Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1911)
S im p le Dresses HOW FAR HAVE YOU TRAVELED ■I You Hovo Nover Taken Count You W ill Bo Surprised at Dis- tanoo Covered. Is the best of all medieiees for the cure of diseases, disorders and weaknesses peculiar to woanee. I l is the only preparation o f its kind devised by a re g u i.rly gradu ated physician—en espericnced and skilled specialist in the diseases o f women. Haro you ever counted up the num ber of »tops which you bare roods In tbo rouraa of one day— In going to business, In walking from ono room OW « M l F. I I I 'I W 'M Aasers« an« chstul«, U m Ù.TII., IW o isd ik Sue ile«« at home, and so on, • I I . » (««id, I I I...Id .,fill.« r leu. d o is , *;> '• to another e r lV q -w r . I l M u l l i . « . ■ « • I » i x x • ,4 ( a l l e . l e « l M throughout the courao of the day! If B3Ä Y S S • you will tske tbo trouble to do ao, you will bo surprlsad to find what a dlatanco you bar» covered without realising IL Multiply ihoo distance M i « h « i l p r im . |>a«l for 5U »«r, O ld Is w s lrv . (.»14 by lit . and you will find that It will t a . l h , r !< . I 'N C I. K M Y K - H . I w i i r»sr« In not require many yoara bafors you F o rilsu d. I I Mlsth. b w ls m n Osk .m l Pia.«. bare made up tbo 16,000 mil«» which la equal to tbo circuit of tbo globe. Moot people would certainly bo sur " ■ » ' • ■ w ( lIM S H • lIV IC I prised If they wore Informed that 0 . 0 MARTIN, M i o i n n 3 " w ,ih * " * * * • during tbo courao of their Uvea they have walked a dlatanco as great ao tha length of the equator. Yet, how ever sedentary we may be, however K O D A K S X ? ™ little Inclined to galu the reputation (»•«•lupine of a globetrotter or of an Alpine W rit» for e«t«k»»uaa and H trru'uro. •»<1 p rin tin » Mali M a i «»i.Ura <!*•«* i>m»npt BttofitMio climber, nio«t of u» have, unknown to F o r tia n d K io t o S u p p ly C o 14N T hird H t r w t r O H T I.A N O , ORB. oureelvee, covered a dlatance equal to tha full circuit of the earth, or a climb to tbo highest mountain peaks In the world More than that, we have arcotnpllched a task still more colossal Without having had occasion to eiplora the unknown regions be neath the crust of the earth, we have deareuded as far as the depths of the moet unfathomable abysees, even as far as the vary center of tha earth.— dlrand Magaslne. I t Is a safe m e d ic in e in a n y o o n d itio n o f th e eyatens. T H E O N E R E M E D Y w h ic h eo n ta in e n o a lc o h o l an d no in ju rio u s h a b it-fo rm in g dru g s an d w h ic h cre a te s n o c ra v in g fo r such stim u la n ts . M T H E O N E R E M E D Y so g o od th a t its m a k e rs a r e n o t a fra id to p r in t its e v e ry in g re d ie n t on e a c h o u tsid e b o ttle - w r a p p e r an d a tte s t to the WE BUY OLD GOLD tru th fu ln e s s o f th e p G IL L E S P IE S C H O O L O F E X P R E S S IO N 534 M o rris e a S t., P e rtle a d . O r r t e a . Tw o -y»er courses fo r teachers, readers and public speakers. Graduates a fte r eom pletine tw o years of po«t-er«duste w ork, rrs n te d professional diplomas. Continuous clauses from V to 1 o'<-!<»-k, (Ive days per weak. In dividu al lessons w ith e ith e r the principal ce the assteten s. afternoons and evenings. EM M A W. GILLESPIE. Principal. Plant Feigns Death. In South America there to a plant — a specie* of mimosa— which feigns deeth for the purpose, naturalists think, of preventing grass-eating ani mals from eating it. In Ita natural i state It to bright green, but as soon as It 1s touched It cqllapses Into a tangle of apparently dead brown stems. Y. M. C. A. EXPANDS. B O Y N TO N FURNACES M imi •ountwnivul am i rfTactlva fur house and m I mmj I haaline J. C. B A Y iR FURNACE CO. front and Markat St». Portland. O r. HF.Nl> F O R C A T A L O G U E . _________________ _ _ ________________ / o r a tk a sofsrt s a d m o ri ra lla b la m ih a it lc . a d » v e tra i c le a a s rr. T b s b e ll r r m r d y f a r T w p id L i . a r . Rtltouaneaa an d » le k H e a d a rb e . A l D r n n t a t a * a r b y M a il , 1 » C o a ti B u a I t a a M K A L Co. F u » i L A *u . u a a o u n A L I -------- l'u t y lo th » C b lld ra n . • Chlld/Vn aro travaiar» newly arri »ad fa a attenga country; w * »houli ih ara foro maka eonsclescs not to mlslsad tbam -Ix w b e “ Sain S lo a n ” Going Up Aloft. A woman nine feet In height has felt obliged to consult a specialist In dis eases of tha heart. Can you picture that specialist, with stethoscope In hand, going up a stepladder?—Cleve land Plain Dealer. A G o o d C ig a r C o s ts Y o u 5 c W o rth M o re ALLEN & LEWIS D ish-¡but«.?«,; P o rtla n d , O r . GREINER’S CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH HOME A h*4»l»b( iwwiy iili*» » o ( ’hIroprurll«a a.lj.totH,»nio a i U * he«lihv Imd •» hr th * (*u n* (if JI p MOF f l p k h l ' M (in tint«»; no Mt»oi>*'hr M l ins ana ill»» In« 4ir*'««*4 * »• • M l I A m I lr. T r a liiM n«r*»a. ALL H I I A U I PIRMANINTLT 11 MOV I I IT OVR MITHW1 f Limitations of the Brain. .. "You cannot educate or draw out of any brain more than nature baa al ready put Into It. Some day, perhaps, we ehall try to adapt our education to possibilities.'’— Ane'nt» France. Not of Much Account. A man who can't stand prosperity Isn't likely to bear up very well under adversity. S t if f e n s Ü^aíí R«•*r*rs from AppmAirltto, Hmaekltl». <’••» C a ta r rrh. r h , IM IHahdHwa. I»rn|<> !>••( |i*i» h iia a F I- ahMoa. hropai r » • r i* r < R rre n ta < ( ¡ i» o li G a il ll HlnM. Hione. I tir , a ------ r « Pia- . .„.rwiig ltr r * . (t I l n m la _____ _ - - -u . . I.nmhMM»». N » n r » . lfta j>BFB* I'a ra !) • !• . Hr-ialina, or au.» nffcar til« a r * n » tl* 4 tn « r it a ««• w * oho« you how to rala» io a r v ii a l ll ) am t b*ap w all ( W r it e to day l o u r e ar» w ill bo q u te h *r l MATUSA ■ . M U N II, S. I», SuPfMRnaMNT n m WhliBMI Art HUI P M I LAIS, M l M M ST. M A R Y ’ S BR A t A IM : M V A N I» c o m i c L ad IJ t t l i g g l W I « M W 3 n M .T W d B Ï! IB IT Îin NAMIA OF JlS U i ANO MARY Ge««fo. ( Cturin. Muste. A rt. Kim utiua ani Coegur- REDUCED RATES ctaJ PfffSS- Jb«M«ef « ta 0 < r * * * • • » . Rffthta M o ra iata laMfUohtal T r» ain g W r iir far Aanoaarvmani. Addirsa Af am ’» Z U t a t , A»t/««s4 trtTKK tvntioa. tl. on all Iinaa on account ASTORIA CENTENNIAL PAGEANT SEN D FOR FREE F IR S T L E S S O N S Aak your ticket a r e n t fa r fu ll dctaila A UG . 1 0 to SEPT. 9 COME TO PORTLAND AND BE CURED IN FIVE DAY8 VARICOSE VEINS, HERNIA, BLOOD POISON N o aercro opnratlono, m any raaaa porm aunntly enred in one treatm en t M oat tliita -a a v ln f, moat natural, most aafa. A radical and perm anent care. I g lr a m r word and w ill «Ito nu to other m edical authorising th a t tu la la a fact. I am car- Unly prepared to euro by experience and oqnlpm ent. w hich are tha knviitnnaa to auoccaa. 1 have th e b rat equipped m edical office on tha Cnaat. I w ill e lve |5<H) to any ch a rity aa guarantee th a t a r a r y statem ent In th ia announcem ent la true. I in v ito you to oume to m y office. 1 w ill exp lain to you m y tre atm en t for Variooao Veina, H e rn ia, Nervous D e b ility . Stood l ’olaon, Piles, F istu la, Bladder, K id n e y, Proatatic and all Men a A ilm e n ts and give you F R K K a physical stam in a* tion; if neceaaary a mtcroacopical and chem ical analysis of get retious. to determ ine ‘/ O thologlcal and bacteriological enu dltiona. I v e r y man should take advantage of th is oppor- tu n lty to learn th e ir tru e oondition. ichat you i u>*nt. pAnfyou - M y . . w . ritte WNTUM_____j . n guarantee m eant a cure or ure certain ailm wo p ay. I guarantee to cure allm ents anta or refund every e ‘ a! 1 dollar you nave paid. My aervleeaooat yon nnthlnjr unless c u re y o n r Varicose Veins, H e rn ia, Piles, F latnla, Blood P o l oon, or any ailm ent 1 guarantee to oure. Term s are reasonable and no more than you are able and w illin g m pay fo r benefits. Of nee hears— f A. M. te I P. M. laaAayi. 16 A. M. te 1 K M. t A vtnnanmi Ourt it A normnnont Cura it what I givt. hHMtltt A. G . f t m t t h M . D . I am the only iprciallat In Portland who doeg am advertise a Ictitioue name or photograph. I pabliah my true photograph, correct name and permana I ly rondan my olftce. M ” FIR HOOD rOISBN 1 um Piofeeeer Ihrlich s ', wonderful M* 41». | ery, "ft06" In catce of BporlAc Blood Potion lin rt.ln o a » treat- I M . T b l. sew rtmr<r I mt and le the |retie« marvel of medical adente. tenw p a a g a p i som e u n d e r o a th . I t is sold by medicine dealers every w h e re , end »try dealer who hasn't it eon get it. D o n 't take a substitute of unknown composition to r this medicine OP in o w n coM rosrrioN. N o counterfeit is as good as the genuine sod the druggist who says something else is “ Just ss good as D r . P ierce’s” is either m istaken o r is trying to deceive you fo r his ow n selfish benefit. Such a man is not to he trusted, l i e is trifling w ith your most priceless possession— your h e a lt h - may be your life itself. .Vre /Aef yon get wkuf yen as! /or. ATENTS 1 G,VE ÏOU Naw Booklet Just Out Can Be Hae for tha Asking. The Portland Young Men'» Chrla tian AsMoclatlnn Is about to enter upon a new era In Ita work, In ex tending the advantage of Ita «dues llunul department to the eutlrr stale. W hile a great majority (»1 the 1(00 students enrolled In night and day claasea are resident» ol Portland, yet a large and Increasing number are now enrolling from town» and c III ch out side of Portland. The different course» offered In elude a full Commercial course comprising Shorthand, Hookkeeping aud relate^ subject»; a college pre paralory courge, a graded course In elementary subject» for buys and vocational couraeg such aa plumbing carpentry, »heat metal, bricklaying electrical work, automobile repall and driving Many »indent» trained In these classes are now occupying Important positions In the buslneas houses of Portland. An attraetlve booklet entitled "Ac tlvltlea" has Just been Issued by th< association and contain« a statement of all Educational Courses Tha Kd-.i catlonal Director r i l l mall thia book let to all person» wno desire It. Claasea for day achool open Sep tember f>th, night classes Septemhei 26th. From present Indications an unusually large registration la antlcl ________________ pated. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription WO charmingly simple dress»» are shown here, both suitable for cotton or soft woolen materials. The first has a panel of trimming, eltber braiding or broderle Anglais«, aocordtng to material used; the foot of skirt la trimmed to match. Th« yoke of the Magyar bodice la of finely tucked material edged with a shaped plec« of trimming, tba material being gathered to this, and shaped plastron la ar ranged beneath; the belt Is of trim ming. ao are the eleeve bande. Hat of straw edged with a frill of lace and trimmed with rose« and foliage. Materials required: Five yards 46 Inches wide. If braided material forma T FOR THE TIME OF SORROW proper Wey te Extend Condolence« to One'« Friends Who Are In Grief. There are persons who never take notice of another a sorrow. They wait until the bereaved on» la met. Bometlme. thia attitude le from fear of Intrusion, again It la from fear of not saying the right thing, too often It to from procrastination. W hatever tha reason It to a mistake. There are aome few who dislike out side sympathy In sorrow, the major ity are hurt If It la not given They never quite feel the same toward the friend who they think was neglectful of their trouble. The vlaltlng curd with B words of sympathy to sufficient, save among close friend» A married woman In closes the card of her husband. Never make a note of condolence »tilted. It should express you, and not ba an essay on grief. Also be brief. A few sincere sentences count more than page» of rambling plati tudes. I t to customary to send the note to the member of the fam ily you know beat. Including the others tn your ex presalons of sympathy. I t to customary now to hava en graved forma of acknowledgment on black-edged carda. These are sent out In the name of the head of the family, and are sent to all who of fered sympathy. They can be had tn a few day» on a rush order. There are many who think such a card too formal, and In any case In timate friends should have personal notes. Flower» always require a note In the first person from some member of the fam ily, or In caae the note to written by a friend It should Bay: "Mrs. Blank haa asked me to thank you for the flower»,” etc. When one to a Catholic, with these acknowledgments sre sometimes In closed small, black edged engraved carda asking for prayers for ths de ceased. Occasionally a small portrait of the deceased to used on the Inner fold of the card, with the date of death beneath. trimming, four yards. If not, 2% yards broderle AnglaJse 18 Inches wide, U used. The second costume la In tblstla mauve cashmere; It has the skirt trimmed down sides with panels of cbene silk edged with narrow satin bands. The over bodice I t entirely of the cashmere, edged with satin, while chene silk la used for the under-ellp. which la finished off at neck and el bows by narrow lace frills. A belt of Made Sale by Lydia L Pinkham’s satin encircles the walaL Hat of thlstla mauve straw, trimmed with Vegetable Compound. black wings. G raniteville, V t — " I was . Materials required: Four yards through the Change of L ife and suffer« cashmere (4 Inches wide, one yard ---------- ---------------- I f r o m nervousness aatln. 2(4 yards silk 22 Inches wide. lan d other annoying 1 symptoms, ana I lean tru ly say th at 1 Lydia E. P inkham ’s ONE-PIECE BLOUSE. ¡ V e g e t a b l e Com- 1pound has proved worth mountains of Id to me, as i t stored my health nd s t r e n g t h . I ¡never forget to tell [my friends what L yd ia E. P lnkham T Vegetable Compcuna has done fo r me during this tryin g period. Complete restoration to health means so much to me that fo r t ' > sake of other suffer ing women 1 am w illin g to make my h trouble public so you may publish this letter.” — M rs . C h a s . B j A K C L A Y . U .F .D ., G raniteville, V t . N o other medicine fo r woman’s ills has received such wide-spread and un qualified endorsement. N o other med icine we know o f has such a record o f cures as has L yd ia E . I ’inkham ’s Vegetable Compound. F o r more than 30 years i t has been curing woman’s ills such as inflam m a tion, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irreg ularities, periodic pains and nervous prostration, and it is unequalled for carrying women safely through the period of change of lire. LIFE Drives away Flies, Mosquitoes and Gnats. It protects horses and cattle from attack» of insects, enabling them to feed and sleep in peace. It prevents loss of weight and atrength from worry caused by attacks of insects, and from the irritation of their bites and stings. There to a satisfaction in the relief it affords domestic animals from the scourge of maddening parasites and flies, besides the profit in returns. Horses do more work on leas feed and cows yield more and better m ilk when relieved from the frenzy incited by constantly fighting a swarm of voracious, insatiable insects. Four sizes, ajc, 50c, 75c and Ji.xs. Ask yonr merchant for it. H o y t C h e m ic a l C o . Portland, Oregon R e lig io n In Dally Life. Your daily duties are part of your religious Ilfs, Just as much as your levotiona.— Beecher. .G o l d e n I W e s t . COFFEEL i l T E A 3RICES aAKINO POWDER I » EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT c u s s n a t SOWrtAWB. ' Mrs. P in k b a m , a t Lynn, Mass^ Invites all sick w om en to w rite her for ad vice. H er ad vice is free» anti alw ays belpfuL This to a one-piece blouse, quite simple but rather novel In style. It to finely tucked at the upper part, tha tucks being quite short on the shoul A T o n ic , A lte ra tiv e a n d Resolvent. The ders, and getting longer toward* center best rem ed y fo r K idne ys, L iv e r an d Bowels. E rad icates P im ples. E ru p tio n s an d Disorders of fro n t A piece of wide Insertion or o f th e S k in . P u rifies th e Blood en d r iv e s passementerie to taken round blouse T o n e , S U c n g tb s a d V ig o r to th e s a b re tystcas. under arms, also trims sleeves, which are finished off by narrow material Conquer Sslf-Dlstrust. frills to match the neck. Hat of straw, trimmed with a tulle . Belf-dlstrust to the cause of most of our failures. In the assurance of ruche. In Q u a r t » . L a r g e s t in V a r ls t p . Materials required: One and one- strength there is strength, and they V ines« They m r»l e ve n requirem ent fo r < lesulnx so d half yard 44 Inches wide, 1(4 yard are the weakest, however strong, who pollsbiiis »hw « o f a il kinds sad co lo rs hav« no faith in themselves or their trimming. powers.— Bovee. Tailored Suits. Good Advies. In tailored suit skirts fullness has Rub elbows with the least of the been Introduced through plaited aeo- tlons, set Into rather close fitting world’s people, if you wosld quicken skirts as broken panels and also your brain and soften your hsart.— through the uae of plaited panels over Exchange. hanging In tunic form. In tha former style to an Interesting aktrt model which has as a back panel two deep, closely plaited flouncee, which divide their width to form the Novelty Wraps. Many novelty wrap» of voile, chif skirt length, with the exception of a fon and marquisette are being shown few Inches, which are taken by the by the large department stores, says shallow hip yoke. Of similar type to another skirt with the Dry Qoods Economist These are usually left unllned and look partlcu- the plaited flounces on either aide of uarly attractive over evening or tin the flat canter panel. Both of these gerie gowns. Some of these are made models were much admired. These like the fashionably cut coat, .vlth designs offer an accepted solution peasant sleeves, pointed collars, large of a gradual break away from the In revere, etc. Others are cape-wraps conveniently close fitting skirt still which oan be readily slipped on or off. shown by many Paris housea These coats ere shown In black, Tha Fabric Gloves. cerise, purple, Holland blue, Empire Chamois finished lisle are coming green and other fashionable colorings. Into popularity. The fine suede Itole to the kind of Neckband Again. Tha mode of the low-necked dress glove which, having made friend* and the collnrleaa frock haa called out keeps them. The allk glove la cool, but makes the black velvet neckband once more. This band to about an Inch In width. the band look larger. The cotton glove does not wear When lest worn this was merely a band, fastening In back or front un very well. Several pairs should be possessed to der a buckle or pretty pin. Now. however, it to fastened In the back In admit of frequent washing. The washable glove, which to not al the manner of 30 or 40 years ago. with tha long ends hanging down the lowed to get very dirty, wears ths longest hack. Does N o t Color H air A y e r’s H a ir V igor, as now made from o ur new improved form ula, does not stain o r color the h air even to the slightest degree. G ra y hair, white hair, blonde h air is n o t m a d e a shade d arker. But it certainly d o es s to p f a llin g hair. N o question about that. Pott not changt the color of the hair. F o rm u la w ith uers « m M b o tti» •M ow It to y o u r doctor Ash Mlm «bout f t. th en do as ho says oslUvelv ccntslns O lL Blscks snd Pollakss • snd child ren's boot» snd shoes, s h in e s sn t r a b b i n s , « c - "Fren ch uloss,” 10«, M > Y com btostlon f o f clasnlna and polishing ids o f rw o e t o r ts n »hoes, 15c. "S ts r" «la», ion. U K W I 1 I T B niske« d irty c a n v a s shors i and w h i t e . In liq u id fo rm e o lt esn ba l I v aud » n n llv applied. A .ponze In »very ge, so alw ays r e a d y fo r u«s. Tw o «lees, IS our dealer does not keep the kind yon w a n t, hr hl« stlilrcM snd th« pries In «tamps foe • li e pack sue. ______ _ . _ _ H IT T E M O R B BROS. & C O ., a ilh a n v S t.. C n m b r ld g e , SAnaa, rWIRAI-GOHOL TOBACCO Habita P ob HI t «!» Cured, ö n 1 y author! «oJ Kool gJ I « Il 1 i ¿ i l g luin , ut,i¿a,rs¿¿ y ^ y L n a. M in n in , n 11 I P O R T L A N l3 ,O R E G O N , Indeed, we believe it will stop every esse of falling hair unless there is some very unusual complication, something greatly No. S l-T I » N U affecting the general haaltb. Then you should consult your physician Also ask I - n T H H N w r itin g to a d ra r him about the new Ayer’s H air Vigor. I W m ä n tie n th is paper. H » M a « « ky «hs d. a Aysv O»., lo w sll. Mass.— >