Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, November 11, 1911, Image 7

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    u . n. viere was among the Mams Vs'
I b y representation in Gobi HUI Ihore
H. W. Dlkeman laft Thu-»day
business Irin in Osilforula points
for •
K. H. Pearce a as at Medfoid ltd
week and made arrangements for th
Mra Rehecct Mo.»re, of Central Point, removal of h s lemllv to that el'y
. . . a guest of her «in It ibert, m i m j r r
Just to correct tn>- notion iha> nhtal
of M erritt A Co.'s, 8und«y anil Monday In Mndford »y reas a of the "ommercal
J'w. Rurkhe-dt we« an Iroin Wood- d u b ’s new man, w'dcb leave« off Gold
villa yesterday. Ila goee next week to H ill, Hem McClendon made a trip |,
, Redding, where lia may decide to locale. that place Wada*-a>lay.
J. P. Deltrlch and Phil Keelme, la<e
J W M i l k 'l l « , foreman of theObamp-
1 llu diedge, la hi Hau Francisco rquelving am ple es ol the dtlvanlte mine, w y»
i»a>lleal trextmnot. Mrs. Milkens ac- at Jacksonville thia week Innklwg over
ooiupanlaa him
tha mining situation. As a re-alt they
Forreet Hohnlts returned to bla home will go to work at the Opp inloa, which
at Centralia, Washington, Tbaroday. resumes 0|>ersttun» urgt week.
John Palmer bought J. D . M o iilg o u ,
ery’s new uottag- In th - D-kum addition
8 II Duffl hl and Jam's Burns wars and moved ioio It tide week. I t is an­
at Mo third Wodusaday on legal business other of the r.,un I <h>sen of cr-dita-'l
relating to tbalr appl cation for patent rcsideno-e that have been erected In
Gold Illll In the neat I- w months
oo their (fall« Creek pleoer mine.
Ha bad been visiting at llu
Wm. Mtnlih for soma time.
horns ol
Prank Caldwell'« naw bungalow la tha
Mellon of town someone has soggesteil
shall bo eallel Koguevlew, because of
of tha splsml'd vlaw ol tha rlvar that
may ba obtained tbsrsfrom , will soon
ba oouiplat"d,
A lonal record for lathing was made
at Banker Smith'« now bungalow thia
weak, whan a craw of profaa-ioual lath­
er» completed tha five rooms and the
hall In four hours and live rnliiut- a,
placing aomnthiug Ik e 11.000 lath neat­
ly In placs,
Mrs. J. Q. Jarvis and daughter Itu lh
arrived home from a seven-weeks stay
with relative« at Mayville, Thursday.
They wars accompanied by Mra. Jarvis*
■ aloe, Ml«s Jessie Trash, of Jordan,
who will enter tha Gold H ill High
School Monday.
J. H . Aten, a young man from Iowa-
who a,»nt «even months In tha Ho al
(liv er coutiirr before coining hare two
week« ago, has bought Hit- an acres of
the McDonough place flva miles weal
of Gold H ill, which he will devote to
fruit and tru<'h farming.
M. M. Carl and family laft >a-t Hat­
urday for Hanla Ana. Californio, wker.
they will spend the winter, having
rented th Ir Hums Vall-yJarin
were guests at the hone ul Mr
Mrs. Hlsemore In Gold H ill on the ev
of their departure
D. H Oneney, late of Gold HUI, la
here from Portland on business coi -
nacted with the defunct Hvlvanlt- Min­
ing romp nt. He owns one of 'he
claims operated oncer option by that
company and on which laborera* lian«
hare be-n Hied to a considerable sum
Tha office furniture and Hxiurea of
the Hvlva'iite Mining coin|ieny, de­
funct, under attachment by J. II B.-e
man for altori ey fare, w-ee sold
auction Wcdne'day by Gan>>ahle Pan
ke». T h ' atno ini to I - sail fl-d ««
HIM , and the goods brought i 1 (162.(5,
or considerably teta than their a, tua
W A Elliott has purchared th
Foot« Creek atore (rom A. P. Cooper
and will nootinne to conduct a gen ra
merchandising bu-lnees
M r, Elliot
haa had esp-nence in the atore bust
US'S In the east, end believes that he
can repeat his forin-r -a. cess In hl
new Held, earroaaded as he 1« hy -ome
of tue moet productive ranches and
placer mine- In »1 uthern Oregon,
Carnation Milk
Butter Cup Milk
California Ripe Olive»
Roast Beef 1 lb. can
Deviled Ham 6 cans
Pink Alaska Salmon per can
Cove Oysters 2 cans
Baking Powder full pound
Pork and Beans per can
Tomato Catsup pint
Kelloggs Corn Flakes
Diamond W Macaroni
Macaroni bulk 3 lbs
50 lbs Sterilized Fine Salt
M w r i-ltt ** C o *
50 lbs Stock Salt
Range Salt 8 lb blocks
Pure Cider Vinegar gal.
W hite and Pink Beans
Hard Wheat Flour regular price $1.65
Mason Fruit Jars one-half gal. per doz.
Mason Fruit Jars quart pe r doz.
Mason Fruit Jars pint per doz
Economy Fruit Jars 1-2 gal. per doz.
Economy Fruit Jars quarts per doz.
Economy Fruit Jars pints per doz.
Jelly Tumblers one-half pint per doz.
Jar Rubbers 4 doz.
Economy Jar Cape per doz.
* ° •» X t h a t a f t e r O c t o b e r la t a l l b i l l s m u s t b e p a id p r o m p t ly w i t h i n 3 0 d a y s
Coming Back - Wego Theatre
One Night Only - Sunday, November 12
R e n w o r th y S to c k C o.
D ir e c tio n
alnglng, dancing.
Comedy Drama in four acts
darftets— Culligau's Nashville Student—
W ilb u r n K e n w o r th y
gave one of the beat miustr I shows
ever seen In Gold HUI at the Wego last
A play true to life
t^ > in * ^ 8
night. The hoys were all d rye r, ai d
deserved the good house and frequent
Charging with lower-d snll.-i« aeioes
Don’t miss this
rounds of applause which they drew,
the barnvnrd ol the Chavener ranch,
Gold illll la rapidly b ooming a city big stag deer met death from a bln
All new scenery
uf beautiful homes. 0 D. Htelnhoff is from a hroadaie In the hands ol W E
adding anoth -r to the Hat with an artia- Th >mi»son. The helllg* rent hnck ILer
A show of merit always
lu bungalo » M r. HtetnhnflT la an archi­ ally got It in the neck, and the one
ed, aa well aa a bnlld-r, and may be eg­ blow was sufficient to give him h i
Remember t ie date
lad to plsy no small part in tbemak- quietus. W ith I he closed s-ason lo r
pg G<dd lld l tbs beautiful town tb«t It deer a week old, Mr. Thompson is won
New song by Mr. Thayer
yiotild become.
dering II he has violate,I tbe game laws
between acts
Hardin" Or ek will soon be connected In killing the buck, as he did, In sell-
1th the local Home telephone system defenos.
gfanagcr Fr-enbach waa in town ye ter
J D. Montgomery and family left yes­
Admission 15c and 35c
^ M ias H e l e n D w ffy , L e a d i n g L a d x
*•7 . and staled that construction wnnld terday for Lewiston, Idaho, where they
kc g l* at once on the new line. Tha en­ expect to make their permanent abode.
terprise of >be Home company baa The Montgomerys came hare last spring
George Holcomb hss some p"t»t
tom of the pond with its precious weight
flven Gold HUI eaoallant phone oo- from Colorado, and In thalr comparative
that he grew from the eend
They are of motors, transformers and gold-saving
nections with outlying districts.
brief stay In Gold HIP they have made
varintiee fr< m all over the world, col­ machinery. The pond in which the
J. H. Gay, one ol our beat known pio- a host of Irleoda, who regret their de­
lected by a leading -end house.
A l- drelgt*a«nk will be drained, and the
•eer cltlsens, visited the Lest Obanoe
hough potatoes grown from s-ed are work of repairing the damage begun in
nine on Kanea creak, flva miles from they wiltenJoy alj the blessings of peace
supp «e<l to he about the slxe of maibles a few daye. I t will he necessary to re­
Jold H ill laat Saturday, and juat to and prosperity—although for tha livea
tue flr«t year, Mr. Holcomb has eome as build the hull, and the sarvice of an ex­
»rove to himself that he Is still pretty of ns we cannot see how they can find
big as eggs. He will experiment next pert shipbuilder mn«t ba eecnred for
Did you know that you could feed Dr. Hess Poultry
dfly. thsnk yon, be walked to Gold more of either than we have rig ht here
year with several of the verities in an this work, wnich alone will coet Io the
l i l l Hun,lay morning to catch tha train
the balance o f the Winter, all Spring, in fact
The dredge
attempt to discover the tuber beet euit- neighborhood of $14,000
or homa — Central Point Harald,
•d to culture in the Hogue river valley, and sevoral hundred acre« of the richest
day o f August, then if you are not satis­
W. H. Stiokel It feat getting the In­
The Ksnworthy Block company, which
which la no great shakes ae a petalo placer ground iu southern Oregon is
paid and paid big,
owned by tbe Champlin family, of Chi­
lave good satisfaction In repertoire at terior of the opera house in shape where country.
be Wego this week, will show again
W e will refund every cent you
A oomplete eel of new scenery ie In mining suoceeeeea of this district, al
tomorrow evening
The Kenworthye largest traveling attarctions th at eome
piece at the Wego, being used for the thongh at a great expenditure.
have paid for Pan-a-ce-a
ard makiag a great reputation In aoutb-
rn Oregon, recently completing» re re * <>old Hl11 ‘ h* l , r , ~ ‘
*" •oolh’’rn Aral time at lest night's minstrel per­
formance The curtains are decidedly
It is to make your hens lay, to make your chicks grow
reeks’ engagement In Aehlend.
They Oregon, twanty-Ave feet wide by twelve
Department of the Interior,
on the artietic, and «dd greatly to the
healthy and strong, to cure gapes, cholera and roup.
rill probably appear la Gold HUI sever-
U. 8. Land Office a t Roaeburg, Ore.,
la comic opera chours
The seating general appearance of thia clever little
October 2«, 1011.
I tlm<-a before the holiday«.
Of course your are expected to keep your poultry
oapacitv of tbe house will be 500, and theatre. Tbe new stage is seventeen
Notice is hereby given that Mra.
Judge Wm M. Oolvlg haa been re-
free from lice and for that purpose we know nothing
when completed Gold H lll'e temple of feet wide, and aa many faet deep, and|its Nellie Davis, whoae postuffice address
lected president of the Medford com-
better than Instant Louse Killer.
Thetpls will he easily the best show adequacy wae shown last night when the is 410 6th Street. Portland, Oregon,
terolsl club, with the further duty ol
did on May 20th, 1011, Ale in thie office
place in anyltown tbe else of Gold H ill colored expert per ormed with h it tra in ­
lanager. He w ill receive a ealary of
ed hoops. When you're telling people No.072$ unrehaee tbe N X NE1, SE1
on this coast,
MO per mouth, and w ill give up hit
H . C. Raedel has opened e lead store about Gold H ill and Its attractions, hy N B X . end NEW HEW, of eection 26,
iw prsctlce to give all hie time to pub-
townshipS2 S., Range 2 East W illamette
tbe Hammorsly building on Main all meant do not forget to mention the
■elty and promotion work. The judge
Meridian, and the timber thereon,
nnder the provisions of the act of June
■ a tied In every way lor tha position, street, where he will handle • complete and the vaudevilliane vend.
S, 1H78, and aots amendatory, known as
B d will no doubt work wonders (or line of staple end fancy groceries for
horses, pigs and chickens—everything
Mrs. Alice Bimmonds, wife of G. E. tha "T im ber and Stone L aw ," at snch
■edford and southern Oregon.
value aa might be Axed by appraisement
B j . Percy Wells, county superintendent from haled hey to ben tonic. M r. Rae­ Himmonds, of Dunsmuir, and daughter and that, pursuant to such application
the land and timber thereon have b-t-n
f l school«, was married at H oltville,
his hands in an explosion last winter, died at her home io the former city appraised, |I25O, the timber estimated
MJelllorma, October S la t, to>fis« Minnie
2,420,000 board feet at 60 cents per M,
J May- Rrt'ly. M r. Well« Is a former and his store will be unique In that*Tlis Tuesday, November 7lh, after a brief and tne land (40.00 i that «n d appliosnt
customers will wait on themselves, and illneet, aged twenty-four. Her mother
will offer final proof in «"npo't of
I »riuilpal of the Gold H ill schools and
make their own change and the entry of went from herein time to see her before her application and sworn 't a ’ement on
« i u many friends here who will join
Watches, Clocks
their purebusu iu tho day book. Ed. shad ed. The body wu« brought lieie Hie 12th day of January, lnl2, be'ore
I those all oyer tha connty In wish-
Himtnons will otherwise look after the Thursday evening, and funernl services
Idin a long and happy term in the
Land Office, at Ro-ebnrg, Oregon.
bookkeeping end ol the buslnese.
«rill be he il m. tli M E. church this
Any petson is at liberty to protest
ol of matrimony. He and his bride
H arry Womack returned this week afternoon n t l :.t0, Rev. R ’ -hard-officiat­ this purchaee helore entry, or initial-- a
an be at home to their friends at
iU i
f,om the Porcupine mining district ol ing. Interm ent will I . - m i <e u D i * come t at anv time before patent issues,
filing co affidavit In this
Ontario, where he oporated a gold mine Rock fo in ' oemetery. Mr-. Si n , •« )- i Hi , . >1 e iu f i t - which wnnld defeat
A la business men’s meeting held st
He had many friends liure a ol u, n.- o one this • >. ry
|(*h<l Newe office Thursday night it was under option for several months.
Cheaper than
brought hack n handsome pound sample neighoorhood, who regret exceedingly
■ ■ B e d to get togntber in a campHign
her untimely taking off, which leaves
I H a t - h r t i y and ad v a n c e m e n t for Gold
that his sojourn with Our Ladv ol the two small ublhlren without a m ittn-r’ s
W 5 * *U L
fill. Another meeting will he held at
Department of the Interior
W ith tbe te in le care
H a l l y hall Monday evening, when a Hnowa had not been vain.
approach of winter he hiked for south­
Sunk in eighteen feet of water on U. 8. Ijin d Office at Rossburg, Oregon, - 111=
baneiil organisation will he effected
September 26, 1911.
ern Oregon and bi« own little ntlns on
mts Creek, nine mil s from h e re , one
B B » p i*" of action mapped on
Notice i« hereby given that W illiam
Huckrr creek, in Josephine county, lie of th,« Anest dredging outfit« on th e F ien d s Owing, of Woodville, Oregon, !
yv huslnevs man in Gold H ill should
shows many beautiful mineral speci­ Pacific const will sii-tnio a loss e«limat- who, on August 17, 1906, made Home­
H U R ie re , for tha matters that will bo
stead Entry Serial No. 4026. for 8W J ,
^ H feid ered a-e of vi'al importance to mens from the Porcupine, a peoulia' ed nt ISft.iKk). The ladder on wbi, b I Heotlon 8, Township 35 8. Range 4 W.
feature of which district Is that the gold revolve tho •! nt buckets that, scoop up
I k»;Citv
B rea
Pie» and Cookie»
W illam ette Meridian, has filed notice
seldom comes in the quarts, but iu tha gold-bearing gravel broke in the of intention to make final 6-year proof.
Candies and Rut»
schist or a calclte spar. Ha (dund wild­ middle while in operation, and tho to e-tablish claim to the land above de- * 1
Cigar» an d Tobacco
catters selling farming land, with no buckets and ohaln, weighing TO tons, cribed, W H. Canon, United State«1
S o ft drink» o f a l l kind»
trace of mlneralixatlon, at fabulous settled down on the sides of theltoat. No Commissioner, at Mi dford, Oregon, on
F u ll lin e o f Lunch good»
the 17th dav ol November, 1911
flgures In Waterford, Ontario, ba vis­ equipment was "n hand to relieve the I Claimant names an witnesses:
Freah F ru it» in aeaaon
ited 8. L. Hqtilres and M r. and Mrs. train thn« p'arad on the wooden h u ll,' John R Smith, of Woodville, Oregos,
Ice Cream
Harry Barber, who are well kno vn Iji
nd In a few nours thn tremendous pres- Hid Smith, of Woodville, Oregon, Cur­
Gold Hi I, mid wiio wi-lt d to he re­ -ii i forcer) the planks apart, the water ls, Manning, of Woodville, Oregon,
W ill lngledue, ol Wi odvi lie , Oregon
I t i u
G O L D H I L L B A N K membered to their I ien ls here.
came in and the dredge sank to the bo»- '
B E N JA M IM F. JONES. Register.
C o u n tr y
G i r l”
Poultry Pan-a-ce-a
Jarvis the Druggist
T u r n e r ’s L unch R o o m
fo r a n y a m o u n t
p a y a b le an y w h ere
Hot Coffee and Lunch Day and Night