Gold Hill is the Center of One of the Ricliest Qiiartz Mining Districts in Southern Oregon ffiolö Hill Wetas V O L 14 RECIPROCITY VOTE BY END OF JULY ••••••••••••••••eeeeen n sso : • CLARENCE G. FUNK ••••••••a e e e a e e e e e e e a a a a e e • : ; ISAAC STEPHENSON La Follette Will Make Longest Speech in Presenting His Tariff Ama idment. • CALIFORNIA TOWNS EXPERIENCE QUAKES San Francisco People Rush Into Streets in Panic When Shock is Felt * Washington. -The Canadian reel groclty situation has cleared to • Han Francisco.— Two earthquake marked degree and a canvaaa of the shock«— the heavleat since the big Senate waa In every way assuring to shake of 190G, and separated by only frienda of the meaaure. With not a few seconds—Jarred central omre than a dozen aet a|W«chea In portion of California and western Nevada Saturday. prospect and with eight-hour seas long on the program many of the eeuatore Only trivia l damage has been r > count on a vote before the end of ported from any section, but In San July. Francisco and other cities In the af* The moat formidable speech still to fected area panic seized upon crowds be made le that of Senator I-a Fol In stores and restaurants and there lette, tie will preaent hie long-prom was a pellmell exodus from the large latil tariff amendment to the rerlpro buildings. Many diners ran out with­ city bill and will talk for three or out paying for their meals. No chim­ four daya. dlaruaalng the tariff even neys fell and no pipes were burst, but more than reciprocity. These amend | with the memory of tbe big earth­ menta will be In (he nature of a zub- quake in mind, the people were badly scared. atltute for all other tariff suggestions. W ith rec'proclty disposed of. II la One peculiar feature of the earth­ belli-ved that the session will not ba quake was that It did not appear to Clarence O. Funk, the Chicago busi­ greatly prolonged The "atandpat" ness man, who taya he waa aaked to follow the old "fault" in the earth’s Republicans are diepoaed to concede contribute te the so-called Lorlmar crust which has been the playground a vote on the wool and free Hat blits. "slush fund." of temblors In the past, but extended The Democratic aenatora have aald from the seacoast eastward to the Pítelo bv America« P r ess A s s o r ta ti« « . from the beginning they would be eat Sierras, Including hitherto exempt laflrd with a roll call on the two tariff Isaac Stephenson, senator from Wia- mountain areas. It was felt to the kills and there are tndlcatlona that oonsin, whose election may be probed northward of 8acramento, in the Sac- the "atandpat** Kepubllcana will let Cleveland Druggist Gets Tobacco Case by the United States Senate. rzmento Valley; southward as far as Decision Brought to Bear. tbeae go to vote without much debate ________ Fresno, and to the east at Carson and — — Reno, Nev., the latter place exper- In view of the threatened prealden Cleveland, O.— By appealing to the tlal veto of both hide. lenclng the heaviest shock in Its hie Department of Justice, Clifton M. tory. Slight damage was done to Rawlins, druggist, has succeeded in Puzzle— Find the Insurgsnts. The celebration of the Fourth j g buildings in San Francisco. In the House It has not been did, having the recent decision of the W. July this year was the "safest and cult to place the Insurgents, but since 8 Supreme Court In the tobacco case sanest" the country ever witnessed.» Seamen's Strike Is Called O1T. Canadian reciprocity became a live brought to bear on the United Cigar Stronger and heavier than Its rival, subject In the Senate It la difficult to Stores Company, and the opening of Liverpool.—The great seamen's and the Harvard rowing crew easily won And the Insurgent«. N o w , no one two new stores by that concern here dockers' strike, which has caased the annual race from the Yale men _ _ _ ________ _ _ _______lz abandoned Thia la aald to be tba would Intimate that either Oalllnger great loss and inconvenience to ship­ by 19 lengths. or UeybuTe le an Insurgent, but the fir"* Hme the decision has been' jA t pers and delay to tbe traveling pub­ A strawberry shortcake measuring way New Hampshire and Idaho Jump Into effect lic. waa ended when the Cunard, the LADY INNES-KER, AMERICAN WHO MAY BE A DUCHESS. »1 feet by I I feet—441 square feet— Mr. Rawlins pointed out to Attor­ on thia administration bill you cannot W hite Star and the other lines In tbe waa served to the Inmates of the ney O rnerai Wlckeraham that the de­ tell. shipping combine agreed to recognize NB of the meet-prominent of the American women who have mar­ state hospital at Maaalllon, Ohio. Penrose of Pennsylvania seems to cision stated that the Amerlran To­ tbe dockers’ union. ried Into British nobility is Lady Innea-Ker, wboee husband. Lord Asiatic cholera has appeared at Au­ be the only almon pure regular, al­ bacco Company, or Its subsidiarles, Alastair Innee -Ker, is heir presumptive to tbe eighth Duke of burn, N. Y. Tomaso Blrardi. an though we must not forget (be vener­ were not to enlarge their buelneaa. Roxburgbe. Lady lunas-Ker was Miss Anne Breese of New Italian Immigrant who arrived there able Cullom of Illinois, who never York until the titled Britisher carried her away to tbe old world. Sbe three weeks ago, died there In deviates from the straight path of 5000 Logs Lost at Sea. will be prominent at tbe coronation of King George V. in June. Lord bouse from tbe dread disease Relations Strained Over Dispatch of regularity. But there neema to be a Innea-Ker. who la only thirty years of age. served with diatlnctien in Ran Francisco—The steamer Fran­ Gunboat to Morocco. A fast mail and passenger train on the South African campaign. new crop of Insurgents, and It la diffi­ cis H I^g g etl, upon arriving from Paris.— Not since the stormy daya the Philadelphia A Brie Railroad waa cult to make distinctions theae daya. Astoria, re|«>rted that the huge log held up live miles from Eria, Pa., by immediately preceding tbe Algerian W ill Probe Express Companies. raft, containing 6000 logs, which she 12 masked men. The mail and ex cuiiference hare the relations betweea A sweeping Investigation of all had left the Columbia River with in press cars were rifled and three of France and Germany been so near the press companies in the United States tow had broken up In heavy weather breaking point All Franca Is thrilled tbe crew were wounded. affeeted by the Interstate commerce on the trip down. Wallowa and Union May Unite In President to Address Endeavorers That 16,000 women and girla w ill with indignation over the reports that lawe has been ordered by tbe Inter Campaign to Secure Settlers. be thrown out of employment In New Germany has ordered a gunboat to Twice on "Training Citizens.” state Commerce Commission. Practi­ Wallowa.— Workers from all the Moroccan waters. The excuse that Atlantic City, N. J.— President T aft, York and a *10.000,000 Industry de­ cally all of the express companies, towns of W allowa county w ill meet Speaker Clark, ex-VIce-Prealdent Fair­ stroyed by the Shea bill for the pro­ German subjects demand protection with the exception of the Long Island, here July 1* * to formulate plana for banks and many men. leaders in re­ tection of birds which has gone Into Is ridiculed and official circles assert filed new tariffs, which are believed county publicity and to consider the ligious work, are expected to address effect. Is the declaration made by that unless Germany Is blocked a to be material reductions In rates. It seizure of territory le certain. proposal of Union county commercial the thousands of delegates at the 25th business men. was aald that It would require several clubs to Join them In a two-county international Christian Endeavor con­ One of the greatest religions meet­ months to compare these rates with Seattle.— W ith Henry W. Farman. league. This action Is the result of May Bare Bank’s Skeleton. vention here. The convention will ings held In the United States this those now In existence. professor of economics In Yale, as the visit of seven Union county busl- year gathered Tuesday morning in Portland, Ore.— Indictment of Lonls hold daily sessions for a week, and Merger In Steel Cute Cempetitlon. chairman, and George H. King, Den ness men to Wallowa and other Wal the theme w ill be "Training for Ser Portland, when the national conven J. W ilde and W. Cooper Morris for Restriction of competition Is de­ ver banker, as secretary, passengers Iowa county towns. It Is proposed to i V|ce tlon of the Disciples of Christ, better the alleged embezzlement of *90,000 clared Io have been the prime object I on the steamer Spokane, which was Issue a booklet deacrlptlve of the two The feature will be the visit of known as the Christian Church, of the funds of the Oregon Trust A of the organizers of the United States wrecked In Seymour Narrows, B. C., j counties President Taft, who Is expected to opened; 6000 delegates were in at­ Savngs Bank live years ago promises Steel Corporation, which, capitalized met here to censure the crew and There Is more unused land In Wal- to result In sensational developments. speak twice on Friday night, when ad- tendance. at *1,482.000,000, had tangible prop­ flnd means to secure refund of pass- i Iowa and Union counties capable of The large gatherings of the week Prosecution of the charge against dresses will be made on “Training erty worth only (6*2,000,000 The i»«e money and payment for baggage - producing record-breaking crops than Included the biennial convention of W ilde and Morris may bring out In­ Citizens." corporation, having concentrated Its Steamer officials offered to refund the in any other two counties In Oregon, the International Christian Endeavor side Information as to how the affairs efforts to secure ore properties, now passage money, and E. C. Ward, as- Business men are awukening to the Trustee to Settle Kinney’s Affairs. Union in Atlantic City, the annual of the defunct banking institution owns 76 per cent of the lake ores slstant general manager, promised to necessity of having this land produc- Marshfield.—The affairs of Major assembly of the Jewish Chautauqua were misdirected. upon which the present steel Industry take up the elalms with headquarters i (ng. and efforts will be made to let L. D. Kinney and his two hot-atr rail­ Society of America at Milwaukee, and la based. These are some of the con­ at San Francisco. people in ovor-crowded centera of roads, the Belt Line railway and the the annual convention of the National The off.cers and crew of the Spo­ population know of the opportunities Coos Bay Rapid Transit Company, Education Association In San Fran- clusions reached In the long expected kane were subjected to the strongest that await them In this favored sec- j which were formerly in the bankrupt- risen report of Commissioner of Corpora M e rc u ry i-ro m 103 to 110, and M any tlons Herbert Knox Smith on the steel criticism, however, and all were high­ tlon. j cy courts, are In the hands of W. J. Prostrated. President for the Parcels Post. I Rust, of this city, who will for two Industry, part of which waa submitted ly Indlgnnnt at what they rlalm was Chicago.— W ith street thermome­ T H E MARKETS. Ch’cago.— Pres dent T aft has pro­ lack of Judgment and discipline. Sev­ to the president. j years act as trustee. This w ill make eral pa- Hcngers declare emphatically Government Has Surplus. ; possible the sale of the properly :-o nounced again for the parcels post ters registering from 103 to 110 de­ P o rtla n d . When the government's fiscal year some of the stewards and waiters that a clear deed can bi given and Charles D. Hillis, his private secre­ grees, Chicago panted and staggered its way through deadly heat. It is Oats —No. 1 W hite, *27.60 per ton were Intoxicated. ended June 30, the federal treasury the - - ii 'I and Judgments will he tary, in a letter to John H. Stahl, of believed that total mortality growing bluestem, 98c; red Russian, 86c. held a cash surplus of at least , i o . by t e trustee from the money Chicago, legislative agent of the Far­ out of the excessive temperature is Barley— Ford, IF . 7 ! ton. mers', National congress and editor of *33,000,000, and showed an excess of j rs < e ved from sales. Pal N- . 1 W hile, *"? per ton. the Illinois Farmer, gives the presi­ at least 20. Prostrations were num­ receipts over disbursements for the Alumni Association, Now 1200 Mem­ Hay— Timothy, B atarn Oregon, Full Payment of Depositors Made. dent's views and declares the presi­ bered by hundreds. Men and women first time since 1907. bers. to Be Increased. dropped in dead faints in the streets, »31; m ixe d . *1 9 ; a lfa lfa , »13. Portland. W ith the d strlbutlon of dent will recommend In his next mes­ in cars, in the parks, and even on Corva! la. The Alumni Association Leaa "Near Beer” to Be Sold. Butler—Creamery, 24c. *120,000, ordered by the federal court. sage not only the adoption of the the lake front where a breeze afford­ Wallowa.— Only one poolmo-n stid e t i I i , m A - icultural College, Egg Ranch, 23c. parcels post on rural free delivery R. S. Howard. Jr., receiver of the near-beer saloon will c| crate in this which has n present memhe’ ship o’ Hop 1910 crop , 23c; 1909, 16c; T itle Guarantee & Trust Company, routes, but also the establishment of a ed -he one bit of relief. city hereafter. Three such places ol nearly 1200, Is to be reorganised. The c o n tra c ts , 26c. will complete the payment of all de general parcels fiost. Own Net Traps Fisherman. Wcol—Eastern Oregon, ll@ 17c; buriness have been operated, hut a rxecut vn committee, of which Ed- posltors’ claims against the suspended Astoria.— August W illiams, a boat I t Is reported that Mrs. Theodore recent ordinance requires them to sc vi d Aldrich, editor of the Pendleton W illamette Valley, 15® 17c. institution. The aggregate of these puller employed by John W. Holm- Mohair— Choice, 37%c. cure a license and the e