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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1911)
e (CoiÖ M ill VOL. 14 COLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1911 Judge Neil Tells Taxpayers of Proposed Good Roads Bond Issue CONSPIRACY CHARGE CAUSE OF ARRESTS JILIJS KRUTTSCHNITT I z ■W 5 for a G erm an U m vrr SAYS CHEAPER IN THE LONG RUN Speeches at Meeting Cause Issuance of Warrants for Seattle Men Seattle, Witnh—Charged -*lih con spiring lo obstruct the ndmlnlatratluir ot Jaattce In k ('lilted Htatn« court, OH »«r T. Erickson, membev o t the Seattle City CouucUi I«< Uloy Sand er«. editor of the Beattie Star; B H Canfield, publisher of the Star; John II Perry, attorney for Cantteld and Ha ml era; Sheriff Hugo Kelly; Paul K Mohr, a labor leader; Thomas llo au<r. a real eat ate dealer, were ar tested on warrants aworn to by United States District Attorney Elmer E Todd. A warrant for the arreat of A. W. Fawcett, who was ousted from the •0 < -a of mayor of Tacoma In a recent recall election, was Issued and sent to Tacoma for service. The warrants for the arreat of the alleged conspirators were Issued as the result of the hanging In effigy ot Mailed S tales District Judge Hanford and the utterance at a muss meeting at inflammatory speeches denouncing th« rourt for Issuing an Injunction re ■training the people of Rainier Val ley from Interfering with the Seattle, Menton » Southern Railway, which la tasnlsed la a dispute with Ita pa Irons The indictment charges all the Had a n ot ihe mass me«tlug with conspir acy Io obstruct Justice by arousing Staple to dlsohedh-me of the Injunc tion and refora to remarks made at Me mass meeting. Rusk a Candidate for Congress. p.o tUml.—John P. ("Jerry) Ru«k 'of Li Grande. Union County, will be a candidate for (lie Hepubllcan nomine- Pau for Representative In Congress frsm Ihs Second Congressional dis trict In the primary nominating fle c tion nest April. Mr Rusk Inform ally announced hla candidacy here, and at a subsequent date will make a formal announcement. AUTO TURNS SOMERSAULT Veteran D river and Mechanic Dio In Speed Race. Elgin, III.—The 305 mile automobile rand race, won by Lon Zengel In n Rational, with Harry Grant second eed Hugh Hughes third, was not con tasted without Ita toll of death and MJnrtea. David Buck, veteran Chicago auto- stabile racer, was within II Japs ot tt« finish, going 65 miles an hour on 14« back stretch, when hla right for card wheel threw a lire. The ma dilne turned a som ersault and Sam Jacobs, mechanician, was killed. Sack's bark was broken and he died that night. Portland Notes John R. Sawyer, an inspector the United Staten Immigra- »en Service under J. H Barbour, fcss been named by the Stale Depart- went ns vice and deputy consul-gen eral of the United States at Hong- tong. Judgment Tor the plaintiff for Bin.iNHI together with Interest on Ihnt aniounl at the legal rate since April 1.1, 1906, was the decision rendered Iff Judge Kavanaugh in the now fa- nnua case of W. H. Hurlburt against Morris Bros. Portland's bank clearings for the veek not only showed a big gain over tie totals for the corresponding week *i Iasi year, but also the largest in «reuse of the Pacific Cnasl ■ -**'« T <aln wns 19.1 per r r‘. . . . c ru tegs bel”? rS 4 a 000. L ■ the country 'n w h in shlp- Rnntj ler the seven mo'iftis er.dlng a th July, Portland shipped 3,477.097 lusl.els, according lo ihe n in th ly bit-id liiffa report issued by the treas ary ('apartment, which was recelvi d tt the ' och I d iet mis house. The re port shows an Increase In the ship ments of no» only wheal nnrt flour, flut of all principal fc.>dstuffs ovsr •hose of lost year. kt k W Julius Kruttschnltt, vice-president ef the Harriman Linas, who will con fer with labor leaders In an effort to avoid strike of shopmen. Brief News of the Week. Kpokanp, Wash., was decided on as the next place of meeting of the Na tional A aoclatlon of Insurance Com missioners The Young Men's Christian Asso ciation ha» 538,637 members, a gain of 39,446 during ihe past year, accord lng to the aaaoctatlon'a year book. Eluding of a race of people never before Included In the books of an thropologist«. a race that Is Eskimo In habits and Scandinavian In phys ique. Is reported by Wllbjmar Stfffan- ason, leader of the American Muse- ■nt's scientific expedition The fight between the Postal T ele graph Company and the Southern P a elflc '«eer Jh e, elegraph ¡company’s right to string Its telegraph polea and wires In Southern Oregon over the right of way of the railroad company, was taken Into the United States court at Portland. The aetkm of the German cruiser Bremen In holding torpedo exercises In Buzzards Bay, within the three- mile limit, without permission from this government. Is regarded by high officers of the navy aa a breach of International etiquette and a fit sub ject for a protest lo Germany. It Is announced after a coqfefen .e of Governor .Mills and other officials that a state election In New Mexico will be called for November 7. This will assure that New Mexico's sena tors and representatives can take part In the tariff legislation of Con -4 gress at Its coming session. BELLAH WINS AT ASTORIA Coast Championship Goes to Olympic, of San Francisco. AstorlA.— 8. H. Bellah, Stanford University athlete, won three first places In the Pacific Coast track and field championships held before a Centennial crowd and virtually clincher) for his club, the Olympic of San Francisco, the Coast Wide Bel- lah'a best performances were Ir, the pole vault, broad Jump and Javelin throw. Points were divided as follows: Olympic, of Ban Francisco, 45; Seat tle Athletic Club, 24; Los Angeles Athletic Club, 17; Multnomah Athletic Club, of Portland, 14; Con. Walsh un attached. Il; Vancouver Athletic Club, 9; Aldermnn unattached, 6; Pastim e Athletic Club, of San Fran cisco, 5; Astoria Athletic Club, 4; James Bay Athletic Club, of Victoria, B. C„ 4; Pomona College, Califor nia, 3. R. L. Borden, Canadian Opposition Leader, who is fighting Premier Lau rier and the Reciprocity Treaty. KILLS PARENTS FOR MONEY I (J a c o b H M pzo a r j *i > that Mr. hi luff. •»< m » u \n r k . turn a u ir u ii «-<z h » jrive i f r t r s l lullihui iii.irk« for lb - fotii»»!atl<»i» of u er.« • Ufori on the M ain, hla birthplace. provided certain coudltluu*. part s ».iris * «»in ernlug tha m atter of religion and pro fem ora, are m et • * ELECTION STRUGGLE I TAFT SAYS LEADERS INTENSE IN GANADA "PLAYED POLITICS” Ottawa, Ont.—Reixirfa coming In from all parts of Canada show the intensity of the election struggle now under full headway, and reflect also the position and progress of the va rious elem ents on the main Issue, reciprocity between Canada and the United States. Reciprocity has continued the dom inant Issue since Premier Laurier and Opposition Leader Borden made their Initial addreaaes. The grounds taken for and against reciprocity are shown In the reports coming from all sections. The tight against reciprocity la made on both economic and sentimental grounds. The opposition speakers declare that agriculture In the United States Is so much better developed than It la In Canada that the Canadian farmer will be swamped by the arrival of food products from the United States. Hamilton, Mass.—Pres. Taft began the presidential campaign of 1912 in a speech that breathed defiance and condemned the insurgent Republicans and Democrats who combined to re vise several schedules of the present tariff at the special session of Con gress Just closed. The president singled out Senator La Follette, of W isconsin; Speaker Clark and Chairman Underwood, of the House way« and means commit tee, as leaders of the revision and charged them with “playing politics.” Mr. Taft indicated that he regarded the proposed revision ae injurious and dangerous to business, but made it plain that if the tariff board in De cember reported In favor of downward revision of the cotton and wool schedules, he would recommend a re duction. The president spoke before the Es sex County Republican Club at the formal launching of the state cam paign here Girl Tossed Overboard. Holland, Mich.—Angered, he said, because Grace Lyons, of Chicago, Seven Killed by Storm. broke her promise of marriage. Wal Charleston, S. C.— Seven persons W>r Hopper, of Chicago, attacked her on board the ateamer Puritan in mid are known to be dead, many injured, lake and tossed her overboard. Her and property damage of more than 31,000,000 is the havoc wrought by body was not recovered. the storm 'w h ich struck Charleston Sunday afternoon, Isolating that city SINCLAIR WANTS DIVORCE from the rest of the world. At Papers Ara Being Prepared, Au thor, Spouse and Affinity Talk. New ,York.-—The marital difficulties of Upton Sinclair and Meta Fuller Sinclair, who have been married 11 years, reached a climax here when the author brought suit for absolute divorce, naming Harry Keinp, the poet, as co-respondent. While the papers were being pre pared by Mr. Sinclair's attorney for rervlce upon Ills wile she and her husband and the co-respondent poet Pear Sh'pm m ts Honvy. sat In the assembly roem of a large Medfv.J. -- Thtit" three car« of Broadway hotel and quietly discussed ilr.i r; p ara have been shipped. with reporters the problem of marital Iro n the valley since the season I opened, and the fruit Is going out at | relations and Utopia in general. the rnta o' five enrs a day. All the I McNamaras Pledged Support. fruit that has been shipped so far is San Francisco.— Pledget of support being held In Chicago await ng the to the United Garment Workers' Un olea-lng of the marki t of cheat fruit ion, now on strike In Cleveland, O., aad Jan. B. and John McNamara, un D illard to Assist Alderm an, der Indictment at Ix>s Angeles for al Eugene. — School Superintendent leged complicity In the wrecking of Walter B. Dillard has tendered hla the plant of tha Loa Angeles Times, resignation to the county court, us marked tha opening session of the he w ishes to become assistant to 57th annual convention of the Inter State Superintendent L. R Ald.rman. , • S c /w r I Youth C onfesses Killing of Mother, Father, Brother to Get Money. Evansville, Ind.—The story of how he crept Into ths room where his fa ther, Richard Lee, hla mother and brother Clarence were sleeping and slew them with an axe in order that he might obtain money with which to set up a home for the girl he was to marry, came from the lips of William Lee, a 31-year-old boy, here. After maintaining a show of indif ference for two days yrAinfe Lee broke down when confronted with damaging evidence the authorities had collected against him. He confessed to Sheriff John J. Davis, going into details, and declaring that after his parents were dead he set Are to their bed. He then ran from the house .and gave the alarm, he said, to avert suspicion. Than Present Unsatisfactory Method of Constructing County Roads TO THE PEOPLE OF JACKSON COUNTY: it may be sujaerflous to advance that what Jackson county, if not the whole state, probably needs more than* anything else is a system of good roads that will reduce the cost of transportation over it to a mini mum to say nothing of the satisfac tion of traveling over it if on pleas ure bent. This is a business propo sition that has presented itself to every prosperous, wideawake com munity, and is one that must also be solved by Jackson county. Its solution at a future time would mean financial loss of considerable proportions to the people at large, great inconveniences and would dog the wheels of progress and success. To establish roads that will ans wer every purpose, be permanent and require little repair after they are built, it is necessary to provide suf ficient means. Therefore at the sugestión of many of the taxpayers of the county, the county court has called a special election, to be held September 30th, to decide whether the people are in favor of bonding the county in the sum of $1-500,004. payable in twenty years, to pay for suefc improvements. It has been computed bv experts in this line that this sum of money is none too big’ to accomplish the purpose for which ♦ it is intended. Jackson county is one of the most important counties of the state and an imaieuse am ,ar.-t of w- k nm»i be done to build such a system oF roads as is demanded. The e i< tip intention to issue these bonds at one time. It would be entirely unneces sary to do so. The construction of the roads under the prooosed plan would consume four or five years and the bonds will be issued only as the money is required. Hence they will not draw interest until they Walla Walla Elects Naw Officials. Walla Walla, Wash.—CommMsion p a ss *nto ,b e hands o f the ptirehas- government forces won the third ars' ^’ve f * 1" cen t in terest the battle here and the victory was a bonds wou?d find ready buyers and sw eeping one. A. J. Gillis, candi- ! a su b stan tial premium would be ob- date o f the Commission Government tained besides. League for Mayor, was elected, and There seem s to be an idea pre- A. K. Dice and George Struthers were vail«>g that the issu an ce o f these chosen comm issioners on the same bonds would increase taxation. Thi> ticket. *s certainly w ithout foundation. Under the Allen law, the commie E v«» when all o f the bonds are is - aion government will become effec , sued—-sa y five y ea rs hence— the an ti ve September 11. The newly elect- nual interest charge to be raised by ed officers will tak9 their seats at ' taxation would be only $75,000. The that time. They have the appointing . amount o f taxab le property on the of all the o 0 e r officers. assessm en t roll fo r 1911 will ap- ---------------------------- proxim ately be $40,000,000 and it FALLING BRIDGE KILLS FIVE Repair ________ Gang Is Caught Chance to Escape. '« w a levy of less than two mills on the dollar to meet the Without «»fire eharjre on the whole issu e -.f ; bonds for one year. In round numbers, it now requires Roseburg.—Five men were almost Instantly killed and five others were at least $100,000 per annum to pur injured, four seriously, when the big sue the present method of road im wooden bridge spanning the Umpqua provements which have proved so River, in Coles Valley, 18 miles north unsatisfactory and this expense is w est of Roeeburg. collapsed and fell steadily becoming greater. At the to the water, a distance of about 60 present time taxpayers are paying a yearly tax of nt least two and a FILM EXPLODES IN THEATER feet. AU the killed and injured were half mills for roads and bridges^« Panic Follows Cry of “Fire,” and members of the Douglas county difference of nearly a whole mill in Many Are Killed and Injured. bridge gang, and had been at work favor of the bond issue, even when Canonburg, Pa.—Twenty-five per repair!?? the I’.l-fated structure for the bonds have all been sold, and persons were killed and mere than about three weeks. With the south more than a mill for nearly five 60 Injured when a mo , tng-picture end ot the bridge intact, the crew be years. As the eonuty gains in popu Aim exploded in the Canonburg Qpp.a gan removing the false work to the lation and wealth the taxable prop House. Immediately following the opposite end of the structure to re erty will increase and the rate of _______ _ ______ taxation to pay the interest on the flash of the film sc.m - person shouted place some ________ defective eyebeams. They had only partly completed the bonds will diminish accordingly, “fire." There was a tush for the exit the ______ whole span suddenly; " h a t the county court has to con- and In a moment there was a w r l t h - task __ _ when ____ ____ ___________ lng, scream ing mass of humanity 10 quivered and an instant later crashed l«nd with at present is the in sisten t feet h'gh In the narrow stairway lead to the water below. The entire crew dem ands that this or that section ing ta the entrance of the theater. was removing the floor planking when s h»uld have its roads built and re- Most of the dead sflbre smothered. the collapse came, and none wer | pa*_red first- It is, o f course im pos- A great majority of the spectators nhle to escape. sible to satisfy these demands. It were women and children. In the seems to me that nothing would ad- tierce rush for the exit they were i just this phase of the problem more North Bend Mill Burned. trampled on. Others were thrown , satisfactorily than the proposed Marshfield.—The shingle mill upon them and those at the bottom of North Bend la In rtilna as the result bond issue. If the people know that the human pile were suffocated. of a fire. The blaze started In the funds have been provided to meet engine-room and the whole plant was .their requirements in dne time, the Madaro Nominated for Praaidant. Mexico City.— E I. Mndero waa totally destroyed Inside of 30 minutes scramble would cease. A square nominated for President Monday by The mill waa owned by James Allen deal to all and special privileges to representatives of I I clubs of tha and L. J. Simpson. They carried no none is a cardinal principal of good National party. Ha has nr> opposi Insurance. The lose Is about $15,000. government. The plant will be rebuilt. tion. (Continue« on last page)