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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1911)
f 1 . ) ®hê ffiolö Itili VOL 14 GOLD HILL JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1911 500 ITALIANS ARE KILLED 6Y TURKS CHARLES P. RODGERS Constantinople Has Report of Engagement In Which Towns Revolutionists Insist Throne Must Abdicate and Rule of Manchus End. Are Retaken. Constantinople.— F irs hundred Hal ware »lain anil the remainder of t t e Italian force was taken prlaontra *■ a terrlfle battle with the Ottoman Uwepa, according to dispatches which Oare been received here. The official announcement also de Maze» that the Ottoman troopa have •« « p le d Derna followin’ the engage ■ “ ’* * In which the Italians met with their overwhelming defeat. K hue been believed that Derna, Tobruk and Bengaal were securely held by the Italian*, who could not " i dklodg.-d by the Moslems Hut ac tin« to the dlapatchea ef the Moa- officers, ao fierce wae the attack ® °*- A. O. Eberhart, of Minnesota, •< the Turka and their allies that the lu tla n . were «wept Off their feet and who designated Novapibar 8 as “fire the rout made complete after a short prevention day" to dlacuwe means of fray Klgateo» guns were taken by curtailing loss by fire. the Moslem» lo a d o n — Dally Telegraph's corre •geadrnt at Tripoli tend# a statement * » General Canova, the Italian com mander. denying the charge that hta fre«'t>e have been guilty of atrocities. ”Ho far as I and my officers and •oMfera are eoncerned. It la a dellb •vat» and absolute untruth to say thar have ben guilty of cruelty or have massacred any Turks or natives *e cold blood or killed Innocent peo gte with fell In te n t" SHANGHAI CAPTURED BY CHINESE RERELS C op yrigh t by A m a n e a n Proas A asoetatton GERMANS DISLIKE TREATY C. P. Rodgora, the young aviator who made the coaat-to-ooaat flight from Sheepahead Bay, N. V., to Pass dena, Calif. Dissatisfaction ae Result of Agreement May Result In Chancellor's Fell. Brief News of the Week. Shanghai.— Except for the foreign concessions, Shanghai is enttre:y 1» the hanus of the revolutionists. There wae virtually no resistance, on.y a few shots being Bred. All the Chinese soldiers have Joined the rebels and the police and Bremen apparently are sympathizing with them, for they are wearing wli.ta heading on their coate. The central machine of the revolu tlonary government does not trust the throne, nor does It agree with the throne’s terms. It is, therefore, p.o- ceedlng to arrange to control the nn tlon'» affairs In expectation of the success which It regards as certain. The retirement of the machins dynas t; will be demanded. The official list drawn up Includes Dr. Wu Ting Fang, »t one time Minister at Wash ngton, who has accepted the post of seers tary of foreign affairs. Pekin.—The situation in China ts Berlin.— The downfall of Chancellor The nop market has climded to 43 becoming mere complex, If not mors Von Hethrnann Hollweg and Foreign cents a pound This is a new high serious, every day. A week ago co Minister H err Von Klderlln Waechtar record for the present movement. operation was suspected between Yuan la predicted as a result of dtsaatlafac- The hr me secretary has laid down Shi Kai and the national assembly. tlon In Germany over the France- the law that any boxing match dec id It Is now evident, however, that all German Moroccan agreement. ed by a knockout shall be illegal in elements have, up to the present, no Great Britain. The agreement Include* the recog. oonnection whatever. The whole nit Ion by Germany of a French pro Governors were elected In live movement Is a spontaneous uprising tectorate over Morocco and the ces- state»— Kentucky, Maryland, Massa against old corrupt methods chuaetts. Mississippi and Rhode •lon by France of 260 000 square kilo Turks Ask That Am erica Step In. Island-—Tuesday. meters of French territory la the OPINION IS FAVORABLE Washington.— The to called Italian Congo. Though thia reded territory The 100th anniversary of the battle •evharltlea la Tripoli have been Is Inhabited by 1,000.000 negroes and of Tippecanoe, fought near Lafayette, Balleved Initiative and Referendum hrenglit officially to the attention of has a commerce valued at 12.400.000 Ind . waa celebrated« Tuesday with ex BEN B. LINDSEY, JUVENILE COURT JUDGE W ill Be Held Constitutional. the American government la euoh yearly, Germans c*arge that certain sreisee on the battlefield. Washington.—"The supreme court •■rui that none declaration of the rights In Morocco which are surren The telephone system owned by the H EN a combination of politicians of both parties got together w ill declare the initlativw and referen peel:l n of the flt»t’ Department In dered through the agreement are Manitoba government shows a deficit dun» c o nstitut io na l .* sffar-Pward on all three ye an ago aiu> tried to defeat Judge Ben B Liadeey of the matter Is expected. of 8160000 thia year, accord-tag to worth more to the German nation. the Juvenile court In Denver the sovereign people also got to sides following the arguments on the On an order cabled by hta govern Frank Patterson, chairman ot the tele Oregon case«. gether, Independent of party, nominated the Judge for re-elec ment the Turkish ambassador ap tion and swept the city for him He la known far and wide a* "the bad phone commission Labor and Business In Clash. The Justices during the argument ljoy*a friend." For years be has been making good boys out of bad boys pealed to the Halted States to exert That the entire transport service I» e Angeles— The moat bitter polit obviously favored the contentions ot in Denver by treating them kindly Instead of harshly. Perhaps bla most *e Influence to put a etop te prac- w ill be Investigated la reported as a ical struggle In the history of an those who are supporting the Oregon noted method of dealing with boys charged with offense» nnd found to lice» which were la plain violation of result of the dismissal of nine offleera American municipality la In full awing laws. Thslr questions were plalnh lie gnllty Is to take the prisoner Into his private room, hare a fatherly thv «ode of warfare and The Hague and men from the army transport talk with him and then pat him on hta word of honor to go alone to the here. The contest la between Mayor prompted by a desire to assist the agreement. Sheridan on charges of graft. reformatory, give himself ap and eerve bla time The boys go, and Qeorge B. Alexander and the entire laws' defenders. The customary ru'e The Illinois Manufacturers' Aasoda they come back considerably reformed and much In love with “their business forces of this city on the one of cautiously refraining from the ex Judge." Judge Ilndsey lectures frequently on the Chautauqua and ly- tlon has taken steps to secure legisl» RODGERS REACHES OCEAN hand and Job Harrim an, a lawyer and presslon of opinion prior to the court's ceum circuits. tlon from Congress for the guidance candidate of the labor uniona and the handing down of an opinion has been * » Crowd W eleom ea the T riu m p h an t of corporations and commercial inter Socialists on the other. thrown to the winds. On every side eats doing an interstate business A tria l Navigator. ie heard, and In moet newspapers ars Pasadena.— In a flying machine that The Chinese lead all nat'ona repre printed, positive predictions of a vic Special Session Called by Johnson. " t h é MAR»¿¿Y8. held together only through the good sented In New York In the matter of tory for the popular government laws. Sacramento, Cal.—Governor Johnson will of Providence, Calbralth P Rod sending money to the families tficross WOMEN TO CONTEST called' a special eeeaion of the Legis Portland. the aea. Statistics show that an av ger*. the transcontinental aviator, Wheat— Track prices: Club, 80c; League Oppeaee Suffrage In State ef erage of 81000 a year each Is sent to Booker Washington Defeated at Trial. glimpsed the PacHlc Ocean Bunday lature to begin December 10, after New Y o rk — Booker T. Washington, California. China. m he soared over the gray top of consulting with leading member* of hluestem. 84c; red Russian, 78c. the noted negro educator, failed to Barley— Feed, *31 per ton. the Senate and Assembly. The work San Francisco.— The Woman's Inf Mount Wl'eon and settled down In A campaign against tipping has tlative League, an organization work been started by commercial travelers obUIn satisfaction at law for the Onts— No. 1 white, 831 per ton. Tournament Park, amidst a clamorous outlined la the enactment of legisla Hay—Timothy, valley, 81«; alfalfa. ing for the repeal of the equal suf of the United Statgs. Fifty million beating which ho received at the ■tvltltnde, waiting to welcome him at tion carrying Into effect the new 114. frage amendment recently passed, and dol.-ars la distributed by salesmen an hands of Henry A. Ulrich, a white what was virtually the finish of hit amendments to the constitution. Butter— Creamery, J6c. the restoration of the former electoral Dually among bell-boys, waiters and man. Sunday evening. March 19. U l • g h t from 8heepshesd Bay. N Y. rich waa acquitted In the Court of Eggs— Ranch, 42c. qualification of sex, has opened head porters. R-dgers' first word» after he had Chicago.— "Mrs. Louise Vermtlya, Special Sessions, of the charge of Hops— 1911 crop, 43c; 1910, nomi quarters In San Francisco, where It keen finally rescued from the clamor- who wae arretted on charges, of having Organized poker games among wom ult which Dr. Washington had nal. will begin active work at once. From ess crowd, were: en, chargee of theft and loud com murdered Policeman Blseonette by Wool — Eastern Oregon, 9® l«c; this city as a center the members plaints from husbands who were preferred against him. “W ell, one thing la certain: you poisoning him. made a daring attempt will extend their work throughout the called upon to make good for their taanot do a transcontinental (light In to commit suicide by taking a mineral -W illam ette Valley, 16®17c. Maine Goes Dry After All. state. Mohair— Choice, 37c. 5* days." wives’ losses led the Chicago police poison. Augusta, Me.— Maine retains con The Initiative league Is to work out to threaten to raid the homes of soma R odgra also declared that his own “It la my belief that Blseonette was stitutional prohibition. Seattle. Its plan with th» aid of the recently of the society leaders. •fght, begun September 17 and fin given arsenic day by day, even while Governor Plalsted and his council Wheat— Bluestem, 83c; Club, 79c; granted power of Initiative and refer 4ah« d forty nine days later, would not I was treating him. and finally ha was decided to accept the corrections In -ed Russian, 78c. endum and will begin immediately to ka duplicated for a year or more. given enough to ovenoome all at the vote of four town», cast in the Barley— |30 per ton. secure the signatures of voters nec tempts by myself and consulting phy News of Noted Persons. special election In September, thus Oats— «29 per tot». essary to have the question of re Madero It Inaugurated. slclans to stimulate him and killed Eggs— 36c. reversing the result as indicated on stricted suffrage submitted to the Mexico City.—«Francisco I. Madero without our knowledge what the trou After a short lllnese Kyrie Bellew, the face of official returns. Hay—Timothy, *16 per ton; »'falfa. state at the presidential election of the famous actor, author and explorsr. wae Inaugurated President of Mexico ble was,” was the statement Issued by 116 per ton November next. died at Salt Lake of pneumonia. Monday, succeeding President de la Dr. F. A. Von Arsdale, the physician Debris Gives Up Three-D ead. Barra, who tilled the gap after the who attended« Mrs. Vermtlya during President T a ft let it be known that TO COLONIZE LAND GRANT Auburn, Calif.— Three bodies were Sight of Pcrdrlo Dlax. some 15 names have been pr. seqted her recent Illness and who prescribed VOTE CANVASS DELAYED to hln. In connection with the supremo recovered from the wreckage of the The Inauguration of Vice-President for the policeman before he died For Deal Under Way for Big Land Tract east span of the partially completed court vacapcy. Jo»1 Pino Guares has been post- the first tune it furnished a direct In Eastern Oregon. Foes of Harbor Improvement Get In “Old Bill'' Miner, a notorious train Mountain Quarries Company bridge, pexed to a date not announced. oonnectlotT between the widow and O ntario .— A deal Is now pending of junction. robber. who. with Tom Moore, escaped w h icj collapsed. Five Injured were the last of the nine deaths that have gigantic Importance to Eastern Ore Marshfield.— An ofllclal canvass of from a Georgia convict camp, waa cap take» from the Jumble of steel and occurred beneath her roof In the past gon whereby a company of O itit"!» the vote on the prop sltion to organize eoniLrte, and, as the company has 18 years. capitalists w ill purchase 201) 000 acres A rot i dfstr'cf at Po-t Orford cannot tured In a boxcar. Bertiera w in Claims Against acrippera More than 1500.000,000 of other peo ■ot yet accounted for all of the re If everything which Is declared to of land from the Oregon A Western he made on account of a»t mporary Marshfield.— Decisions are being re pie's cash Is in the hand» of J P, malnlng 22 men known to have been have taken place prov« s to he abro Colonization Company. injppct'cn which has been granted by w ired from the Interior Department on the bridge, It Is thought that the lutely correct, then Mrs. Vornillya's The land la located along nnd In Judge John 8 Coke In the c'rcult Morgan, to do with as he sees fit. Wall in eases which have been contested In clearing of the ruins w ill yield stllf street statisticians declare. esse presents one oí the most re cluded In the old W lllatnette Valley the land courts for a long rim» past ' n the petition of residents re- ina, .'«able ins.anees of criminology In and Cascade Mountain wagon road President H. R. Williams and other more bodies. s't’-’ ng w'thln the prop sed ¡ o’ t dis sod which Involve valuable land In Cite history ut crime. grant, which was purchased hv M n- trlct. The proposition to organize the officials of the Chicago. Milwaukee and the Rills Creek country. In the north nesota capitalists a little over a year port at n recent flection carried by Puget Sound Railway, were re-elected ROBBER SUSPECT ARRESTED ern part of Coos County. Several ago, and Includes every odd section of three majority. The opposing Inter at the annual stockholders' meet ng. fave already been decided In favor of Coke Recall I* Revived. The appointment of Wa'demar Lind 84079 In Bank of Montreal Currency a strip of land two miles wide and eats naked and secured the temporary the homesteaders. Roseburg.— After working In the Found in Room. about 140 mile» In length extending Injunction pending the flght'ng of the gren as chief geologist of the United strictest secrecy for three months In States Geological Survey, has been an Vancouver, B. C — The po'lce havs west from Ontario to Burns. port plan In the courts. Glacial Ice Uncovered. perfecting preliminary plans Attorn- Bounced by the secretary of the Inter under arrest a man named John Ho- Colonel E. R. Place, of C e ld v e ll. It '» held that the port Is not In' ac Klamath Falls.— W hile W illiam Me ney Lee Cannon, backed by 60 Doug ior. ■eyk. a native of »cithern Europe, Colly was digging gravel In Bullard's law County voters, caused s sensation IdHho, and H. W. Dorman, of On’ tvio, ■ordance with the laws of the state charged with being on- of the men King George and Queen Mary and and' others have taken an option on ind that the purpose Is not to Im Canyon recently he was surprised to her» when It waa announced tba: the the member» of their suites were concerned In the robbery of the Rank «mounter a large body of glacial lee recall of Judge John S. Coke, of the the 200,000 acres and have gon • to prove a ba-v o>- Iniand waters but that scheduled to sail from Portsmouth of Montreal at New Westminster la several feet below the surfs«« of the second Judicial district, had been re Minneapolis, where they expect to Ihe Improvements proposed would af close the deal for Its purchav Their feet the high reaa rather than Inland Thursday to attend the great Durbar September last, when the sum of |258,- gravel bed. vived. to be held at Delhi, India, in Decern 000 was taken He had In his pones purpose In acquiring It Is colon'xatton waters. her. slrn »«000 In -parked bills. Z W