910, noral aal. Wool — Eastern Oregon, 9©Vhr. W ll.iraettc Valley, !5(f17c. llohalr— Choice, 37c. Seattle. Wheat— Bluestem, 83c; club, 80c; r»d Russian, 78c. Barley— >3B per ton. Oats— 830 par ton. Egg»— Ranch, 45c. Butter— Creamery, 88c Nay—Tim othy, *18 par toa; alfalfa • I* CAMPAIGN FOR ADVANCEMENT Æ2 RODGERS HAS ACCIDENT < • «Ô. WILLIAM M. CHASE. AMERICAN PORTRAIT PAINTER. NB of tba world’» greatest portrait palmare ta WUUam M Chase. O who te a native of lactiaaa He studied ort In ludlanepotis. New York aud Munich. establishing a studio In New York. He make» a specialty of portraits and ttgure pieces. but has received high praise anil distinguished mention for painting» o f a general character He Is a member of the National academy and of the AmiHcan Academy of Art» and Iw tter* Mr Chase has painted the portrait» of many noted iwrmina bore and ibro«d DEATH FOLLOWS IN TAFT PLANS NEW ' ANTI-TRUST LAWS WAKE OF CYCLONE Waahlugton.— President T a it dis cussed with Attorney-General Wicker- sham tha advisability of supplemental anti-trust legislation at the com'ng st'salon of Cungresa. The conference related particularly to the likelihood of passing a Federal Incorporation act. It was pointed out that a provision of thia kind might be made to allow corporations whose method of doing business was In vio lation of the Sherman anti trust law to reorganise under a Federal act. It la known that the President has la mind renewing his recommenda tion along these lines In his message to Congress. The House Democrats It Is declared will push hglslatlon along this line, whatever may be the administration's determination In the matter. ______________ ______ Chicago.—T h«» aentral Weal was swept by a terrific wind, rain and sleet atorm. Reports received tell of death aud Injury and extensive property loss In Soul kern Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa and near the Oreat Lakes. The storm followed an unusually hot period during which several persons were prostrated. Southern Wisconsin was the hard est hit. Near Ortordville six deaths are reiiorp-d to have occurred and at Milton, a few miles away, the~c was a seventh. The dead In Rock County, tVIscons'n, alone w ill number at least 17. In Iowa a GOdegree drop In the temperature turned the pouring rain Into driving sleet and a coat of ice covered the city, stopping entirely electric and steam traffic. Andrew Bonar Law has been select Slayer of M other Gets L ife T erm . ed lender of the Unionist party In the The Dalle».— W illiam Ollsan, who British House of Commons, In suc with a butcherknlfe murdered his cession to Arthur J Balfour, who re- mother while she was working over ityned. a washtub at their ranch near Ante The National Museum has recently lope, October 31, {leaded guilty to received a largo and valuable collec- a charge of second-degree murder In fo p of memorials of the late Rear the Circuit Court here and wns sen Admiral Winfield Scott Schley of the tenced to life Imprisonment In the United State» navy. state penitentiary. Gllsnn committed King Oeorge and Queen Mary, es the murder lolhiwlng a three weeks^ curt id by a squadron of hcttlerhlpt debauch. hnve sailed from Ung'and for India - i k v w l'l he the chief figure« The sudden decision of Pope Pin« In the cor nation Durbar, D< cembei ‘o hold a consistory this month foi 12th. tho purpose of the creation of 20 car Andrew Carnegie has announced a dinals Is believed to he explained by gif: o' 225,000 000 to the Carnegie Cor the fact that the pope has been pcruHon 'Io promote the advancement warned by his physicians that hla end and diffusion of kn -’ledge and under la near. »landing among the people of the Henry 8. Grave», chief forester of United States." the government, desires to enter intc Champ Clark, Speaker of the Na agreements with the western states tlonal House of Represent all vea, wai «hereby they may rallnqulah theli Indorsed for tha Democratic nomlna acattared school «actions In the aa tlon for president by the Democratic tlonal forests and taka In exchange ar. convention of the Seventh Kansas equal area of fBraat reserve land* It. Congreaelonal dlbartet. compact form. Portland Grocers A rrAtad. Portland. Ore.— As the first step In a general campaign aglnst milk con ditions as they exist In the city. 17 grocers were arrested on complaints charging failure to pay their 1911 license. The step Is the first in a general fight which. It is declared, will bring the m ilk of the city to a much higher standard of purity and Improve the handling of It. News of Noted Persons. W ith th irty memb.-ri>, each pledged to do all in his power for the advs»<-a- mant of Gold H ill, th> Gold H ili Bum. nsaa Men's aasoriation wo« organized at an aiithnaiaetio meeting • eld - t the city hall Wednendav evening The purpose ol the nrga izanon la to bnild tha greater Gold H ill. Realis ing th at the town is not going ahead aa it sboold, the sa-ociation wiH seek oat & the causes, remo"- them a d apply a > ® *> W W care V The a-aociation intends to carry tha word to every farme.* in a radios of fifteen miles tb«t Gold h ill is the heat trading point In soothern Oiegon. bar none. A market lor the handling of all ranch Dr. Sun Yat Sin, who Is tha lead products wilt l>e established aa soon as ing spirit in tha Chines« uprising poealble. against tha Manchu dynasty. Work will start at once to secur' a city park. Tha plans ere already laid, — and a lew month« should nee one of (he tim-ai parks on the line. Aviator Falla 125 Feet Into Plowed Street light»,better atrerta, pore water, Field, but Escapes Injury. ample fire protection, new industries— Los Angeles.—Tn an attempted tbna ruua tba program flight from Pasadena to Long Beach W ithin aud wltbont the campaign lor to end his Atlantic to-PacIflc Journey the greater Gold H ill will be prosecuted. officially, C. P. Rodgers met with the Every honest effort will be made to worst mishap of h it career, falling have the trade come here that natnrally with uis machine 125 feet Into a belongs here, and no l«ss will the as plowed field on the O rr ranch, half sociation strive to make Gold H ill a way between the two cities and w ith t w o which the farmer will be proud to in sight of hla destination. , call bis trading point, and which will Although no bones wer« broken, be a: tractive to the stranger wboia Bark Rodgers was badly shaken. His face ing a ho ue in the valley. was scratched and torn, hla bands Already many plans have been sug were burned by hla motor, and, altar gested Inr commercial advancement and recovering consciousness, he com civic improvement. They will be taken plained of a severe pain In hla side. np as fast as poe-ible and if feasible Hla machine was completely wracked. given a vigorous try-out. Sensational methods will be tabooed sad the troth Schemas to Sava State Cash. will be told. Olymp'a. Wn —John G. M w la, wno Tba aaeocia’ ipn . i eel res the earnoet has Just finished straightening out oo-operalioa of every citizen ol tha town the records tn the office of the state and every roaident of tba dietiiet, for treasurer, la still “banker" for the the interests of town and country are atate. The latest report shows the identical, and tba benefit* to be derived state general fund overdrawn to the by making Gold H ill a better town will extent of 8130,000. But Mr. Lewis be shared by every rancher for miles refuses to have the atate stamp Its around. _____ _______ warrant» and pay interest at the rate Col. Cooper’s New BeBy of 6 per cent, or to float bonds and Born, to M r. end Mrs. E. W. Cooper, sell them to the permanent achool on November 14, at their borne in fund when he has 81,500,000 on hand. Sams Valley, one eooiali-t suffragette. Tbe parents of thia child hope that by West May Gat Cardinal. tha time aha is of age people may be Rome.—The appointment of a fourth far enough advanced in thought to ad American cardinal, who shall repre mit that a woman is nt least above tbe sent the West, Is said to be under con average animal in intelligence; end that sideration at the V a tic . i. Oregon w ill by that tim e hnve shown sufficient faith in the progress of civlll- saton to give bar a vote; and. unlike tha people in tbe Ozark mountains of Action of Oregon Growars Believed Missouri, where tha ox-whip la still to Ba National Forecast. Ireely used on tbe fair aex, a woman Pendleton,— Action of the National will not be the property ol the uncom Wcolgrowers' Association, with refer promising mi le who hsppeos to be her ence to railroad rates, tariff and other hatband, to have and to bold forevor; leg'alatlon and all matters pertaining and further, the said parents promise to the industry was forecast, In the be ore God that in the event that the opinion of sheepmen of this section, state of Oregon shall fail to adopt equal when the 14th annua! convention of suffrage prior to this child*» attaining the Oregon Woolgrowers' Association her majority, then tha said parents will was held at Baker, November 14 remove to a state where people have brains Instead of sweat-bread, and man and 15. Addresses were made on the prep ly honor instead of aelf-willed ignor aration of wool for market; the na ance, and live the rest of their days in tional warehouse; grazing and fores said state. E, W . Cooexn. try. marketing of mutton and the fu Pray Pardon This Gentle Hint ture of sheep grazing in the state. Among the men who delivered ad- 8nhscriber* to The News are request dr asses were Dr. S. W. McCune, sec ed to straighten up their subscription retary cf the national associat on. who accounts at th« earliest possible tuna. lias just returned fr m Washington Although the individual amounts are P C„ where he has been leading the small, several hundred of these accounts vvoo'nien’s figl t ng»rnst schedule K; soon aggregate • sum of no mean prb- Charles Green, one of the best known imriions. I t is desirable, also, that wool buyers tn the West, and Fred whenever convenient the subscriptions W. Gooding, of the National Wool- be paid at least one year in advance and kept so. This means no giealer annual growers’ Warehouse at Chicago expenditure for tbe suh-crlber, keepe him io good «tanking all the time, and Licenses far Insurance Agents. La Grande.— The city council has enables the newspaper to present a decided to exact a license of 825 a clean subscription record, such as ia re year on each fire Insurance company quired by the postal authorities. maintaining an office here. There are Gold Watch Lost SO of these, and the proceeds from Home place in Gold H ill last Satur these licenses will be used In improv day, an Elgin gold watch wsa lost. I t ia ing the local fire department. engraveil ''H E. R .” on hack of case, and attached to a black leather ailvar- Lim it ef Salmon Eggs Taken. Astoria.— Two million five hundred moonted fob. Reward will bo paid for H . E. R o b n ihch . thousand eggs have been taken from recovery. Advertising Campaign W ill "Substitutions." Oppose La Grande.— Northwestern white pine lumber manufacturers, who are members of the Northwestern W hite Pine Lumber Manufacturera' Associa tion, will Inaugurate a systematic plan of advertising under the direction of the National Lumbermen’s Associa tion. This was decided at the third quar terly meeting of tha association here. Members were given a rough word sketch of the proposed advertising campaign by Leonard Bronson, gen eral manager of tha National Associa tion. NATIONAL PROGRAM SEEN the Chinook salmon hatekery thlasaa ■on by Superintendent Kansan, wkieh Is the lim it of proBuctlon of agga for propagation. For Sola Good milking cow, (oar years old, will be told cheap. O. S. S n y d m .