Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1911)
MUNYON PREACHES HOPE PHILOSOPHY Railroad Caruso With a Cyclone in Either Lung. Clyde Hayes, Who Calio the Trains In Chicago’s Big Northwestern Sta tion, Has a Voles Like a Foghorn. New Association Gains Many Mem bers— Faith’s Curative Power. WORLD’S BIGGEST OIL WELL Married In Evening ef Life. u . James Thomas Wells, aged Tl was married at Bt. John's ebuieh. Orest Msxlean Ousher Is Btlll Thaw Ealing, England, tbe other day to ing Out 125,000 Barrels of Oil Mrs. Emma Coaler, aged Tl. The Each Day. eouple were sweethearts In thetr Mexico City, M e x — W ith tbe gata youth, but tbelr engagement was off. Each married and valve bolding In at least 300 pounds 1 broken pressure tbe great oil well In tbe Po brought up a Urge family. They me* trero del Llano Held In Mexico Is still again some time ago, and. both being doing regularly more than 125.000 bar free, decided to marry. The Human Heart T h e heart it a w onderful double pum p, through the action of which the blood stream is kept sweepieg round and round through the body et the rate of sevco miles sn hour. ” R em em ber this, that our bodies w ill not »tend tbe strain o f o v e r-w o rk w ithou t good, pure Mood any more then the engine cen run smooth- ly w ithout o il.” A fte r many years of study la the aetive practice of aeedicine, D r . R . V . Pierce found that when tbe stomach wee out of o rd e r, tbe blood Im pure end there w ere symptoms of gsnersl break down, a tonic made of tbe glyceric ex tra ct o f certain roots was tbs best corrective. T h is be called bels of oil per day. It Is one of tbe W ASHES CLO TH ES FASTER. wonders of tbe world. It Is by far the biggest producing oil well ever drilled Use RED CROSS BA LL B LU E and Noted Health Expert Olvee Reason and Is so admitted to be by all oil men you w ill And It makes beautiful, for Big Bueceee In who have witnessed no n ave w n oeeeeo Its >u> performances — — ciesr, white clothe« wth less effort The output of oil during tbe flrst » 3 'BDd less cost than any other blue. Medicine. Chicago.—Clyde tl. Hayes Is tbs rail Being made w ithout alcohol, thia ” M e d ica l D iscovery ” helps the stomseb to ____ afc. _ le u s k f w a s la t— fe e u n a r i r i r le t a n v lfllllfl III la far e superior to any l liquid blue days tbe flow ewssw wee ■ struck wee n t f l f S * I It assim ilate tbe food, thereby curiag dyspepsia. I t is especially adapted to diseases road Caruso. Kerry day from 1:10 p. on the market for the best of liquid than 12,000,000 barrels. TbU attended w ith excessive tissue waste, notably in convalescence from various iu . to 11 be proclaims tbs departure at bluing Is principally water. Use tbe fevers, fo r thin-blooded people and those who ere always ’ ’ catching co ld .” Tremendous success has attended mors trains than any other station blue that Is all blue. AT A L L ORO D r . P ierce’s C om m on Sense M e d ica l A d v iser is sent on receipt of 31 one- caller. Ills concert platform la of all the organisation of the new Munyon CBRS. Price, 10 cents. cent stamps for the French cloth-bound book of 100b pages. Address D r . Cult." Professor Munyon atesl construction and It Is located "Hope R . V . Pierce, N o . 663 M a in Street, Buffalo, N . Y . that he haa aecured more con Disturbing to a Precise Men. way up near tbs apleudld celling of claims verts than he even anticipated, and • T h is place removed' Is a sign yon tbs now Northwestern railroad sta says that his ope Cult" Is growing see often enough In empty store win tion. In leal« and bounds. It Is said that dows, but," aald a precise man, "J T hirty thousand people each day the (otal memberahlp of the awsocia- G IL L E S P IE S C H O O L O F E X P R E S S IO N loud appréciatifs ears aa be skylarks tlon throughout the United States Is can never get used to IL Of course 5 3 4 M o rrls e e S t., P e rtla e d . O ra c e a . we know well enough what It means; lbs suburban schedule on tbs Mllwau now well over the half million mark. __ ___ __ ____> . . ___ u __ reader» sn«i oublie »p*akrrB. G rw iu at*« s f t * r ro m p U t'n f In a statement for publication, Prof. hi e and Ualena dlvlslona, plus enough It Is the bualnees that baa been re overland trains to kosp Chicago and Munyon said: moved; but It always disturb« n s I want to talk to every elck, all the I’acIHc coast bound In cloao fel lug and deapondent person In this Just the same.” * G ILLESPIE PrincipaL lowship. Presidents of the United city. I want to preach my new M ottw s w ill find M rs. W la s io W s S o n th la g Htates. boy orators, world famous creed to them. I want to tell them rru p th e best ro w e d » lo us» 1 « i li a lr u iU d r a a U llu g I Us u - e i a iu f p e rio d . evangelists, divinities of grand opera, about my new philosophy of health, baseball umpires—none of these ever which la the fruit of a lifetime of Fishermen’s Superstition. bsd tbs constant opportunities of Train study and experience In dealing with To mention the word “rabbit«" on Announcer Hayes to enlighten and elck folk. "1 want to expound the Great board a Cornish fishing «mack i r ^ h ^ e f r s t e n d w o r t r e lia b le c a th a ttic a n d electrify a listening multitude. Truth that I have learned that there arouses the Ire of the crew. Should system cleanser. T h e best re m e d y fo r T o r pin Passing swiftly over tbe poor boy la more curative power In an ounce tbe hated word be uttered as the U s e r , Biliousness a n d S ick H eadache. and burning ambition section of bis of Hope than In pound« of Dope A t D r u n l s t s ’ ee by M all, 2 8 C ante boat la leaving the harbor on a pilch life, we dud Hayes In full charge of a That sick people should not take H o y i C j u m j u i . C o . P o it l x n d , omjeoow ard expedition, the speaker would night accommodation train In Nebras medicine except aa a medium through stand a fair chance of being bnrled ka. Yes, until recently be was a rail which the great curative power of overboard. The mere mention of road conductor, and was treading tbe Hope may be made effective. Medi Y. M. C . A. GROW S. "rabbits" destroy* all chaaeee of a threadbare aisle of a Nebraska ac cine* are necessary In the present state of the world’s progress becauss "catch.”— London Mall. commodation, occasionally unhooking they give a patient physical support Speclal Effort Made to Accommodate a brightly nlrkled lantern from bis and strength and renewed vigor with O ut-of-Tow n Students. O U T 8 ID E M O N E Y C O M IN G IN . left elbow and dropping off Into tbe which to brace up the will power. The Educational Department o f the night to wigwag the engineer. One knowe, from tbe action of the One day tbe division superintendent proper medicines, that he or she Is Pacific States Fira Insurance Com Portland Y. M. C. A . made a growth of tbe Northwestern line at Omaha feeling hotter by Ibis Inspired hope pany Makes Loan in Kelso. of over forty per cent in its member and faith, which complete the cure. summoned young Conductor Hayes In I t is mrcau/ already C. L. Ayree and O. O. Koeppel, who ship „^Ip the u e past pB8i year. u "1 think that probably half a mil to his grim presence. lion persona at least In the United have been in Kelso for the past two evident, from the present enrollm ent "Are you sware, Mr. Hayes, that Htates have declared themselves ----- o . i_ weeks, in .u the - interest of the Pacific that an even larger increase in attend- Drive* «way Flies, Moequitoes end Gnats. you have been 'turned In' a number of cured by my medicines, sad I know States Fire Insurance company, ne ance w ill be realised the coming year, I t protects horses and cattle from attacks that these people have had the beet of insects, , ----- enabling them — to - - feed in is in crease it is due uuc to iu the u jc excel „ -------------- - - . and - This increase gotiated a loan of $8,000 a t a low remedies medical adence had to offer. rate of interest on the M arket build lent boarding accommodations provid- sleep in peace. 1 have always contended that If tnwn students well and strength from worry caused by ing, owned by Gray Si Gross, the first * * . ■ i - S . /..Tr-cV ¿ „ r o J e s a laroe * ' tack* insect*' and from the S ta tio n there la any virtue In medlotne my theU bite# and Bting, Tberc B of the week, and are looking for equipped laboratories, a large and follower« should have the beet, but ether gilt-edged investments In Keleo. well-trained corps of teachers, and, M tjsfaction in the relief it affords I verily believe that more than one- World’s Greatest Ousher. half of those who have been lifted The Kelso State Bank has been ap too, the organixaion o f the work, which domestic animals from the scourge of to health from the bondage of chronlo pointed agent for the company in thia allows a student to progress as rapidly maddening parasites and flies, besides the Illness, through taking my medicines, conservative estimate. In view of the city profit in returns. Horses do more work clly and , Ilu all loans w ill „ be -------- made as he is able. have been the The following work w ill be carried on less feed and cows yield more and I , k . . really Ik .v cured k .s I h by * H i m o knowl a t in , a c t that several million barrel« through, and passed upon by, the edge that the utmost and In « » » « I ' n,° “ >• Uuana v,ata rtTe" on the coming ye ar: Full college pre- better m ilk when re leved from the frenzy medical loro they I t had t h . i command, local Institution. paratory course. business college consUntly fighting a swarm • ■ thence to the Tuxpam river and out By keeping the money paid for fire paratA Ji/ y /w , , of voracious, insatiable insect*, the Hope this Inspired. course, automobile school, electr cal Fonr lJc ?JC , , ,5. to sea, going to waete In this manner, insurance on Northwest property in “I am not In any sense a practic yoor merchant for it. ing physician. I employ at my la an accurate estimate of tbe total out- y,e Northwest, the money can be course, school of pharmacy, English large r— - a ------- boratories In .............. Philadelphia li | put cannot be given. But that this |OBnB<J | p Keleo and other towns in course, -------— — boys’ trade -------------------------- _ and business H oy T c h e m ic a l C o . Portland, Oregon j. ------- staff of expert physicians and chem- b)g estimate ts not far wrong la shown region to the mutual benefit of course, English course for men, school lata, and 1 have many other physL by tbe , BCt tbBt Bpproxlmately 8,00°--1 the company and the borrower. of trades for carpentry, plumbing, advice 000 barrel« of oil from thia well have j The Pacific States F ire Insurance and sheet metal work, assay and min T H t LAW O f to ih*. sick and afflicted. My head b««n aaT«<1 ajld are “ow ln ,torag* company’s entry into Kelso means the ing course. A complete educational catalog w ill quarters are at Munyon’« Labors- One earthen reservoir covers more big Insurance companies are beginning lories. 68nt and Jefferson 8ta„ Phils., than 45 acres of ground and ta more recognize the importance of this city be issued in a few days, giving a full Pa., and I have there a staff of duly than 30 feet deep ln the central por ¡n B financial way— and are commen- statement of the details of all courses This w ill be sent to j rogiatered pbyalclune and consulting tion. It now contains 5.000,000 bar- c| Bg to loan money on Kelso property and subjects. I f tn ta rm tw i. 50« In i t i m i » and r e t It. experts, and to all who desire It 1 of 0,i. o ther smaller reservoirs! — something the people of this city any address on application to Educa A d d im i Law P u b liih in r Co.. Portland. Ora. offer the best of medical advice ah- BrB j uj| oj {be pro<juct Bnd an army o( have endeavored for the past 20 y ' * n tional Director, Portland Y . M. C. A . sddsMsTnn P Prof M men ara kept constantly at work W rite today, addressing ro t J I .^ K >tnjctlng addltlonal <torMte plac-> con |or to have eastern companies do. The headquarters of the Pacific Munyon personally, and your States Fire Insurance company are in ‘ tbe unremitting flow. vili bave a special care. The market value of the crude oil the Chamber of Commerce building, at the well Is $1 Mexican money or 50 Portland, Oregon. Its officers are F. P ro p e rly P un ished. E. n Beach, cents The value of •w 1» I Sn T hnnn ce n ia g gold u m p per e r u barreL a r ie r . — t,. e a c n , p president; r e a iu e u i, r F. . * . I. Fuller, ma . r m . « in Srnn n ff" darlared a ,h ® d ,lly output ts therefore more vice president; A. H . A verill, treas W O M E N w e a r W .L D o u g la a s ty lis h , p e r fe c t aummo^Zd b 7 th e lh a n »60 000 * old o r n e a rlT »i 000'° 00 urer. and Wm. M. Cake, attorney f ittin g , e asy w a lk in g b o o t a, be c a u s e th e y g iv e Caller Hayee. ST O u T d ^ f o r ? » par m° nth' Even at the pre,enl r , t \ Board of d ire c to ra -A . H . A v e rill, lo n g w e a r , sam e aa W . L D o u g l a a M e n 's shoes. Stourbridge (Eng.) Guard ans f r (ound t BB,blB t0 BBTB w illia m M. Cake, Louis G. Clarke. C. o|1 and mHny thouBBnd, of A. C raft, Chester Deeming, F. I. F u l times la t e ly r aald the superintendent •lining to pay la a week toward« the aJJ q{ THE STANDARD OF QUALITY V o rtïï of it goe. to w a a t. each ler, John G ill, D. J. Quimby, S. W. to the conductor after the latter bsd maintenance of h l. m other^ A . tart. nervously placed his cap on the edge ling sequel to hie oath occurred the Stryker, and Manuel Fried ly.— Kelso other day when he became paralysed, T‘ of the glass topped table. Journal, Aug. 11, 1911. The workmanship which has made W. L. and lost the use of both hie arm*. Hayes trembled and bis heart sank. Douglas shoes famous the world over is BEE STING FOR RHEUMATISM To be "turned In,” In railroad pktola. Speak Distinctly. maintained in every pair. means to be the object of complaints Beware First False Step, Do not make the mistake of pitch If I could take you into my large factories H e who Is false to present duty Hoosier Farmhand Sufferer Tries He ing your voice too low. I t must be by passenger«. roic Treatment and Says "W hat havo I done, elrT" he mur breaks a thread In the loom end w ill annoying to be forced to aek a person at Brockton. Mas«., and show you how It's G reat find the flaw when he may have for mured anxiously. to repeat what they have Just eald. carefully W .L.Douglas shoe« are made, you "You have disturbed the sleep of a gotten the cause.— Henry W ard and numbled words give a most un would then understand why they are war Owensville, Ind.—T hat bee stings p le a s a n t lm presslom _______ large number of passenger« on thia Beecher. ranted to hold their shape, fit better and have healing BDd curative qualities ts line." said the superintendent "Let- wear longer than any other make for the price Constipation causes and seriously ag vouched for by James Cross, a farm ters have come to me from traveling P A H T i n N T b » g e n u in e h a v e W . 1» n o n g l a a l I t is thor hand who suffered with rheumatism gravates many diseases. men who ride on your train, and they U n U I l U i l n a m e a n d p r ic e s ta m p e d o n b o t t o m | ln the toes of one foot He was told oughly cured by Dr. Pierce’« Pellets. aay that when you announce a station I f you cannot o b U In W . k Dougin« shoe« I n __ Tiny sugar-coated granules. ▼our tow n , w rite fo r catalog. Shoe« sent d ire c t O > K F A I R o f m it y B O V S ' S S .e i.5 0 o r that a bee's javelin would chase at night your voice not only wakee fro m fa c to ry to w earer, a ll «•nargee prep a id . W .I«e S3.OO S H O E S w i I l II l p I o s it iv e ly o u t w e »r fro m la c to ry a « ^ k „ £ k t o a . M a s s . T W O F A I R S o f o r d i n a r y b o y .'s h o e « away the rheumatic pains and he tried them, but scares them and knocks W crth Bearing In Mind. ix x jo i It. He captured twenty-five bees, put them out of a proper frame of mind The aureat way of governing, both them tn a tight paper box. cut an In private family and In the kingdom, to do business the next day. Here after. Mr. Hayes, when calling out sta Inch silt In one end. through which be is for a husband end a prince some tions I wish you would not try to dis poked hla toes, and waited patiently time« to drop fhelr -raroeotlves. place the window panes or experiment for something to happen. with sound vibrations on the bell rope. When the Imprisoned and thorough But It seems that Mr. Hayes Is a ly angered bees saw five human toes walking library for volumes and vol ln front of them something happened umes of stentorian noise. It couldn't very quickly. Stingers dashed at the be suppressed, and as he hnd no time toes In great haste Cross made ugly to attend a ball game and let out faces and writhed but stayed with the , w --------------------- ----- - . . . a .a ... a Inn V e a a > l * 4 Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s steam on the bleachers, he had to re game. At the end of two minute! the H mu U h « ium I bee battery had exhausted Its ammunl- ^oiiihini ib.^i o f a.t x io u i and c o lo n . sume his old habit of standing at one Vegetable Compound end of s yellow car and closing tbe to - pull Morton's Gap. Kentucky.—'*! atif- tlon, - —• but —- when Cross — attempted ~ -— ¿uor at the opposite end by sheer force fered two years w ith female disorders, hla toe« out of the box he found they I .t b T ' - ‘ of his low register. Also he would ---------- my health was very had swollen to three times their nat- •*" LP< 1- ; vsttrisr.. cough when Impelled by the platform bad and I had a Ural site I ' " - rv 4 i ' '«I' t '-HOF ■ continual backache draft and the stovepipe would col The «lit In the box waa far too email I* ip j» • ’ UÀÎ...W ' ' , which was simply and he was forced to cut the box to lapse with a Jangling noise. For a s' .».*** ' : « .OlC dVi’F« awful. I could not time the gentle patter of cinder« piece« before he could release himself. _ , stand on my feet would be stilled and the volatile denta t J L T I 11«, ■ 01.’ - “Did the remedy cure the rheuma 1?^»; long enough to cook FaSCKtn ».Cío» In the water cooler would take up the ùRt ■ a meal’s v i c t u a l s tism?" he was asked. echoes. At least, that was the descrip w k iu u u v n.y back » . . « I "W ell. I can now do the Isadore Dun- if without my nearly killing m a ,1 can toe dance to a queen's taste, aa tlon given by the sleep-eager passen and I would have ou B|( n s of rheumatle pains in my toee gers who signed a petition which was auch dragging Ben ' have disappeared," he replied. sent to the big chief at Omaha ere ... .. . s a t j o a n n s 1 c o u ld m l t K l l I l B the only ladlaa *boa S r c iln g another month had passed. «h lt’ i J li lT a lT e“ n “ lB. O IL « • « « • * nl> »’ ol •boa hardly bear It. I ^ .lla a * and eXI^Sran’t boots end Tbor». e k in e e The railroad ofllclala were deeply Law O. K.’s Press earners. bad soreness ln each aide, could not T r i l i o n i r a b b i a « , »*<•. -T re n c h Oloa«, 10®- puzzled by tho case of Conductor stand tight clothing, and was Irregular. Newport, R. I.— A newspaper photo- fl Y com bination for “ A Hayes, who had proved hlmsoir roita 1 * was completely run down. On ad. a ll k ta d r o f rursel o r tan »noen, »boes, XBo. im et or XXc. Star Biaa. ioo. ad- Krnpher has a right to take a picture «itxiwiiofrawrt This »teel lining around ihe smokeleu powder inxure» b e lt« pat lrty c a a v n a «bora 11 e a 'd /— ble and efficient In evory other way vice I took ° f anyone ln ft publ,c B,reet' • ccord-l«i?.UM i M 7 h 1 ite ,1 T .. t T B B In m O a ÿ k k d rê ‘ fo rm »o I I oaa ba d tern, better penetration, and greater velocity for the »«me load. __À aponga In t r a r r Home one suggested putting him on a table Compound and I.Ivcr 1 ills and decision by Judge Steam« ««losly »n-i »»■ fo r uno. Tw o altea. 10 It gives added xtrength to the xheD and protection to load and ■» r r ” r , 2 „ ™ T ' r , ’X ............ day run, where people Bleep at their s i A ’ S’ L ’S’? ™ « keep the kind you w ant, own risk, or at the mercy of the train , a u . .... — -------------- “ • P '1«« ln , u m « * ,o * «hooter. bad an ache or pain since I do all my . structed a Jury to return a verdict — Nitro Club «hot shell« have won every interxtate handicap for bUIn hthe meantime the hilarious story own work, washing and everything, $400 ln favor of a Boston newspaper W H I T t Ì m O R E B RO 8. & OO., and never have the backache anv more, 'photographer who had alleged assault the lad two years. Cost no more than ordinary »hells. of Conductor Hayes and the sleepy i 1 think lum a your medicine Is gram. Bnu personal p B .. grand ___ and . I Bnj Injury against r Harry P. For Remington-UMC and all other ghotguns. drummers found Its way to Chicago praise It to all my neighbors. I f you w an,er while the photographer was S h ot F o lith tt t» Un B orld. and Conductor Hayes was ordered to think my testimony w ill help otheiff pictures of a Newport society J ^ S p H a S ia n r L lM G — the perfect »hooting combination. “ p report here. He came wondering and you may publish ft.”—Mrs. O lli ! “ No. »A—’ll » N U W oodall , Morton’s Gap, Kentucky. ________________ UM1NGT0N ARMS-UNION METALLIC CAKTMDGI CO. promptly he was act to work learn 299 Braadway, Haw Tark City Hneknehe Is a symptom of organlo FBtten on LocuBtBt log tho list of train departures. Then . H W w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t í a « » p la a a a If you ,ho a„e. when tho new station was opened, weakness or derangement. » p a p e r . mention t h i a have backache don’t neglect It. To Hazleton P a .- F .r m e n of the sur like an admiral on the porch of a bat get permanent relleif you must reach rounding valleys have learned that the tleship. he stood In his high balcony the root of the trouble. N o th in g we 17-year locust« are not auch a peat aa and began hla Interminable recita know of w ill do this so surely as L ydia they (eared they would be. The lo- tions In earnest. For a day or eo he E. rin k h a m ’s Compound. | cueta are good food for the chickens, wrestled with echoes and «coustlc Wrlto to Mrs. Plnkham, Bt which devour them w th avidity, and snares, but now he haa mastered the L y n n , Musa., for apodal advloo. seem to be getting fat on their new problem of resonance In the great ata- Your le tte r w ill be a b solu tely ration«. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery r DIVORCE W. L. DOUGLAS, •2.50, *3.00, *3.50 & *4.00 SHOES FOR O VER 3 0 YEA R S THAT AWFUL BACKACHE Shoo Polishes fe-í?’ r _ steel yLined NITRO CLUB SHOT SHELLS The best shot shells ever made improved with a steel lining. PUT N AM tlon. jonfldential, and tbe advice fret, i FAD E L E S S D YE S