REMARKABLE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA Munyon’s Stomach Treatment Pei farming Miracles. WISDOM OF THE WIDOW D O N 'T L E T M AN K N O W IT IF YOU CATCH H IM IN A L IE . That la H e r Philosophic Advice, but If Is Forgotten When Howsrd's Per­ fidy Is Rsvealsd to H e r by a Frtend. NOW IS DAY OF poori N E V E R B E F O R E C O U L D T H E Y G ET SO M U C H FOR SO L IT T L E . Coronation Coiffure 8U00ET 0F.-USEFUL H INTS Valuable Bits of Advice for House­ keepers and Others, Given by English Magaslna. Rome naw hints for the housekeep­ er, or for any woman for that matter, era given in an English magaslna *alled the Matron. For example, one needn't be a housekeeper, or even a woman, to ba glad to know what to to when a flsbboue la stuck In one's thrust. According to this authority the prop­ er thing la to hand the sufferer a lemon If It la sucked for a little white the bone will move on In one ase It succeeded after the bone had been In the throat two days. Auother use for lemon juice la to remove warta. This la dune by drop­ ping It on twice a day. To retain the color and «toss of a white silk blouse after -»ashing put a teaspoonful of alcohol Into the rinsing water Thia keeps It from turning yel­ low and gives it whan Ironed the gloss of new silk To clean the lace yoke and sleeves sf waists aprlnkte the lace freely with powdered borax, then roll It up and fasten with pins. Let It remain for at east twelve hours, then ehake out and brush with a clean soft brush. To remove Ink stains from carpets ke a saucer of fresh milk and a clean toft rag Renew the milk If necessary and wash finally with clean water. To take coffee rtalne from any ma­ terial rub a little glycerine Into th e stain aud then wash with hot soap and water. To prevent milk from scorching whan It la being bolted sprinkle a lit­ tle sugar Into the saucepan after the milk Is poured Into It Do not stir the milk even though the pan Is a very thia one The milk will out burn, bat will leave (he saucepan aa clean as If only water bed been In IL Long Street C ar Rides. Fro« P a rk a Low Postage and Phons Rates and Groat Public L ib raries Ars Theirs. M unyon Tell« You How to Get W ell Free of Charge, “If you would keep the lore of any Disciples of unrest would bave the man. never let him know that you world believe that thia is the day of have caught him in a lie." said th e 'th e rich; whereas, otr the contrary widow "if you do, he never will for never in the history of the United A few days ago 1 received a letter give you It will make him uncomfort j States have the poor and those per from a young man, who states he is able, and to his dying day a man holds sons of restricted means been enabled 28 years of age, and has occupied several important positions, hut ow­ a grudge against anybody that made to procure to much for so little, The rich may speed io their automo- ing to indigestion and inability to him uncomfortable. There is nothing sleep he has been unable to concen­ that so endears a woman to a man as biles, but for five cents the poor may trate his mind upon his work and a trustful absorption of his choicest I ride royally from one side of a city has consequently been discharged on lies. Contrawise, there Is nothing that like Chicago to the other, or to be the ground of neglect of duty. He so weakens her hold on his affections carried miles Into the country. What goes on to say that he is a young as an accusation of untruthfulness an Improvement over the days of our man of steady habit«. but for years backed up with undisputed truth. forefathers, when It was either own he has suffered from dyspepsia, which "It is a pity all women cannot le a rn ' your own private conveyance, or else has so affected his nerves that he is unable to sleep, and that it is not this. If they could, the divorce courts Journey by foot or in the expensive neglect upon his part, nor lack of would get a chance to shut down every s ta g e , interest, but simply physical weak­ day on schedule time 1 learned It. An X The rich may seclude themselves In ness. He asks my advice in this aged woman who had had four hus­ spacious villas and country places, but matter. bands gave me a tip on that before the country place of the poor la pro- For the benefit of a large number married. and I played it strong all the vlded. absolutely free of expense to of those similarly situated 1 piopose to answer thte letter publicly, hoping way through. I admit It was hard them. In extensive parks where grass. that it may be the means of helping work. There came times when my com trees, fountains and music, flowers many who may be affected in this mon sense fairly shouted for vindi­ and statuary, are theirs to enjoy as If cation. when the pretended Inability created by their pocketbooks way. In the first place the stomach must to see beyond my own nose and even For 2 cents a letter may be sent be well before the nerves can be to the end of It drove me to despera a distance which once would have de- made strong. The nerves must be tion; but the simulated virtue paid In manded 25 cents. To the address of made strong before one can sleep the long run. My husband lived and ; the poor aa well as to the hall of the well. No one is capable of doing his best who is in any way troubled with went to his reward sustained In an rich the carrier delivers the mail and insomnia or any form of nervousness. unfaltering faith in my stupidity, for the farm er whose labor will not The greatest generals have been men Consequently, he loved me to the permit him to go to town there Is the of iron nerve and indomitable will. end. rural service. They have had perfect digestion, be­ "1 am going to manage the next For 6 cents the poor man may talk ing able to eat well and digest ail one the same way. W ill there be an­ over the telephone as far as the rich they ate. other? Oh, why, didn’t you know? man; and Into the cottage as Into the I t is said Napoleon lost the battle Well, yes, I am—to Howard Miller. Oh, .. mansion has been extended the elec- of Waterloo because of a fit of in­ digestion. Grant’s enormous reserve It hasn't been definitely settled yet. trie light, at a reasonable rate. j Grand opera comes high, to be sure- C o p y r lg h L U n d e rw o o d A U n d e rw o o d . N. Y. power was due to a well stomach. Some time In May, 1 believe.” Abraham Lincoln said that "he did The girl In blue beamed upon the but what does that matter when many, HK "crowning glory of a woman Is , way of wearing the hair la now some B LU E! B LU E! BLUE! not know- that he had a stomach." widow admiringly. many amusement gardens, as well as her hair" and It therefore Is In ■ what paste. Grover Cleveland. It is said, could "No doubt your philosophy is the public parks, charge no admlt- Blue that's all blue. BED CROBk order to remark that one of the A t will be seen by the picture the work IS hour« a day. eat a hearty sound," she said, "but I never could tance fee to their concerts? the toward laundiep.-« meal at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morn­ phases of such glory Is very much In BALL hair It BLUE puffed delights high and the live uj. to It. By the way, I sup- The rich may have their private evidence _______________________ ________ Once tried, In connection with the coro hack of the head in crown-fashion. A wash day necessity ing. go to bed and sleep soundly un­ til 9 o'clock and get up refreshed, pose you had a fine time going to libraries; but much larger libraries. | nation coiffure In which the hair It Fine ribbon, used aa a fillet, le wound always used. A standard bluing fo( . * ,t e r la8t week j of literature as choice or choicer, are dressed somewhat In the fashion of a In and about the puffs. Pearled bands 2t) yeara. ready for a new day's work. More satisfactory than liquid blue No, said the widow, “I didn't go open In cities and even In villages to crown. Pres. Taft is another type of a or ropes of pearl or of coral, may be healthy manhood. Who thinks for • t all. Howard was ill. He had to the knock of the common people. I The new coiffure hat taken such a worn Instead of the ribbon If the fair and more economical because It Is not 45 wster. Easily handled and one moment that he would be the stay home from the office all last i It is not the day of the rich; It Is'bold on the up-to-the-moment fashlon- one la fortunate enough to possess cannot spill Price, 10 cents. ASK President of the United States today week. He wrote to me twice a d ay.! the day of the poor, wherein especial able women, that the flat-to-the-head these coally adornments. T H K GROCER had he been a dyspeptic or affected Poor fellow .he wasn't able to get o u t. attention is being paid to the person with some nervous ailment? I claim ! not with much, but with little, to that two-thirds of all the failures In of the house." N et an Old Man's Oamel The girl In blue stared hard, then spend.— Edwin L. Sabin, in LJppIn- VELVET professional and business life are due BANDS ARE * IKED STATIONERY IN THE BOUDOIR *T may have lust my golf ball.* bllnked rapidly. to weak and deranged stomachs. cott'a. thought the old man. as ha erept oa "Merciful goodness!" she gasped. No business house would care to Some Kind of Black Adornm ent Been French D im ity This season Becme to all fours round the bush Into which II employ a dyspeptic representative “Oh, dear— if this Isn't— what shall I on Almost Evory Kind of H ave Been get A part fo r Use had rolled. "bat I will not lose my to sell goods for them on the road. do? 1 don't suppose I ought—yet. I Here's Newest Beauty W rin k le . Coiffure Today. e f the Young G irl. temper." One-half the men who stand behind must. See here, my dear," she said, The old nursery of "Beauty and the So he ooottnaad to grovel and counters today, earning from $12 to with determination. “I've got to tell Beast" has Just been revived by the Black velvet bands, one or two. For a young girl's uso there Is no grope, and to wear a perauaaiv«, pa­ $15 a week, will never get beyond you something. I hate to do It. but studded with gold or Jeweled buckles, fashionable beauties of Paris In a way these figures, for the reason that they stationery more suitable than the tient smile. Hla kneee bagged, his are physically weak. They lack it'g my duty. Howard M iller— lied— to caculated to accentuate their charms are for the classic stylo of coiffure, fabric finished surfaced French dim­ beak ache.l horribly, and the bush be­ —you. Yes, lied. He may have been the nerve power and commanding They are surrounding themselves with while the mors coquettish girl uses ity which comes In white, gray and stowed upon his bends a generous strength that come from a good ill, but he wasn't too III to get out the ugliest maidservants Imaginable. them finished with a knot on each stone blue square sheets of corre quantity of thorns. But he refused to sound stomach. of the bouse. Why, my dear, he— he Their constant companions are the side, a spray of silver aigrette on one tpondence and hasty note site, -rlth discard his smile, and kept an re- No one cares to hear a dyspeptic went to the theater five times last most hideous pets Imaginable. O n e' • ,de or * bunch ot drooping silk rose envelopes of matching dimensions. Of peatlng preacher. No matter how pious he week. My brother saw him there. celebrated beauty. Mile Manon Loti, balls. an equally refined and dainty char "No, I will not lose my temper. I may be, he Is bound to reflect his Five times. Just think of It!" Satin ribbon Is used aa a twist, acter are the linen lawn papers In will n oil" has engaged a dwarf who Is described bilious and jaundiced condition. He The widow grabbed her handker­ w ill unconsciously inoculate his hear­ as having "a termendous head, a male­ soft Tolda, fiat bands, plain. embrold- solid tints or aeroplane, dawn pink. Suddenly the elusive hall caught bis chief and gloves. ers with his melancholy feeling«. volent expression and hardly any Baltic blue, willow green, orchid and eye. Flopping flat, be stretched bla No one would think of entrusting "Let me out of here, quick,” she legs,” and M ile Loti takes him out K,lt' wl,h “ bow- ,an' knot' etc ’ ,u* ‘ cream— the hemstitched fabric cross hand towards It, grasped It among Its an important legal cage in the hands said. "W ent to the theater five walking with her every afternoon In bark o? tba •*ar bar In white bordered with a pale nest of thorns, and gingerly withdrew of a dyspeptic lawyer, any more than times in one week, did he? And yet The exact position for the chief or­ shade of color, and the diagonally IL order tjiat his ugliness will emphasize he would care to entrust his own he wasn't able to come to see me! nament of a band la according to the striped fabric In two tones of mauve, her own beauty all the more. “H o lty to lty !" exclaimed an old life, or that of a dear one In the Mile. Mlstlnguette, the dancer, has wearer's head, a long, short, or broad blue or buff. hnnds of a physician who is nervous, O-o-oh. how dare he lie to me so! I'll woman behind him. "You ought to ba iiTltable or a dyspeptic. Men must show him! Just wait till I catch him, engaged as maid a Hindu woman with * b,ap* f*d ulrtng different pJar|nf of A fad of the hour, and one permis­ ashamed, birdnesting at your time of All ages from sible only as a Joke when a note life l" have good digestion, strong nerves If I don't—" ringed ears and a face which Is by no this finishing ‘ touch " fifteen years wear hair ornaments. and vital manhood in ihder to ren­ means attractive Other beauties are passes between two very Intimate And then he did lose hla temper. der a clean, clear-cut decision either It will not be long before yellow young girls. Is the red edged, tan col­ selecting equally unattractive folks, T rib e of Canoe Indiana. In medicine, law or business. balr will again be the fashion The Dr. Pierce's Pleasant ’'filets regulate ored "Chantlcler” paper, which has The North Pacific coast Indians are and the fashion Is said to be spreading I believe more than half of the mahogany shade so long favored Is a crowing rooster embossed at the and invigorate atomac’ / v e r and bow- ■divorces can be traced to ill health. a fishing people. The bomea of the Just as rapidly as ugly servants and ele. Sugar-coated, tiny y granules. Easy showing lighter effects all the time, top of each sheet I want every dyspeptic to try my Haida tribe are largely among Islands pet> can be found. to take as candy. and hair dyes are rapidly approach­ stomach treatment. It makes old and the canoe Is their chief means I-awnstte correspondence cards for ing the straw tint. And It has been acceptance and regret« are accom­ «tomachs almost as good as new. Its of transportation and in it much of Businesslike. made plain that the new gold or atraw panied by envelopes having seml- marvelous power for digesting food their lives is spent. The red cedars W hy the Kansas W om an Got Mad. A man at Munich who lost $10,000 tint Is to be without luster. and getting the best out of it makes elllptlcal or triangular flaps on which A farmer's wife hitched her horse In of Queen Charlotte's Islands produce It. bank notes In the street a few days for good rich red blood. This in s monogram or Initial may be en­ turn strengthens the nerves, builds logs from which are made huge canes, front of a store on Sixth avenue one ago, and advertised $300 reward to graved. This stationery comes In a A DAINTY DRESS. up the general system, and will «ure- sometimes from 45 to 60 feet In day last week and went about her bus­ the finder, received a check for $9,- variety of pale tints, of which buff, ly prolong life and make it a pleas­ length. The Haida are master crafts­ iness. A hurry up order came to the 700 from the finder, a man of a busi­ pale gray, gray blue or whit- are pret­ ure to live and do the things allotted men since there la no other type of merchant and he told one of his clerks nesslike turn of mind, who wrota that, to us. tiest dugout canoe so light, graceful and to appropriate the horse and buggy to avoid delay, he had kept off hi» Professor Munyon makes no charge seaworthy aa thia one they construct for the delivery. Luncheon place cards matching the reward. for consultation, or medical advice; shades and patterns of the French The youth hopped into the rig and la Haida canoe bu'Idlng. the out­ not a penny to pay Address Pro­ Mother« w in Sad Mrs. Wiastow*« S n e th laf dim ity and crossbar lawn fabric fin fessor J. M. Munyons Laboratories, side contour is first hewn and carved. started up the street "llckety split.", ru y tue b. «t rom edr p, u m lo t M u ir cuddrea Ished stationery are exceedingly smart •y •u r la g lbs teottuug period. Fifty-third and Jefferson Streets, Phil­ Wooden ping are driven through the Just then the farmer's wife spied the and In eminently good taste, as are outer surface to indicate the varying departing buggy and with thoughts of ! adelphia, Pa. also cards of umbrella shape bearing thickness of the walls of the canoe, horse thief uppermost In her m in d 1 Danger. hand painted violets, daisies and cro­ and the interior Is dug out to the trailed the buggy, screeching madly! T ru th ’s Revelation. Elopement Is becoming highly pop­ cuses and in cut out flower and fig­ ular In certain circles In America, I looked at my Brother with the depths thug fixed. The spread of the as she went. Her yells sufficed to or-1 ure dealgns. Microscope of Criticism and I said. beam is attained by steaming the ganlze an Impromptu posse and a rider , young couples rushing off to distant “How coarse my Brother is!" I wood. The canoe Is partly filled with on a wheel overtook the driver as he states to get married without the water into which red hot stones are was getting rid of the hurry up b u t-1 The W aist Line. looked at him with the Telescope of knowledge of their parents. "In Though the waist line Is less ver­ many Instances, we gather," says a Scorn and I said, “How small my dropped producing steam, which soft­ ter and codfish. Fully half as many satile than It used to he, and Is more writer In the London Evening News, Brother Is!" Then I looked in the ens the wood. The sides are forced words as were widely flung In Em- 1 Î and more Inclined to assume the con­ “the greatest secrecy has to be ob­ M irro r of Truth and I said, "How out by wedges which are afterward j porla’s famed street car struggle were ' ventional position, the empire e ffe c t served for fear that the parents might like me my Brother Is!"— Bolton Hall. replaced by permanent seats. Beds necessary to explain the situation to j Is still to be seen. For reception and hear of the projected match and give of hot embers are kept near the can- the Irate farm er’s spouse —Emporia O r It Would W a ll Long oes to dry the outer surface.—A m e r Gazette. "“ dancing gowns It Is graceful, and the their consent " T his work of helping the world fo r lean Museum Journal. soft outline It gives to the figure Is ward happily docs not wait to be done . * ‘ “r” Whl'* Vou **">• delightfully picturesque. But for the by perfect men —Oeo-ee Eliot. "76,963.” street all this Is out of place; It gives O, You Suburban Lifel Purchasers of automobiles establish the wearer a silhouette that Is un­ She was riding home In the subur­ an etiquette of their own," said the tidy, and suggests a looseness that Is ban hack and her whole conversa­ city salesman. “Last week I received altogether objectionable. In regard • 'Ì tion had beet. In monotony of the an envelope containing the visiting also to evening gowns the same fault Bolentlflc Phenomenon. country life In general and In Swarth­ card of a friend on which had been may be found. 80 long as a toilette W hile a plumb line may be «tralght. more In particular. Inscribed 76,963, or some such Impos­ Is to be worn chiefly while walking or It is, curiously enough, not always " I think," she told the man opposite, ing number. standing, the short waist Is permissi­ vortical. Irregularities of density In “that I shall have to do something "I was mystified. I could not b le -e v e n desirable— but for a din­ the crust of the globe may produce exciting Just to stir things up— I mean Imagine what it meant. Had my ner, concert or theater It Is no longer this phenomenon. A remarkable In­ something real shocking.” friend been convicted of crime, I so. The bust unconflued falls out of stance In point was round In the Is­ “Do,'' he smiled, encouragingly, "and thought, and had he chosen that deli­ shape, and the figure cut Is most un­ land of Porto Rico, where the devia­ my wife will give a bridge and ask cate way of apprising me of his attractive—and It Is the realisation of tion from the vertical Is so great that all the women who w ill be likely to prison number? this fact that has led to so many or In mapping the Island the northern discuss It.” "Inquiry revealed that my friend the newest evening bodlcee being end southern ooast lines, as shown And the air became cooler.— Phlla. wag not a criminal. That card meant made with swathed draperies and In the older maps, had each to bu delphla Times. close fitting lines. that he had bought a new automobile moved Inward half a mile. Nile green popllnette Is selected for and was notifying everybody of his our dainty model, which has a perfect­ license number. Its m e r it is, th erefo re, B elie Present Happiness. Fig Tree That Doesn't Flourish. Ae to the Flreplaee. “Pride of possession alone Impelled ly plain skirt turned up with a deep p ro ven in cases o f W ith most people happiness la Despite the severe frost at the be­ hem at foot The sides of a fireplace should be ginning of April, which adversely af­ him to do It. Since his friends are The bodice has a deep yoke and well splayed or beveled. In order to something that Is always Just a day SICK HEADACHE fected such a lot of vegetation, the fig not traffic policemen his license num­ trimming of net over nlnon the same reflect the heat, aaya Arte and Decora­ off. But I have made It a rule never SOUR STOMACH tree (perhaps the most fam iliar speci­ ber can never benefit them In the color; this Is embroidered and taken tion, The back should lean forward to put off being happy till tomorrow. least, but this summer that seems INDIGESTION men In London) behind the statue of th . m o it 'a p p t iv ^ v o f ^ in r ^ ii ln T^ ,n t,’ . ‘ L’ ° 1d?wn out,lde at the top, for the same purpose, and Don’t acoept notea for happlnese, be­ Charles James Fox, In the garden of CONSTIPATION of sleeve. The material then has the the fireplace should not be too deep. cause you'll find that when they're Bloomsbury Square, Is showing a crop pie know that you have bought a new fulness drawn up by several rows of A projecting chimney produces an due they're never paid, but Just re­ BILIOUSNESS machlL«." quite up to the average. The figs will, gauging, where It Is attached to the effect of pushing the guest awRy, newed for another thirty days.—Let­ CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA aa usual, drop off at the Immature trimming. The sleeve« are set to whereas a receding one beckons hint ters from a Belt-Made Merehent to ANO MALARIA Hla Son. stage at the end of July. This tres wristband« to match. T ra v e l Made Shorter. nearer, to enjoy the hospitality of the A tr ia l today w ill convince Is about a century old, and It Is said Materials required: Four and one- open fire. For this reason the Ingle- The Journey from Paris to Toklo Varied Inetruetlon. that not a solitary fig Is ever bore has soon will be shortened from fifteen to half yards popllnette 42 Inches wide, nook, that la, the fireplace built Into you th a t i t is th e m edicine w ise men are Instructed by -e-ntrtrvs been known to ripen.— London Chron­ one yard net, one-half yard nlnon 42 the wall of the room, 1« especially men of less understanding by expert- you need. A ll D ru g g is ts . less than twelve days by the comple- Inch as wide. icle. cosy and attractive. tlon of u new railroad In Manchuria. tnce, the most Ignorant by necessity. T Has Stood a 58 Year Test HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS