by Ibis charter ooo (erred upon It, by flae or IMprlaoameat of violator« eorder’s bond shall be deposited with the treasurer. Section 11. The council shall bold their first meeting, and organise. of such orders, or both, or by in«talll«g such Improvemeat. eonaeetloa. or oa the second Monday in April, being the first Monday following the other work, and assessing the cost of same against the property affected regular election. thereby, or by the creation of special benefit districts for any such purposes Section 32. The terms ot all officers elected shall begin on the first and dslrlhutlng the rust of the Im prove meat or other work equally through­ CHAPTER II. Monday following their election, or aa soon thereafter aa they ahall duly out such special benefit district benefited thereby, such cost to be n lien Section 4. All power and authority given to or vested in the City ot qualify; but It they fall to qualify within ten (1 0 ) days from and after aald upon such property, and such special benefit districts may ba go orested. Hold H ill by this act shall be exercised by a mayor and city council herein day, then aald office ahall be vacant, and the council ahall, at Ita first and such cost so distributed and assessed, In connection with sny public meeting thereafter, fill said vacancy by appointment; and all vacancies Improvement of sny character, which. In the judgment of the oouncll, described, unless otherwise specifically provided bet eta. Section 6. At the next regular city election there shall be elected a occurring from any cauae In any elective office shall be filled by the council Is of special benefit to any district la said city. Snayor, who shall be elected at large and shall hold office for a term of four by the appointment of some qualified elector of the city to said vacancy, Section 34. The city counoll shall have power to prescribe (be manner <4) years, or until his successor is elected and qualified, and a city council who shall hold said office for the unexplred term, and until hla succeaaor of the collection of all assessments against say property In ssld city, and nil consisting ot two (3 ) councllmen from each ward and two councilmen at la elected and qualified. SMeosments herein provided for shall be S lien upon the property affected CHAPTER IV. large, one councilman from each ward and one councilman at large to be thereby, end, In the absence of sny provision for the collection or enforce­ Section 23. The legislative powers are vested In the city council, who ment of such lien by the council, the same shall be certified by the recorder, elected for a term of two (1 ) years, and the other councilman from each ward, and the other councilman at large to be elected for a term ot tour shall enact all ordinances necessary, and provide tor the due execution of together with the annual city tax levy, to the county clerk of Jackson oounty, years. At the second regular city election hereafter, there shall be elected the powers herein granted. to be collected end accounted for liv the sheriff as other taxes era collected Section 24. The Judicial power shall be veal««d In the recorder, who and shall be by him paid over to the county treasurer, to the credit of the a recorder and a treasurer for a term of four years each, and thereafter, at alternate regular elections, there shall be elected, for a term of four years j shall, by virtue ot hie office, be eg-otflclo Justice of the peace, and ahall city. each, a mayor at cne election and a recorder and a treasurer at the next ' have exclusive original Jurisdiction In all cases and matters of law arising Section 36. The provisions of Chapter V of Title X X V I of Lord's Ore­ election, and so on. and at each such election a councilman from each ward , under the ordinances of the city, and the laws governing Justices of the gon iatws are hereby adopted and made s part of this charter, s;-d said city •and a councilman at large; provided, that the city council may Increase the ' peace shall apply, as far as practicable, to all hie proceedings, provided, and Its Inhabitants shall have all the rights and prlvlleses therein set forth, number of wards In said city and each additional ward shall be entitled to i no jury trial shall be allowed In hla court, and no witnesses called to testify provided that the right to |>ay assessments In Installments ahall not be tw o (1 ) councilmen, to be elected at alternate elections and to serve tor : before hla court shall be entitled to witness fette. In all criminal cases restricted In sny way by the amount of the assessed valuation of sny four (4 ) years each, and all elective officers shall hold office for the ] brought before him. In which he has no Jurisdiction, he shall cause the property thereby affected, and provided further, that nothing herein con­ respective terms herein specified and until their successors are elected and defendants therein to be turned over to the proper constable, sheriff or tained shall restrict the ¡tower of said council to make Improvements sod qualified. The city council may provide for a polling place in each ward justice of the peace. The recorder ahall also act as clerk of the city council. defray the cost thereof by geusral taxatlou. Section 26. The chief of police shall be the executive officer of the o r for a single polling place for the entire city, In which latter event a Section 36. The city council shall annually levy on all the property ballot box shall be provided to receive the ballots of the voters of each city, a constable and conservator of the peace, and *he shall arrest and In ssld city, taxable for county and state tsxo», s city tax. not to exceed five ■ward, and the ballots of the voters in the different wards shall be deposited bring before the recorder for trial, either upon his own cdmplalnt or (5 ) mills on the dollar, for city purpoaes, and also such further amount In said separate ballot boxes, and kept separate thereafter. The qualified that of other persons, all offenders asalnst the laws of the state or the Its the council may deem necessary for street and road purposes, and for the electors of each ward shall be entitled to vote upon all candidates for office ordinances of the city, and shall enforce all ordinances of the city, and the payment of Interest aud principal of any debt now or hereafter existing peace and quiet ot the city, and perform all auch other duties ns the city against the city; hut any license exacted or collected upon sny place, persou, except the candidates for councilman from the other ward or wards. Section 6. The officers provided for in the foregoing section shall be •council shall prescribe or direct. He shall collect all taxes, fines, liens, assess pursuit or calling and thq property connected /therewith, shall not bo taxpayeis and freeholders in said city and shall have been legal voters I ments and licenses levied or Imposed by the city council or the recorder, and considered lu conflict with the provisions of this section. and actual residents in said city for at least six months Immediately pre­ ' pay the same over to the recorder, who shall pay all moneys received by Section 37. The city council shell have power to acquire, by purchase ceding such election. Councilmen elected from the different wards shall • him to the treasurer and take hla receipt# for the same and place them or otherwise, or to leuse or construct, snd to maintain an electric lighting on file In hts office. be actual residents of the respective wards from which they are elected. and power system, or other lighting system, and to contract for electric Section 26. The treasurer ahall be the custodian of the moneys and current for the purpose of lighting said city, snd to maintain aud control Section 7. A ll vacancies in any of the feregoing offices shall be filled by election by the city council, and the persons so elected shall hold office funds of the city. The city council may require from the recorder, chief transmission Hues for the distribution of aald electric current, and to I ot police, treasurer, and such other subordinate officers as they shall i operate tho same, provided that no private person or corporation ahall be to r the unexpired term. Section 8. The mayor may appoint, subject to the approval of the city I Appoint, bonds for the faithful performance of their duties, In such amounts I granted sny right or franchise to maintain or op«rale any lighting system, council, one chief of police, one street commissioner, oue water superinten­ and with such surety as the city council shall direct, and shall have the power or to sell or distribute electric current In said city In competition with ths dent, one fire marshal, one city attorney, one city engineer and such other to (lx the salaries of such officers. i system owned or operated by said city. The city council, however, shall CHAPTER V. police officers and city employes as may be required, or may appoint a suit­ have power to sell, lease or convey Its water or light system or both, snd to able person to perform the duties of two or more of such offices, and may Section 27. The city council, Immediately after taking the oath of , contract In regard to the same and In regard to the distribution of water i Office, shall organize by electing one (1 ) ot their members chairman of the and light in all respects so long as the provisions of this charter era not remove any such appointee at any time. Section 9. All elective officers in the present town of Gold H ill shall i council, which member shall perform the duties of the mayor In the absence In any way violated. remain In office and shall hold the same offices in the City of Gold HUI or Inability to act of the mayor. The council shall keep a record of all their Section 38. The city council shall have power to pass all ordinances until the first Monday in April, 1912, or until their successors are elected ’ proceedings, and shall meet at least once each month, and ottener If called | and resolutions necessary to enable It to carry out the provisions of this and qualified, except the marshal, who shall hold his office at the pleasure I together by the mayor. I charter, and to amend snd change the ssld ordinances; to make sppro- Section 28. The city council shall have power within the city to create prlatlons from the general fund to the street and alley fund. The general •of the city council. Section 10. All ordinances of the town of Gold H ill in force at the time an Indebtedness to the amount of fifteen hundred 31500.00) dollars per fund shall consist of all moneys derived from flues, license, sales snd this charter takes effect, and which are not inconsistent with this charter, annum, but no indebtedness in excess of this amount, except for water pur­ collections of all kinds, or from any other source, except as otherwise herelu shall remain in force as the ordinances of the city of Gold H ill, until poses, shall be Incurred by the council, except by first calling an election ■ provided, provided that no moneys derived from the sale of bonds shall be repealed by the city council. All indebtedness of the town of Gold H ill of the legal voters of the city to vote thereon, which call shall state the , used for sny purpose except that for wlflch the bauds were by vote of the is hereby legalised, and the same shall remain In force as Indebtedness of amount to be borrowed, the terms upon which, and the time for which, people authorized to be sold. The city council shall have power to grant the said money is to be had, and the object and purpose for which the franchises of public utilities, and to charge n compensation therefor. If the city of Gold H ill until legally paid or satisfied. same Is to be used. At such elections, all Rinse In favor of borrowing they deem It best to do so, but no exclusive franchise shall at any time be CHAPTER III. E lections. said moneys shah vote "yes," and those opposed thereto, "no," and the vote | granted for any purpose whatsoever, aud no franchise shall be granted for Section 11. Not less than fifteen (1 5 ) days prior to the first Monday of the majority shall control; Provided, that all indebtedness over and t» longer period than twenty (2 0 ) years. in April of each alternate year, beginning with April, 1912. the city council above fifteen hundred dollars ($1500.00) per annum shall be a bonded Section 39. The enacting clause of every ordinance or resolution shell shall order an annual election of city officers, and appoint for each polling indebtedness, bearing a stated time, but no indebtedness, except for water | be; "The people of the City of Gold H ill do ordain or resolve as follows:" place three (3 ) Judges of election, two (2 ) of whom shall act as clerks of purposes, shall be Incurred by said city In excess of the sum of eight per and every ordinance snd resolution, to be valid, must receive the affirm a­ election, of which election notice shall be given by publication In a newspaper cent. (8 per cent) of the assessed valuation. For the purpose of purchasing tive vote of a majority of the council. published in the city, or by notice signed by the city recorder and posted or constructing a system of water works to supply said city and Its Inhabi­ Section 40. All claims, warrants, contracts, leases, ordinances snd by the chief of police at the place for holding the election In each ward tants with water, the city council are hereby authorized to Incur additional resolutions mutt be allowed or passed by the council while In session and •of the city, not less than ten (1 0 ) days prior to the election, which notice Indebtedness and to Issue bonds ot the city therefor in a sum not exceeding t: lined by the chairman and countersigned by Ihe recorder. All minutes •shall specify the officers to be elected, and time and places of holding said twenty-ftve thousand dollars ($25,000.00), bearing Interest at a rate not I of the meetings ot the council, after approval thereof by the council, shall exceeding six per cent. (6 per cent.) per annum, and such water bonds be signed by the chairman and countersigned by the recorder. •election Section 12. The regular city election shall be held on the first may be Issued by^be city council when deemed necessary for that purpose, Section 41. The council shall provide and keep a suitable place tor "Monday In April of each alternate year, beginning with April, 1912. and without submitting the proposition to the electors, and such bonds shall the confinement of all violators of the peace or laws, who ere arrested or •hall be conducted according to the laws of the State of Oregon, as far as not be computed in ascertaining the limitation to eight per cent. (8 per •eutenced under any of the ordinances or the general laws, provided that any practicable, except as herein otherwise provided. Special elections may be cent.) above stated. Hue Imposed for the violation of any ordinance shall not be less than five Section 29. The city council ahall have power to create a sinking dollars ($5.00) nor more than three hundred dollars ($ 3 0 0 .0 0 ); snd. called by resolution of the city conncll at any time. Ten (10) daya' notice of such election shall be given In the manner provided for regular elections, fund to apply upon any debts, when needed, and also to create a street In the event that any person upon whom a fine Is Imposed, Is unable to and alley fund to be applied upon street and alley Improvements. They pay the same or to give hla undertaking, with one or more sufficient sureties and the same regulations shall apply thereto. Section 13. No person shall be entitled to vote at any municipal shill have power to license, tax, regulate, restrain and prohibit theatrical for the payment thereof, the recorder shall have the power to order the said election of the city who is not a qualified voter of the State of Oregon, who and all other exhibitions, shows and amusements, merry-go-rounds, bowling ¡•craon Into the custody of the chief of police, who shall, pursuant to such has not been a resident of the city of Gold H ill for three (3 ) months, and alleys, dance houses and skating rinks. They shall have the sole and ex­ order, causa the ssld person to work upon the streets and allays of the for twenty (20) days In the ward, next preceding the date of said election. clusive right and power to license, tax, regulate, control and prohibit bar­ city eight (8 ) hours for each and every two doHars ($2.00) of said fine. Section 14. All persons to be voted for at any city election, shall, not rooms, drinking shops, and all places where spirituous, vinous or malt liquors Section 42. In the event that sny person or persons In the city of less than seven (7 ) days before such election, file with the recorder of said are sold and kept tor sale. Irrespective of any general law ot the state on Gold H ill shall receive a written notice from the council directing the city a certificate of nomination made by some political or mass convention, thia subject enacted by the legislative assembly or the people at large; Pro­ tsld person or persons to make repairs upon his or her sidewalks, and ■or a nomination signed by not less than twenty-five (2 5 ) legal voters of vided, that no license for the sale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors rhsll fall or neglect to make such repairs within ten (1 0 ) days after the •aid city, together with the candidate’s written acceptance of said nomina­ shall be granted for less sum than la, or may be, provided by the general service of ssld notice, the council shell order the chief of police to repair tion; and thereupon the recorder shall enter the name of all auch candidates laws of the state In force at the time of the granting thereof, and provided the same snd shall assess the cost thereof against the property of such upon the ticket to be voted for at the next following election, and not other­ further, that no such license shall be granted until the applicant therefor person adjoining the said sidewalk, and order the same to be sold. There­ wise; and the recorder shall cause a sufficient number of proper tickets furnishes a bond to the city la such amount and with such surety as the after. after thirty (3 0 ) days' notice In the city newspaper, the chief of police to be printed and distributed prior to the opening of the polls on the day council shall order, said bond to be for not less than six (6 ) months and shall proceed to sell said property at s public suction to satisfy the costs conditioned that the said applicant will conduct an orderly house, will not of such repair, and the costa of sale, snd apply the proceeds, first, to the of election; the expense of printing such tickets shall be paid by the city. Section 15. The poll« shall be open at nine o’clock In the forenoon, permit minors or females to frequent or loiter In or about his place of busi­ payment of aald costs of sale, second, to the payment of the eogfa of said and shall remain open until six o'clock In the afternoon, except one (1 ) ness, and that he will not sell nor give any Intoxicating liquor to any minor, repairs. The balance. I f any, ahall be paid to the delinquent owner; but hoar from one till two o’clock p. m. The Judges of election Bhall be paid female or habitual drunkard. No part of any such license or tax shall be nothing In this section contained shall restrict the power of the city council , two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for tbelr services, but the Judges who turned over to the county or state. to provide other methods for enforcing such orders or conducting the cost Section 30. The council shall have power to license, tax and regulate of such repairs. act as clerks of election shall receive one dollar ($1.00) additional for their all mercantile and business houses, and all other branches of business which, services. Section 4 3. No member of the city council shall, during the period Section 16. If any"Judge or clerk of election appointed by the council In the judgment of the council, should be licensed or taxed, whether the for which he Is elected, be Interested In any contract, the expenses of which shall be absent at the opening of the polls, the electors present may fill same be conducted within doors, In tents, or in the open air; to provide are to be paid out of the city treasury; nor ahall the treasurer be allowed auch vacancies, but all judges and clerks must be electors of the ward, but protection against fire, disorderly conduct, disturbances of the peace and to pay any money out r