Mrs. W. K. Darling ta at Hornbrook, California, visiting bar son Le slie and wile. r ■ u u jk .'it jia I ■■ oobo W . R. O ilay was at Grants Paas stv- sral days thia week looking after the operations at the Jewett mine y □QQQCDfflB / EŒiEiaESE æ a ^Z E S E M E R R IT T <& COMPANY Isaac Householder mails final proof on hie Kanes creek tlmlier claim before U. H. Commissioner Canon at Madford Tuesday. G. I I. Jonas, of Woodville, has b»eu employed by the Horns Telephone com pany In Uold H ill aod Hama Valley thia weak. Miss Olive Turner and Mra. H T. Pankey were guaala at the George Ly- man home, three miles ea»t of tows, Wednesday. Local News Notes Hciiool open* Hcptember 4th. Pineapples Roast Beef 1'lb. can Deviled Ham 6 cans Pink Alaska Salmon per can Cove Oysters 2 cans Baking Powder full pound Pork and Beans per can Tomato Catsup pint Kelloggs Com Flakes Diamond W Macaroni Macaroni bulk 3 lbs 50 lbs Sterilized Fine Salt O. W. Wood aud family left Monday for Yreka, where they xpect to reside Mayor Beeman anil family are camp­ In the fu ture, and where Mr. Wood has mining interests. ing at Fish l.ahe. Dr Kelsey thia week commenced con- W. H. H«»rla la bora from Medford aHueiion on another cottage in the De­ today on buaineaa. li uni addition, in the block north of the Mlaa Kila Rawlings, of Medford, la high school visiting Mias Pearl Col,Ins. Mrs Janice Shields, of G -ntrsl Point, Mr». R- 0 . Kelsey was a visitor at end her friend, Mrs. James Ball, of Central Point Wednesday. Kanla Barbara, have been visiting Mia» Alta Farmer returned Wednes­ friends in Hsnis Valley »Ince Thursday. day from a visit at Ashland. Mrs. W . P. Chisholm, of Woodville, The futdlea Aid will meet In regal ir and Miss Elisabeth Chisholm, of On­ bosluee* session neat Thursday. tario, sister of Dr Chisholm, were Mra. Uraoe Hlmmel, of Myrtle Creek, gnarta of friends in Gold lll l l Wedne»- is the guest of Mis» Bessie Newton ley Col. F. If . and Hr. C. R Ray were Robt. <1. Smith, of Grants Pass, one la Gold H ill on business Thuraaay of southern Oregon’s Lad'ng lawyers, Harry T rip lett, the W im er merchant, and democratic candidate for congress at the last i lection, was in towu on le ­ was lu town yesterday on business. Miss Pearl Collins returned Wednes­ gal hu-ines* on Thursday Dr. A. L. 8 m , of Heattle, 1« la Uie oily on business. where, and we can eave you mone" if you are Bending away any amount above (S.00, TH1 GOLD H IL L BANK .60 Economy Fruit Jars 1-2 gal. per doz. 1.45 Economy Fruit Jars quarts per doz. 1.20 . 1.00 .30 Jar Rubbers 4 d o z . .................................. 25 Economy Jar Caps per doz. . . .20 It Pays to Look Prosperous 1VE are showing many exclusive patterns in all lines. Individuality in dress and personal adornment is good form- By our prices we enable you to possess changes in your ties, jewelry, etc., as well as in your other clothes. Don’t you always notice the better fixings the other fellows wear? Well, other people notice you just the same. We have many articles in our furnishings de­ partment which would add greatly to your personal appearance. No matter what you pay for your furnishings the design and per­ sonality is what counts after all. This is the - truth. Many good opportunities have been lost because of carelessness in personal appearance. Thinkitover! All dry as a bone W. W. Hittle Rock Point Phone NE W GO ODS iU China Dinner Seta Silverware Cloche Glaea Water Sets Earthenware Cook Stovea Airtight Heatera Linoleum Mattinga Carpeta Braaa Beds Portierea Lace Curtaina Canvoa Stoola Tenta Wagon Canvaaea Wood Staina and Vamiahea Remember your piano votes Peerless Clothing Co. Grants Pass, Oregon E veryth in g fo r th e I m u t - 10 p e rc e n t diacount fo r cosA Gold Hill Furniture Store Home Phone S-L & 4 O B IT U A R Y TO DEVELOP ALASKA URGED ROY L. COOK Prominent Men Advecete Aotlon at Maaa Meeting. Po rtlaad — An audteaee of 5#0 par­ sons a t tha Armory Saturday heard Governor West. Mayor Rushlight and Circuit Judge McQiaa advocate tha im­ mediate development of Alaakaa ooal lands hy the government Tha meet­ ing was called by U r. Ruahllght aad a oommittee of aitisene aa a dernen- stration in support of the movement initiated by petition In thia state urg­ ing action by Congress. Mr. Rushlight explained the pur­ pose of the meeting and indorsed the demand for government development of the coal lands of Alaska as a "step In the Interest ef humanity.” Roy L. Cook, youngest eon of M r. and Mrs. W. A. Cook, died at tbe home of hie parent« in Gold H ill Wednesday, August 23d, after an illness of eighteen months with tuberculosis. I t had been apparent for some lime that he could not survive the dread disease, and his death, while it was a shock to the com­ munity, was nothing of a surprise to those who knew of hie condition. The deceased had resided in Jeukeon county practically all of the twenty-five years of hla life. He was of good habits, re­ spected by all, and in h it death Gold H ill loses one of its most sterling young men. He leaves to mourn his death, be­ side« many other relatives, his parents, M r. and Mrs. W . A. Cook, of Gold Senator Chamberlain has notified H ill, two brothers, W. L. Cook, of this Pres dent Campbell of the Un'vcrs tv place, and F. L . Cook, of Greenhorn, af Oregon that he will make two ap­ Raker county, one sister, Hr". J- J. pointments te the Nava, Aoademy at Ritter, of Gold H ill, ami his grandpar­ Annapolis on or before March 12, ents, Robt. Cook, of Fools creek, and 8918- Tha preliminary meatal rad Mr. and Mrs. W m. Morris, of Roc» 1 physical examination of the volunteer Point. candidates far these appointments The funeral was held Thursday after­ will ba held at the University ef Ore­ noon and was largely attended. Inter­ gon early neat year. ment was made in the Odd Fellows’ Bashers, lumber manufacturers and cemetery at Rock Point, Rev. Cohen, of railroad man believe that the next Woodville, conducting the services. mx »oaths will show marhed ha provemsat la bwetaeee oeadUteas la CARD OF THANIS. the Northwest aad «hat the hanaer We desire to thank the many kiod friends for their assistance and sympa­ wheat erep aad tha exoetleat eoodi thy during the Illness and since the ttea ad athar eeape «hroegheat the death of onr beloved son and brother. sauatry taaaee a revival ef tha Ma. and M ita. W. A. C o o k , Send money safely. The Gold H ill bar Industry that meant W ttx C o in , Bank’s money orders always reach the parity far tha Mlts. J. J. R ittb r . right party. f Mason Fruit Jars pint per doz. Jelly Tumblers one-half pint per doz. Black Oak, White Oak, Laurel, Pine, Alder, Maple, Ash The Gold H ill Hotel continues to Mrs. M. K. Worrell and Mra. J. M. Crook, of dams Valley, were Medford attrnct the patronage of traveling men, who are patting the word along to their visitors Thursday. fallow knights of the grip that Gold H ill 0 . K. Illacklngton, the young Galls ia the best place io som hero Oregon to creek orreardiat, Irerame an Odd Fellow atop for a meal or a day's fishing. last Haturday evening. W in. Pauley, formerly in the jewelry Horace Pelton left for an auto trip in­ bnsineee here, hut mure recently pro­ to the Klamath oountry, where he has prietor of the Woodville hotel, was e extensive ii,t»rests, Monday. passenger to Harramento on Wednesday Judge aod Mrs. J. B. R. Mor-dock morning's train. Ha had dlepoeid of left Monday fo ra trip to Crescent City all hie interests at Woodville, and They will be gone about two weekt. stated that be was going to New York Mlesee Thelma and Halen Hammers- city. ly visited Mrs. K. 0 . Roeniech at the Ernest Lyman and Henry Graves Tnrtle Rock ranch Haturday and Hun­ had a ll»ely t isele with a twenty-eix- day. , « ponnd salmon taut Hunday near the W . M. Harrison, father of Grant Har­ Lyman place. The big fish mails a rison, has put up a bouse on the Iota hard fight, di egging the boys up and which be recently purchased in tbe down the rire r (or some time, bruising Deknm addition their shine on the rorki and giving a D. C. Avery baa resigned hie position game exhibition generally. in the pnetoffloe and will devote hie C. C. Gilchrist haa added two more time to the Improvement of bis home­ pedigreed hounds to hit Hems Valley stead on Kanes creek. kennels. They arrived from New Mex­ Mra. L. F. Jordan, who had been vis­ ico Wednesday, two lop-eared, half- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. grown pupa, half bloodhound and half Blacker!, returned to her home at Red bone, whose parents when pot on Boolehyvllle, California, last week. the trail of bear or panther have the J .Q . Jarvis and Rex H. I^tmpman reputation of never quitting until the visited the letter's father, H . H quarry ia killed. Lampman, at hie ranch in the Asbestos Floyd C. Ramp, state organ iter of the district from Haturday until Tuesday. socialist party, a graduate of the Uni­ Geo. G arrett, of Woodville, was In Gold H ill on business Thursday. He reported Jerry McCoy, who was badly injured by being etruck by a train a few weeks ago, as apparently well on M r. and Mra. H . K. Redding arrived the way to recovery. from Covington, Indiana, yesterday. Mr. and Mra. Wm. M. Smith, old- Mr. Redding will be principal of the time residents of Gold H ill, arrived Gold H ill high school the coming year, from Roseburg yesterday, where Mr. (or which position he ia excellently qual­ Hnutli has been employed as garderer ified by training and experience. He la at the soldier's home. They will ones delighted with the new high-school more make their home in this burgeon­ huildiug. which he says compares ing metropolis favorably with the better class of Prof. D. C. Henry, supervisor of modern school building« in the Hoosier schools (or tbe northern district of slate. Jackson county, was at Jacksonville Gigantic Power Merger yesterday to confer with Hupt. Wells The power plants of the Rogue River und Supervisor Ager, of the southern Klectrio company and the Prospect Con­ district of the county, on tho work for struction company have been sold to the coming school year. the Klskiyou Power and Light company. F. L . W x-hburn. lineman for »he The deal includes the power plants at Home Telephone company, has been Gold Ray and Prospect and several been putting in phones in Gold H ill and hundred miles of high-tension w ire. adjusting the Hams Valley line this The two plants are placed at a valuation week. The young lady who became "f |3,600,000 for I he plant now tinder Mrs Waehbnrn in Chicago lees than a construction at I’rospeot and $A00,000 month ago lies been a guest at the Gold for the plant at Gold Ray. The sale H ill hotel in the meantime. gives the Siskiyou company entire amt- trcl of the water power resource-- of northern California and southern Ore­ _________ y j gon and makes theirs the longest trans­ to handle money. W e confine oursel vet mission line in the world. A total of HO,000 horse power can be to it, give our entire attention to it, end can, consequently, do so cheaper than developed when the construction work either the express companies or the post now under way is completed nnd over office. Next time you want a money H00 miles of high tension wire will carry order come to us and buy a BANK a voltage upward« of 20,000, extending M O N E Y -O R D E R . It is the moat con­ from Grants Pass to Keddlng, Califor­ venient and beat money order, good any­ nia, by way of Klamath Falls. .75 Economy Fruit Jars pints per doz. Dry Wood Mrs. A K Kellogg has be.-n s mem- Mra. 0 . A. Landis is »pending the week with friends at Newport, where her ol the cripple brigade 'hie week as a result of stepping on a nail that was she used to live. 0 . F. Carter caught three at elheada left pointing uoward by her cheerful last Hunday whose total weight was husband, who had been doing some carpenter work. forty-five pounds. versity of Oregon and a thoroughly grounded student of economics, will spAk In Gold H ill, Sunday, September 3d. Mr. Ramp is said to be a finished speaker, possessed of a firm grasp of hit subject, and his posters say that he is prepared to answer all questions relat­ ing to socialism and how It proposes to solve present day problems. Mason Fruit Jars quart p- r doz. 020201010201010101013232323201 Karl Case made several tripe to Gold day from a two-weeks visit with friends at Ashland. H ill from his ranch al>out ten miles He htought M r. and Mrs. G. B. Clark, late of north of town this week Colorado, were In from Hams Valley in early apples and Bartlett pt-ars, for which he found a reads market Wednesday. Constable Pankey is invested with the duties and dignity of the city mar- shalshlp during the absence of Marshal Hutson, who ie renewing h it yonth with a hunting and fishing trip . 50 lbs Stock Salt . . $ .36 Range Salt 8 lb blocks . .15 Pure Cider Vinegar gal. . . .30 W hite and Pink Beans . . .06 Hard Wheat Flour regular price $1.65 1.50 Mason Fruit Jars one-half gal. per doz. .90 Carnation Milk ButterC up Milk California Ripe Olives «School B o o k s I now have a full stock of all the books prescribed by the course of study fo r the Gold H ill schools TERMS; CASH Jarvis the Druggist AM linn T u rn er’s' Lunch Room Bread, Piea and Cookies Candies and N u tt Cigar» and Tobacco Soft drinks o f a ll hinds F a ll line o f Lunch goods Fresh Fruits in season Ice Cream t Hot Coffee and Lunch Day and Night