LONG AFRICAN TRIP FREAK STYLE FOR MEN Juat Roll Your Hose to the Shoe Tops and You're Right Up-to-the Minute. Country W ith Only One Bank. There are no public banking Instltu- dons In the Dominican republic, and but one private bank with agencies In the most Important towns, which buys and sells drafts, make* lo.-uia, and la the repoxitnry of the government funds Buying and selling drafts Is an Important source of revenue to thia bank and also to many private Indi­ viduals. Money Is easily placed at al most any time at tt^ per cent, a month, and sometimes at 3 and 3tA per cent , with first-class real estate or personal security. Long time loans of large amounts are placed at 12 per cent per annum. Municipalities, bor­ rowing money for Improvements slid other purposes, pay one per cent, a month. It Is not a great banking country Most of the » e llto d o pro- pie, both among the merchants and farmers, never think of depositing their money, but have small private safes or secrete their hoardings in some other manner. WORK FOR EDUCATION DANGER III THE CUP MANY STUDENT* SUPPORT T H E M S E L V E S IN C O L L E G I. Efforts to Abolish the Common Chicago. —A new fashion for men hat has gained Immediate recognition Drinking Vessel. In thia city Is the "athletic roll" on half hose. It Is a distinctly west­ Statistics Gathered at Princeton Uni­ Discovers W aterfall on River Mao ern mode and originally was used as versity Showing the Varied Occu­ Illinois Follows Kansas In Legislation the means of securing or supporting Kail and French Authorities In pations That Were Token Y p Effecting Uss of tho Public Cup— the bait hose of athletes. Country Name Cataract Lee by the Young Mon. A Safety Drinking Despite the fate that, heretofore, all Chutes MacLeod. Fountain. fashions tor men were accepted only Statistic! recently gathered at afted the King of England had placed Princeton, show that 40 per cent, of London.— Miss Olive MacLeod, who blg gtaaip of approval upon them, the Springfield. III.— Illinois has fol­ left England In August last to visit , wegt | laeuaea rived In England. gain an education. These tlgures In­ are distributed by IL She »as met by her father. Sir clude all those who are making There is no question whatever Reginald MacLeod, when she landed, money In small and large amounts, about these facts, which uiay be said and left for Paddington. Thence she and do not mean that the men are brlelty to summarise the results of a proceeded by molor car to her beau­ not getting outside assistance of a special Inveattgallon recently made tiful home, Vintners, near Maid- substantial kind Students paying by the board of health of the state of •tone. half their expenses are Included In Kauaaa. An example of the old rough and O R C H E S T R A G AVE H IM A W A Y 30 per cent figures, and those paying Kansas led the way tn a movement Altogether the African Journey con­ their way through without any help to do away with the common drinking ready methods of arriving at a meas­ sisted of 3,700 miles, mostly on foot urement Is the Ellxabethan way of Man Telephones Wife He Is Busy at from others could be put within the glaaa. Such receptacles, which carry or horseback. P. A. Talbot, district Office, but She Couldn't Stand ten per ceflt. limit. getting the "feet." Falentln Leigh, all aorta of Infection from mouth to commissioner of Niagara, and Mrs. for Music. There are scores of ways of making mouth, are not to he In future allowed who wrote on surveying, records that Talbot, accompanied her during the money at Princeton, and tha fact In railroad trains, railroad stations after service on Sunday sixteen men whole of the Journey, and were re­ "Don't* watt for me at dinner this that so many students take advantage and other public places lu that state. sponsible'for the arrangements. were stopped at the church door. Just as they happened to come out, and evening, dear,” said Mr Fllppsou when of them |s sufficient evidence that to Their uso In the public schools la no Among the many trophies that Miss drawn up In line, left foot to left foot. I hiB wlf* answered bis telephone call: work a little on the side Is consld longer to be permitted. And now Illi­ MacCleod brought home were two The length thus obtained was taken * »ball be detained on business. cred highly honorable by the student nois has followed with almllar regula­ baby lions, which were presented to "Vefy well," she replied. "I'm worry body as a whole, and It explains the tions. It Is expected that before long as "a right and lawful rood to measure her tn French Niagara. tnd survey the land with," and a six­ you can't be with us. but business Is further fact, that among those work this movemeut will become nation­ Miss MacLeod was very eager to teenth part of It as "a right and law­ business 1 suppose. Where are yuu Ing their way through are tome of , wide. take them home with her. but, being One might say that the problem la the most prominent men In college, ful foot" Although big and little now?" now six months old. they were thought "W here am 1? In my office, of both In athletics and tn scholarship satisfactorily solved by the paper cupa men were thus roughly averaged to be rather dangerous pets for Maid­ against each other, the results natur* course. 1 have had a very busy day." One of the moat popular ways of ¡fo r Individual uae which are told by stone. and have been sent to the "It la too bad that you have to work I making enough money to help pay a »lot machines In many public places aly varied to some extent. Hence It aoo. But. tell me something. J term bill or keep the recipient I n ' nowadays. All one has to do Is Io Is. as Shaw Sparrow notes In treating so hard. During the Journey Miss Macleod I spending money Is work on the col-j drop a cent Into tbe elot, and out pops of (his "rood" as the architectural George." traversed land across which no white "Yea. dear; what Is It?” I a beautifully-made tumbler of paraf­ lege publications. "bay" which gives us the "bay win­ woman had ever been before. At times "How can you keep your mind on Agencies of various kinds- eront fine paper, wel* put together and silfi dow," that a bay Is sometimes found the party included as many as SO na­ won’t •,,|°ugh to hold liquid for drinking, to be rather less than IS feet of 13 business with the orchestra playing laundry work to socks that tives. these being required to carry 'Every L ittle Movement'?" tear out give profitable employment. I,ut when one cornea Io thlnSr about It. Inches. stores and food. Then he decided to go home and Three principal laundries doing stu , °>>B perceives that such curs as these Miss MacLeod, with her companions, let business suffer. dent work have student represents- ar« of small “ practical **--• uae for every­ on arriving at the west coast of Af­ Hygiene and the Sw im m ing T an k. day folk; they are a luxury for the lives. These men are usually a Ot­ rica, traveled up the Niger as far as It being Impossible to replace the letea. as are those who have clothing j rirh « “ Ir the well-lodo can afford An Appalling Excuse. water In public swimming pools as "This Is the fifth tlma you have and athletic goods agencies. Galen to pay a penny for a drink of water. often as may appear to be necessary, The Athletic Roll The problem of the drlnklug cup In having hygiene and disinfection In been brought before me this term." dara are aold by students at one do) Its relation to health la much more dlf- about the shoe tops and you are up-to mind, physicians and health boards said tho Jndge. frowning severely upon lar apiece and cigarettes, tobacco. atelns? pennants, sofa plliowa. pipes " ru l‘ Bnd ">“ <'h «»««* Important than have sought a means of purification In | th* vP„r.l8°_n* r. V ? ? * the-mlnute In the 1911 styles. Yea. your honor," said the prison­ and the like are offered to the stu­ moat people Imagine. Recent Investi­ The origin of the “roll" Is a mystery. the chemical world. Following ex­ gations of the subject by tbe Kansaa It Just grew. Since the adoption of periments made by the Massachusetts er. "You know a man la Judged by the dents. but to freshmen especially, at the beginning of every college year elate board of health and by many Athletic summer apparel there has institute ofTechnology and”"at t h i ' « - been a need for s method of securing perlmental station at Toronto It has talkin' to your honor for the sake of Freshmen carry baskets around, well bacteriological experts elsewhere have stocked with pretaela and chocolates.' the hose. This necessity Is directly been found that hypochlortde of lime me credit." "All right," said the Judge "Officer, Soft hat men come through the dormi­ responsible for the Innovation. A trip killed hurtful germa. The authorities this man over to the Island and tories In the fall and straw hat men around Chicago disclosed several va­ of Brown university have adopted It , take „ .. , , . , ... , .. for use tn the undergraduates' swim- I .?,lra * er,dU for 10 In the spring Shoes are sold by stu­ rieties. Those observed to date are: days."— Harper's Weekly. dents. and orders for clothing of vari­ The "telescope roll,” which has mlng tank The strength, according ous kinds are taken. Program priv­ found favor among the high school to John W M. Bunker, Is one part ileges on the occasion of athletic Not Wonted. boys. It Is about three-quarters of an available chlorine In 3,000.000. Tbe events are frequented, and the ad Inch wide and about an eighth of an water la sterilized In one hour, and It I "Now thio arrangement of springs, “la »uch that vertlalng thereon yields a good re­ Inch thick, and Is surmounted by a leaves no odor and doMn't affect Ui'e B,!d ,h* whatever the Inequalities of tha road, turn. clasp pin that secures the fold. It taste of the water. you never feel the slightest Jar In rid­ Students are agents for typewriters, Is nobby and neat, but It Is a difficult ing. There la no Jolt to this car." bicycles, kodaks, golf sticks, caps, told to make. The World's Naked Millions. "Then I don't want It," replied the canes and the like The privilege of University students tn their enthusi­ It la estimated that there are nt » .. „ i fBt mBn- ”T WBnt B CBr that *111 Jolt, taking newspaper subscription on the asm have gone the lllm t A "quarter on the earth ».»OO.OOO.OOO persona, of jounce. bounce 4nd JogtIo In„ campus la considered a good one. hose" reaching half an Inch above the Hnthp ’ -anlinn non complete' y til my waist line reappears. 1 want Magazines are represented In Prince-' shoes or oxfords and displaying school clothed, while 750.000.000 are only to eBcap<, lhat corporation U l tba 8u 1 ton by the score. Pressing establ'sh- colors by means of a narrow band partly clothed, and 250.000,000 practl- ' preme court haa Juat d. cM-d nients yield some money.— New York around the top Is their bid for fame. caHy do not possets any clothing at constltutlonal.' -H a rp e r'a Wekly. Times. There Is also the "mechanic's all. I t la further estimated that to drape," displayed about tbe loop dis­ clothe the whole of humanity would The Annual Question. trict wherever building laborers are require 42.000,000 bales of cotton each What She Wanted. "W ell, Hawklna. old man," said employed. Less keen for tbe more year. Instead of about 17.000,000, the “I, for one. am In favor of the bill nobby effect they merely drape the last year's production of the world. Witherbee, "has your wife decided to abolish tbe use of aigrettes and j neck the sock down over the shoe W ith the Increases of machinery where she wll Ispend the summer?*' paradise plumes In ladles' hats. I 5 "Yep," said Hawkins. "She's go­ and don't care who knows It. which have been made. It la evident ing abroad?" favor thia bill not only for moral re a-1 How haberdashers are going to that the consumption of the mills of sons, but for financial ones aa well." ‘‘So? And how about you?” I meet the demand for “loud" effects tbe world on full time would be no The speaker »«» Col. Lionel C. H ar­ “W ell, I don't know yet,” sighed the new "roll" promises to create Is a less than 20,000,000 bales. Tbe query ris. the well known ornithologist of Hawkins. “I haven't decided wheth­ A 8afety Drinking Fountain, subject that Is said to be worrying thus arisen, says Leslie's Weekly: er to stay In town or go Into bank­ Memphis. He resumed: some of Its advocates. Where will the additional amount of ruptcy.”— Harper's Weekly. “The cost of these aigrettes and shown that the common tumbler or cotton needed for the world and Its* paradise plumes la a dreadful thing other receptacle used for such pur- Mlsa Olive MacLeod. for any husband to conptemplate * i poses Is a frequent and dangerous CONFEDERACY’S WHITE HOUSE ,ncreBsln« population come from? The Peacemaker. she could go In the steamer and ”1 hope," aald the guest, "that you saw yesterday a Vlrot hat covered source of Infection. To employ such canoea Smoke W ar 600 Years Ago. and Mrs. Scrappelgh will treat me as with aigrettes that was ticketed |2UU. a vesel on a train, at a street fountain Now a Museum, Each of the Thirteen After going through southern and or elsewhere la to take a serious risk. We are accustomed to think of the one of the family and behave Just ex­ And that reminds me— Confederate States Having a "A lady novelist wrote to a pub­ northern Nigeria the expedition reach­ smoke nuisance as a modern pheno- 1 actly as you would If 1 were not A drinking cup which had been used Memorial Room. lisher last month: ed French Mbangl In October, and menon, but Prof. V. B. Lewes shows here." for several months without washing "'Please send a check In advance In a high school wns lined with a the falls of the Mao Kali were lo­ "Not on your life.” replied Bcrap- Richmond, Vo.—Located In Rlch- that It raised so much Indignation In cated. mond, this building was at one time England 600 years ago that a decree pelgh. "The fact Is, my dear fellow, of royalties. I want to buy a new hat brownish deposit which when viewed According to the testimony of a private residence, but was purchased was made forbidding the use of bltu- as long as you are here you can depend f ° r 11 dun* wedding under the microscope was seen to be The accommodating publisher sent composed largely of particles of mud, French officers and natives, these falls ln^ 1862 by the city of Richmond for mlnous coal for fuel. Such fuel was on our behaving In a fairly paaceable the lady a check for 350. She as with thousands of bits of dead skin had never been seen before, and In the use of the Confederate govern, then a new thing. In the time of way." knowledged It Indignantly. and millions of bacteria. When a honor of "the brave English girl” go- ment, and was occupied during the , Queen Elizabeth another attempt to 'I said,’ she wrote, 'that I wanted small quantity of this sediment was Ing to visit her sweetheart's grave, use bituminous coal was defeated by GOOD PAR TY MAN. hat, not a veil.’ ” the French authorities asked for per­ public opposition to the smoke. The Injected under the skin of a healthy mission to name tbe falls "Les Chutes guinea pig the animal died In 48 third effort attained complete success MacLeod." In the nineteenth century, and now hours, the post-mortem examination Young W orker’s Tragic Death. Pushing on Into the heart of A f­ the quantity of smoke belched Into showing that death was due to blood The sweep's boy—the “ramoneur." rica, Miss MacLeod proceeded through poisoning. A second guinea pig, un­ the air Is so great that Professor has «till to work his tortuous way the Tuburl lakes, and eventually Lewes likens It to a cumulative poi­ der similar circumstances, developed through the chimneys In France and reached the Shadl down which she son which aids In shortening life, tuberculosis; and Inquiry proved lhat an accident which has Just occurred traveled to Lake Chad. several of the pupils In the high killing vegetation and begriming and at Fltury-sur-Andellea calls attention school were afflicted with the dread destroying buildings. Here the picturesque rocks of HadJ- to the necessity of putting a stop to malady. el-Hamls were Inspected, which are the practice. A little Savoyard, named The rim of another drinking cup held In veneration for miles around. The Tearkerchlef. Charles Ravolae, fourteen years of used In a school bore no fewer than The highest peak of these rocks age, was sent up the chimney of a There are many quaint and pretty 5,000,000 germa, while a vastly greater was climbed by Miss MacLeod and customs that prevail In the Tyrol; but baker and at the end of three-quarters her companions— a feat which tha na- of an hour he had not deacended. The number lingered deeper In the vessel none more so than that of the tear tives declared to be Impossible. alarm was given and the boy was where saliva had dripped down. kerchief. The conclusions drawn from all ob­ Lake Chad was then crossed In perceived blocked In the chimney, When a girl Is to be married, and kotoko canoes. This Journey took which had to be demolished before servations are to the effect that the Just before she leaves her girlhood eight days, five of which were spent hls dead body could be freed. He wns common drinking vesael Is one of the home for the church, her mother gives out of sight of land. her a handkerchief, made of newly hanging by the neck, having been most fruitful sources of the spread of Near I^ k e Chad the grave of Lieut. caught In a portion of the chimney Infectious diseases. Such mouth-to- ■pun linen, which Is called the tear- W hite Haute of the Confederacy. Boyd Alexander was visited— the pa­ kercblef. W ith It the bride Is to dry measuring less than tlx Inches across mouth Infection, furthermore, Is espe­ cially dangerous because of the moist thetic object of Miss MacLeod's long war by President Davis and his fam­ the tears that are regarded ax only and asphyxiated. state In which tbe germ cultures past Journey. ily. natural as she leaves her home. from person to person. Peril lingers Here his daughter, "Winnie," tbe The tearkerchlef Is never used after Discussing her travels at Plymouth, Policeman— W hat do you think of Birds for Mosquitoes. about the edge of the fam iliar tin dip­ Miss MacLeod said that the greater "Angel of the Confederacy," was born, the marriage day; but Is laid away Urabben's nomination? Experience of the past few days part of the route chosen was unknown and hers his little son, Joe, wax killed with the bride’s most cherished pos- Politician— I never think. I only has convinced everybody that tbe per— the kind that used to hang along­ side the drinking place at school, and by a fall from the rear porch. It sessions until the day of her death, vote. to Britishers. scientific war on the mosquito Is a which still hangs near the kitchen was visited by Abraham Lincoln a few when It la taken out and spread over On arivlng at Lagos she aald she flat failure. Insectivorous birds are pump In many a farmhouse. her face. was surprised to hear rumors that days after the evacuation. Breaking the Newt. the only remedy, and not all of them The mouth of every human being Is It Is now a Confederate museum, Miss MacLeod" had been massa­ Him — I don’t know how to tell you like mosquitoes. The swallow, which each of the IS Confederate states hav­ a breeding place for multitudinous mi­ how I love you. cred and eaten by cannibals) The Burglar’s Hours. does, Is not a street dweller; tile crobes, and these are of many forms ing In It a memorial room. In front H er— Don't worry about that— I'll Nearly all burglars get In, not of the mansion Is the propeller-shaft through the door, which the house­ take It as It comes. What you want night hawk files high and Is a rarity, and species. Some of them are rod­ and the hat Is promptly driven out shaped; others are spherical; yet oth Lucky the Snake Crawls. of the "Merrimac,” whose famous and holder Is so careful to bolt and chain, to get nervous about Is how to tell of every house he enters. What's long remembered engagement with era arrange themselves In chains, and Cambridge, M ass—Tho serpent lx but through the window. In Lon­ papa about IL left but to slap and scratch?— so on through a considerable diversity oven wiser than tho woman tells us, the "Monitor” revolutionized naval don In one year 367 burglars got In Brooklyn Citizen. of shapes. Even the biggest of them according to Professor Maynard, the warfare the world over. Wonted It Badly. through windows, only 85 entered • re so small as to be seen only with noted educator here. In a rather “Could you give me a raise, sir? You through doors, 16 through fanlights, Wagner’s Parentage. the aid of a hlgh-power microscope. Town Has No Cemetery. starting statement, tbe professor de­ and 11 by "breaking out." The fav­ know I am married. Dtsousslng tbe autobiography of Oroville, Cal.— Portola, a division orite hours are two to six In the clares that ax a result of a study of "But I gave you a raise so that you Richard Wagner, the Oesterrelchlsche snakes be Is convinced that had they point on the Western Pacific east of morning. The householder falls Into could be married.” To Rebury Soldiers' Bodies. Wochenschrlft says that no one will been ablo to develop hands and feet Oroville, claims the record as the ' b, g gOundest sleep about an hour after "Yes, I know; but I find I need a Alexandria, La.— Three thousand ever know whether the truth has all instead of being obliged to crawl, their only "cemeteryless city In the United j Ozlng off, and Is least likely to hear raise more now than I did then.” been published as to the master's two hundred and nineteen bodies ol brains would have enabled them to States. The population of Portola Is s burglar, say, between one and three parentage. " It Is a fact, though, that federal soldiers burled In cemeteries dominate the world. In that event, he 1,000 persons. Nevertheless, It has o’clock. But the policeman on duty The Cause. he was registered at school as Rich­ In different parts of Texas are to bs asserts man would probably have re -' no cemetery. In the last eight months must be growing tired by cock-crow, "That man Is a chronic kicker." ard Geyer and did not take the name moved to Pineville, La., near here, for malned In a prim itive, savage state, o r 1 there has been but one death In Poo xnd that seems why the burglar se­ "Force of habit. He used to bo- Wagner until he was fourteen years reinterment, tn the national cemetery possibly even aa an ape. I tola. lects tha later hours. long to a champion football team." at that place old,’’ says this authority. English Girl Penetrates Wilds of Dark Continent -on’I*n>' h* k B ,ld ’ llk’ ‘° •••"