(jj The Little (jj M a rq u is Br LOUISE M K B S IP IE LD (C o p y rig h t, 1 1*11, by Pl A aauclalw l L it e r a r y "It I* perfectly aafe, Flo, don't ba a ninny." MI m Cameron want on packing bar aultcaae placidly. Over on the wlndowieat «at Flo, the picture of trouble and foreboding. “It'a not all right. You know your­ self what Jack told us— not take the Marlpoea atage. It'a not flrteen mllea from the penitentiary, and they bar en't caught theae men yet. Laalla, I think It'a actually selfish of you to Insist on the trip Just purely because you're starved for adventure.” "Then stay here, and come over the other route Haturday. I'll wait for you at Mariposa." Flo looked up with a sudden Inspir­ ation. "It's not love of adventure. You're bound to go on this stage because the Marquis 1* going 1 heard him tell you ao at dinner laat night lx»»- Ila! And you altuoat «ngiiKed to Jack." Compoeedly Lealle finlahed her packing, closed and locked her ault- “Love of adventure, dear. Hurely the Marquis Is an adventure all by hla lonelles, Isn't he?" Flo started to say something very forcible, but words failed her. She aet her teeth, and banged a couple of books Into a comer, then rose reso­ lutely, and began her own packing. They had been traveling west from Denver for the past month, taking the trip by easy stages, over the most picturesque route. At the coast they were to pick up the other members of the party, and his mother, and some c< uslns from Santa Barbara. They had parted from them at the Springs, and gone on together, as It was their first trip through the weet. And then had come the Marqula. They met him first at Pass Mag dalena. He was not as tall as Leslie, nor as handsome as Jack, but there was an lndescrlble air of distinction about him, of differential courtesy which set him apart from the happy tree and easy crowd at the summer hotel on the mountain top. He did not mis with the common crowd of tourists, but hsd «eemed attracted at once to Leslie. The girls had left the Paas with some regret, but at the nest stopping place, the Marquis ap­ peared a day after their own arrival. Tha stage cam* to a sudden halt at a sharp turn la the road. Below them was the canon, with almost per­ pendicular w all* at this point. The driver sprang down. "Boulder* serosa the road," he called out. "It's the raiders, I reck­ on." Almost aa he spoke four men sprang from the underbrush and leveled ri­ de* at the passengers. The Marquis very quietly reached down after Les­ lie's suitcase, and swung It over to the i.tarest man. "W hat do you mean?” demanded Lelle, half rising. "1 regret It much, most sweet one," smiled (he little Marquis. “1 must have those pearls. I think you for a most Joyous Journey, and will take a kiss for memory." Leslie's hand had reached Into her little leather handbag. Suddenly she whipped It out, and It held a small, very neat revolver that Jack had giv­ en her. And while the men In the coach stood with hands up, and the driver lay wounded. Ijeslle Cameron lived up to her good Virginian blood, and shot squarely at tbe man before her. They arrived late, but Jack was there to meet them. The news had traveled faster, as they bad had to procure another driver. He looked a bit warm, but hesitated not a bit when be saw the girls. And neither did Leal I*. Most willingly did she go to him. "Where are the pearls?" he asked as he released her. "Around my neck. I never part with them when I am traveling," she smiled back. "He thought they were In the suitcase." "Where Is be?" asked Flo, happily. "They took him away as soon as we reached Klcadlno." "1 am mighty glad to announce that they have him safe up at San Quentin," said Burrow* heartily. "How sad for a marquis," said Les­ lie, thoughtfully. "A Marquis? My dear girl, little Juun Hlsto was a waiter along the lower California coast for years un­ til he got the raiding fever, probably from an overdose of tip* He has the foreign manner to a T, has t be? I remember him well over at the San Bernandlno restaurant Leslie, I'm surprised at your taste for nobility." He laughed, and took her band In hla Flo pretended not to see, but smiled wisely all by herself. AU Lea- lie said, was Just this: “I'm sorry. Jack, but surely I got even." "You sure did. They say he wUl travel with a clipped ear the rest of h l* life, and a shoulder that won't work right." "He wanted something to remember mo by," said Lealle, contentedly. "And he got It " OBJECTED TO “ GOLD PENNY” English Merchants Set Themselves Against Coin That Was Minted In 1227. T h a Stage Came to a Halt. That was the night when I^ s lle had decided to wear her very prettiest gown at dinner, the one she was re­ serving for 3anta Barbara and the Burrows family. It was a lovely vio­ let tinted crepe de chine, and with It, she wore the famous Cameron pearls, the only Jewels she had brought west with her. That evening they had met the Marquis. He was most properly presented by stout Mrs. Carle, the sen­ ator’s wife, who had been In the same p irty as the girls. "My dear, he Is charming—and a marquis. Absolutely Irreproachable, so Stanley tells me. No. Stanley had not met him before today. They be­ came acquainted as men will, you know, and Stanley brought him to me, and he begged to meet you. So there you are. Believe me, his heart lies at your feet." That was nil, except that wherever t i e girls had traveled thereafter, the Marquis had appeared on their trail. The stage left the hotel st 7 that morning, and the girls took an outside sent. For miles they rode steadily upward through the mountain pass, and the Marquis sat beside Leslie, talking to her In the slow, Interesting way he had. Flo, Indignant, and pre­ occupied, listened. Somehow, she could not like him, and to think of dear, lovely It a lic falling n victim to a title. She wondered what their fath­ er would say. If only they could reach Santa Barbnra, Jack might be able to turn her back. Just behind her a couple of men were talking, and something they said arrested her attention. "Escaped from San Quentin, yes, four, last week. They shot one a few miles from here. The others are In hiding. Pretty desperate by now, without food or money for escape. Understood to be part of Rlsto's band, The moet valuable penny ever coin­ ed In Great Britain was the gold pen­ ny of Henry 111. On Aug. 16, 1227, a writ dated at Chester was Issued com­ manding the mayor of London to pro­ claim In that city that "the good money which the king had caused to be made should be Immediately cur­ rent there and elsewhere within the realm of England In all transaction* of buying and selling at the rate of 20 pennies of sterling (I. 20 silver pennies) for every gold penny." The time, however, was by no means favorable for the Issue of pieces of a denomination so much higher than had previously been known. Accordingly, the city of Ion- don petitioned against these coins, and the king Issued a proclamation that no one should be obliged to take them. The coins, nevertheless, continued to be current, and In 1265 their value was raised from 20 to 24 pence; prob­ ably equivalent in purchat’ ag power to £ 2 of today. It Is unlikely that any great num­ ber of these coins was ever struck. It 1* probable that, by reason of their high value they would soon be melted down, for they were of pure gold without alloy of any kind. The collector* of today know of only three or four specimen*. One of these was sold for more than 1200, another for 1700 and another for 11,000.— Harper's Weekly. Artlflelal Jew*la. Rubles, sapphires and amethysta are being made artificially In London, and are of such excellent quality that only experts can tell nature's products from those put together In a crucible In Old Bond street, London, England. The gems are not entirely artificial, for they are made from the minute cblpe that accumulate from real stones while they are being cut. These chips In case of rubles, are ground to a fine powder, and this powder Is poured Into a crucible, where It Is subjected to an Intense white heat In the oourse of half an hour tbe powder has has become a solid stone again. It la then cut and mounted, and except by tbe expert cannot be distinguished from the natural Jewel. In much the same way sapphires are made. Pearls, too, are built up by a series of proo- eeses which result In a gem which does not require polishing. F O L L O W IN G THE STYLE. A story Is told of an Ohio farmer who was greatly worried over a bunch of likely «boats which be was fatten­ ing for m arket Despite tbe excellent feed and care given them, tbe pigs did not take on fl«sh, although those of his neighbors fattened rapidly on similar rations. Tbe pigs grew up­ ward but not sidewise. Suddenly he discovered a strange thing. After glv- No Help. A St. Louis traveling man, making bis first trip through North Dakota, woke up one May morning to find the ground white with snow. " F o r Heaven’s sake," he asked the hotel clerk disgustedly, "w hen do you have summer out in this God-for- seken country?" " I don't know,” replied the clerk, " I have only been here eleven months."— Success Magazine. M o tt« n Wtn find Mr*. Winslow*« Bnothlag *] rup lu . te al n-medr to use !u l lUairchUdiea tu n a * ids teatntu* psrkod. Easy Way Out. The day was sultry, the spectator* were restlese, and the judge irritable. "T h e next person," he said, " th a t disturbs the order of this court w ill be sent home to stay." "H u rrah I H urroo!” yelled the prisoner on trial, jumping up and down in the witness box.— Success Magazine. IF YOU SUFFER from a bad stomach, inactive liver, consti­ pated bowels,-------- you s h o u ld try HOSTETTER’S S TO M A C H B IT T E R S Ing them their breakfast one morning, he followed the pig* to a distant part of the field, where be saw the sboats performing a gymnastic exercise with a white pig. the scrawniest of the lot, playing Instructor. Tbe farmer promptly separated the white pig from his brothers, and he. declares they took on flesh rapidly after th a t I t is a b s o l u t e l y pure, safe and reli­ able and will always do th e w ork . TRY IT TODAY Remedies are Needed W a re ws pcXect, which w s are not, medicine« would not often be needed. But since our systems have be­ come weakened, im paired end broken down through indiscretions which have gone on from the esrly sges, through oountless generations, remedies a rt needed to aid N a tu re in correcting our inherited end otherwise acquired weeknesses. Io reach the east of stomach weakness end consequent digestive trouble«, there is nothing so good as D r . Fierce's Golden M edical Discov­ e ry, • glyceric compound, extracted from oative medic­ inal roots—sold for over fo rty years w ith great satisfaction to all m e n . For W eak Stomach, Biliousness, L iv e r C o m p la in t, Pain in the Stomach alter eating, H eartb u rn , B id B reath, Belching of fo o d ,C h ro n ic D iarrh ea and other Intestinal Derangements, the " D is c o v e r y " is a tim e-proven and moet efficient rem edy. T h e ¿ e n u lite h a a o.T It a o u / t i l d i w ra i p p p p e t r r t h e S ig n a tu r e Y o n can’t afford to accept a secret nostrum es a substitute fo r this non-alco­ holic, medicine o r know n c o m v o s it io n , not even though the urgent dealer may thereby m ake a little bigger profit. D r. P ierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver end bowels. Sugsr-costed. tin y granules, easy to take os candy. Still In Funds. Joe Rank of Atchison tell* this story: "A colored man was charged with stealing *2 70. Hts lawyer, after a long fight, succeeded In securing bis acquittal. After the acquittal tbe lawyer told the darkey that be ought to have some pay for hl* bard work. 'Have you got any money at all?’ In­ quired the lowyer. T v e still got that 29 70.' said tha negro.— Kansas City J o u r n a l.________________ gciU b^S afa Discouraging the Crows. The great number of 334,700,000 needles were Imported Into Chung­ king, China, In 1910. These needles are put to a strange use. It Is cus­ tomary to ornament the center of the roof-rldgo of a Chinese house with an elaborate decoration— usually In the form of a design embodying the char­ acter "fu,” meaning "happiness,” and to prevent this being damaged by the crows, large numbers of needles are stuck, point outwards, Into the plaster while It Is still soft. The crows, ono Klsto, the Mexican, price on hi* head, Is lncllued to thluk, must have entire­ refugee since th> war ended. C am e' ly given up associating the character are the safest and moet reliable cathartic and system cleanser. T h e beet remedy for Torpid Liver. Biliousness and Sick Headache. A t Druggists’ or k y M a il. 25 Cswts H o v i C mxmacax . C o . P o a t l a m u Q sjioo M .. .G o ld e n • W est Function of Religion. \~ "Religion within those souls which It really Invades la—one may say— a value that is unique and infinite; at­ tributed not by Imagination, but by consciousness, properly so called, to certain Ideas, to certain feelings, to certain actions with s view to ends which surpase humanity.-—EL Bon troux. ________________ „ COFFEE'- 'J TEA SPICES 3AK1N6 POWDER « EXTRACT* J UST RIGHT CUTSETS I roaruKO. out/ Laid the Foundation. March 24, 1S11, which saw John Ja­ cob Astor's brigantine Tonquln enter the Columbia river, was a great date mark In American history. Around the fur trading post which his men established near ths mouth of that stream, close to the present Astoria, 1 was built the first American settle­ ment seen en tb - PeHfie.— Leslie's. Peasant Proprietors of Jsmsloa. Searchlights Prove of Value. The high power electric search­ In Jamaica 75 per cent of the 15&.- They Couldn't Help IL 061 landed properiies are valued at lights with which vessels are equip­ A crosseyed man In a street car ped on the Great Lake* prove moet less than 1200 each. Nearly all of turned around and bowed to a friend these small holdings are owned by ne- i useful in tbe early spring night* coming In, and almost every m a * In I when tbe water Is covered with a groee who live chiefly on salt fish and the car bowed to him. on fruits and vegetables, especially partially broken Ice field. By meant yams grown by tbcmselvee Being of tha light opening* are located, able to live In this manner with little thus often saving many hours. exertion these peasant proprietors are The Beautiful Women of Today. averse to entering Into contracts to I t Is a satisfying reflection that the labor by the year or even by the month. Hence, In spite of tbe fact fame of the noted beauties of the day that ninety five per cent of the 862,- will go down to posterity not as the a r ­ 000 Inhabitants of Jamaica are ne­ tificially bedecked and painted hero- groes (Including m ulatto**), It I* nec­ - lnes of old. but conspicuous and cele­ essary to employ East Indian ooolles brated by reason of their splendid on the larger sugar and banana plan­ manifestation of health, of youth, of comeliness.—ladle«' Field tations, on which there must be a cer­ tain proportion of laborers who may M AKES CLO THES W H IT E . be relied upon for steady work at all times. The troublesome problem of wash­ day solved by RED CROSS BALL L y d ia E . P in k h a m * s BLUE. z The blue that is all blue. B y AN ING ENIOUS DEVICE. Solid package; no liquid to leak or V e g e t a b le C o m p o u n d spill. No adulteration. Made for 20 A Wisconsin man has Invented an years and used everywhere. Baltimore, Md.—" I send yon here­ Ingenious device to hold a cow's t a ll. A large package only 10 cent*. with the picture of my fifteen year old while milking. He was driven to It Makes the clothes 6now white. Less daughter Alice, who bother, leas waste. More satisfactory after years of suffering, from being was r e s t o r e d t o results and practical economy. ASK health by Lydia E swiped across the face with a cow's YOUR GROCER. Pinkham’s Vegeta­ S A C T A D . E M Y M A N A O R Y’S CO LLEG E Por C iri* Condurteli by the SISTERS OF THE HOLY RAMES OF JESOS AND MARY. Cr«4*. A e a M t a*4 CelUftm Ceurau. Idustc. Art. Efcxwtioaaad Ccasawr* ci*J Depu. Kaadaat eud D a j In fa tu i Rréned Moral sad lareUecrasl T'aim a«. W rite for a s m « « c r a m Address iitr m w / p / s / or . > s < a ja -,. a ^ * w I MY DAUGHTER WAS CURED ble Compound. She A lte re d H I* P lana. was pale, with dark "Pape Is going to give me an *o- circles u n d e r her tomoblle for my birthday." sold tbe eyes, weak and irri­ fair young thing. table. Two different doctors treated her “Is he?" said the caller, surprised. and called it Green " I was thinking of that myself, but Sickness, b u t s h e now I shall bring you a box of grew worse all the rw e e ta ." ___________________ time. Lydia E-Pink- 1 ham’s Vegetable Compound was rec- Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. Constipation is the cause i ommendea, and after taking three bot­ of many diseases. Cure the cause and tles she has regained b»r health, thanks i to your medicine. I can recommend it you cure the disease. Easy to take. lor all female troubles."—Mrs. L. A. I C orkran , 1103 liutland Street, B alti­ W o rk In H a r m o n y muddy tall while milking. Tbe m a In Brasil monkeys and parrot* not more, Md, chine Is simple and quickly fixed and Hundreds of such letters from moth­ prevents the cow from switching h e r, only roost In tbe *A>e tree* but work tall and thus disseminating filth and for mutual benefit. Tbe parrot* gnaw ers expressing their gratitude for what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ the big nut* looee from the tree, let germs that get Into the milk. pound has accomplished for them have them fall In order to erack them and been received by the Lydia E. l'tnkham the monkey* t*e r the busk* asunder, Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass. The 8wlss Guard. gather the nut* and divide them with V o tin g G irls, H eed T h is A dvice. The pope's bodyguard Is called the the parrot*. Girls who are troubled with painful "Swiss Guard," because they are na­ or irregular periods, backache, head­ Be Honset. tives of Switzerland. The guard came ache, dragging-down sensations, faint­ Honesty I* also one of tbe fund» ing spells or indigestion, should take Into being In the reign of Pope Julius II., who asked his friend Peter von mental principles It never pay* tc immediate action and be restored to Hertensteln, canon of Lucerne ca­ break. I f to be a good fellow mean« health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- thedral, to send him 200 Swiss men at yon are to sneak. or steal, or lla tber table Compound. Thousands have been "Firing” Photograph*. arms to protect his person. The aa you dig a pit Into which one donkey restored to health by its use. I.eboyer, In France, trying to solve senibly at Zurich consented to the en­ certainly w ill fall, and hl* name wlL' W r ite to M rs. P ln k h n m , Lynn, the problem of how to make photo­ graphs permanent and free from all change, has resorted to the plan of "firing" them In a furnace upon en­ ameled stone. It Is found that the best stone for the purposo Is the ba­ salt found In prisms In the extinct volcanic district of central France. This rock, which Is extremely hard nnd fine-grained, receives the enamel without cracks. The photographic film Is deposited upon the enameled surface, and, after the photograph has been made, It Is fired until the Image becomes unalterably Incorporated In the enamel. Is Really Fams. Help that comes to late la not help but fame. listment of the men. and In January, be spelled Just like yours. 1606, the guard, commanded by a young nobleman, Caspar von Slllnen, entered the Eternal city. In the 400 years of Its existence the guard has made an honorable record. They fought well when fighting was neces­ sary, but of late deadly weapons have been laid aside and the function of the body now Is to act as a guard of honor to the pope. M oss., lo r advice, tree. TRADE MARK COUGH AND CONSUMPTION REM EDY TIE 010 A IELI1IIE IEHEDT FOI CRROKIC A IECEIT COJGNS, RORSERESS. IKMCIITIS, IIFlUEIZi 410 COLOS. WRICE 2 3 A N O SO C E N T S ASM T O U R DEAkffS S. B. M E D IC IN E M FG . CO . P O R T L A N D . ORC. P N U No. 35—*11 T H E N w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t is e r » pl< in e u t I o n t h i s p a p e r . COME TO PORTLAND AND BE CURED IN FIVE DAYS VA R ICO SE V EIN S, H ER N IA , BLOOD POISON N o «evere operations, m any ca ses perm anently eared in one trea tm e n t Moat tim e-saving, m oat natural, mont safe. A radical and perm anent cure. I g iv e m y word and w ill cite vou to other m edical a u th o rities th a t th ia is a fact. I am cer­ ta in ly prepared to cu re by exp erien ce and equipm ent, w hich are th e key stone a to » a ccess. 1 h ave th e beat equipped m edical office on th e Coast. I w ill r iv e $500 to any charity aa guarantee th a t ev e ry statem en t in tn iean n ou ncem en t la true. I in v ite y o u to com e to m y office. I w ill explain to you my treatm ent fo r V ariooee V ein s, Hernia, N ervous D eb ility. Bhjod Poison, P ile s , F istu la , Bladder, K idney, Proatatio ant” FOR BLOOO POIION 1 ate P io fctw r Ehrtich’a wonderfal new dia- Only aathoritod K m I py In« favor only some half a century ago, I the only RpeciAliit In Portland whe stlta to la Oregon. Writ« covery. , ‘606” ia cases of Specific Blood Poison. Itcures In on« treat­ does not adrcrüM a Bctitionfi name or for illustrated circular. when 'he English residents began to m e n t and is tb« greatest marvel of medical science. This aew remedy Irn rv I mitytutv . 711.1 i tm IL fbototraph. 3>asheea iucrr«sfujiv »sed jn thousands o f case». 1-et meexplain it to yew, practice I t The game was Introduced I subii ih my tra« photograph, correct ID A D f iiilT U *3* MORBIBOH ST „ COB. BIOOBD name and prrtoaally rondaci my office. Into England by the officers of the Uns As Us « m l I n PORTLAND, orison Tenth hussars about 1802, but at that time the players used hockey sticks and billiard balls. It was an officer of the Thirteenth hussars who drew tip the rules and regulations which changed polo from a wild, sklll-letf Color mora cooda brlghtor and faatar color« than any other dye. One 10c p, and la guaranteed to give perfect reeulta. Aak daalai. or w a w u la e n d oo*< Keeley ALCOHOL ^ ré P ortiani 5,O R E G O N . PUTNAM FADELESS DYES