The Gold Hill News ■— ----— “ THE FARMER’S CREED’ :— j— —• i Published fvery Saturday at Gold Mill Jackson County. Oregon IklEARLY everyone seems to consider himself qualified to give '^1 advice to the farmer. Scarcely an editorial writer in the ....... ... * RtX M. LAMPMAN country, perhaps, but has not extended kindly counsel t<> the J ' , tiller of the soil. Without knowing a thing about the business " i r a u u h j u c ™ * iU of coaxing the stubborn glebe to put forth rich harvests, teach- > I* ing the calf to suck or curing alfalfa, The News ventures to s*nKi.Av,SKiTKMBK«u, ion print the following, which is supposed to have been written Subscription $1.50 Per Annum, in Advam« nearly half a century ago, long ere the davs of agricultural ----------------------- -----------------colleges, chemical fertilizers and the many labor-saving ma­ chines now in use on the farm, and called “T .e Farm er’s Creed” : All Over Oregon We believe in small farms and thorough cultivation. We believe that soil loves to eat as well as its owner, and The hopgrow ers have obtained a.l th e pickers they need to harv est the ought, therefore, to lie literally fed. Oregon crop th is year. W’e believe in large crops which leave the land better than C harged w ith th e killing o t hl» squaw in W arner Valley, Sunday, Bige they found it —making the farmer and the farm both glad at once. A rchie, an Indian, is lodged in the We believe in going to the bottom of things, and therefore county jail «t Lakeview awaiting ex J ¡n deep plowing and enough of it—all the bett ?r with a subs. il anonatio«. plow. The S outhern Pacific will not den W’e believe that every farm should own a good farmer. te s t the decision of th e In te rsta te Com m erce Com m ission in the Wil­ Wo believe that the best fertilizer for any soil is in the lam ette Va’ley and th e South P o rt­ spirit of industry, enterprise and intelligence. Without this, land lum ber ra te cases. time and gypsum, bones and green manure, snarl and guano, will The fall fishing season on the Co­ lum bia R iver will open on Septem ber be of little use. 10. and th e indications a re th a t m ore We believe in good farmhouses, good fences, good barns, canneries will be opera:- d than ever good stock, good orchards and children good enough to gather before during th is season. the fru it To in stru ct th eir rep resen tativ es a t th e c nvention of the state-w ide high W’e believe in a clean kitchen, a neat wife in it and a clear way com m ittee in P o rtlan d , S eptem ­ conscience. ber 12-13, several O regon counties W’e firmly disbelieve in farmers who will not improve; in I have called good roads m eetings. Standardiz e ion of ch arp ittin g , the farms which grow poorer every year; in starving cattle, and in ! new land-clearing process, is to be farmers ashamed of their vocation, or who drink whisky until' the aim of an org an isatio n of prom i­ honest people are ashamed of them. n en t men in terested In th e develop­ m ent of O regon's logged-ofl lands. T hree new farm ers' high schools, SURVIVAL OF STONE AGE SPIRIT und er th e union d istrict plan, will be opened in L ane County th is fall, dou­ bling th e num ber of union high OECAUSE Governor W’est saw fit to mercifully exercise his schools, in w hich Lane C ounty is the executive perogative and Commute the sentence of Jesse pioneer. Webb, a murderer who was to hang Tuesday, to life imprison- S enator George E. C ham berlain will not leave Washington, d . c ., for home . ment, the Grants Pass Observer trots out iis perennial editorial before S eptem ber 20. as he has be, n grouch and puts it through some of its fancy paces,. Says the detain ed at th e capital by some busi­ Observer: ness m a tte rs he has before the de­ “Ex-Governor Chamberlain was too free in pardoning partm en t. W olves have done so much dam age criminals, but Governor West does not seem to have any respect am ong ca ttle on hillside and m ountain for the criminal laws of the state. He appears to be courting farm s th a t th e C rater Lake N ational criminal favor, and no doubt then.* is something in it from the office forest office has em ployed an exp ert hu n ter. W. R. H am m ersly, to political point of view. Meantime criminal law in Oregon is an hun t and kill them. increasing farce.” A union of th e deciduous fruitgrow ­ Happily for humanity the barbarous type of mind reflect- ers sim ilar to th e p resen t union of ed in the columns of the Observer is slowly but none the less citru s grow ers is the suggestion of Profes. or J. P. O’G ara, national au surely becoming extinct. This type of mind no doubt protested th o rity on p ear cu ltu re and patholo­ stoutly against the discontinuance of the ancient and honorable gist for Jackson County. The wife of M ajor L. D. Kinney practice of obtaining evidence on the rack, and shook its heatl has filed in th e probate court at dubiously at the abolition of imprisonment for debt. M arshfield a petition ask in g th a t she It is greatly to Oregon’s credit that the state has had two be nam ed g u a rd ia n of h e r husband. governors almost in succession who have been brave enough to T he .petitio n sets forth th a t M ajor K inney has suffered a nervous break incur the displeasure of the blood-thirsty minority of capital down and is incapable of atten d in g to punishment fanatics, whose attitude is proof that the spirit of his business affairs. the stone age is not yet dead. State Capital Gleanings A fter its long sum m er adjourn­ m ent th e suprem e court began listen­ ing to arg u m en ts of cases again T ues­ day. The S tate of Oregon will do no more cred it business, especially in th e corporation d ep artm en t, accord­ ing to an ultim atu m issued by Corpor- ttio n Clerk Babcock Completed books containing the course of study have come from th e 1. nds of th e p rin te r for distribution, ar.d a large consignm ent of them has a ’readv been delivered to th e office of the su p erin ten d en t of public instrue tion. S uit for a restrain in g o rd er to pro­ hibit th e W elch lines of th e P ortland, Eugene A E astern from doing work on F ro n t stre e t, in the city of Salem, and also to revoke the fran ch ise of the lines th ere, was started in circuit court by City A ttorney Corby. The general land office h as m ade a rilling in favor of the d esert land en- tr; man in th is state, which enables the en try m an on a d e se rt claim to ir ke final proof and secu re title to his d e sert claim , before secu rin g final w ater rig h t certificate from th e state. A fter p assin g 30 years in th e in d' n service, during which tim e he has experienced many narrow escapes f? in deatt^ in M ontana’s In d ian days, V.’. P. Cam pbell, one of th e v eteran s of th e service, resigned his position as a ss ista n t sup erin ten d en t of the Chemawa Indian School. Portland Notes The annual R etail Grocer»’ Food and In d u strial Exposition Is being ar- i nged to follow the m eetings of G ipsy Sm ith in the tem porary audito- r ’um which Is to be built to aecommo- c.ite th e noted evangelist. A. 8. B riggs, form er su p erin ten d ent of th e L in n to n roekpile, w here city prison ers a re given em ploym ent, was indicted by th e grand jury on a charge of accep tin g $100 to allow th e escape of O. A. R ich ard s, a prisoner, several m onths before his sen ten ce expired. C as h P r ic e s a t th e B ig G r o c e r y S t o r e Sugar 15 lbs. for $1.00 Liberty Bell Flour $ 1.95 c w t . I ’c; rl S hortening, 10 ll»s $1.10 Pe.irl Shortening, .5 lbs 55c < 01 n I'TakoB, 3 packages 25c Q uakt r Oats, large package 30c \a iiilla E x trae:, 3 ounces ... 35c Lcn.on E x trac t, 3 o u n c e s ....... 25c B aking Pow der, 50 ounces 50c C arnation \filk . . .. 10c G riffon C atsup, p i n t ___ __ 15c l o r tin* accom m odation of p atro n s li'in g along the line betw een here and Toots ('reek , we have changed o u r deliv< i \ day from Tucadav to W ednesday. 'This change will »'liable people to send ip th e ir ordere by 'I u esd n y ’s mail ft i W ednesday m orning delivery. 'I’llis i bange will also give the people li v- ing along the line to Foots C reek f r e e d e lh e r y three tim es a week. If you c a n ’t conic to see us in person, call us on Home pliom* 8C or Bell phone 45. L a n c e &, C o m p a n y “T he Big S tore” Profess:onal Cards A. L. KELLOGG Embalmer and Funeral Director Coinpht«* Iin»- of burial rube«, «•»pkt t«. etc. °’ * GOLD HILL OREGON CLEMENT 11. SMITH. M. 1». GENERAL PRACTITIONER Office in Wells Building Hours 10 12 2-4 DR. ARTEMAS W DEANE DENTIST THE HALL OF FAME. 4 ' ‘ ’ • ’. ’ <|> JO H N M A R S H A L L — Known as “th e g re a t chief Justice" of th e suprem e court of the U n ite d States. Bom F a rq u h a r county. Va., S e p t. 24. 1755; d i e d in Philadel- phia Ju ly 0, 1 8 3 5. H e served in th e Revolutionary w ar. w m a mene t er, of th e Virginia convention to i- .tl'i th e constitution in 1788, • a I'n 'te d States envoy to i ■ 17117-8. was a m em ber congress from Virginia 17!»!»- .8 (>. was secretary of stifle 18IX»- ' - il and w as chief justice from 1801 until Ills death. In 1835, a period of th irty -fo u r years. M ar shnll served as the head o f th e suprem e court longer th an any man In th e history of th at high tribunal. , ♦a» n « w snn two ot tn e sisters mar-1 | Z T 4> f - ; 4 2 y 4 2 “ 4 ; • ‘ • 2 4> £ T Heaters Ranges Cook Stoves A complete line ju st in A ll kinds of Cooking Utensils Hot Water Fittings RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD D. H. Miller DR. R. C. KELSEY orrioK in G l d HUI Alphabet of Thrift R EADY money is a remedy for many ills. There are times when a little will accomplish wonders. C. E. BOWMAN C arpenter and J oiner Paperhanger GOLD H IL L, OREGON Y our Last Chance >o get magazine» nt 1910 club price» N early everv standard public ation will increase it» club prices for the season 1911-12 so we cannot fill your order for any d u b given below alte r Septem ber 20, 1011. bee th e point? Then rend us your Older TO-DAY. To PACIFIC MONTHLY, add D elineator.............................for or Everybody’s ......................... ” or The H ousekeeper............... ’ ' or McClures .......................... ’ ’ or W om an's Home C om panion" or H a m p to n 's..............................' ' or The Hons keeper amt MeC lo re 's........................" or W orld’s Work, Cosmopoi tan ami Delineat i r ..................... ’ ' $1.«5 I 95 I.fi6 1 05 1.05 ] 06 The Gold Hill Bank MORALE PfLTON President RGBl. H. MOORL Vice President LYNN W. SMITH Cashier G o l d H il l C a f e M rs. W . W . T r u a x P r o p r ie to r XT' AI.W AVM HOMKT1I (NO GOOD to w it- The Lent the m a rk e t »f lorflM In $»n h» I »n 11 h I food« n in i the Uncut horn»* m urin«lelicnrh*« 2 76 A Pleasant Place to Stop 4 35 These orders, at prices giv< n, can only be delivered in the U. 8. mid insular possessions. Remem ber the tim e is short. A ddress, The Pacific M onthly, P ort land, Oregon. Shaniko.—Fire destroyed all th e buildings In two blocks In th e center Money to Loan of the business section of Shaniko, Money to loan on good real estate th e loss ag gregating $36,00$, with security. C. C oppack , sm all insurance. Gold H ill, Oregon. r n m r — r n n it w iii n iA iu B u m u . » S T O ,V E S (JAM A IiM iN IH TK K K l) GOLD H IL L , OREGON BUSINESS. A big business country m ust have big business, and ours is the biggest business country In the world. Business depends upon the ease und quickness with w hich people can tnlngle and trad e together. To stop the grow th of business organizations is to stop th e grow th of the country. Service .Is the first of theories. Shall we go backw ard or fo rw ard ? T he price of the raw m aterials th at giv'fnto w ag­ ons and agricultural Implements has Increased, while th e price of w agons and agricultural Imple­ m ents has gone down, and at th e sam e time those wagons ami agricultural Im plem ents today are guaranteed. Politicians dm notiuee big business, but ask the farm er if be Is willing to go buck to the blacksm ith shop for his plows, harrow s, w agons and reapers. A lbert J. Beveridge. $1.10 75c laied, 10-11». c a n ...................... $1.35 Bacon, bellies, per 11» 15c Bacon, dry salt, p er lit 15c Fancy 1 lams, |»er 11» ............ ...20c W hite Clover S yrup, pail 30c ii gin Ciipolislied Head Rice, sk 50c 2 lbs. 3 0 c Alladin Coffee for 4 5 c There is general regret in Gold Hill that Capt. and Mrs. J. G O L D H IL L H O S P IT A L W . Gale have decided to relinquish their management of the f O K . T II1H O Jk <• MT». GOLD H IL L , OREGON Gold Hill Hotel. Since they took charge of the place three months ago they have given us a hotel that has been a credit | IOIIN H . CAKKIN OLENN O. T AY LOP to themselves and the community, and have built up the busi- j CARKIN& TAYLOR ness until they have put it On a paying basis. Traveling men LAWYERS making the southern Oregon territory now arrange their work OOMS 17-10 OVKK JA C K SO N COUNTY B A N » • MEDFORD, OREGON so that they spend Sunday here. It is to be hoped that whoever succeeds Capt. and Mrs. Gale in the management of the hotel will J. L. HAMMERSLY display some of the ability and enterprise that has characterized ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR their regime. O FFICE IN P O aroF F K 'K H UILIUNO Bailey, of Texas, wili not seek re-election ^o the senate at the close of his present term. He will go to New York and become a corporation lawyer, as did Spooner before him. Soon the re­ regeneration of the senate will be complete, and Privilege will will have to depend entirely upon the supreme court for pro­ tection. -------------------------------------------------------------------- :-------------- S |. n d ard ( ’m il, pci* dozen cans Lard, f>-lli. can .......................... The Gold Hill Hotel Meet Your Friends Here The house has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished throughout. R a te s $ 2 .0 0 p e r d ay . S p e c ia l rates by the w eek. J. W. Gale, Proprietor