Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, September 16, 1911, Image 5

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Claude Hitter arid ¿»inly were Medford
v let lore Wednesday.
S. A. Duteuberry a a« at Madford oi
Be lore 70a purcbaae another money order,
business Wednesday.
look at thia comparative table of price«:
J. M. Alnntt, of Ashland, visiter
Gold H ill friend» Kunday,
1 3.00
Mi a Irena W ilson, ol C entral Polo',
visited friend» here Thuraday.
F.d Sluiiuon» 1» taking In the state la
ami vlsitlug relative» in Portland thia
W a save you money on every order
•bove 13.00.
O ur B A N K M O N K Y
F. B. W ilm arth has her n at Gslici
OKDKR is Juet os good, end mort coo»
this week looking after Ida in fill»»
v.nieut than m y otba»kind.
lute reals.
Local News Notes
Utide Hob Cook, the pioneer place,
m iner, was in from trie Foots creek
home Tuesday
Mise W innie Cox, of K m n V a ll.y ,
want to Grant« Paa» Wednesday and
4. II. Freileuhtirg was III Iron: Kain» had Dr. Finley perforin an operation
valley y«»l> nlay.
for adenoid», wblcu »a» succvaaful She
It. 11 Miller wae at Jaukennvllle oil wa* accompanied by Mra. F. H Bower».
bukluaee Thursday.
John Dequer, one of the too» l el. -
The Wego t beat, a 1» again lining hus- quenl and effective socialist speaker»
lne»e at the old Hand.
in the west, will apeak in Gold H lrl to­
He baa appeared her*
Ml»» Nellie i'ygail, ol Aehlantl, le morrow evening
mine before, when he ui-oated a goo i Im ­
»lilting friend» hem
Mr«. W . K. Darling «a» • Grant* pression, Iroth as to III» ability ami for
the cause be advooelc.
l ‘a«e vl»it><r yesterday.
Mr» Maggie McAuam. and daugbt. r,
Maggie Cbllder», oi Cre C -it City,
have i sen In attendance at the oru
J. H. Herman »«« at Jacksonville on
soldier»' ro-union al Woodville lid» week.
legal bu»inv»e yenleritay morning
Mr a. M< Adam, la a daughter ot Wm M
Mr«. L. M. K ill/ lie* been the gue»l Morris. W ild her daughter »be w ill
of friend» at Med lor* the pa«t few day-. visit other relatives bate before return­
J. A. Harvey wae among tho»e who ing.
atieniled the old soldiers' re-unlon at
Mias Merle Frost aud Chas. H e rm a n ,
both of Sardine creek, were married a,
W. J. Myer» returned Thursday from Jacksonville Wednesday. 1 be bride 1»
a Iwo-we- ke’ bn»itie«e trip 10 Kan Fran- a daughter ol Mia. Tboa. Pankr y. Tl a
ctaeo and other California twints.
»room has a place on Hardin» creek,
A good aartdie and driving h n » r, win re they have taken up their reel
with «addle m il bridle, fur »«le cheap deuce. They nave many ti tends who
will wiafi them much bapplne-a
U taken at onoe.
Mr». I.. M King.
5. W McClendon wa, at Medford
Thursday on ini|Mirtnnl huelnea»
M a
Mr and Mrs. A .E . Ka'logg received a
E. C W ell», of I'lirlln lH l, wa» iu town
Mundav and Tu»a-<ay gre ling old wire from P. ndleton Wednesday an
friend» and looking over matter« of Bouncing the d< a'b of Alfred, tire »on of
Mr». Ada I.. C aller, at that place
Jack Mol 1 ill 111 <1 spragne Keigel are Tlie lari waa born In Jackaon Uoun.y
planning a erulae of the M editerranean nine year» »go, »nd wa» a very p-um a-
Mil» winter, ami will end up with a lug youngster, with apleudl I good
health till about a mouth »go, when In
tiger bunt in India.
began failing with symptom« of diabete
Char. Kell, Koy Cameron, Fred Ed,I-
which lerininaieit fatally in a abort
inga, and Noah Fredrick.the l-at-naii e I
tune iu »pile oi all medical assistance.
of Portland, lelt for a hunt iu the
Tbeiem ain» were Inter res al Pendleton
Fumro y canyon country yesterday.
Mra Cm ter is a sister of Mr». Kellogg
J. J if- tick, wife and daughter am»« d and widow ol tlie late Alex Carter, wlm
from Kan F>anci»co tin- firal ol lire riled at thf» place several yeara ago.
week, and »pent a few data vlaitlng old
Dennia McCoy, wbo wa» »truck by an
friend« before going on to their home at
incoming train on the station platform
a l Woodville about a month ago, an .
M r. and Mr». Lynn W . Kinith and who died there aa a reaultof hiainjurie
tb rir daughter Dorothy attended li e w»s burled here Tuesday in the I. O 0
concert given «1 Medford Kunday after­ F. cemetery by the local lodge, of
noon by Francearo Ferulin'« famoua which he wa» a member. He received
Italian band.
aenou» Internal injuries, from which
W, K. Thompson now atwrr» a uew drop»y, the immediate cause of hi»
thirty-horse " E M. F ." touring car death, developed
MoCoy was about
with all tlie ra»r and unconcern of a <16 year» of age. Before going to Wood-
nter an chauffeur. He bought It at v illa , where be sonducted a cigar store,
1« ford la»t week.
he was engaged io tha drug business
Pending a new Irraee taking tha Gold here for several years. He had a family
Hotel, Capt. Gale w ill continue to con­ in tha east.
duct the place. A. T. Hodge» la among
Tba creditors of the New Process
tboaa who are conalderlng assuming the Gold Mining A Development company,
management of the hotel.
bankrupt, met at Medford Wednesday
The eecond deer to be killed almoat and appointed appraisers to estimate
within eight of thia city waa bagged tha value of tha property of tba company
tbi» week,by Jay Davldton, wbo want so that a settlement may be affected.
out for a oonati latlonal »troll and took E. Trowbridge, of the Medford iron
hi» rifle along just for luca. It waa a works, end F. W. Dodge and J. E.
Davidson of this place, were appointed
big four-point back.
Two Chinook aalmon,
weighing appraisers. Tha principal creditor is
twenty end th irty pound», and one H . D. Reed of Gofd B ill. The appraise­
eight-pound ateelhead waa t e Bunday ment and vale of the property la the
catch of 0 F. Carter, the blaokamith. last chapter in the story of bow G. W.
The »teelhead gave him more trouble Jonas, an employee of the Morgan A
W rig h t rubber company of Detroit,
than either of the others.
eoneeived the idea that rubiwr had a
8. B. Graham, Medford representative
chemical affinity for gold and proceed­
of the Continental insurance company,
ed to work it out to no unaucceeafui
wae here Thursday adjusting H e lose
oonolusioo Jones found particles of
by flie recently sustained by the build­
gold sticking in shipments of crude
ing occupied by The New«. A satis­
rubber from Africa, hence hla error.
factory adjustment was medeand repairs
Khali Gold H ill have a naw eburoh
will begin at once.
building, or abali the present edifice,
Tba Indies Aid w ill meat at their
which la large enough to aoeommodaie
regular meeting place next Thursday.
the press nt congregation nicely, be re­
All ladies who are Interested ara invited
moved to the lota which the church owns
to I * present aa there 1» eonie special
opposite W. H. Stickel’a residence on
work on hand. Please come aa early in
the north side, and there be remodelled
the evening aa poaalble. Thia notice la
into a more sightly hoase of worship?
printed at the r. queat of the president.
This question in its various ramifications
D. Period and Glenn Butler and their la the one tiiat la agitating the local Me­
wive«, of Ashland, were brief visitor« thodist congregation, and as the M. E.
In Gold H ill Thursday, while en mute church is the only one in the ulty, tha
to Grant» Pa«a. No gentle reader, question la one in which non-church­
Hignor Perroal la not an ex-member of goers and the public generally finds it­
Ferullo’a Italian band. He run« tin self interested. Therefore Kev. Rich­
Ashland creamery, and Johnny Reed ards, iu whom the people of Gold H ill
buy» all of Ida ice cream from him.
believe they have one of the ablest
(I. C . Tiffany came In from bis “ Last clergymen in southern Oregon, baa do-
Chance' mining property near Gold cld d that Sunday, September 17— to­
H ill Saturday evening
He baa just morrow—the evening service aim I b-
Completed a tw f-aiam p m ill upon the devoted to a discussion oi the problem
Hie cnugiegrflio'i.
property an I connected II up w ith clec- m.w coni routing
tric power tin 1 is o n b w ailing tb e a r iv T ie disrosaiOn will nut tie conlim d tu
al of the plate* to b e g in p o u n d in g on* , huruli inen.krra, but everyone «ho is
the gold ftnm a big lot id quartz at intoierted iu Gold H ill'» having »
ready for m illin g — Ashland l idings
church edifice in ke, piug * it h the gi ow­
Mr. and Mrs S. V. M cFerren out r- ing importance of the city as a connner-
ta'ned a p d r of newlvweds th is wi ok in lal and industrial center m invited to le
present ami in the conler-
the persona of Mr and Mrs. F. 'I
Place, who were married In t Sati rday ern e which is hoped wdl re u ll in a
Chehalis, Washington, and arrived here better church building.
Money to Loan
Tuesday evening. They left Thuraday
1 1,000 to 11,800 to loan on approved
for Kan Fraud co, where they may
make their home. Mr. Place, who la farm property In thia vicinity. Applpto
A E. K blumhi , Agent,
Mra. MtFerrr n’a nephew, ta a car re­
Gold H ill, U ie.
pairer tor the Southern t ’aclflc.
M E R R IT T ®. C O M PA N Y
50 lbs Stock Sait
. .
. $ .35
Range Salt 8 lb blocks
Pure Cider Vinegar gal.
White and Pink Beans
Hard Wheat Flour regular price $1.65 1.50
Mason Fruit Jars one-half gal. perdoz. .90
Carnation Milk
Butter Cup Milk
California Ripe Olives
Roast Beef 1 lb. can
Deviled Ham (5 cans
Pink Alaska Salmon per can
Cove Oysters 2 cans
Baking Powder full pound
Pork and Beans per can
Tomato Catsup pint
Kelloggs Corn Flakes
Diamond W Macaroni
Macaroni bulk 3 lbs
50 lbs Sterilized Fine Salt
Mason Fruit Jars quart p. r doz.
Mason Fruit Jars pint per doz.
Economy Fruit Jars l-2gal. per doz.
Economy Fruit Jars quarts perdoz.
Economy Fruit Jars pints per doz. .
Jelly Tumblers one-half pint per doz.
Ja r Rubbers 4 doz....................................... 25
Economy Ja r Caps per doz.
M w r r l t t t* C o . w i s h t o e a r t h a t a f t e r O c t o b e r 1st a l l b i l l s m u s t b e p a i d p r o m p t l y w i t h i n 3 0 d a y s
Better Clothes
Millinery Opening
A man wants a suit of clothes that will
An up to date stock of millinery
will be shown by Miss Hazel Wors-
tall in the Beeman building, Sat»
erday, Sept. 16, and following
days. She will be pleased to have
the ladies of Gold Hill and vicinity
call and inspect her stock.
last past the time he needs it» Half the men
youmeet are well dressed at the beginning
of a season and poorly dressed at the end of
Isn’t it true?
The reason is simple.
skin deep.
The beauty was only
This store studies the stock it buys
as the student would study his books.
studies every part from fabrifc^to finish. We
are masters of our business and that is why
our garments have the tailor-made look.’
D o n ’t fa il to a s k f o r
China Dinner Set» Silverware Clock»
Gia»» Water Set»
Cook Stove» Airtight Heater»
Lace Curtain»
Bra»» Bed»
Wagon Canva»e»
Canva» Stool»
Wood Stain» and Vami»he»
p ia n o votes
We Pay Your Car Fare
E v e r y th in g f o r the h t e u - tO p e r c e n t d itc o a n t f o r caeh
Gold Hill Furniture Store
Home Phone S-L
Peerless Clothing Co.
G ra n ts Pass, O re g o n
8. B. Gorbutt and L. B. Avery, who
came to Gold H ili lost December ee ,
representative! of the Portland Cement
company of Portland,wera in town Sun- ;
day, coming by auto from Grants Pat«, j
I t will be remembered that they «scared j
a cement ledge, located just above, Semi-Weeky Oregon Journal,
Hogue river from Gold H ill, from the ' one year........................................... $1.60
Gold Rey Realty company, and that The Gold H ill News ......................1.50
a power line was built and a diamond
Total ................................................. T s OO
drill put in operation. Then owing to
internal discord in the Portland Cement Both Papers Ona Year $2.25
company, operations were dropped—
and Gold H ill’s dream of a million-
dollar cement plant went glimmering.
The diamond drill has since been tak­
Publishes the (attest and moat complete
en away, and tha cleared streak up Echo
telegraphic news of the w orld; gives
mountain, marking the course of the
reliable market reports, as 1’ is publish­
power lluei is all that remains aa a
ed at Portland, where the market news
reminder of the big euterprise that
can be and is corrected up io date for
died a-borning. M r. Gorbutt has since
each issue. I t also haa a page of special
secured a valuable tract of lime and ce­
matter for the farm and home, an enter­
ment ground on Cheney creek, twelve
taining story page and a page or mere
miles southwest of Grunts Pa«*,and with
of comic each week, aud it goes to the
Portland ca, Italiite ha« organized the
subscriber twice every week— 104 time*
Rugue Riv< r Lime company, which will
a year.
erect a plant of ten ton» per day oapa
city, later to be Incieised. A h ig h
quality of lime will lie turned out, and
the eompany will later manufacture
Give- dl 'h e local news and happenings
h tilr a te d lim e ami lim e fertiliser. I t is
p'M-ihle that I lie new c nipmiv may mid »1 m ild be in every home in thia
t„ke OV'r tlie defunct |iraute Pa.-« rail­ , vicinity.
road m id co m p le te it. Mr Avery 1«
The two pn|ier make a splendid cum-
A G re a t
C lu b b in g
O ffe r
Th<wsX O regon Jou rn al
The Gold Hill News
■ in ployed hy th e new comp, nv
engineer, m id » i l l hi 'ke h i* home iu liloatlon and you gave $.75 by sendi >g
your subscription to The Gold H ill
G ru n t* Pa*», a* w ill M r. ( io r b u tt.
'Ve can also give
' good clubbing offer
; Kunday, or Sunday
tion with The Gold
a ll th e b o oks p re sc rib e d
by th e co u rse o f s tu d y f o r
th e G o ld H ill schools
Jarvis the Druggist
Brea J, Pies and Cookies
Candies and Nuts
Cigars and T obacco
Soft drinks o f a ll kinds
F u ll line o f Lunch goods
Fresh Fruits in season
Ice Cream
our subscribers a
for The Daily and
Journal, in connec­
H ill New«.
For Sale
Some bargains in light horses—1,000
to 1,100 pounds; also a few second-
i hand rigs.
Darling A Hodges.
I n o w h av e a f u l l sto ck o f
T u r n e r ’s Lunch R oom
Grange F a ir Is Under Way.
Gresham. — P reparations fo r the
Grange fair to be held four days, be
ginning September 21. are going for­
ward with vim and enthusiasm. All
the principal buildings have been
freBhly painted and the grounds have
been put in oondltlon for the con­
venience of the crowds who will at
School B oohs
Hot Coffee and Lunch Day and Night