Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1911)
R S Ed Woodcock, of Poet creek, was In s At lowu on buaiuesa y s te rd a y . T I I . A. Ray waa -tM e d fu ril Wadn dm ! ay to have acme dental werk done. W John Bigham was In Iro u i H im * V al ley w ith a load ol melon« Wadnesday, 7 8 9 1112111415 10 17 18 19 2021 2223 24252f?72829 Local News Notes Connell meets th is evening, J M. Pat«« waa at Grants Pa«« on husinesa Tueeday, Ml»« M in ina Ring la visiting alater a l Mcd'hind, C a llfiiri la. Mia E. .1 Gilmore waa at Crania Paaa yesterday to liavo »nine dental wm k don*. H. W McClendon, Gold H ill's booater- e x tra o rd lu s ' y, waa In M edford on husl- ne«« Tuesday. Jan» a Fredeitburg llnialied e u tiln g the th ird c o p ol alfalfa on Ida Hain Valley ranch thia week, Mia. Wm Pauley, landlady of the W oodville hotel, »as calling on Gold H ill friend« yealerday W, It. Gxlev left fhu ra da y evening for Toronto and liia u tfo rd , O ntario, ou bualueaa for the Hylvaulte M uting Go. her A «on and hair a riiva d at the Gall« e r ek home of Ed Shoemaker Sunday P i . A u .lib was call* d io W ood ville on (light. Dr. S m ith a aa in attendance. professional huslne-s Tuesday. Stii kvl I tr ia. alarte 1 work thia week The W oodville hand w ill give a dunce m the ra h n-ion» to the a< wer eyat m F in la y evening, September 16th. lor a tilid i th y ware recently granted a M r. and Mr» II, Htuinl«>were In from ei n tr ct by the c o n 'l l . th e ir EontC creek ranch yesterdav. Francesco E rro llo and h l* fainona Mis* Jennie Hagar, of Chicago, 1« Ute I*«11 an band a id appear in concert at the M e th o d N atalie Intn toiuonow guest ui h»r sts er, Mrs. W G. Myer«. Mrs. .I E H uvan, of M e 'lo rd , »¡.»a aftern o n al throe o'clock. M E R R IT T ®. COMPANY Carnation Milk Butter Cup Milk California Ripe Olives Pineapples . . . . Roast Beef 1 lb. can Deviled Ham 6 cans I’lnk Alaska Salmon per can Cove Oysters 2 cans Baking Powder full pound Pork and Beans per can Tomato Catsup pint. Kelloggs Corn Flakes Diamond Macaroni Macaroni bulk 3 11» 50 11« Sterilized Fine Salt . . . . • . . $ .10 .10 f .15 .15 .20 .25 .10 .25 .25 .10 .25 .10 .10 .25 .50 FOR f V-z A. l ZT o T-T «flfc dflL $ .35 50 lbs Stock Salt . . . . .15 Range Salt 8 lb blocks .30 Pure Cider Vinegar gal. .06 White and Pink Beans Hard Wheat Flour regular price $1.05 1.50 Mason Fruit Jars one-half gal. perdoz .90 .75 Mason Fruit Jars quart p r doz. .60 Mason Fruit Jars pint per doz. 1.45 Economy Fruit Jars 1-2 gal. per doz. Jelly Tumblers one^half pint perdoz. 1.20 1.00 .30 Jar Rubbers 4 doz................................. Economy Ja r Caps per doz. .25 .20 Economy Fruit Jars quarts perdoz. Economy Fruit Jars pints per doz. . lie* . It. E Ih in la ti, pieeiilm g alder, M e r r i t t te C o . w i » h t o « » / t h a t a f t e r O c t o b e r 1 s t a l l b i l l s m xxat b e p a i d p r o m p t l y w i t h i n 3 0 I'll" W. G. T. II of Oregon w ill hold was here teaierday to attend an ad journed meeting ol the q u a rte rly con- L mczz — 1 _ _ _ — ----------- -------------------------------------------— — — —— — — ——— ———— — —-— a a lit a convention in M -d lo rd , O cobcr ference of I lie he’al ' . E church. 6-1«. Judge Morel nek anil wile returned last W A Cook r turned Monday fr m weak I tom a t ilp to Crescent titty . I h»y Ja< k«nnvtdr, where he ha- been serving were gone about two m «ka. Ma«tec on the grand ju ry Pick .M urdock drove the Same V e it y M r - . M E . K e llo g g , o f M e d fo ld , was stage In hi« fa ih a i’a ah»ence h e re t h ia w eek v P itln g tier «on, A, E. Word came from W oodvide yeebrday K e lli gg, au, I fa i il l th a t Jar y .McCoy »« • very Io « . Dropay Ms« c ’ « c**s S m ith ha» guno to Med ha- developed aa a result of the injuria« ford ti> tase an iiia 'riic t ir ’« p o s itio n Io lie eceived aevcral week« ago wh n t t ie ro u s e i vatory of iuu«lo. C hina D in n e r Sets S ilv e rw a re Clocks «truck by a tra in A carload ol heavy tim ber« for u»e in Glass W a te r Sets E a rth e n w a re Cha«. Gt aniplm re iu iu r d Wednesday the new county bridge aero-s (he Hugo« Cook Stoves A ir tig h t H e a ters from Chicago, where lie vl«itad hi« A man wants a suit of clothes that will al thia place arrived yesterday. m other. 11" la glad to get h a i \ to Linoleum M a ttin g s Carpets M i.a n d Mrs. K. V Kellogg, of A r il southern Oregon, w hich he ln*i»t» I* Brass Beds last past the time he needs it. Half the men Portieres L ace C urtains la d w e reg ne-laa - th« home of A E tin llneat country th ia eide o f paradise Canvas Stools Tents W agon Canvases K. ih gg a rv tra l day- the firs t id the youmeet are well dressed at the beginning p P. Blue ha« taken a bridge-build W ood Stains a n d Varnishes Week. ing c u n t'a c t a t Haymond W ashington, Hupei visor J. W . Ilsya returned yea of a season and poorly dressed at the end of E v e ry th in g fo r th e houee 10 p e rc e n t diecount fo r caeh and w ill not re in rn to Gold H ill fo r a t- rday Iroin the Evans creak d is tric t, couple of month». I t la understood where tic ha« jusi completed »»me road i t Isn’t it true? th a t he Inland« to work the C entennial work on what is known «« the By bee place'- n ilo c, form erly owned by him . H o m e Phone S -L The reason is simple. The beauty was only grade. the coming w inter. S W. McClendon ba» bad new roof» Cliaa Johnaon brought in the Uret skin deep. This store studies the stock it buys put on the bank and postofllce building«, \\ alter Pm gey and A. J. T. Hm ith do grapes of th " a< ai-on from hi« Bible To The Public as the student would study his books. It Old aoldh-ra and sailors gather nt ing Ihe work He w ill alao have The ranch on Gold b ill last S aturda*. We wish to thank the people of Gold They were of the Sweelwat' r variety W oodville next week. Ci Page extensively r paired. H ili and the tra ve lin g public fo- the studies every part from fabric to finish. We and of excellent qual ty , although M r. T . I) G ilm o re, H P. ag«nt at W olf W I,. Van Houlen, wlm has been Juliu«on aaya th a t the re 1« n o t more Creek, ha» bean v is itin g hia m other, gem roua patronage that, ha* been ac- w orking w ith Supervisor J. W (lays on corded us .lu rin g the four iconths th « t are masters of our business and th at is why than h a lf a crop thia year Mrs Ek J. G ilm ore, ai d > .t.te r , M rs. the W oodville-Meadows toad, now com- have been in charge <d th e Gold l i i i l lu response to u popular demand, the H otel. We have given our beat effor » M. R. Rice, the pa-t f> w uava. ph led, wa« in town Tuesday. They are our garments have the tailor-made look. now w orking on Ihe Bylaw* grade In tie firs t dance of the «««»on w ill he given Boy—Coy—jo y ! T hat tells in tabloid to the end ti at Gold H ill have a good hotel, and we f--el th a t our e ff rte have In Hr« Woodman hall th is evening. som ething th a t Evana creek d istrict. happened Thnradav noi be. n unappreciated. However, for Music w ill he furnished by the Dnsen- n ig h t In a happy home In Gold H ill. reasons of health, we find it noce-a »ry M r . and Mrs . J. M . Ilarireburg were berry oroheatra. I f the a ffa ir is »uffle.* Ike ("oy, having been blessed w ith fonr to aeek a new location, and w i-h io down from M edford w ith thM r ear e n tlv aucci a -iu k It w ill be the firs t of a sweet litt le daughter» io a row, w ith announce th a t our management of th " Monday toaee Mr». B ariieburg’a brother. Geld H ill Hotel w ill Cvase Sunday, »erica of S aluidky n ig h t dancee. Mrs. Coy’s aa«l»tance has become the September 10th. A . E Kellogg, who ha» h. en con T h a t tobacco 1» one of the m any cropa father of a bouncing b»by boy. Hia M r. and Mrs. J. W . Gale fined t o l d ' homo »im e laet week w ith We Pay Your Car Fare I --------------------- his an abscess on leg, resulting from a of high com lnereial value that may l-e »mile interfere« w ith Ida ears. grow n 111 the Kogue riv e r valley an- Com m issioner F ra n klin K. Lane, or b m i»e reccivi d two week» ago. M ayor Beeman and fam ily and th e ir peara to he conclusively dem onstrated frien d, I I . R Heed, o f the famous Im - the In te rs ta te Commerce Commission, Mia« lies« Paideia arrived Monday “ IF MEN WEAR IT WE HAVE IT” in J N . E'ounlaln’k garden In th is c ity , perial valley^ of C a lifo rn ia , got hack a rrived Monday to take up In the from Hice Lake, W isconsin, and has where forty th r ifty planta are growing. re as I from _ — >A tu *t rn to U nited States cou rt a hearing on the Thursday a at.«-«« th re • weeks' a re tak< n charge of th» p rim a ry d e pa rt- The li avea arc over three feet In le n g th , the p -lin itiv e In the C rater lake forest application from exem ption from the iii n t of the Gold H ill schools. She w ill and from preaeiit pro-peels i t looks a» reserve. They bad a ll m anner of diver- fou rth section (the long and short also teach domestic science. Miss though M r. Fountain would be absolute- tin g adventures, in clud in g ru n n in g the haul clause! between San Francisco Daniel» I» a gradnaUr ol the Thomas ly independent of Hie tobacco tru s t the gauntlet of a b u rning forest. They and P ortland, a very im p o rta n t ques- schiKil ol domestic acienc", of D e tro it. coming w inter. eaught the lim it of fish in Crater lake tion from many standpoints, ( Iclolier ¡Id to 7th are thedates »elected F. W Podge, having served one week and killed enough veni-on to keep in The m ystery surrounding the disap- by the F irs t Southern Oregon d is tric t a» engineer for the c ity of W ood Iresh meat pearance o f J. Lloyd Magness, cashier A g ricultu ral Society fo r it» a n nu al fair v ille , resigned last F rida y. W oodville School opened Monday w ith the follow- of the baggage room o r the U nion de- and pear »hoar a t Medford. The prem 1« considerably agitated over the type of In g k ts ff of teacher»: H E Redding, pot, was cleared up when h ia body iu m - are many and generous and a gi««l m unicipal water system which is to be princip al: l l H. Swank, assistant p rin c i- was discovered by H a rry Richey, show ing of southern Oregon products Is put in , there being two factions, each pal; C yn th ia T uttle, seventh and eigh th manager o f Die P ortland office of the expected. Four races have been an having favorite and widely variant grade-; M argaret W allace, filth and Colum bia L ife * T ru s t Company, nounced for each day of Ihe (air, and the ideas ns to the | ro|ier style of plant six ’ h grade»; H ilm a Caesar; th ir d and floating in fro n t o f his houseboat, p u rn a an* such a* toin »u re some good M r. Podge found the crear-firo of con fourth grades; Be«» Daniel», prim er, w hich is moored juat north of the contests. tention rathe r too warm for com fort,and first and second grade«. M r. Redding Yacht Club and the Oak« M r. and Mrs J. L . Hamm« rsly left wa-hed hia hands of the a ffa ir w itli a Wednesday evening for P ortland, where le tte r of resignation couched In the w ill teach com m ercial w o ik and manual No. 131. tra in in g , Mi»« W allace music and draw tin y w ill visit M r. and Mrs. W. A . Car m ost diplo m atic language. And the ing, and Mis» Daniel» domestic science. Report of the Condition of ter lo r a few day», anil make a r W oodville water war goes m e rrily on. Gold H ill ia exiieriencing a » » • ’ ’ T h e G old H ill Bank, a l Gold H ill in rangement» for th e ir removal to the C. Coppack ha* com t<m leet ta ll In residence-building boom. H aving but the State of Oregon, a t the clo»e of m etropolis later in the fa ll. Mr. Ham- hia garden on the sduth aide. He recently completed one cottage in the business '-ept. 1, 1911. meraley w ill become a p a rtn er in the brought the seed lim n Arizona,where I t is Dekuin a d dition, Dr. Kelsey has a sec KK8OCRCK8 the law liu i-n «» " I M r. Carter, who known as an early variety. Each stalk ond five-room structure well along to L ia n s and discount« $44,lift:!.34 has one of the most extensive p ra d ice - hears two ears, and I t is junt g e ttin g ward com pletion. These houses are Overdrafts,secured and ursecuied 46S.67 in lli ill* . 20.001 ready to use. M r. Ooppack w ill have the firs t of a num ber which he propose» Bonds and warrants 2,621.47 : F u rn itu re and fixte-ea Floyd G. Bsm p, si cla list, »pok. on roaaling-eara, a-p le nty, and the surplus 1.714.70 , to erect for rent purposes. F. W. Dodge O ther real estate owned the atrei t in Gold H ill la-t Kniidav ve- III he dried for w in te r nee. The corn began laying the foundation thia week Due from approved re nlng. Ilia addle»» wa- heard w ith a| p ir- has been given plen ty of water, but has 6,211.115 serve banks tor a neat h me-neat on hie lots in the •JOO.Od c u t in te r'a t He invited qne»t mn» fro ■ bad little care otherwise this sum tiier, a* Cheeks and o ilie r cash ite m - same part of town. C D. SteiuhofT Gold dust 319.44 his hearer» o i tl.esuojei* of aocla ism, M r. Coppack has been away from boine 6,766.9« j lots ground cleared and m aterial ready Cash on hand w it h no ro-tMin-e. amt if 'lie ro were ant a large part of the tim e. 72(1.20 j From the for u model modern bungalow on his Expenses adln rerits o l eith er of the two o il pol luxuriance w ith which it gro w a .lt would $01,920.83j Iota adjoining the T ruex residence on T o ta l itic a l parties present they made no -ig n seem th a t thia variety would be a par LIAIIIMTIKS the n o rth aide Lyn n W. S m ith ba $10,000 eo j win tl f " "P «ker a-aertid the h e lp lv a - tic u la rly good ona lo plant for fodder. ilie foundation and II o r laid I r a Capital slo ck paid in ne«a o f l o t h to re m e d y p r ........ I econoln- In d iv id u a l d e p o s it- sub Hama Valiev peaches have been wel- cottage io the bungalow * .vie on lo t- in 45,968 29 : je c t to cheek |e c o n d itio n s H i i l i solve present am ici e u nied L the local m arket th is week. Cli 'V ner l ’a rk. overhi 'k iii" the rive r Dm to ta n k - and bankers 3,042 47 problem!!» 2,024.35 W hite t a crop i- short, nr perliap- he- ai the east end of M ain atreeU C. A. Tim e c e rtific a te s ol deposit *90 72 1 ---------- i atise it la short, l i e fr u it th is year .« of Pi'teiaon recently completed orie of tin* Ca b ie r's chocks o u ls ia m llii" $61.920.83 i i 11111 x «optional » xe. M uirs from th * Wm- pre!lie«t ri'-iih mes n. i l l c i t y on the T o ta l _________________________ rel orchard and C n n ir’s Choice from t he n r ib side, and G ra n t H arrison ba- add S tate of Oregon 'n ’i Before you purchase another money order, l ,IKU,. aid orchard have averaged nearly ed a neat cottage io the tow of a ttra c t County of Jackson three font t i l l <d a pound per pea di for ive homes at l i e east end of south Main look at thia comparative table of prices: I, Lynn W. S m ith , Cashier .of the C g -s IP iQ . -e v .m l boxes. Both the W orrel and the . street. O llie s are i-on'em plating the above-named bank, do solem nly swear B re a d , Pies a n d Cookies OrdsV F itzgerald crop- w ill he disposed of in I hat the above statem ent is true to the Amouol OrJer b u ild in g of ho m e». C andies a n d N u ts la st ol my knowledge and belief. 5c 3c 3c f 5.00 tlo* local m arket, as the demand is brisk C ig ars a n d Tobacco Lynn W. S m ith, Cashier 8C 3c 3c 10.00 and the price good, as high a- five cent» Piano votes w ith ever*- purchase a t the Subscribed and sworn to before me S o ft d rin k s o f a l l kinds i3e 15c 10c 33.00 a pound being paid for tho choice«! fru it. Peerless C lothin g company, G rants 7th day of September, 1911. 20e 20c F u ll lin e o f L u n ch goods 15c 55.00 A. E. Kellogg 30c 30c C. E. M ille r, who has the largest peach Pnss. 15c 100.00 ________ F re s h F r u it s in season [S kal I N otary Public »ery order n r hard in Hams valley, w ill market y o u money on Ic e C ream C orrect-Attest •- E. T. Himmons has a few young frycra above $5.00. O u r B A N K M O N E Y about a thousand boxes thia season, R. H . Moore for sale at fifteen cents a pound. Hot Coffee and Lunch Day and Night O R D E R la Just aa good, and more con« moat ol which he w ill »hip to P ortland, Lynn W . Sm ith H D. Reed where hia f r u it has an established rep wenient than any other kind. N ya l’a Kidney P ills strengthens weak Directors utation and command» a fancy flgura. kidneys.—Jarvis the D ruggist. Hntnlarv guest id M r*. J E Hammer - ly. d*” NEW GOODS g .. 1 Better Clothes Gold Hill Furniture Store Don’t fail to ask for piano votes \ Peerless Clothing Co. Grants Pass, Oregon S ch o o l B ooK s I now have a full stock of all the books prescribed - by the course of study for the Gold Mill schools TERMS: CASH Jarvis the Druggist IBANK MOMEY ORDERS THE GOLD H IL L B A N K ^ H IH IItt T u r n e r ’s L u n c h R o o m MV