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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1911)
VOL M>L1) H ILL, JACKSO N COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, SE PTEM B ER 9, 1911 __________ NQ j g COUNTY COURT APFOINTS HIGHWA Y COMMISSION SUAREZ NAMED TO RUN WITH MADERO HENRY C. BEATTIE. Jr. E E S ,HOUSE BE SENATOR. Gomez Men Are Defeated By Mexican Progressives in Convention. That People o f Jackson County May Vote to Construct Good Roads Mexico City.—June I’ lno Ruarez win noinlonted for vice president by the Progressive party over Or. Francisco Vaaquex Gomez by a vole of »76 to ««»■ to run with F 1. Maileero. Jr., the party's candidate for president Many delegates did not vote on the last ballot, while several cast blank •»allots, these going to the credit of the man with the majority. Tin- nomination of Suarez followed the refusal o f the minority In the con vent Ion to cast Its votes for either or the remaining candidates for the vice- presidency and the «ailing of Frnn cisco I Madero before the convention ► > defend bis relations with Dr. G o -! met. who had run second to Suarez by 99 votes on the second ballot. 1 he head of the ticket was sub Jected to a «rilling by the dele«ates. but after frankly expressing h’f dis approval of Dr. Gomez, he adroitly turned the tables on the dissatisfied element by putting them on record to support the winning csndldate, who ever he might be. Only the most ardent supporters of Madero regard Ills nomination as synonymous with his election No one attempts to deny that he has lost much of his popular Influence, and that General Bernardo Reyes Is a for midable rival. FIVE TO HELP SPEND MONEY Here are the men who will spend the $1,500,00 bond issue, if passed' for beter highways in ackson county: J. R. Neil, county judge, Jacksonville. James Owens, commission er, Wellen. G. L. Davis, commissioner, Medford. Benton Bowers, Ashland. Hrace Pelton. Sams Val ley. Prank Brown, Eagle Point. Miles Cantrell, Applegate. Sam Mathis, Woodville. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Brief News of the Week. Tbs town of Ware, Maas., recently celebrated Its one hundred and flftletb anniversary. The New York Legislature con vened Wednesday to take up the mat ter of the proposed new charter for the city of New York Sickness and death. It has been The county court Thursday morn ing named the men who will act as an advisory commission with them in regard to the expenditure of the $1,- 500 000 bond issue if it carried at the election to be held a t the end of this M arquis Saionjo, the new Japanese month for the purpose of building a Premier, who announced that his gov complete spstem of highways ernment would cultivate “the closest throughout teh county. The decisin amity*’ with other nations. as to the personnel of the commis sion was arrived at after the countv commissioners and Cnnty Judge Neil MOB STONES CANDIDATE ■ had spent much time in looking over General Reyes Attacked and Many the list of available and capable men in the county. Politics cut absolute Wounded by Rioters. ly no figure in the choice of the men Mexico City.— Stoned and forcibly but the eonnty court endeavored to robbed of 2000 pesos by a mob of Ma- choose men acceptable to a llparts o f deristaa, In the principal thorough the conntv. fare of the capital. General Bernardo As Medford has a representative Reyes, candidate for the presidency | on the board in the person of George In opposition to F. 1. Madero, was L. Davis, conntv commissioner, this forced to abandon an effort to address city was omitted by the court in the his constituents and to run the gaunt consideration. Ashland has a rep let of a Jeering crowd, upon whom resentative in the person of Benton the police had received orders not Bowers while the other men were to fire except as a last resort. chosen that all sections of the county Repeatedly the police charged the would be represented. turbulent element, and the records ot This commission will meet at s ta t the Red Cross, the W hite Cross and ed periods with the county court and the commissaries account for forty- will have a voice in the m atter of ex three wounded a sa result of the dis pending the money, if voted, for bet orders. Most of these were injured by stones, but many show bruises and ter roads throughout the county. This gives each section of the county rep gashes made by the sabers of tbe resentation and will guarantee to mounted police. each section that they will not he overlooked or slighted in the m atter Judge Hanford Dissolves Injunction. of building good roads. Idaho Bank Under Scrutiny. , Boise, Ida.— A grand Jury will probe Into the affairs of the State Bank of Commerce of Wallace and the I.ane Lumber Company, both of which ____,___ failed, as well as Investigate the ac computed, cost the nation 18.000,000,- n . i , . r n r» i ■ u , O re .-A fte r a legal battle of tions of the officers. The Jury will 000 annually. If the value o f the labor Berlin.— At the unveiling of a statue open Its Inquiry In Wallace In the lost as th e ir resu lt I . ,-apltall.ed , ! ’ b“8 bt'*n bltterly of General Baron Steuben at Pots fought and which has interested the district court, September 18. For San Francisco's first non-parti whole country, the divorce suit of Sid dam tbe Emperor paid a high tribute san election there w ill be 247 candi ney C. Love versus Marjorie Burnes to the German soldier who was an dates for the 32 offices, or an average Love was brought to a close when Cir ally of George Washington during the of nearly eight aspirants for each or- cuit Judge W illiam Smith handed American Revolution, and at the same Senator Penrose, Opposing Mayor, flee. down a decision In which he finds that time expressed deep appreciation of Says Situation fs Scandalous. The boyhood home of Mark Twain, the plaintiff Is not entitled to the de the spirit of the American people. Philadelphia—At the height of a built by his father. In 1838. was The statue upvelled is a replica of factional tight for the Republican bought by George A. Mahan, a cree prayed for In his complaint, and one dedicated In Washington several that neither is the wife entitled to le nomination for mayor, the administra wealthy attorney, and was given to months ago, and as a gift of the gal separation from he- husband. tion of Mayor Reyburn, whose term the city of Hannibal. Mo American Congress to the German In his findings the Ji Jge favors the The first clod of earth marking the will expire In December, will be Invea- p'alntlff all the way, but the reason Emperor and the German nation was ttgaled by a commission appointed by actual beginning of work on the Pan presented by Representative Richard the last Legislature. United ’states ama Pacific Exposition will be turned he granted no decree in his favor n Bartholdt, of St. Louis, and C. B. probably shown In paragraph 16 Senator Penrose, In a public state In the Golden Gate Park stadium by Seattle.— United States Judge Cor wherein he lays that since Love lef' Wolffram, of New York, the special ment, says: President Taft. October 14 nelius H. Hanford dissolved the tem American ambassadors for the occa Ix>st In a blanket o f fog. the three- his family In England he has not sion. "The present municipal situation In porary restraining order Issued last Philadelphia, In my Judgment, de masted lumber schooner Comet. Cap sought a reconciliation with his wife week, restraining the city of Seattle Red E lk and Tribesm en Drive W h it as The ceremony served also as a fare lu unmistakable terms. From W a te r Trenches. mands a thorough housecleanlng and tain Borgensen. with 620,000 feet of well to the American ambassador, and the residents of the Rainier Vat He characterizes the trouble be Pendleton.— Refusing to abide by the adoption of measures to prevent Pine, from Grays Harbor, for Snn Pe ley from Interfering with the Seattle- David Jayne H ill, who Immediately tween the man and wife as "merely a rrpetitinn of the methods of the dro. ran on to a reef of Richardson and holds that the , ‘ f , * r unvellln’ Presented his let- Renton & Southern Railway In Its at the decisions of the courts, a number psychol' glcal of Indians, under the leadership of present administration Under no Rock. 20 miles souto of Point Concep tempt to collect second fares. recelve due c o n s id e rs - , t e r ’ o f r e c a l> to Emperor W illiam , who plaint IT did not receive due considers Red Elk, one of the head men of the aueh conditions should the scandalous tion. on the California Coast. The mass meeting last week, at j received Mr. H ill in private audience. The secrecy which surrounds di Hon Horn the members of his family At the same time Mrs. H ill was re which an efflgy of Judge Hanford was U m atilla tribe, drove from their personal obligations and financing ob at the tim e he lost his money. ligations of certain city officials be vorces such as those obtained by John ceived by Empress Auguste Victoria. hanged, was called to protest against ranches the crew of workmen which carried Into another mayoralty term." Jacob Astor. Frank J Gould and other the granting of the temporary re Is employed in developing the Thorn Hollow Springs, from which the city notables among the rich In society, 8trainln order dissolved. R. Q. M ilts Is Dead. expects to get its supply of mountain was condemned In the New York su Abandon 8earch for Robbers. J. F. Friable, the Curtiss aviator, Corsicana. T exas— Former United Prison Hangs in Mld-slr. water. After the workmen had been Redding, Cal.— Bloodhounds taken preme court by Justice Goff as con wag killed by a fall at the Norton. States Senator R Q. Mills of Texas Medford.— Suspended in midair, 18 driven away the Indians took hoes and rto the scene of the robbery of the trary to the best Inierests of the pub Kansas, County Fair. died at his home here. prisoners are sleeping in their steel filled up the trenches which had been Oregon Express, near Lamolne, failed lic. Lieutenant De Grailly, of the Senator Mills was the author of the ......... —.......................................................• —- ouiuui ui m r dug. . to pick up the scent of the robbers. riench army, while making an aero- 1888 customs bill known as the M ills’ cage in Jail with nothing but two ca Red E lk is the son of Wenlx. the bles supporting them. The cage la The country has been thoroughly plane flight, was burned to death In tariff, and for many years a leading being hoisted to the top of the new Indian woman who owns the land mid-air. searched for miles in each direction. member of Congress. He was chair Gains First Fall In 14:18, and Second The theory that the robbers escaped Gifford Plnchot, exchief forester, man of the House when he drew the Jail to make room for the »6500 cells upon which the springs are located. In 6:32. that have been contracted for and She refused to sell the land, but the In nn automobile has been discarded Chicago.— The wrestling champion and Miles Poindexter, United States Mills' tariff bill, upon which the presi which will be put In soon. city brought a condemnation suit and | and Sheriff Montgomery and all but senator from Washington, have sailed dential election was contested. ship of the world remains at Hum was compelled to pay her »4000. She • few of the railroad and express for Alaska to be gone nearly six : boldt, la. It took Frank Gotch Just has refused to accept the money. It eonipanj/ detectives have abandoned | weeks. i 19 minutes and 50 seconds to topple was at her bidding that Red Elk and the chnse. Aviator Harry N. Atwood has an over George Ilackrnschmldt. Girl, Unable to W alk for Two Years. Professor O’Gara Makes Discovery the other braves, armed with rifles, Gotch secured the first fall with a nouneed that on September 15 he Binger Hermann’s Aunt Dies. Undergoes Operation. drove the white workmen from the in Southern Oregon. would begin his transcontinental flight Portland.— By t ’l. ng the tend n, Marshfield.— Mrs. W. A. Border, a reverse body lock In 14 minutes 18 1-5 from San Francisco to the Atlantic M e d fo rd .— N ew c ro w n g a ll, a dis- ditches. Achilles, from the hg of a lamb and ease that effects the roots and tops of pioneer of Coos County, died nt the seconds; the second fall required ex Coast. sewing it Inlo the bone of the left leg alfalfa, and which is unknown to the Medford to Have New Steel Bridge. home of her daughter, Mrs. L. W. actly 5 minutes 32 1-5 seconds. Ac UnltPd Stnles Si nator Bourne has Medford.— Plans for the »30.000 of 11-year-old Melissa Oades, an oper Department of Agriculture at Wash Traver, In Hila city. She for years cording to the general comment, Hnc written a 1« ter to his constituents in had been n resident of the Coquille kenschmldt entered the ring n b e a m Oiegon saying that he opposes the re- ation performed by Doctors R ch nnd ington, D. C., has been discovered by bridge across Bear Creek in Medford (I te.i Marsh, at the Good Samaritan Hospi Professor P. J. O’Gara, former govern were accepted by tne county court. Valley, living nenr M yrtle Point. She man. lie loo cd I ke n hi. nomlnatlon oi President T aft and fa ccntldent and master tal, the little girl, who has been par ment pathologist, now employed by > W ith the securing of a strip of land W!*s a slater of Mrs. Hermann, w hs i vors (hat of La Fol'ette. <’ ' v s . . n at every tnge. It alyxed in both lower. 1 mbs for the Jackson County. The affected plants owned by F. J. Williamson and F. C. mother of Binger Herr” tin . It Jack Johnson will get »30,000 and " o or a pitiable spectacle. burg. last two years, Is expected to recover show numerous galls which. Inhabit Page by the city the only Impediment Bombardier Wells will receive »10,000 the use of her limbs. the growth and which, If allowed to was removed and despite the heavy Clapp and Johnson Favor Recall. for fighting at Earls Court, England, The girl rallied well from the shock spread, will destroy the alfalfa crop expense Incurred by the county, the O tg e -t Catch 23 3 Tons. Sa u I ¡»:. ■ sc i Senator Moses E. October 2, according to the contract commissioners decided for the con A.-torln. Ac oidlng to the reports Clapp, ol Minnesota, and Governor drawn up by James White, the pro of the operation, which la thought to of an entire valley. have been successful. tit is far available, the "h’gh boat" Johnson, ol California, attacked tbe moter. After months of study of the disease struction of the span. The operation Is believed to be the and of the records of the department, among the glllnettcrs during the pnst attitude of President T a il In regard After getting notoriety by opposing Joseph.— The fight between me first of Its kind in Portland and notI Professor O'Gara came to the eonci'u- firhlnar season was operated by C, to the recall of the Judiciary In ''tainted money” and a gift from John Home Independent Telephone Com Shogren. who fished for the Tnllnnt- speeches Labor Day before the Direct many cases have been found In the [ that he had discovered a plant D. Rockefeller for missionary pur pany and Its subscribers over the re United States. The usual tendons disease that was Indeed new. A let Grant Pncklng -- Company. ------,------- Leglslutlcn League of California. T h ' poses, Dr. Washington Gladden, pas cent lncreaee in telephone rates, used In replacing human tendons are ter to V. K. Charles, acting mycolo i His catch for the season was 23H ‘ league Is leading the campaign for tor of the First Congregational reached an Interesting stage when in those from dogs, but the parents of ions of salmon, which netted him nnd the state constitutional amendment Church, w ill resign bis charge be gist at Washington, brought a request fulfillment of pledges signed several his boat pallor »3290 for their season's for th ecall of judges to be voted on cause many of his congregation do got the girl were opposed to the use of a for samples, and upon the examina days ago, virtually every farmer and dog's muscle and a lamb waa substi tion Mr. Chartres also pronounced w<,rk- Oelober 10. attend his church at Columbus. O. business man In thia vicinity ordered tuted the disease new. his phone taken out. DIVORCE DECREE TO TRIBUTE TO STEUBEN LOVES IS REFUSED IS PAID BY KAISER INVESTIGATE PHILADELPHIA INDIANS DEFY COURT ACT > News of Noted Persons. GOTCH IS STILL CHAMPION CORD MAY REVIVE LEG NEW ALFALFA PEST FOUND