>> in. i.ewi«, oi n a m a c r e e i, trammel ad hualnea* to Medford Monday. H. H, Duffield waa In Medford several days on bueine»«, returning Monday. Mrs. J. It. Ilaiumersly Is horns from a visit of several w«eks with friande at Eureka. I W. I I . Heart« will shortly remove hi family ami household effects to Medford | where lie lutemle to engage In business I 0 G eneral M e r c h a n d is e r Jack Neilson leaves this evening lor Maple Spring«, New York, accompanied by his brother in-law, who was called | here by M r. Neilson's Illness. C. IL Htiuehring this week sold team, wagon end harries« to Geo Aideu, one of the Iowa colony that haa K. F. Billing was in from Ft ota creek Just nettled on the MeDonmjgh place Tuesday. west ol Gold H ill on Rogue river. G. F, Wertz, woe here from Woodville J, L. Rowe was in Iro n H m iii « Val lay Tuesday interviewing local contractors yesterday concerning the formation of a local George Lance «<> at Grant« l ‘a»« building and loan association by means business Wedutsilsy. of which money may be obtained for 0 . F. Cuthbert, the Midford furniture building purpose« on vary reasonable dealer, waa In town Wednesday. term«. Claire Jar vie waa a Chautauqua visitor J. F. Hugliea, who was touring tne at Ashland Monday ami Tneeday. alkie with the new game aud A.h < Dr. C. R. Itay and parly, of Medford, mission, of which he ia a member, a op- were gnssls at the Gold H ill Hotel lor jred off in Hold H ill Tueaday between dinner Tuenlay. train«, rejoining bi* party with the Mi»« Grace llouck, ol Corvallis. i* arrival ol Higteen mid continuing on the vlaitlng her father, J. J. Houck, and old return to Salem. friends In Hold H ill. Mies Josephine Hone, of Marion, In ­ Local News Notes Mra. It. 0 . Kelsey and the three diana, and Mias Nellie Van Wagner, of younger children went to Aaliland Tuee- Xeuia, Ohio,were visitor* in Gold H ill* day lor the Chautauqua. couple of day* tills » w )i. They were B H . Harria returned the Ural ol the on • extended tour of the west, and week Irom northern California, where having heard of the LesBty of Gold H ili from their friend, F. W. Dodge, decided he la lotencted in Umber laud». W . P. Hwart, represent log the Uulted to slop aud see fur thauiaelvee. Fred Dodge haa a penchant for solviuj Iron Work*, ol Han Francisco, has been advertising pussies,'and his Uidustty in the city on buaineea thia week. Mr. and Mra. H . Pelton and Mr*. this regard lias resulted in h i* becom I. ynn W. Smith were .Medford vieitore lug the uwn*r of a piano, a mandolin Tuesday, making the trip in the I’elton and two watches. Ilia laat prize was haiidaome Howard watch, valued at *1*5 auto. W illiam Kelaey baa been laid op thia Tiie other timepiece wae a ladies' Wal I t waa so small that he waa week with a sprained knee. He waa tiiain. swim m ing, and «lipped off a wag«u afraid he would lose it, so he gave it to a giil for safe keeping. which waa »landing in the water. A c o m p le te s t o c k o f e v e r y t h in g needed t h r o u g h o u t th e y e a r a t prices th a t are a lw a y s reason ab le. Y o u r p a t ­ r o n a g e is s o l i c i t e d and w ill be a p p r e c ia te d b y us. M e r r it t Q . C o m p a n y Chicken Dinner Time. Ahern, the famousHugocberry With other good things will be served at the E. W. Cooper, Hama Valley'a leading grower, waa hare Tueeday viaiting bis orator, waa at Grant* Paaa Tuesday have Ida eyea, which have been bother frieud Cashier Hmlth, of the Gold Hill ing him of late, treated by Dr Findley. Bank. Laat year M r. Abero marketed 16,000 pound* of choice cherriea. Th. H. W. McClendon haa some beautiful year, owing to the froet, he will have “ picture rock" recently taken from tbe only about half that amount, but owing Itevenne mine on K an e« creek, which to the higher price incident to the abort will be ahown at the Grant* Paa* ruin Fifty Cents crop, will realise a* much on tbe eiop a* ing coogre»* neat week. he did last season. Ills cherries are M i*. A. E. Everton, of Portland, t simply perfection, and command twelve vieltlng her parent«, M r. and M r*. J. A ami a half oente a pounds in the local Harvey, laat week. Her husband ia market Southern Pacific conductor running be­ At the annnal meeting of the Oregon the railroad track. The petition waa NOTICE O f SPECIAL ELECTION tween Portland and Itoaeburg. Ontario Mining A Smelting company favorably concidered by the council Notice is hereby given by the Board W. T. Newton it home from Colgate held la*t week, it was decided to change California, where he haa a position iu the name of the organisation to. Hylva' with the reault that a notice of election, of Conncilmen of tbe city of Gold H ill, an electric power plant, for a ten-day nite Milling company, and to reorganise to take place August 14th, appear* In Oregon, that a special election will be thia iaeue of The Ne»s. The matter of held on the 14th day of August, 1911, visit with h i* mother, Mr*. B. M under the laws of Oregon, instead extending the sewer system waa taken lor the purpoee of submitting tbe ques­ Newton, and other relatives and friend*. South Dakota aa formerly Both op. *nd It waa decided to lay several tion of the annexation of the territory J. E. Enyart. of Medford, waa ia Gold these moves were in the interest of block* of new sewer*, for which *urv*ya bounded anJ deecribed os follows,to-wit H ill Tueaday evening on buaineea. He convenience, as a corporation cannot do w ill soon be made. An order was Issu­ Commencing at the intersection of ha* reaigned from the presidency of the buaineea in Oregon to beet advantage ed to advertise for hid* for construction. the north meander line of Rogue river Medford National Hank, to allow him unlee« organised under Oregon la The mayor waa empowered to appoint wfth the section lin e between Sections anil more time to look after other inter The new name waa choeen because of someone to the office of city marshal, in Twenty-one (SI) and Twenty-two (22). eels. it* brevity, and for its appropriateness which a vacancy waa created some time Township Thirty-eig (3tt) south of Range Glenn Eddlng« le home from Rose­ to the character of ore in the company's sg<> by the resignation of John Ham- Three (3) weet of W illamette Meridian, mine. Tbe annual election of officers burg, ont ol which point be work* as mersly and which has been Ailed tem­ and running thence north along said President, Fred porarily by A. J. Oleen. Mayor Beeman passenger engineer, fora visit with hla resulted aa follow *: section line to it* intersection with parent*. The Illness of bi* father was a D. Earlier; Vice-president, Fred K accordingly appointed J. M Hutson. the south line of “ D” Street in said secretary- treasurer, Lon The council admonished tbe appointee to consideration in his taking a vacation Chantler; c ity ; thence Westerly along said south Barber. at thia time. vigilance in the matter of aeeing that line of “ D " Street to the qnarter-eectioo Professor J. 8. Diller, of tbe United tbe water regulation* are obat-rved. F. 0 . Compton and family, Geo. Alden line running through the center of Sec­ and'fandly and M r*.C.W allace,all late of States geological survey at Washington, tions Sixteen (16) and Twenty-one (21) baa arrived in the Rogue River valley to fo r Sale Council Bluff-, Iowa, have moved on to in said Township and Range; thence Second-hand rig. in good condition tracts purchased by them from the complete the geological and mineralogic- south along said q ert Wagner, the young Sealed bids will be received by 'Jie Yet, ah, why should they know The council at a meeting Mondav man with whom they are working to thalr Tate, City Council of Gold H ill for the con­ Since Borrow never cornea too lata establish wireleae telegraphic com­ considered an Initiative petition signed struction of 1,600 feet of six-inch sewer, And happlneaa too a w lftly fllesT munication between Gold H ill and Ash­ by thirtv-elght legal voters of the city, according to the plane and speciAcations T h ° Udlaa W° Uld d M tro y (lM lr pora- land. The boy* are enthusiastic, and asking that an election he held for the on Ale with th * city recorder. Bid* N o more W here Ignoranoo la bllaa talk with the fam iliarity of Mgrconis of purpose of submitting the question of will be received up to noon, August T ie folly to ba wise. transmitter*, receivers,coherers and the annexation of that territory adjoining —Tfcomae Gray. 14, 1911. J, H . Beeman, like. the south tide on the west, and south of Mayor. Gold Hill Hotel Sunday, July 16 I. Important Statement To the Public:— In order that there may be no questions raised later on, we wish to announce that no person connected with our store, or any mem­ ber of their families will be allowed one Piano vote. We positively will not sell these votes. One single vote cannot be purchased from us at any price. We are going to give the beautiful $400 Upton Parlor, Grand Piano now on exhibition at our store to the person presenting to us the greatest number of piano Voes on December 23rd, 1911. Absolutely Free. For every cent you purchase in our store, you are entitled to one Piano vote. Tours faithfully. Peerless ClothingCo. Grants Pass, Oregon E d is o n P honographs and R ecords L a te st N e w Y o r R s o n g s a n d m u s ic a l h it s r e c e i v e d m o n t h l y Jarvis the Druggist A COLP SODA OR A HOT COFFEE Substantial Lunches, Cigars, Candies, Canned Goods, Nuts, Fruit­ ali strictly fresh and first class Turner’s Lunch Room