socialism , paternalism or eehciency - which The Gold Hill News Pufcoshed Ever» Salucdav at Gold Hill Jackson County, Oregon SOCIALISTS are pointing to the building of the Panama - »J canal as an example of how Socialism would work if put into bt REX H. I AM I'M AN H ot W e a th e r practice. The government at first intended tc build the canal by letting the various contracts to private individuals and com »ion through the stun» mull» ** mr x»ad cia» matter panies, but the bids were in all instances so much more than it S aturday , J uly 8, 1911 was thought the work was worth, and so much more than the Sul - ription $1 .SO Per Annum, in Advance government could afford to pay, that finally from sheer necessity the government decided to do the big job itself. Hence every thing is being done by the government with a maxim of All Over Oregon efficiency and a minimum of expense. The Panama raliroad, operating 150 miles of track, is owned Following the res'gnat en of Ko and operated by the government, as is another line of about the F. Shields, second assistant attorney- same length. general, .lames W. Crawford, sen of Attorney-General Crawford, was ap- Hotels are under the same system, and while the prices are po nted to the position. high, the service is likewise, and there is no comparison between With more than 1000 signatures af flxed to the petitions ask ng for the the well-kept, sanitary government hotels and those run by recall of Judge John Coke, of Marsh private enterprise at Panama. Fifteen hotels are operated for field, Interest in the preliminary cam white Americans.where good wholesome meals are furnished f or paign a increasing dally. thirty cents each. Eighteen mess halls are operated for Euro As the result of a meeting held in pean laborers,where a day’s board is furnished for forty cents. Albany an exhibit will be sent to rep resent the Willamette Valley at the West Indian laborers are board«! at twenty-three kitchens, Tarious big land shows to be held in thirty cents being the charge for a day’s board. These estab the Middle West this fall. W th the beginning of another fis lishments are merely self supporting, as it is not the purpose to cal year, active operations on the un operate them for profit They feed 35,000 nen. Sleeping completed gap of the Natron-Klamath quarters, roomy, weather-tight and well-furnished, with w a te r- cut-off on the Southern Pacific Rail including baths—and electric lights, are furnished free to the way 1 kely will be started. The Astoria branch postal savings workmen. The quarters are kept as healthy as sanitary science bank completed its first two months can make them. of existence with deposits amounting A government department store, from which probably to 816,153, which is believed to be ninety per cent of everything used by the 35,000 employes and the record for a city of this sixe. E. J. Krause, of the O. A. C. hort1- their families is bought, has eliminated competition on the culture department, has returned from isthmus. an extended tour through eastern ex Up and down the line of the canal in every large settlement périment stations. Including the gov there are “Commission Club Houses.’’ They are large pleasant ernment plant at Washingtcn, D. C. Se’omon Miller, South Portland buildings, with social halls, reading rooms, papers and magazines druggist, charged with selling co from home, game rooms, bowling alleys, gymnasium and baths. caine to bovs. was found guilty by The government invited the co-operation of the Young Men’s Jury in municipal court. The penalty is 8200 fine and 90 days" impr.son Christian association in conducting these recreation centers ment. and pays the salary of a manager, trained by the Y. M. C. A. LABOR MUST ORGANIZE Postal savings banks In Oregon schools, for each club house. Although the club houses were have taken in deposits amounting to I f It Is to S«ouro Justios F ro m O rgan 89696 this year, according to a sum primarily intended for men, they are, under certain restrictions, is .d C a p ita l. S ay. W oodrow W ilto n . mary of the report of the condition open to women and children. There are gymnasium classes and Few public men nave taken such of banks made out by Will Wright, basket ball for the youngsters, and every few weeks a dance definite ground on the question of the rights and duties of organised labor •uperintendent of hanks. as has Governor Woodrow Wilson of Directors of the Grande Ronde Several of the clubs have musical and dramatic societies. More especially to amuse and interest the women folk, the New Jersey In a letter written to Chautauqua have announced the pro one of the tabor leaders of bis boma gram for the second annual seas on government has fostered the Women’s club movement. Now state recently the governor auld, of that association at Riverside Park, every village along the line has its Mothers’ club. The better ”1 bare always been the warm friend • splendid natural wood Just outside organized labor. It la. to my optn- halves of the steam shovel men, file clerks, draughtsmen and of of the city limits of La Grande. Ion. not only perfectly legitimate, but County school superintendents, with engineers are given every encourarem ?nt to get together for absolutely uecessary. that labor should Governor West, visited all of the literary readings, discussion of child hygiene and formal gossip. organize If It Is to aecurs Justice from organized capital, and everything that state institutions last week and were Strolling vaudeville artists and 1 orm entertainers are It does to Improvs tba condition of given a practical demonstration of the workings of the new prison sys- encouraged by the govemment.and occasionally a circus comes to workingmen, to obtain legislation that will Impose full legal responsibility Jiem which has been adopted by the break the monotony. Government launches run Sunday ex npon tba employer for bis treatment governor. cursions and give the employes a chance a t sea bathing and of bis employees and for tbelr protec tlon against accident, to secure Just Judge Hamilton and Frederick V. picnicing. and adequate wages and to put Holman, representing regenta of the In short, the people who are buil the canal are treated reasonable limits upon tbe working University of Oregon, are in Salem studying the referendum petitions exactly as though they were one big family, with U nde Sam the day and upon all tbe exactions of those wbo employ labor ougbt to have with Judge Slater. Judge Slater says daddy of them all. Everything is done to make life in the canal the bearty support or all fair mludrd evidence is being accumulated but and public spirited men, for (here la n will be kept secret until charges are zone pleasant and profitable to those who are working for sense In wblcb tbe condltlou of labor filed. wages—and everyone is a hired man in the canal zone. Every la the condition of tbe uatlou Itself While no definite action has been precaution is taken and every modern device utilized for the Tbe laboring man cannot benefit him self by Injuring tbe Industries of the reached by State Printer Dunniway as safety of the workmen. country I am much more afrnld (hut to whether he will abide by the order It has been simply a common-sense arrangem ent Special the great corporations, combinations of Secretary Olcott and remove the and trusts will do the country deep state printing plant from the state inducements had to be offered to get men to go on the job. The harm tbau I am that the labor or capitol. Superintendent Plimpton, It government, as it was compelled to do the work of digging the ganlzatlons will barm It. and yet 1 be Is understood, is cons dering ways and lieve i he corporatlona to be necessary means whereby such a move might canal itself, was compelled to provide means of making life Instruments of modern business reasonably pleasant for those that it hired to do the work. be made possible. It may be Socialism, or Paternalism, or merely Efficiency. After investigating charges pre DISCARDING THE LABELS. ferred against the Sumpter Valley But the fact remains that the canal is being dug as cheaply as railroad Company by the patrons of possible and that those who are digging it are getting as good W oo drow W il.o n C o m m .n ts on t h . the line of inadequate service, the wages and having as good a time as possible. What ever it is B rooking D ow n of P a rty Lines. ra.lroad commission issued an order that is bringing about such good results at Panama, those con “The country Is a w a k e n in g to a de in which the transportation company nected with the undertaking and those who have observed the gree of civic consciousness known be only In tlie peribd when tbe coun is required to make extensive :m operations unite in pronouncing it the best system yet discover fore try was born.'' said G overnor Wood provements to its railroad property ed for a great project. row Wilson of New Jersey In a recent within the next 60 days. B b '• r» 4 a i the tn»l<l llil: tor traitant! Means discomfort» fo r the busy housewife who must bend over a hot* stove to perpare t»he meals for th e family, whose appetites are ju s t about as good when th e merury is flirting with the hundred mark as a t any other time. A great deal of cooking may be saved in h o t weather by making selections from our sto ck o f high- class fancy groceries. W e have m eats, fish, oysters, clams, lobsters and delicious soups in a ir-tig h t cans and glasses. They are nice at any time, but especially nice in h o t weather, when they save work in a heated kitchen. Lance &, Company The request published by Walter Pierce and other boosters of Hot Lake, Union county, for suggestive plans for the construction of a mode! Public school building, regardless of the cost, has aroused general interest I t oughout the state and a large r. mber of plans has been sent In to I S te Super’ntendent Alderman. Governor West named the following delegates to the annual convention of American Prison AssoctaUon at 0: iaha, October 14-15: Rev. W. P White, Albany; W. F. Woodward, j Judge George Taxwell, Rev. W. G 'lacLaren, Senator Ben Selling, Fa tfcer E. V. O’Hara, Judge John Van Xante, Judge W. N. G atens and Mrs , Loi* O. Baldwin, Portland, and Fs 'her A. Moore, Roy. P E. Bauer and I Tom R. Wilson, Salem. All private work by the employe? I in the office of the secretary of state | must be discontinued, according to a statement made by Secretary Olcott lie states that all of the employes are leceivlng good salaries from thp state and will be Compelled to devote themselves to the business of the state. While all of the books and records in the secretary’s office arc : public records he says that anyone desiring to • ecure Information from I these record' must do so from some ! cue els* than the employee. THE EMO OF TUBERCULOSIS Th. P h ysician's R esp on sib ility. By DR. HENRY L. K. SHAW. F ifteen y ears ago it w as un safe to drink the Albany water. The doctors of th e city educated and ag itated public opinion so th a t a scientific tlitratlou p lant was constructed, and today ty phoid fever is practically un known. So w ith th e g reat prob lem of tuberculosis which we are all striv in g so hard to solve. The public is fast being educat ed, and there Is a most d eter mined and com m endable .effort on the p art of all classes and professions to stam p out th e dis ease as effectively as smallpox was stam ped out T he chief re sponsibility. however, rests upon the physician, and he Is a traitor to him self anil to the noblest of professions if he shirks his duty In the slightest. The consensus of opinion among the stu d en is of this subject is that prompt notification of each cn -•■ to the proper authorities, as in the case of other com m unicable and In fectious diseases. Is essential In the control of tuberculosis. THE HALL OF FAME. JA M ES FENTMORE COOP ER —A m erican novelist, author of “ Leather- s to c k in g T ales.” Born B u rlin g to n , N. J., Sept. 15.1780idled C o o p e rs- towu, N. Y„ S e p t. 14, H is 1851. fath er was a congress- m an and founder o f Coopers- town. The son received private Instruction and a fterw ard etiter- ed Yale, but w as expelled In his third year. He was a midship- man in the navy for three years, when he resigned, m arried anil began farm ing. It was ten years before he published his first novel, which was practical- ly a failure. His next venture In fiction was “The Spy,” which was a prodigious success. Other g re a t tales, such as “The I’lo- neers,” “The Pilot,” “The L ast o f tic- M ohicans,” “The P rairie,” “T he P athfinder” and "T he Deer- slayer," followed and established his fame. 4 ’ '• 4. 4 4 -j- • 4 ; ” ■' • address "W e are scrutinizing the men wbo are conducting the governm ent. We know we are living In an age of com plicated conditions From all our cities man a fte r man tells me th a t nev er before have the citizens been so aw akened to public questions—to the queslion of public degeneration. “T htr-lnteresting thing of our politics now Is th at men are not labeled. You cannot tell from the way a man voted last tim e how he will vote the next time. Men are beginning lo find out th a t the safe line is th e right line. "T he mere moral Im pulse In me is of no force unless it can be translated Into action. It Is Immoral to propose fo r the United S tates som ething th at Is not of benefit to the whole United States. It Is Immoral to prom ote legls latlon for your business unless It Is also for the Interest of the rest of the country Gnr government is m t a >s ternnl Institution.” “The Big Store” / have a d d e d to m y m a m m o th ito c h o f H a r d w a r e a n d Q ueenew are The Celebrated Free Sewing Machine Call in and see these machines before making your purchase, and you will never regret having selected a Free Sewing Machine. I have in my stock, of Harvesting Goods, which is as complete a stock as there is in southern Oregon. Hayfork», Pulley», Rope, Pitchfork», Scythe» and Snath» REMEMBER THE PLACE D. H. Miller Gold Hill 71 Alphabet of Thrift I T IS a science to make money but much more of a science to hold it. The Gold Hill Bank HORACE PELTON President LYNN W. SMITH Cashier A Pleasant Place to Stop The Gold HiU Hotel Meet Your Friends Here The house ha» been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished throughout. R a te s $ 2 . 0 0 p e r d ay . S p e c ia l rates by the week. PROSPERITY. If adversity hath killed Ills thousands prosperity hath ' kill ed his ten thousands; therefore adversity Is to be preferred. The one deceives; the other Instructs; the one nilsernbly happy, the other hnj plly m iserable, and therefore m any philosophers have voluntarily sought adver sity nnd so much com m end It In th e ir precepts.—B urton. J. W. Gale, Proprietor S7?e Gold Hill Cafe M r«. W . W . T r u a x P r o p r ie to r ALW AYS S d .M K llIIN O n o o n Jo cap The I iib I tin- market nt lord« In nntixtantlal fonda and tbe filmai horn.-made dollcachw. BETTER. TAKE TH E NEW S