The Gold Hill News “ LEGISLATION BY BRUTE TORCE’ ru b li hrd Every Saturday at GoW Mil Jxksoo Count». Or»»on A CHAMPION has at length arisen for the Philistines of Big * * Business and the Oregon initiative and referendum measure REX H. IA M PM AN is the objective goat. By reason of the sane and tempered ex- hi ; , , - . . , « » . . ¿ i ™ . J erci^ of their legislative right the people of that state have m“ u J’ust>y earned for it the reputation of ideal governm ent-insofar aa human limitations will perm it To the discomfiture of critics sa ti ri » ay , O ctoi »«« 14.1911 and corporations the citizens of Oregon indisputably demonstrat Subscription $ 1 .5 0 Per Annum, in Arfvniwr ed their ability to legislate wisely and well whenever the occasion arose. Like the malign genii of the Arabian tales corruption ceased from materializing, and vanished in thin air. Upon this All Over Oregon happy consummation, enter the villain - a certain public service The run of «aimoa t*. .he Coquille i corporation-to attack the constitionality of the initiative legis- R h e r far exceed« that of a rear ago lation and raze the most notable political achievement of years, and canneries are running on full Launched to the attack the company’s brief refers to direct Unse , . . legislation as “legislation by brute force,” avers the despotism of to Maurice L-derman of Eugene who | the multitude to be as complete and arbitary as the absolutism «as recently fined »so for selling an j of the despots.” Herein we agree with the offended corpora- •ld deer horn to a deputy game war tion—though grieved to admit that m atters have come to that 4 *Much interest i . being taken t . t h e ' lamentable pass where legislation must be achieved by the popu- arrangements now under »ay for the | lar will, or brute force. Since the past has taught us the first ciatsop County fair, which « in bitter lesson cf political despotism, we may be forgiven as cpt is in iiJ 1 Gearhart Park' Oc,ober n ! p u p ils -if despotism must obtain, we, the people, shall exercise Th“e question whether or no. wood I u with the compound wisdom of that “multitude” so corporately bum w ill license the sals of intoxicat and contemptuously referred to. If, as is maintained, there are lng liquors during the coming year, legal technicalities in the obstruction of this popular right, it is w ill again be Toted on at the next the public duty to remove them as deadwood. Oregon, whose city election to be held on November new freedom has been the inspiration of a nation, must endure 7th. •The hog and field pea special" is I and prevail in her course, with the certainty that the “mobs” the official name for the farming dem and “multitudes” of her sister states are with her in the fight •nstratton train that the O.-W. R A ... , . ... _ ■ ft. and the Oregon Agricultural Col-1 Michigan (N. D.) Arena. I Our Big Strike Is On We have struck for L O W E R PRICES A N D BIGGER SALES Look at our Show Window of Local P r o d u c ts a n d don’t fail to see the Big Squash from the Del Rio Farm, lege w ill send to eastern and centra!' — ..... Oregon next week. THE PRESIDENT AND THE RECALL The farmers in Harney Valley are having trouble to get their grain threshed, as there are only three ma chines in the field. The crop is so pR E S ID E N T TAFT displayed excellent taste by making no large this year that three outfits are ■ reference to the recall of judges in any of his speeches in nob enough to handle all the grain. Oregon. It is reasonable to presume that he will give the same A movement has been started in question a wide berth in his utterances in California, a state Pendleton to secure a commission form of government and to that end which he enters right on the heels of an election at which the the Progressive Nonpartisan, Munici people adopted the recall of judges by an overwhelming ma pal League has been formed with ïs jority, along with the initiative and referendum. many of tne leading business and pro A NU M B ER O F THINGS As was pointed out by Governor Hiram Johnson of that fessional men of the city enlisted as " T h i m o r id l i i o f u l l o f a n u m b a r a t members. state in an article printed in a recent number of Hampton’s, th e , t ilin g a . . T h a t I ’ m a u r a m a a l l a b a u l d ba _ h a p p y a a h i n g a ** . For the purpose of allowing the sale recall was the paramount issue in California, as it is everywhere ---- —■ - * o f ’ the tract of land in Forest Grove A judge is a public servant, and the halo of superstituous The hungry rhipwrecked -can. an did where the Chemawa Indian School else. n<>t grumble at h i- fate; was formerly located. Representative sacrosanctity with which the president would invest him is some He tncrelv took the calendar and hit Hawley w ill introduce a bill at the thing to which thinking people can plainly see he is not en h im off a >late — D a lia * New*. ■ext session of Congress. The land titled. As Governor Johnson succinctly put it: M a r-lifild intends to change her is owned by the Department of In “The overshadowing issue is not railroad regulation, nor name, proi ahly to “ Coos Bay,” at an dian Affairs. woman sufferage, nor the initiative and referendum. It is the election in December. Someone has right of the people to recall their judges. This is the supreme suggested "M lllico nia,” which sound State Capital Gieanings ____ _ test of the new democracy. The legislature may pass the laws s ' though the place waa expected to Oregon now has a woman convict and the people may amend their constitution, but the last word »leep for a thousand years. Flour $1.25 $1.35 up to $1.75 Carnation Milk .10 Corn, per doz. cans 1.20 Coffee, per lb. .25 Sugar, 12 lbs. 1.00 Dry peaches 12» and .10 Lard, per can , 75 and 1.50 Hominy, per can .15 Sauer Kraut, per can .15 Feed Rolled Oats, per sack 1.30 Shorts, per sack 1.50 Bran, per sack . 1.10 Corn Flakes, per pkg. . .10 Monopole Raisins, 2 pkgs. .25 Monopole Currants ” .25 Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Grapes, Sweeb Spuds, Fresh Vegetables, etc. always in stock L a n c e &. C o m p a n y “The Big Store” ---------------------------------- n • t the penitentiary, Elizabeth Vance, lies with the courts where the laws are construed and constitu sent up from Astoria on a charge of tion« are interpreted. If these courts lie beyond the reach of larceny. the people then the people do not rule.” Following a visit of Governor West to the Baby Home in Portland, he has Among the Schools Pat’s Beck-Number Squash inaugurated an Investigation of the That the Oregon schools and tne Ore Gold H ill is bragging a lot about a expenditure of funds of that home, quash grown on the Del Rio ranch near gon scenery are to have a place in the ► inasmuch as it is a state-aided institu -------„ . . future is again attested by School ‘ ¡’« I city, weighing 78. pounds which c. h .„, tion. There w ill probably be over a dozen cases of incendiarism to come before the grand Jury in various districts where the fires ef last summer raged, according to reports received at the state forester’s office. Many eighth gTade schools of Ore gon, especially rural schools, w ill hold their graduating exercises next spring In groups. Recommendations are be ing sent out to this effect by State superlBtendent Alderman. The state’s brief, prepared by the attorney general In the case of the State of Oregon versus the Pacific States Telephone A Telegraph Com pany, to file with the United States supreme court in the pending c u e . Vhich w ill decide the validity of the initiative and referendum, is In the hands of ths printer and contains "about 30,000 words. .. from another trip through Rogue river’s fertile valleys and into the lofty timber and ragged beaut» of our majestic hills, ,n' PL e d , 7 ° fk n* ,Ural ^ Der^ | in the Medford exhibit weighed only «8 pounds. W ell, w ell! Five or six veers Ag<> tbe Herald had on exhibition u ’Vs“ fto 7 n ? b a t"w e ig h ^ W d p ^ " Cin an be, and elated with the people and its stockings Just oefore C as it was taken to Wyoming by the late J. D During the past week an J a half Mr. Parker and furnished pumpkin pie for the whole county at Chri.tmas time. Henry baa spent from four to six hours Gold H ill w ill have to ra il again.—Cen in his visits with each of the following tral Point Herald. schools: Sardine Creek. Miss Alene Why not hant up a cqnaeh of a trifle Scott, teacher: Savage Creek, Miss Flor more recent vintage, B ro . Patterson? ence Ditsworth ; Dardanelles, M r. A. L. Whv delve icto the dim and distant Haselton; Sams Va’ley, Miss Gay Webb; past? Did Central Point soil, after.toe Chaparral, Miss Ro»e Nealon; Moan- mighty effort of ’’five or six years ago,” tain, Mise Grace Colby; Meadows, Miss suddenly lose its potency for producing Gladys M iller, Asbestos, M itt Alma Gargantuan squashes? Your equash. U .e j , , having beeo converted Into pie, and it This is the second visit to these schools . ., K “ this term. The superv.sor works with " re“ ° “ ble U> P ^ n m e having the papila, giving them assistance aa * one e 0 • « speci- .. » a t . a l4, meni of that »reat A merican ©