Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1911)
The Gold Mill News FOR GOLD H i l l ’S BEST INTERESTS P«*»»hed [vary Saturday at Gold Hill Jackson County, Oregon Z^OLD HILL, with electric lights, sewers and a city water system is perhaps well up to the Iront in the m atter of pro a r x H. IA M PM A N gress among western cities of the same size. Seldom :n n kn" town the size of Gold HiU will be found a school building t o 8 0 » "* _ pare with Gold H ills handsome new high school, which would S a t t k d a v , J t l v 15, 1911 do credit to a town many times the size of this. But if Gold Hill is to become the city that it may, there is Subscription $ 1 .5 0 Per Annum, in Advance much that remains to be done in the way of civic improvement, which in every city that ever amounts to anything is always found abreast or a little ahead of the growth of the place. AH Over Oregon Gold Hill needs a new and larger water system, with a A poetoillce has been established at filtration plant, so that as the mains are extended with the Mowena, Wasco county, with Prank (growth of the town there will be a plentiful supply of pure W. BcurbUl as postmaster. water. Not only would this be conducive to the building of new W. J. Wilson, an Oregon City livery- man. was appointed coroner ot residences, but more water means a lesser rate for fire insurance. Clackamas county to succeed Dr. When a bond issue is submitted for the construction of a Thomas J Fox, resigned. new and adequate water system, it is up to the people of Gold Superintendent Alderman says 400 Oregon teachers are in attendance at Hill to carry the proposition by a big majority, for a vote could the National Educational Associât on not be better placed, the material advancement of Gold Hill now meeting in San Franc geo. considered, than for bonds to provide pure water and better Decision has been reached by the fire protection. State Borrd of Agriculture to place Gold Hill needs an enlargement of her corporate limits, to kard-eurface pavement at the state fair grounds from the depot to the provide more space for the building of residences. The terri main entrance. tory described in the notice of election printed it this issue of Four clubs, including all the most important towns in the valley, are The News should be within the city limits, so that those who •rganizing a baseball league in the live in that territory would participate in the privileges and ad Rogue River Valley and will play a vantages incident to being a part of the civic corporation. late season this year. With water and sewer connections, acreage in that territory R eceipts of the Eugene postotfire for the fiscal year ending June SO would at once become valuable as city lots, and other property were »36.652.52, as compared with | values would be correspondingly enhanced as the territory’ filled PreViT 5“ r’ “ up with dwellings. With the annexation of this territory, $20, Faculty members are greatly en- worth of railroad property would be taken into the corporate couraged by the rapid advances made limits, and would thenceforth pay its share os the city taxes. In summer school registration at the All who have the best interests of Gold Hill truly at heart, University of Oregon, which totals as well as their own best interests, will vote for annexation on 141 at the end of the second week. The government will hold a ta le of August 14th, Grande Ronde reservation land at the It is proverbial that a man cannot lift himself by his own Siletz agency, August 14, when 2934 bootstraps, but a city, by adopting a spirit of genuine, intelli acres will be sold to the highest bid gent progressiveness, can literally accomplish the fe a t The der, actual settlers having prefer- •n ee right. character of its citizenry, no less than its natural location and To encourage the development of advantages, is what counts in building a city. farming and diversified crops In Ore The following excerpts made by the Medford Mail Tribune gon, the state conservation commis sion is preparing to conduct an edu from a booklet entitled, “How Big Cities Are Developed From catlonal campaign the coming year to Small Towns” are pertinent to the case of Gold Hill: teach good farming. Wherever men say a city shall be built, on th at spot it will ! At the special city election held In Hood River to vote on the Issuance rear its towers and domes. It may not be the spot most favor ot »42.500 worth of bonds with which ed by nature, but if it is the spot determined upon by men, the to purchase the present water sys tem, the bond issue carried by an city will arise out of the magic of men’s activities. The most favored spot in the world would never become a | overwhelming majority. The offer to the city of Albany of city if men shunned i t the 44-acre tract of land in Bryant The only limitations upon the growth of a city, as history ' park for cRy park purposes, waa for- many withdrawn by the owners Th« proves, are those fixed by the people who compose that city, city council failed to accept the con Cities grow into greatness and maintain it, according to I ditions Imposed by the donors. the faith and works of their people. Cities would slip backward | Fanners around Athena are begin into decay or dissolution as the activities of their people are les- j ning to eut the hay around their grain, thus making ready for the sened or withdrawn. combines to enter the fields. It Is The site of the greatest city that the world ever saw is now ( freely asserted by the farmers that a tenantless waste of rains. this is a banner year for wheat. Cities grow and halt and slip back and take a fresh start | T he list of early closing entries for th» big purses at the Oregon sute I and grow again, and become greater than ever, or fall and refuse Fair in September were completed by to rise, the hig(. of the wor,d attests_ Thejr prf>Kress or Docs This Interest You During our 30 months o f general merchandising in Gold Hill, our sole aim and object, has been to give the trade the very best values possible. W e have endeavored t>o be fair wibh everyone and pub forbh every reasonable effort to bring to bhe to w n the business that resonably belongs here. We in vibe bhe brade to invesbigate our prices and if we are as cheap as others give us a chance. W e submit the following prices. Sugar per cwt. Sb-25 Liberty Bell flo u r $ 1 .2 5 per 5 0 lb. sack Corvallis flour 1.25 per sack Good Rice 1 5 lb. for $ 1 .0 0 Standard la rd $ 1 .4 0 for 10 lb. pail We have on hand a nice stock of new spuds, cabbage, string beans, fresh vegetables. Cherries, cantelopes, water melons etc. And dieiver goods to Foot creeks twice a week. < L ance & C om pany 46* ‘The Big Store’ AS T h . I n t « r v l.w . w ith m m o r « t . t . In w h ich d a rk t h in g , a r . hin te d F ill u . w ith a p p r« h .n a lo n g r .a t W h en they a t f l r . t a r . p rln tw l. B u t a u n s h ln . m n d . th a c lo u d , a w a y . T h . w o rld h a . a c a r c .lv read 'am B a fo ra t h . g re a t m a n a p e a k , n . x t day A nd m y a ha n a v a r m id 'am . Canning Season F o r econom ics le t's adop t A a c h .m o o f op tlm lstloa. N o r lot o u r toyfulnaaa ba atoppad B y guessw ork o r a ta tla tlc a . • T h o u g h m d tho w o rd , o f m ig h ty tn tn , T h e r . Lx no c .u a . to d r .a d 'em A fe w h o u r . h o n e , th.y'11 i p . s k a g a in A n d m y th e y n a v a r m id 'a m — W a a h ln g to n S ta r. here and / am prepared f„ r it with a full line o f fruit jar», jelly glauet, »tone jar», granitware, tin is ware--everything needed for can ning and preserving but, the fruit and sugar. DICTIONARIES. Dictionurlee are like watebea— the worst la better than none, and the best cannot be exported to go quite true.-Sam uel John son. D. H. Miller Cold HiU Southern Oregon Nursery Co. Show, the best u«t of early entries In the history of the fair. retrogression is exactly measured m response to the attitude of the people. fees The possibilities of the city are encompassed in the minds im m ensity of the amount of collected in the corporation depart , Q f it e c it iz e n g «rent of the secretary of state ■ office j is indicated in a statement issued by I The mental attitude of its people is the foundation upon Secretary Olcott, showing that the, which the material enlargement of the city is constructed, fe e i for 1911-1912 will run over the | »400,000 mark. The county court of Douglas county A FLYLESS TOWN has appropriated »1500 with which to assem ble an exhibit for the State Fair and to assist in defraying the expense U U BB A R D CITY, Texas, has made a record, and one worth of agricultural premiums at the an Hubbard may be a small place, but it has a nual district fair to be held In Rose ■ ■ emulating. burg In September. mayor and council who have some appreciation of the value of Oregon flax will be taken to the proper sanitation. In one respect Hubbard has set the pace for 1'nen manufacturers of Ireland, Bel all of the other cities of the country. Although the summer is g um and other important linen menu- factoring oountries, to interest them . well on, Hubbard has not seen a single house fly this year, says In the industry in Oregon and to tor- the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. ther the developm ent of flax-raising The flies have disappeared because Hubbard has been kept end manufacturing in the West. U nless approximately »owe vregi/n clean. The streets are swept twice a week; no manure, filth, automobile ow ners have their ma- garbage or scraps are permittee to remain exposed within the ehines registered with the secretary city where flies can reach them. With nothing to eat, and par of sta te during the present month they w ill be violating the new Oregon ticularly no place to breed, flies have died out. motor vehicle law. The law goes Into What Hubbard has done any other city can do by rigid sani effect August 1, but up to the present tary regulations enforced; by preaching the doctrine of cleanli tim e less than 2000 have been reg s- ness and compelling its practice by those who are ignorant or re tered. Representative Lafferty has re-ln gardless of the necessity. But the greatest aid will come from f oduced h is bill dividing Oregon into a cooperation between the people and the authorities. Judicial districts. The only changes With the house fly extinct, screens can be banished; there -re that the marshal and clerk in the astern district must severally reside can be more free air admitted into the house, more comfortable cither at Baker or or Pendleton, and outdoor life. People can eat their summer meals on the broad , must their d ep u ties,m u st reside reside at at places p o rch es> i f t h e y a r e f o r t u n a t e enough to possess them. And holding court other than the resi- with a more out door life, more free admission of air into the dencee of their chiefs. Final balancing of tha associated house, with the absence of screens and the opening of the houses rtudent body accounts for the cur to the sun and air, the campaign for the final eradication of rent collegiate year strikingly illus trates the tlmailnees of the recent tuberculosis can proceed with every advantage. adoption of tha graduate manager syatem at tha University of Oregon rko book» now »bow a balance of Cut this coupon out and presentit to the Peerless .n ly »15 »1, aad several large oblige Clothing store at Grants Pass in exchange for 25 free .‘ «W have been aaaumed whlota must bo carried ov«r on se a t year’s votes in the $403 Upton Piano Contest. ’’□d get. IP EPHEMERAL. Alphabet o f Thrift High grade stock at reasonable prices J UST A FEW dollars banked and steadilv added to will build ag o lden wall between you and debt. No piece root grafting Mo substitutes No fakes I make the buyer’s interests my own The Gold Hill Bank a J. E. Day HORACE P H TON President IVNN W. SMIIH Cashier Manager Woodville, Oregon A Pleasant Place to Stop mm The Gold Hill Hotel Everything Meet Your Friends Here The good to eat in the line of bak ery products— BREAD ROLLS house ha» been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished throughout. R a te s $ 2 . 0 0 p er d ay. S p e c ia l ra te s by the w eek. J. WC Gale, Proprietor CAKE : PASTRY HOME-MADE PIES G old H ill C afe M rs. W . W . T r u . P r o p r ie to r A I. WAYS H O M K TH IN O ROOD fords In siilM Unllal foods .a d tn r flnmt bom , m a d n d .llra .lm BETTER. TAKE THE NEWS