Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, October 28, 1911, Image 1

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    ®Jje ffiolî» H ill XiU«
VOL 14
NO. 25
Court Holds Juror Not Barred
by Belief in Dynamite
Situation Regarded as Most
Critical and Warships Being
Rushed to Scene.
Peking.—Consternation Is general In
•fllclul circles because of reports of
defeats suflsred by government forces
during the battles between the naval
forces of (he goveftament and the land
troops on the Yaogtse H ire r near
Hankow. The panic Is general.
From all reports the entire valley
from Hankow to Shanghai Is really
under control of the rebels with the
single exception of Shanghai.
seems Inevitable that Shanghai will
be the next city to fall. If It Is cap­
tured the revolutionists will have se­
cured control of the most valuable
seaport of the empire, from the m ill-
M ry viewpoint, and the Manchu dy­
nasty will be almost certain to fall.
The revolutionary spirit la now man­
ifesting Itself In the uortb as well as
la the south
Those who heretofore
have believed the northern provinces
might rally around the government are
now of the opinion that secessions
will follow In rapid succession.
Foreign warships sre being rushed
10 Shanghai for the relief of the aliens
In case the attack really commences.
All eommunlrhtlon with the Interior
has been severe^ and this apparently
confirms reports that Chang Sha has
fallen Into the hands of the rebels
The American legation al Peking re
gards the situation as most critical.
American Chinese Raise Largs Sum
Ban Francisco.— Working like bea­
vers for the success of the revolt
agnlnat (he Msnchu dynasty, Chinese
revolutionary leaders hers have, they
declare, collected more than 1700,000
In (hs United Slates, with which to
aid (heir brothers throw oft the yoke
of the alien T artar house which tor
centuries has ruled In Peking.
W h ile M em ory Blank, Enlists In N avy
F o r Eleven Years.
Seattle.— 8 Chandler Kodgera, who
was attacked by three ruffians at tbs
corner ot Eighth avenue and Sixteenth
street, New York City, on the nignt
01 May I, 1807, and thrown Into the
Hudson Rlvsr after bis skull had
been fractured, wardered about the
world for 14 fir ears under the name of
George Kelley, and waa restored to
hluisclf in this city ss the result of a
surgical operation that removed pres­
sure ui>on bis skull.
Uader the name of George Kelley
he served I t years In the United
8t..t>a navy, and waa discharged at
Bremerton July 1, 1910. Then he
went to work In a sawmill at Port
Blakeley, tyid was marfled there two
months ago. He disappeared from his
home on October. 10 and he was found
three days later In the dense forest,
crawling on his nnnrti and knees and
snapping like a dog.
Yauo Shi K ai, who Kwas asked by
the Chinese governm ent to undertake
the task of suppressing the revolu­
Brief News of the Week.
W ith no hope of rescue, 100 men
were entombed In a burning sulphur
mlue In Trahonella, Sicily.
Notable gatherings of the week will
Include th« annual convention of the
National W. C. T. U. at Milwaukee.
A eommltlee of the British cabinet,
assisted by prominent Irish officials, lu
drafting a home rule bill for Parlia
meat to pass upon,
Beer drinkers In America consumed
19,200,ooo ooo glasses last year, accord­
ing to the secretary o f the United
States Brewers' Association.
Moonshiners were never so active
In the mountains of Virginia as now,
according to the statements of offlenrv
of the Internal revenue service.
Secretary of State Frank C. Jordan,
of California, may be the first to fesl
the effect of (he recall, adopted a t a
c< nstltutlonal amendment at the re­
sent state election.
King Alphonse has signed a decree
re-establishing throughout Spain the
constitutional guarantees, which were
suspended September 19, at the
height of the recent strike disorder*.
Japan's new child labor law pro­
hibits the employment of any person
less than 12 years rtf age and the em­
ployment of women or of children less
than IB years old more than I t hours
a day.
Three weeks have passed since the
federated shopmen employed by the
Harrim an lines walked out and the<
situation Is virtually th j tame as It
was at the time of the w alkout Both
sides claim the victory.
The attorney generals of Virginia
and North and South Carolina have
filed a joint petition with the United
Stntea circuit court against the pro­
posed reorganization plan of the
American Tobacco Company.
News of Noted Persons.
Second Trial of Dr. Hyde Begins.
W illiam R Hearat stated at th * op­
Kansas City, Mo.— For the second
ening rally of the fusion campaign
time Dr. B. Clark Hydo Is on trial,
that he la once more a Democrat.
charged with murdering Colonel Thna.
Monalgnor T. J. Capel, world-famous
Swope, of this city, by administering
Catholic, once private chamberlain to
poison. The Jury In the first trial
the Pope, la dead at Sacramento, Cal.
returned a verdict finding Dr. Hyde
Judge Peter S. Orosacup, of the
guilty, and he was sentenced to life
United States circuit court, has for­
Imprisonment. The Mlsourl Supreme
warded his resignation to President
Court reversed the verdict.
The Duke of Abruztl will be the
first civil governor of Tripoli, after
peace has been concluded with T u r­
Both Sides In Tripoli Suffer as Result key.
of Onslaught on Camp.
it la reported that the problem ot
Tripoli.—The fighting at Benghasl the automatic control of the aeroplane
between Italians and the Turks has has been solved by, t?
W right
been of the fiercest character. After Ero'hers.
an engagement which lasted all day
A ’. f jo r t s lavin g-tall d at reccnelll-
October 19, the Turks returned to the
n, Mrs. Newton Booth Turkington
charge In the night. Th y made a sav has filed suit ior an absolute divorce
age rnalnight upon the Italian camp, from her author husband.
but were repulsed. The Italian forces
There are persistent reports In the
oreupled the city In the morning
capital thnt Postmaster-General HUch-
The Turkish losses were heavy and cock will resign on January 1 to en
the Italian dead number not fewer gage in hualnesa In New York.
than 100.
Chicago.—John R. Walsh rr • i-
only lust week from the K -,'-■■■ |,
Lace was known In Venice at an ear-
ly period. It waa not unknown to the Itentlary at Leavenworth
Greeks and Homans. To protect the waa under sentence for I
native article Ita Importation Inio Eng­ Ing deals, died here Mon.l;
land waa prohibited In 1488.
Los Angeles.— By denying a chal­
lenge of the defense against Talesman
George W. McKee, based on the
ground toat while McKee bad no
prejudice against James B. McNaraa.s
the talesman believed the Lea An­
geles Times was blown up by dyna­
mite, Judge Bordwell upset a cher­
ished contention by the defense. The
ruling was based on the court’s be­
lief that in apite of McKee's opinice
be could and would be a felr and Im­
partial Juror. Of thia the court ia
the sole judge.
It was the position of the defense
that an opinion such as McKee held
was In Itself evidence that he could
Dr. Anna H. Shaw, president since not be impartial in hearing evidence
1905 of the National W om an Suffrage concerning McNamara, who is on trial
Association, wee unanim ously re-elect­ for lhe murder of Charles J. Haggerty,
ed at the Louisville convention.
a m ach nlrt killed in the Tim e* dis­
The defense held that under ita
contention that the Times explosion
Spokane “ Progressives'’ A *k fo r Pres­ was caused by gas, a man ought to
believe that theory, or none at a lt
idential Preference.
Spokane.—The Spokane Progressive to be an Impartial juror, and after
Republican organization has Indorsed the court bad announced hla ruling,
the movement for a special session of McNamara's counsel still argued earn­
the Washington Legislature to enact estly against it.
a law giving a vote on Presidential
D epot C o n tra c ts A re Let.
preferences. Senator Miles Polndex
Springfield.— Word has been re­
ter Is expected to support the move
ment and Is to speak at a publ'c ceived here that the Southern Pacific
meeting Monday at which delegates Railroad Company has let the con­
will be named to a convention pro­ tract to build depots at several rta-
posed for Tacoma, which w ill demand tions along the new Natron extension.
that Governor Hay w ill call the spec­
ial session.
Petitions for th * special session are
Cattlem en A re in M ark e t to Buy and
Not to Sell.
O 'N e il M ay G ive Ball.
IN E T Y ye an sgo there was burn ah Oxford, Mass., a child who
Pendleton. — The
was to become the Florence Nightingale of America. Miss Clara
B. C.— Bernard
F. threatened with one of the moat aerl-
Barton, now ninety years old and said to be In good health
O'Nell, the fugitive Wallace. Idaho, oua beef famines la the history of the
despite recent reports to the contrary. Is the most noted of living
banker, against whom extradition pro­ countxy. In the opinion of Eastern
war nurses Not only In the American civil w ar did she distinguish her­
ceedings have been commenced, w ill Oregon stockgrowers and cattle-buy­
self, but In nearly every conflict anywhere In the world since then ..he
be permitted to furnish ball. Judge ers. Instead of offering their cattle
has done humane work either In the Held hospitals or In an executive
Mclnnea decided that ball might be for sale hundreds of rancher* through­
Miss Barton was the first president of the American Bed Cross.
out the Interior counties from which
She has been Instrumental In distributing relief to many thousands of
come the beef have gone lnt& the mar­
persons made destitute by great calamities, such as the Johnstown flood
and the Galveston hurricane. Miss Barton, who lives at Glen Echo. Md..
Must Control Judges Says "Teddy.” ket as buyers and are taking every­
Is the only woman for whom a O. A. R. post has been named.
New York.— The Judiciary of the thing in sight at prices never before
United States must be brought within paid for feeders and range stuff.
The high prices which have pre­
the control and made answerable to
the well thought-out judgment ot the vailed during the past two years for
people. Is the opinion of Theodore both cattle and hay and the scarcity
Roosevelt, who spoke on “The Con­ of the latter during the two feeding
servation of Womanhood and Child­ seasons, have caused every, rancher
throughout the Interior to sell off
hood,” before the Civic Forum.
lower than ever before and to ralae
as much hay as possible. They now
Washington. — Although
Boston. — Rev.
find themselves with a large quantity
Washington denies that It ia con­ : Thompson Richeson, the young pastor
Advocates Modification of Plan for of hay on hand and no way to get It
cerned over the report that Germans of the Emmanuel Baptist Church,
to market, as the supply of feeder*
Central Reserve Aasociation.
with unlimited capital have proceed­ Cambridge, waa arreated for the al­
has been depleted to an abnormal con-
St. Paul.—J. J. H ill appeared unex­
ed further than the tentative stage leged murder of Avia Llnnell, of Hy-
pectedly before the Monetary Commia
with the plans for a canal to rival the annla, Maas., to whom he had been
slon to give hia opinion on a financial
one being built by the United States engaged.
Develop Cem ent Deposit.
plan for the country.
across the Isthmus of Panama, never­
Mias Llnnell, who waa I t years old
Falls City.— W ork on the railroad
Mr. HUI advocated a modification
theless It Is said on what is regard­ and a student at the Conservatory ol
to the cement quarry, located two
In the plan for the organization of the
ed as good authority that a secret Music, was found dead In the bath­
miles east of here, la advancing very
Central Reserve Association, which la
agent of the United States has been room of the Young Women's Chris­
rapidly under the supervision of A. E.
now under consideration, with an au
Investigating the progress of events In tian Association home here.
Teal, the contracting engineer.
thorlzed capital Increased from *300,-
Costa Rica and Nicaragua and has re­
ready one mile of track has been laid
At first the police believed that she
000,000 to *400,000,000. Each bank
ported that the officials of both those had committed suicide, but later de­
and the roadbed graded.
bolding stock In the organization
republics have lent encouragement to velopment* indicated that she had un­
should have only one vote and no
the scheme.
Aged Hen S till Busy.
knowingly taken cydnide of potassium
vote for stock ownership; that there
German engineers are known to sent her by some other person. In the
Forest Grove.— Mrs. U la Hanna of
should be no government directors on
have made exhaustive surveys In con­ belief that It would remedy her em­
this city la the owner of a hen that
the national board; that the National
nection with what can be nothing else barrassing physical condition.
probably holds the record among Ore­
Reserve Association should be permit­
than an interoceanlc canal project. A
gon biddies for age and laying ability.
Mr. Richeson was engaged to marry
ted to make loans to member hanks on
Berlin syndicate, it la said, proposes Violet EdmandB. heiress to a fortune
The hen is 12 years of age, and still
security consisting of first-class In­
to i-« e advantage of the original wat- of half a million dollars, and, If the
produces a number of eggs each
dustrial corporation bonds.
erw ty to Lake Nicaragua and then police theory be true, he committed
Utfltae the Sapoa River to a point the crime in order to remove a dan
Governor W est Changes Pardon Policy
whvwe It Is only seven miles from Sa­ gerous obstrcle to h it wealt.iy desire.
Com m ercial Club Starts Boosting.
Salem. O re —Governor West has
linas Bay.
T '? wealth of Millionaire G. F. Ed
Bay City.—The commercial club has
again taken a new departure in his
Hands' , state will be poured out to
laid plans for an extensive advert!*
policy of handling applications for
Explosion Kills Nine.
finance the defense of Mr. Richeson.
ing campaign to follow the opening of
execu*'ve clemency by establishing a
III.— Nine man were George F. Edmands was Lie father of
the new line to Tillamook Bay. Thia
plan of turning all such applications
k'lletl, 10 others, gravely wounded, Moses Grant Edmands and grandfa­
city has much to offer homeseekera
over to the State Parole Board for the
were carried tip by rescuer* and 15 ther of Miss Violet Edmands whose
and intends to let them know It.
consideration of that board before
fnorO Imprisoned by a caveln, as a marriage to Richeson was to have
they are acted upon by him.
result of the explosion of a keg of taken p’ ace October 32. Moses Grant
Klamath Falla.— One of the moat
•icwder, which Ignited blachdamp In Edmands said that his faith was un­
Important Irrigation propositions un­
Swedish Cabinet Resign«.
*,'Uara mine No. 9, a mile south of shaken in the young clergyman and
Stockholm.— Tbs Swedish cabinet, dertaken under the new Oregon law
Intimated that the family would stand
headed by Premier Llndman, resigned. concerning such enterprises w ill be
by him until the last.
The ministers tendered their resigna­ voted on November 21 by residents
Oklahom a Scene of Race Conflict.
tions to the king because the general of Yonna, Langell and Lost River
Ita lia n Establishm ents Closed.
Coweta, Okla.— Ed. Suddeth, a ne­
election held last Wednesday resulted valleya.
gro, waa shot to death by a mob of
Constantinople.— All Italian eatab
It ia proposed to Issue bonds te
adversely to the governmenL-
rltlaena who had armed themselves, llshments In Turkey were ordered
cover the cost of establishing the Ir­
lollnwlng a battle between blacks and closed by the government
A propo
rigation supply, and owners of 20,000
Maids of Henoe.
whites, In which Suddeth killed J. B. sal was made to allow the Salonika
Queen Anne of France from 1483 to acres, which It la hoped to benefit,
Heavers, city attorney, and wounded hospitals to continue under Turkish 1498 gathered about her person a com­ are expected to vote favorably. I t la
Carmen Oliver and Stellar Thompson
supervision, but the offer was refused pany of beautiful young ladles called to be known aa th * Horsefly Irrlgatlen
white men.
and the hospitals Immediately dosed maids of honor